Thursday, September 16, 2021

Revolution Is the Only Solution Now

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Avoiding Capture

Sir Oliver Klosov

Why is Ivermectin being memory holed?
Step one is having an army that can actually fight our 'elected' tyrants and not be so sick from their asymmetric warfare bioweapon to fight. Let's get your brain and body fixed first. THIS WAR FOR FREEDOM NEEDS YOU! 

Let's first start with those that have by force or stupidity been jabbed.

If you experience the typical reaction to the vaccine, lethargy, weakness and confusion it is because your cells, operating to construct any protein it has the code for, have been packed with BILLIONS of manufactured spike proteins...see image...
I have had good results with this protocol from the people that listened to me. But this will be removed by the censor nazi's soon, so save it.

Ridding the body of the fake vaccination ingredients and its by products

Perform a 5 day dry fast to remove foreign materials from your cells. Don't drink any fluids or eat any food for 5 days to turn on aggressive autophagy to activate deep intercellular cleaning processes.


Metabolically this derails the chemical pathway to use fat for fuel and will negate the use of fasting to address this problem.

The increase in concentration of the blood after 2 days of dry fasting activates osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus to release signals to stimulate the anterior pituitary to release anti diuretic hormone (ADH) to stop urination by the kidneys (The pituitary also releases growth factors to protect muscle from tissue loss during a dry fast; not during a water fast). ADH, however, stimulates the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine into the blood stream that stimulates adipocytes [fat cells] to begin cutting up triglycerides stored there; into glycerol and free fatty acids; triglycerides are a glycerol molecule attached to three fatty acid molecules.

Glycerol is used in the liver to make plasma glucose to keep your blood cells and brain alive when you are dry fasting, free fatty acids are delivered via the blood to the liver to make ketones and delivered to all the mitochondria in all the cells where it is used to produce ATP for energy and water. When you dry fast water a byproduct of this cycle.

But it's endogenous water made in cells during the manufacture of ATP...pure water...provides a positive pressure inside the cell that moves neutralized spike proteins out of the cells via exocytosis into the extra cellular matrix and thereafter into the lymphatic system for elimination in bowel and urine. It also gets rid of the other ingredients of the 'clot shot'.

You don't need water during a fast and in fact it negates the benefits of a dry fast. If you want to learn how to dry fast get the book The Phoenix Protocol on Amazon.

During this time of hyper autophagy, macrophages will encapsulate the spike proteins, made by the RNA code as well as grabbing the RNA code making it and dissolve it in their lysosomes.

It may be the only way to prevent your death.

For those that have been jabbed:

If there is no way to avoid being jabbed, make sure you get your jab on day 3 of a dry fast when autophagy is in full force. It might just remove it as its being administered...pissed out.

End of post.

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