Friday, September 24, 2021

Facts are Stubborn Things

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

When looking in the rear view mirror we can have 20/20 vision. Most if not all of what is happening today is due to the CIA and that hasn't changed. Its time to go into the wayback machine...
By the summer of 1963, it saw President Kennedy quietly telling everyone he intended to pull all Americans out of Vietnam, such as his close friend Senator Mike Mansfield, to whom he said: "I can't do it until 1965, after I'm re-elected...If I tried to pull out completely from Vietnam, we would have another Joe McCarthy Red scare on our hands, but I can do it after I’m re-elected"—the consequence of which saw it being revealed

The Joint Chiefs, already in open revolt against President Kennedy for failing to unleash the dogs of war in Cuba and Laos, were unanimous in urging a massive influx of ground troops and were incensed with talk of withdrawal.

The mood in Langley was even uglier. Journalist Richard Starnes, filing from Vietnam, gave a stark assessment in The Washington Daily News of the CIA's unrestrained thirst for power in Vietnam. Starnes quoted high-level U.S. officials horrified by the CIA's role in escalating the conflict.

They described an insubordinate, out-of-control agency, which one top official called a “malignancy."

He doubted that "even the White House could control it any longer."

Another warned, "If the United States ever experiences a coup, it will come from the CIA and not from the Pentagon."

Added another, "Members of the CIA represent tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone." 

On 11 October 1963, President Kennedy bypassed his own National Security Council to issue National Security Action Memorandum 263, making official policy the withdrawal from Vietnam of the bulk of US military personnel by the end of 1965, beginning with "1,000 US military personnel by the end of 1963"—

On 14 November 1963, President Kennedy announced at a press conference that he was ordering up a plan for "how we can bring Americans out of there"—on the morning of 21 November 1963, President Kennedy reviewed a casualty list for Vietnam indicating that more than 100 Americans to date had died there—shaken and angry, President Kennedy told his assistant press secretary Malcolm Kilduff: "It's time for us to get out…The Vietnamese aren't fighting for themselves…We're the ones doing the fighting…After I come back from Texas, that's going to change…There's no reason for us to lose another man over there…Vietnam is not worth another American life"—

On the morning of 22 November 1963, President Kennedy arrived in Dallas-Texas, immediately after which the Secret Service guarding him were ordered to stand down, then a few minutes later, President Kennedy had his head blown off—

And on 25 November 1963, the US Justice Department send out a secret memo stating: "The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial...Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off" so they killed Oswald.

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