Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Nominalism Stripped Humanity of Their Souls

Editor's note: In its simplest and crudest form nominalism is the negation of logos (love) when the rule of money comes to power. What we have then is the "will to power" where a global oligarchy are imposing their will on the world. This will to power by these oligarchs has become so pervasive that people now think this will on the world is "normal" and "natural." The best example is where people now think becoming transgendered is "normal" and a "natural" development. This all leads to debt slavery, stunted souls, malevolency, extreme forms of narcissism, feudalism, hideous forms of human activity, anti-civilization and eventually death of culture and extinguishing of the human spirit. Nominalism leads to the destruction of thought then subsequently to one conclusion: order imposed by force violent if necessary.

Communism, Capitalism and Feudalism: How Nominalism Makes us Fools.

By Matthew Ehret | July 5, 2023
I have come to notice that one of the most effective tools for making people easily malleable sheep is through something called "nominalism".

Nominalism can be thought of as a "rule of reasoning" governing which pathways our minds use as we move from ignorance to understanding on any topic imaginable. In essence, this school of thought presumes that reality can only be known through the names and definitions given to things and processes in the real world.

The definitions of those words/labels are then defined by the ruling perception managers who control whatever systems of authority happen to be dominant in that society. Orwell referred to this as the Ministry of Truth in his "1984."

I'll let you think about those power centers that control definitions of words today.

One can see clearly how this sort of thing can be used to get soft-minded people to support (or at least ignore) the growth of fascism. Since nominalism presumes that a ruling power creates definitions, which substitute for "truth"… then definitions can be changed over time as said ruling class deems those definitions to change. Just think of the very different definitions of "man" or "woman" from a decade ago, to today. If changing definitions are truth… then there is no ontological truth at all, and inversely no such thing as a lie. How useful for oligarchs if their victims lose the ability to believe in truth or lies… especially when you want them to lose sight of their true enemies while creating new enemies to hate and fear.

Definitions vs Reality: "Capitalism" and "Communism"

But for this particular exercise, let's evaluate the mis-use of the words "Capitalism", "Communism" and "Feudalism"…. starting with the case of Canada.

As many have come to discover during the past 3 years, Canada is under total oligarchical management. Sadly this didn’t begin three years ago or even seven years ago with the introduction of bubblehead mini-tyrant Justin Trudeau into power.

This foreign oligarchical control of Canada has actually been a serious problem for many decades (if not the past 250 years).

Yet Canadians have been given the nominal label of "free capitalist democracy” for generations.

Was it ever true?Prime Minister John Diefenbaker was ousted in a Rhodes Scholar-directed coup back in 1963

Well at times we did enjoy the fruits of capitalism and democracy, but since our last authentic Prime Minister John Diefenbaker was ousted in a Rhodes Scholar-directed coup back in 1963, we have had an extremely captured nation. After ousting Diefenbaker, the British-directed Malthusian death cult took greater controls than ever before and never let go.

The same thing was happening to Canada’s southern neighbors as President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the same London-directed deep state and the USA was taken over by the same foreign directed death cult.

Yet the USA has been called a 'free capitalist democracy' since that coup until the present time. But are Canada and the USA actually "free capitalist democracies"?

Let's try out a little exercise to see if reality proves the nominalist definitions wrong.

Defining our Terms

1) "Capitalism" is about creating capital. It is also about systems that reward entrepreneurship and enterprise in order to increase productivity, innovation, living standards, longevity etc. In capitalist systems, infrastructure improves (rather than decays), and the buying power of the currency also increases in value. Meanwhile feudal structures of obscenely wealthy oligarchs who produce nothing for society itself will tend to decrease in influence as citizens gain greater powers of wealth and sovereignty.

2) In the post-JFK/post-Diefenbaker period of 1963-present, all of those variables that I outlined above have diminished. Capital production has decreased as we became a consumer society, oligarchical/feudal structures increased as national controls over bank and corporate regulation were removed post-1971 and mergers and acquisitions of companies under the control of Bilderberger manipulators took power and a new multi-billionaire class was created of sociopathic front-men with names like Bill Gates, George Soros, Peter Munk, Jeff Bezos, etc etc.

Who Runs the World? Understanding the Modern Oligarchy part 1 and 2

By Matthew Ehret | June 21, 2023 
Who Runs the World? Understanding the Modern Oligarchy part 1 and 2 In this two part presentation for the ICIC, I speak to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his collaborators about the structure of modern oligarchism by going back to the geopolitically relevant beginnings of a globally ruling conglomerate that has infiltrated all socio-political structures over centuries up to the present day and revealed its full power in the s…

Read full story

This was done under the name of 'capitalism' but it was always just feudalism wearing a "capitalist" costume. Entrepreneurs were destroyed and the only innovation permitted was found in systems of control such as Big Pharma, Military Industries and Big Entertainment complexes. Since there was still a level of comfort caused by the sacrifices of earlier pro-nationalist movements prior to 1945, North American citizens more often than not stood by and allowed this feudal oligarchy to quite literally kill countless millions in corporate wars in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan (twice), Iraq (twice), etc. The basic low-level logic that this deep cultural corruption took hold was: "if I'm comfortable, then the world must be working fine".

Taking stock of western-directed wars in "defense of democracies", we find the list of US-directed regime-change operations amount to well over 200 since World War 2.

Let's compare this to an "authoritarian hater of freedom and capitalism" like Iran which must have done so much worse to the world in the same time frame in order to merit being part of the "Axis of Evil".

Please go to matthewehret.substack to continue reading.


Against the violent battle taking place in this species....

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