Tuesday, November 8, 2022

About Banks and Pipelines: Swift and Standard Oil and QFS

November 8, 2022 | By Anna Von Reitz

It's apparent that many people are confused and not quite getting my comments about the banking system as a pipeline operation and are frustrated and confused about the current situation where we have come so far toward our own banks and still don't have them doing what they need to do.

The current bank transfer system in the West was "engineered" by John D. Rockefeller. His sons updated it as "the Swift System". It has been the means that banks transfer credits and debits for decades and it is little more than a fancy FAX system.

J.D. Rockefeller is most famous as a Nineteenth Century robber baron and oil magnate, but unlike other Oil Boom Millionaires, Rockefeller didn't actually produce any oil. He provided pipeline transfer services to those who did. His company, Standard Oil, was soon "picking up" oil transport contracts and then shipping (or, more to the point, not shipping) oil under transfer agreements wherever Rockefeller wanted it to go, or not go.

This gave J.D. de facto control over the industry. By controlling the transport of oil, he controlled the supply of oil, and that meant he also controlled the price of oil, the availability of oil, and the fortunes of specific oil producers. He was the Middleman, who could facilitate the flow of oil or obstruct the flow of oil at will.

Finally, fed up with the coercive tactics and monopoly practices and obstruction of trade created by Standard Oil, the company was sued and broken up after the Second World War.

What most people don't yet realize is that Rockefeller did the same exact thing with the banking industry. The Swift System is the equivalent of Standard Oil. Just like what J.D. did with the flow of oil, his sons did with the flow of money--- and they did it on a much bigger scale.

J.D. Rockefeller 's oil pipelines crisscrossed the entire nation, but his sons' money pipelines crisscrossed the entire planet, and with much more devastating effects on free trade and the entire world economy.

It is not an accident that the members of the Rockefeller family took the profits and knowledge they gained from the wreck of Standard Oil and reinvested it in the International Monetary Fund as shareholders and founders of the IMF. Nor is it coincidence that the IMF has functioned as the "United States Treasury" since 1924.

Using the excuse of "National Security" the Rockefeller's could shut down any business enterprise, simply by cutting off access to money and credit. Just like J.D. shut down oil producers and strangle-held oil supplies for fun and profit.

They haven't had to prove that the victims actually did anything wrong to exercise this arbitrary power, because Swift is their private system. They can withhold access to Swift services to any individual (bank or other person) at any time for any reason or no reason at all, by invoking their ownership interest.

Just like a restaurant can say, "No shirt, no shoes, no service." or a drug store can say, "Masks are required in this store." the Swift System has been able to say, "Tell us where you got your money and who you are sending it to and why you are sending it --- or we'll assume you are up to no good and won't provide transfer service." This gross invasion of banking privacy has put the Rockefeller's in the Ultimate Catbird Seat, to know exactly who, what, when, where, and why businesses and individuals are transferring money and credit. They've had prior insider knowledge of mergers, resource purchases, investments, borrowing and leveraging, government investigations and everything else impacting specific businesses and entire sectors of the economy, and they've been able to sell that knowledge or use it themselves with both impunity and immunity on a worldwide basis ever since the formation of the IMF and the implementation of the Swift System.

This is a hideous invasion of privacy that gives them and their minions-by-default, the banks connected via the Swift System, coercive power over individuals and businesses great and small, and yes, even over the government services corporations that have been functioning "as" governments.

Everyone has to store and move money and credit. That's the whole point of the world banking system, being able to transfer money from Party A to Party B. It isn't a complex action, but it is absolutely necessary if you are to buy, trade, or sell anything above the level of barter.

After their success controlling oil supplies, it was a no-brainer to adjust their tactics a little and take over the "money pipelines" in exactly the same way--- with the same effect: knowing everyone's business, exercising monopoly control over transfers, and obstructing trade whenever it suited their interests or the interests of their cronies in Big Business and Government.

Taken in the context of the Big Picture, the Rockefeller's Swift System has been one of the key instrumentalities of control exercised by both the Federal Reserve and the IMF and all the other Central Banks to manipulate supply and demand of commodities --- most especially, money and credit viewed as commodities.

Because the Government Services Corporations acting "as" Governments are required to function on credit by their constitutional contracts, the focus of the banking industry shifted inexorably toward creating more and more and more credit to feed the Government's insatiable demands.

The asset base available to the banks (their depositor's money) was exhausted by the 1920's and even the "Fractional Reserve Banking" racket that allowed them to create ten times the amount of credit compared to the asset base they held in "reserve" was not sufficient.

Besides, the General Public was up in arms about the phony stock market crash of 1929, the Federal Reserve System being implemented, and bank malfeasance in general. Ginning up enough "fresh credit" to keep the Government Corporations happy wasn't an easy job. In order to do it, the Banks would have to be enabled to claim an ownership interest in more assets.

That's why they began registering babies in the 1920's -- to claim those babies and their "estates" as "new assets" to use as collateral ("base assets") to generate more and more and more credit for the use of the Government Corporations and all their franchise corporations--- that is, corporations chartered under the US, INC. (Vatican) and the USA, Inc. (British Crown).

This process of coerced and undisclosed registration (Shepherd Townsend Act of 1922), the creation of infant decedent estates resulting from that registration, child labor bonds (Miller Act), and the Buck Act (1940) completed a secret agenda to enslave the assets, including labor assets of Americans, virtually at birth. This unlawful conversion of the child's political identity allowed the Perpetrators to establish an ownership interest in the child's body, labor, and anything else they might naturally own as a public or private inheritance.

This created a new asset base owned by the Government Corporations that the banks could use to create up to ten times the asset base in credit for them to loan back to the victims of this outrageous scheme. The Government got unlimited credit, the banks got unlimited usury, the General Public got screwed sideways and upside down.

By the 1980's even the de facto enslavement of the sleeping Americans and the Europeans and Japanese "captured" in World War II was not enough to feed the need of the banks and the Government Corporations for more credit.

So, they created an "Asset Hamster Mill" ---- Platform Trading --- to create the appearance of constantly generating and adding new assets to the system, when in fact, they were just recycling the same assets to generate more credit.

Think of it as phony self-generated demand and cash flow, similar to what corporations do when they buy back their own stocks.

In a Platform Trade the owner of actual assets (gold, silver, land, etc.) or someone "representing the owner" -- like a Government Services Corporation (CIA) Agent --- agrees to lockdown that asset and not use or move it for a specific period of time. The banks then feel confident enough to issue ten times the amount of the asset value as new credit. The banks then kickback an amount of credit equal to the entire value of the asset to the asset owner or their "representative", and pays the Platform Trader a brokerage fee (anywhere from 10-30% of the total trade) and divides the rest between the asset owner and the other facilitators who issue the actual bonds and buy the stocks and generate the profits that (hopefully) keep this Ponzi Scheme going.

The trust funds and natural resources and labor assets of the Robbed Babies who were victimized in the First Round of the Great Fraud are "locked down" and "taken off-ledger" at the banks to facilitate all this, even though the banks continue to track all these "hidden assets" on different colored screens within the Swift System Database --- and these are purportedly invested "for" the "missing" victims of all this chicanery by their purported Trustees -- the British Monarch, the Popes, and the Lord Mayors of the Inner City of London.

Of course, the actual owners of the assets being used as collateral "asset reserves" in the Fractional Reserve Banking System, or being locked down to facilitate these Platform Trades, never get a dime. They only get the IRS bills for the Capital Gains Taxes and Estate and Gift Taxes resulting from all this, which they are forced to pay from their own pitiful little earnings.

The Swift System facilitates all this institutionalized theft and graft by transferring or blocking the transfer of the off-ledger assets or the credit resulting from all this clandestine activity, while the members of the "Congress" claiming to "represent" you receive the proceeds owed to you and spend (.... "reinvest"....) it for you in things like taking over other countries, developing bioweapons, weaponizing language, running human trafficking operations worldwide, running huge self-interested propaganda campaigns like the trillion-dollar "Get Vaccinated" BS and the kickbacks to the media corporations, and so on and on.

Beyond all the phony-baloney banking gambits and even beyond all the assets and money and credit that are actually owed to you, beyond the issues of criminality that have to be addressed, there is the problem of how do we keep everyone alive once this nasty bunch of crony corporatists are removed?

The guilty military that is actually responsible for standing by and letting all this happen, and which profited itself grossly in the process (retired military service members ---without their knowledge of course -- actually own all the Fortune 500 Corporations) has developed the "QFS" --- "Quantum Financial System" --- in which keystrokes "represent" value, and the digits entered by these precious keystrokes accumulate in imaginary digital "wallets" as "social credits" you can spend.

Please go to paulstramer.net to read more.

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