Thursday, November 17, 2022

Contaminated Blood?

Editor's note: This isn't to give VICE any credibility either. VICE is another globalist corporate media tool of convenience and is easy to identify. The story is important because more and more people are coming to realize the Covid injections have serious risks that cannot be dismissed by simply "trusting the science."

UPDATE: The Blood Supply Is Contaminated

Source: VICE

'SafeBlood' Hardliners Want to Set Up Unvaccinated Blood Banks

Medics say that growing numbers of people are asking for transfusions of unvaxxed blood.

By Tim Hume | November 16, 2022

Anti-vaxxers are trying to create a new global infrastructure for the supply of unvaccinated blood, driven by conspiracy theories and pseudoscientific beliefs about the dangers of mRNA COVID vaccines.

SafeBlood Donation was founded by a Swiss naturopath, George Della Pietra, who considers global coronavirus vaccination campaigns to be "the crime of the century."

He and his supporters believe, wrongly, that mRNA coronavirus vaccines “contaminate” the blood and destroy the immune system, and that unvaccinated people will be harmed if they receive transfusions of blood supplied by vaccinated people.

While traditional vaccines use inactivated virus proteins called antigens to stimulate the body's immune system, mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines, rely on a new technology that uses the genetic sequence of the antigen to trigger the body into producing antibodies. The American Red Cross and other major blood collectors say that blood from people who've had mRNA COVID vaccines is safe for transfusion, and that while the vaccine is designed to generate an immune response, vaccine components themselves are not actually found within the bloodstream.

But fears about the new mRNA technology, Della Pietra claims, are making some anti-vaxxers wary of getting necessary medical treatment, and have created a demand for a reliable supply of unvaccinated so-called "safe blood."

"I get hundreds of emails asking me, 'Do you have blood [available], because I have surgery coming up in three weeks,'" he told VICE World News.

"We want to be a platform for people who want to have the free choice of blood donors," he said. "Whether they think there is a real conspiracy theory going on, that the New World Order [is happening], or if they simply say 'I just don't want it' for whatever reason'."

SafeBlood Donation’'s campaign reflects a widespread belief among anti-vaxxers that their biological products will take on unprecedented value in an mRNA-vaccinated world. On social media, anti-vax activists have taken to calling themselves "purebloods," while others speculate that sperm from unvaccinated men could be "the next Bitcoin."

SafeBlood Donation, which has members in at least 16 countries, eventually hopes to open blood banks providing unvaccinated plasma for its members. But the group's initial goal is to pressure hospitals and health authorities worldwide into permitting so-called "directed donations" of unvaccinated blood – through which recipients could nominate donors who hadn’t had COVID vaccinations to provide the blood directly for their treatment.

Please go to VICE to continue reading.


The latest from Vaccine Impact news:

We are sort of wondering now that the German people are all vaxxed up, what the impact will be considering Germany is one big bordello? With all that semen and hot blood flowing no telling what that will lead to. Instead of did you bring your condoms, it will be were you Covid injected?

Germany: Europe's bordello

Target the children early for a lifetime of drugs:

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