Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Comply or You Will Not Be Sustainable and That Includes Injections - Pretty Straight Forward Formula: Take the CBDCs and Social Credit Scores Or You Won't Eat - Our Role Model: China - UN's Sustainable Development Goals: 14 of 17 SDGs Linked to Injections

Editor's note: Best option? Ignore these people. Build a network of people you can depend on and create what you want to create in this short existence. Start using cash. Stop using credit cards to make purchases. Avoid big tech, the media and "mandates" that can't be enforced. Build a parallel economy. Learn about alternative local currencies, community banks (probably the safest as banks are collapsed to spare the US dollar), raise your own food, build secure forces with county sheriffs and stop being intimidated by fear and trauma-based news. Unplug yourself. If the IMF wants to implement a digital currency good for them. Don't participate. When these global elites like Queen Máxima start talking about "improving the lives of 100s of millions of people" and how "CBDCs will benefit humanity," do what Ralph Waldo Emerson suggested, "run for the doors." Most of these global elitists we can confidently suggest have no idea what the inevitability of this digital technology will ultimately lead to.

Understand the Difference Between Cryptocurrencies and CBDCs – Removing Financial Privacy – Government Monitoring Spending in Real Time – Central Banks Will Have "Absolute Control" – Path to Slavery – Those Who Issue CBCDs Have the Power Over How It Is Spent

Source: The Expose

IMF Chief says Central Bank Digital Currency should be used alongside Social Credit System to control what people can and cannot buy

The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently explained how Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) can be programmed to determine what people are allowed to buy and insisted they should be used alongside a China-style Social Credit Score system.

Unlike cryptocurrency, which is private, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be issued and controlled by the central banks themselves.

In many ways, it's the same as banknotes, but that every single transaction will be monitored for compliance.

By 'Sikh for Truth' of Truth Talk

On Friday 14th October, the IMF streamed a meeting called "Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards."

Speakers were Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, who's also the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, IMF, and Bo Li, Deputy Managing Director, and finally Cecilia Skingsley the BIS Innovation Hub Director.

The meeting was about global financial inclusion, which they said had improved over the past ten years, but almost a quarter of the world's adult population are still unbanked.

It's hoped that central bank digital currencies would be affordable, widely accepted, and safe instruments, which would address some of the issues surrounding financial inclusion, among other things.

Please go to The Expose to continue reading.

This is what Americans are forced to deal with concerning these non-elected and appointed elitists (disinformation specialists) who have taken over systems and institutions:


Spiro Puts it All Together: Agenda 2030, mandatory Vaxx, Digital ID and Food Control

Preparing for China to take over financial and economic systems:

The first step will be to remove the Christian obstacle because those people are in for a rude awakening as their epistemological roof comes crashing down:

"Injections are our only option" (that's literally how these elitists think):

This is how you carefully monitor the data to archive (criminal evidence) the kill off:

This is how criminal syndicates operate posing as governments:

The pharmaceutical syndicate:

We see Americans fully educated and well informed as the only resistance to the UN's SDGs (and the WEF) in the world at this point:

Finally, what the hell is the US exporting beef to China for while Americans import Chinese waste products to manufacture fake shit called "meat" in the US? If China wants to eat beef they can raise their own cattle.

Eating Chinese Waste products to save the planet?

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