Monday, October 3, 2022

Nazi: Type of Fascist With a Disdain for Liberal Democracy and the Parliamentary System

Editor's note: What did Russia say they were doing in Ukraine? "De-Nazifying" the place? There are Jews who are Nazis so how do we reconcile this? Who is Ukraine's most well known "Nazi?" Zelensky who is Jewish. There are roughly 42 million Americans who claim German descent as of October, 2022. When will German-Americans and Germans in the country of Germany rise up and disembowel their antagonists? How do we get over this "Nazi" business and get on with civilization building? Who else is fed up with this shit? All we hear and know about are Nazis and Jews, Nazis and Jews, Nazis and Jews until we literally vomit. Why not we try to "de-Nazify" and "de-Judaify" for a change? Is this a requirement for existence? To be either a Jew or a Nazi? Is this the Alpha and the Omega of our existence? The action of a Nazi: punish doctors:
Does this guy look like a Nazi?

I'm your next President in 2024. My father was in business with a Nazi

...A Nazi who was an assistant to notorious Nazi Adolph Eichmann -- who was one of the major organizers of the Holocaust

By Jon Rappoport | October 3, 2022

It makes a nice juxtaposition.

Let's go to the scorecard.

ONE: "Otto von Bolschwing — An Eichmann Associate Who Became a CIA Source: …Otto von Bolschwing worked with Adolf Eichmann and helped devise programs to persecute and terrorize Germany's Jewish population. As the chief SS intelligence officer, first in Romania and then in Greece, he [Bolschwing] was the highest ranking German prosecuted by OSI [Office of Special Investigations (United States Department of Justice)]."

Source: US Department of Justice, The Office of Special Investigations: "Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust," December 2008, p.259.

TWO: William Alfred Newsom III, GAVIN NEWSOM'S father, a judge and administrator of the Getty Family Trust, was attorney for a company called TCI [Trans-International Computer Investment Corporation]. It eventually crashed and burned in a stock scandal.

Source: "William Newsom — wikipedia"

THREE: A 1969 TCI memo indicates that ex-Nazi Otto von Bolschwing was brought into the company. In fact, he was made president of the company in 1970.

Judge Newsom and von Bolschwing traveled together in Europe in 1969 and 1970, on business.

"He [von Bolschwing] was suave and plausible," Judge Newsom said. "He seemed to have all the credentials…He looked kind of world weary. He had the long cigarette holder, his hair was slicked back."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, Nov. 20, 1981, by Pete Carey; "Ex-Nazi's brilliant US career strangled in a web of lies."

Carey's article also indicates von Bolschwing's appointment as president of TCI was a Getty move. A junior Getty. Of course, son Gavin's business career, many years later, would feature Getty investment money. So there's another thread, a $$ thread which might prove interesting to pursue.

Fun facts.

Now that I think of it, and I think of it because the Newsom family and Getty family figures are close, what would it be like to have a surrogate Getty sitting in the Oval Office?

Or running for the Presidency with Getty money behind him?

We know that Gavin is a graduate of the Young Global Leaders program at the maniacal globalist World Economic Forum. Here's one more fun fact, from the Ariadne Getty Foundation (1/31/2020):

"GLAAD [Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation] was on-the-ground in Davos, Switzerland last week with the Ariadne Getty Foundation to raise awareness for LGBTQ people and issues during the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting."

"The Annual Meeting welcomes the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The mission of the World Economic Forum is simple: ‘improve the state of the world.'"

Lots of dots here. How many connections?

Upgrade to paid

Oh, I almost forgot. "Newly released documents have revealed that oil billionaire and museum founder J. Paul Getty was a friend and admirer of Adolf Hitler and even lent his support to Nazi Germany in the early days of World War II."

Source: Oil Baron Getty Revealed as Hitler Fan | DW[dot]com | 02.09.2003

"Getty, who was 79 when he died in London in 1976, greatly admired Adolf Hitler, according to one of the books, 'The Great Getty'… by Boston Globe reporter Robert Lenzner, who quotes extensively from Getty’s diaries and FBI documents."

Source: Oil Man Getty Was No Mr. Nice Guy, Books Say: Billionaire Called an Admirer of Hitler, Womanizer in Separate Biographies — Los Angeles Times (latimes[dot]com)

But I'll swear on a stack of bibles there is absolutely nothing to see here; move along. Gavin is just a guy with too much hair gel.

-- Jon Rappoport

News update on Herr Newsom in California for 6 October 2022:

A communist or a Nazi?

Kamala Harris Out and Gavin Newsom In

Criminal Syndicate That Is in Control of California

Only a Nazi could be working on putting in place digital slavery:

And what is going here?

Trump, DeSantis & The Masonic Jewish Tag Team

The Fourth Reich shows its face through NATO:

And now Russia will be forced to take on the Fourth Reich again considering the Nazi state of Ukraine where European countries also including the US and Britain have mercenaries fighting in Ukraine along side and often leading Ukrainian Nazi battalions:

The True Purpose...

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