Monday, May 30, 2022

Summit of the Americas: US Will Not Cooperate

Editor's note: The Russians and China will take the Eurasian land mass building China's Belt & Road Initiative including east Asia. The US will take North and South America in this next transition of power breaking the collapsing current unipolar arrangements into a multipolar world. This might not turn out to be so bad after all since it can be argued "the best of western civilization survives in Russia." If that is the case then what can explain America in its current form? The problem for the US is that most of the South American countries don't trust the US in the least. The US has a long history of subverting governments in Central and South America and installing a most favored tyrant status to serve US corporate interests. This pattern will only continue. The US is going to have its hands full trying to prevent Latin American countries from joining BRICS:

BRICS Group Expected To Expand Soon: China

Source: The Essence of Time

Situation around the Summit of the Americas

By Avis Krane | May 30, 2022

The situation around the Summit of the Americas scheduled for early June, which this time is to be held in Los Angeles, is becoming more and more tense and interesting. What are we talking about?

Back in March, US officials said that Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua would not be invited to the summit. They say these "dictatorships" are unfit to attend the event, where the "light of democracy" will speak about more strengthening of democracy in the world. And that would have been OK: if the host himself did not invite them, then so be it. but it was not.

At the beginning of May, the leader of Mexico Andres Manuel López Obrador suddenly announced that he would not personally go to the summit unless all American countries were invited there without exception. One could assess how extraordinary this announcement judging from the anxious statements of the frightened pro-US forces in Mexico, including representatives of previous, more compliant authorities. It was said that Andres Manuel López Obrador was sinking Mexico, and that "he who is not at the table will be the eaten."

But soon things began to get interesting. Mexico's statement clearly instilled courage in other Latin American leaders, and Brazil, Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala joined the "ultimatum".

The New York Times wrote that if the presidents of Mexico and Brazil don't come, the summit will fail and Biden will be humiliated. It must be said that this very situation already shows that something is going on with the status of the United States. Other countries are still afraid of it, of course, but somehow not as much as before. And Mexico, it should be noted, is very much dependent on the United States. And yet this is the way things are.

There is more to come. The USA quickly announced that it was easing some measures against Cuba, and some media started speculating that perhaps the USA would invite Cuba after all. But the other day the Cuban leader himself said he would not go to such an exclusive event. And the President of Mexico was adamant that he would wait for all countries to be invited and only then he will make a decision.

I think all this is already very humiliating for the USA. In the USA, some experts say that Mexico has shown its unreliability as a "friend" of the US, and that, of course, "our president is an idiot, but you can't just use it like that." So, passions boil over, though they try not to make a big deal out of it.

Please go to Essence of Time to read more.

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