Monday, November 21, 2022

The Zionists Have Some Killing To Do and It's Beyond Dimona

Editor's note: It's a simple question. What do the psychopathic criminal elite who have taken over the Judaic religion with their rabbinical lunatic cult know about the Phoenix (Hebrew name is chol) mythology? The rabbis were familiar with the details of the Hellenistic Phoenix myths. They took these myths and adopted them to Jewish values. These converted values of the Phoenix have come through the Chabad Lubavitchers. The rabbinical Jewish symbolic interpretation (the Phoenix in the Torah) of the Phoenix was likely just that: a myth to hide what the real Phoenix mythology was about. You don't kill a sitting US president because you disagree with his policies. You assassinate him to keep hidden a history that has been converted to mythological bullshit (Cambridge is the nexus of this knowledge) to keep humanity in a perpetual state of primitive savage ignorance to perpetuate power. Knowledge is power and knowledge is never lost. The calendars have been intentionally altered to hide the Phoenix event. What was John F. Kennedy's quote about secret societies? 

Source: Unz Review

President Kennedy's Assassination Was a Zionist Coup


Zionist crocodile's tears
"Jack said it to me sometimes. He said, 'Oh, God, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if Lyndon was president.'" (Jacqueline Kennedy, 1964)[1]
"President Kennedy's unfailing support of the cause of Zion Reborn has enshrined his memory in the hearts of our people everywhere," wrote Los Angeles rabbi Max Nussbaum, president of the Zionist Organization of America and chairman of the American Zionist Council, in a book published in 1965 by the Theodor Herzl Foundation, under the title John F. Kennedy on Israel, Zionism and Jewish Issues (online here). The book contains a meager collection of the rare friendly words Kennedy spoke about Israel, mostly during his tenure as senator. Nussbaum also wrote:
His staunch friendship for Israel, his concern for its security and for its survival as a beacon of democracy in the Middle East were natural outgrowth of his deep conviction that the rebirth of the State of Israel represents the rectification of the cruel wrong done to a people which suffered oppression and humiliation for two thousand years.[2]
Still today, Zionist Jews keep telling of their reciprocated love affair with Kennedy. Here Kennedy is listed among "the five American presidents who loved the Jewish people," the evidence being a photo of Golda Meir and Kennedy walking through the same door and two Jewish names in Kennedy's government (Abraham Ribicoff and Arthur Goldberg), as well as the fact that,
after Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, the Jewish people reciprocated his love for them by renaming the Synagogue Council of America's annual peace award "The John F. Kennedy Peace Award," making him the only U.S. President for whom a national Jewish award has been named.
More "proofs" of Kennedy's love for the Jews are given by Ron Kampeas on Haaretz. For instance: "In 1961, Kennedy pardoned Herman Greenspun, the Las Vegas Sun publisher who had been convicted in 1950 on charges related to gun running to the nascent Zionist state." In return, Jews proved their love for Kennedy when, "The night of assassination, nightclub owner Jack Ruby attended a memorial service for the president at Temple Shearith Israel in Dallas" (incidentally, Ruby and Greenspun actually belonged to the same arms-smuggling network of "gangsters for Zion" headed by Meyer Lansky). Moreover the film of Kennedy’s execution “was made by a Jewish Kennedy supporter from Dallas named Abraham Zapruder.” Fancy that! Zapruder, whose office was in the Dal Tex building overlooking Dealey Plaza, loved Kennedy so much that his camera didn’t tremble when Kennedy’s head exploded. Look how shocked he is when interviewed on Dallas TV just two hours later.
Zapruder (right) on Dallas TV two hours after shooting Kennedy’s death

And imagine how he felt when, the next day, he sold his film for $150,000 (more than $1 million today) to Life magazine. A funny book just came out about Zapruder's "chance encounter with evil", "by sheer happenstance", that "ended up destroying the rest of his life", and caused so much suffering to his family too. Imagine: in 1999 they received $16 million after suing the U.S. government for seizing the film.

But back to Ron Kampeas. He is the Washington bureau chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, so unless being an idiot was part of the job description, I assume he is taking the American Goy for a ride. And how are we to take the very title of the article, "John Kennedy: A Martyr Who Worried About the Spread of Nukes," after reading the concluding paragraph:
Kennedy wanted Americans to inspect the [Dimona] plant; Israel kept dodging the requests. In May 1963, Kennedy threatened to isolate Israel unless it let in the inspectors. Neither he nor Johnson ever made good on the threat, and today, Israel's nuclear capabilities are its worst-kept secret.
Perhaps Kampeas is an idiot after all. Informed Israelis, I reckon, now understand that the very purpose of Kennedy's assassination was to prevent him from making good on the threat, and to replace him by Johnson, who "saw no Dimona, heard no Dimona, and spoke no Dimona," as Stephen Green once wrote.[3] My best guess, though, is that Kampeas is being ironic, for he himself wrote about Johnson, in an article titled "Israel has had no better friend":
Historians generally regard Johnson as the president most uniformly friendly to Israel … LBJ soon abandoned pressure on Israel to come clean about the Dimona reactor. He increased arms sales to Israel and in 1968, after Israel's primary supplier, France, imposed an embargo as a means of cultivating ties in the Arab world, the United States became Israel's main supplier of weapons, notably launching the talks that would lead to the sale of Phantom fighter jets to Israel. … during the [1967 Six-Day] war, he ordered warships to within 50 miles of Syria's coast as a warning to the Soviets not to interfere. In a speech in the war's immediate aftermath, Johnson effectively nipped in the bud any speculation that the United States would pressure Israel to unilaterally give up the lands it had captured.[4]
On reflexion, I think the reason why Zionists go out of their way to present Kennedy as a friend of Israel is to conceal the most significant reversal of foreign policy that occurred after his assassination, because that reversal identifies the greatest beneficiary of the assassination. As an example of this distortion of historical truth, University of Haifa professor Abraham Ben-Zvi claimed in an article published in Israel Affairs titled "Stumbling into an Alliance: John F. Kennedy and Israel," that Kennedy, not Johnson, is responsible for America's special relationship with Israel, because he "upgraded security guarantees without insisting any longer on a reciprocal Israeli concessions concerning Dimona."[5] That is demonstrably untrue, and Ben-Zvi must know it. The master of such deception is Noam Chomsky, who repeatedly declared that JFK's murder is not worth investigating, since it had no effect on U.S. policy and therefore couldn't possibly be a coup. Here he is quoted by Jim DeBrosse in See No Evil: The JFK Assassination and the U.S. Media:
There is a significant question about the JFK assassination: was it a high-level plot with policy implications? That's quite important, and very much worth investigating. I've written about it extensively, reviewing all of the relevant documentation. The conclusion is clear, unusually clear for a historical event: no. / That leaves the question open as to who killed him: Oswald, Mafia, Cubans, jealous husbands, …? Personally, that question doesn’t interest me anymore than the latest killing in the black ghetto in Boston.
But Chomsky is lying. For, as DeBrosse comments, "there was at least one clear policy change in the transition from the Kennedy to the Johnson administrations: U.S. willingness to supply offensive weapons to Israel and to look the other way as Israel secretly developed a nuclear arsenal in the tinder box of the Middle East."[6] Chomsky knows this. But he doesn't want Americans to know it, for if they knew it, their interest in the assassination of President Kennedy would get rekindled, and they would start wondering if Israel had anything to do with it. That is why it is important for Zionists—even for anti-Zionist Zionists, as Gilad Atzmon called people like Chomsky—to keep saying that Kennedy loved Israel and would never have done anything that undermined its security. After all, wasn't his brother murdered because he loved Israel too?[7]

Please go to Unz Review to continue reading.

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