Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Triangular trade: Guns, sex and drugs - cashing in on Ukraine - Ukraine goes from a proxy war on Russia to a war of attrition

Editor's note: Triangular trade was the invention of the British (see It's Not Shocking If You Know British History) and the UK has monopolized it. The US, UK and their NATO vassals like Germany manufacture weapons and munitions to sell. What you get is corruption on a colossal scale. The Russians however, manufacture weapons and munitions to wage war. If this isn't apparent by now it should be. This is the central banking global warfare model of commerce where the central banks can create vast amounts of fairy dust magic money out of nothing to fund all this. What is it going to take to bring this war on humanity to an end?

Source: Global Research

Video: Shadow World. "The World's Largest and Most Corrupt Arms Deals"

By Real World Order | Global Research | July 11, 2023

This video was first published in December 2018.

The film reveals how the international trade in weapons – with the complicity of governments and intelligence agencies, investigative and prosecutorial bodies, weapons manufacturers, dealers and agents – fosters corruption, determines economic and foreign policies, undermines democracy and creates widespread suffering.

The film unravels a number of the world's largest and most corrupt arms deals. It illustrates why this trade accounts for almost 40% of all corruption in global trade, and how it operates in a parallel legal universe, in which the national security elite who drive it are seldom prosecuted for their often illegal actions.


There will be no independent oversight. There are too many people making too much money off the death and carnage in Ukraine:

White House opposes independent oversight of Ukraine aid

Triangular trade: Sex. The value in sex and its related offshoots including child slavery is worth billions annually:

Surgeon Admits Performing Transsexual Surgeries on Young Children

Obscured "Science" Root Of American Pedophilia And Trafficking Plague: ALFRED KINSEY

Triangular trade: Drugs. The illicit drug trade (condoned) is worth far more than what this UN tripe reports at $32 billion and doesn't even include pharmaceutical cartel profits:

Drug Trafficking: a $32 billion business affecting communities globally

Triangular trade: Guns. The French, the British (triangular trade was originated by the British and the UK has a monopoly on it), the Americans, the Germans are all in it for the staggering profits made off supplying weapons to Ukraine in which this proxy war on Russia has turned into a hideous war of attrition. In the US, it is these political whores (US Inc. executives) and bitches like Lindsey Graham who pimps out for war contractors. All these war contractors want a piece of the action off Ukraine.

France to Provide Ukraine with Long-Range Cruise Missiles

Raytheon Calls in Retirees to Help Restart Stinger Missile Production

Ukraine in NATO? War Inc. knows a great deal when it sees one

France and Germany pledge to revitalize joint tank venture

BAE Systems, UK Gov't Ink $360 Million Ammo Production Deal

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