Sunday, September 12, 2021

Ice Cream, the British and Israel

Editor's note: Unilever is British. 

Ben and Jerry's
Boycotting Israel?
You have to be kidding me! 

First published September 9, 2021 

One of the headlines today was that Arizona is divesting from Ben and Jerry's due to the ice cream company's boycott of Israel. Who believes this? This is fake news right out of the CIA, written for people who don't know anything about anything.

Here are some facts that you may wish to insert into your head: 
1) Ben and Jerry are both Jews. No one contests that. Their names are Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield. 
2) The Cohens are among the top Jewish families, if not THE top. We have found them involved in most of the big fakes of history. In short, this is what they do. 
3) Ben and Jerry sold their ice cream company to Unilever 21 years ago. They don't own it anymore and haven't for over two decades, which means they don't make decisions about where to sell and where not to sell. Unilever does. 
4) Don't believe me? Here is what it says at Wikipedia: "Although the founders' names are still attached to the product, they do not hold any board or management position and are not involved in day-to-day management of the company." 
5) We are supposed to believe Unilever agreed to continue Ben and Jerry's political activism, but that is absurd. What they should say is that Unilever agreed to continue to work with the CIA to promote these fake news stories. Except that Unilever had signed onto that project at its founding. 
6) Arizona is claiming to be divesting from Ben and Jerry's, but that is meaningless. Also unprovable. Why would Arizona be invested in Ben and Jerry's to start with? Show me some numbers. I won't believe them regardless, but these mainstream stories just expect you to believe anything, whether it makes sense or not, without providing a shred of evidence. Arizona may be invested in muni bonds and such things that include Unilever, but in that case they can't go in and single out sub-companies to divest from. They would have to divest from Unilever, and there is no indication they are doing that. So this is just empty words, as usual.
But why? Why would these Jewish guys have ever gotten involved in activism against Israel? To control the opposition and to make it look like something was being done, when nothing was. It is the old Noam Chomsky gambit: yap for decades and pretend to do something and pretend to care while doing absolutely nothing. That is one of the specialties of the Cabal: control both sides to prevent all action. That's why they are controlling the major lawsuits against masking and Covid, controlling the recounts in places like Arizona, controlling the alternative view at places like Fox, and controlling the revolution in places like Infowars. It confuses you and keeps you on the couch, eating potato chips, which is right where they want you. They have to create all these "meaningful actions" for you like not eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream for a month, because they know those actions are NOT meaningful.

Also ask yourself this: since when did Arizona become a policeman for Israel? Are the taxpayers of Arizona expected to fight Israel's political battles for them? Was there a vote on that? Of course not. And is Arizona telling us that companies and individuals don't have a right to boycott Israel, China, or Outer Mongolia if they want to? Even if this story is true, which it isn't, do we really want states to be telling people who they can and cannot work with? Do we really want the state to be the final moral and financial arbiter on every last question? To me this just looks like another form of censorship, not even cloaked. Arizona seems to be saying to Ben and Jerry, "hey guys, don't criticize a state or nation, or we, the governors of the State of Arizona will declare financial war on you. We fascist states stick together, you know. Attack one of us and you attack all of us."

And, in fact, that IS what they are saying. All these countries and states have been waging financial war against their own citizens from the beginning, but it gets worse every decade. In the recent past, they were content to skim a fraction off the top, but now they have decided to steal every last crumb from the table while we are still sitting at it, daring us to complain about it.

In a similar vein, we saw Rand Paul commenting today to Sean Hannity that Fauci needed to be charged with perjury for lying to Congress—while admitting that the Justice Department would be unlikely to act on that. But Paul is also controlling the opposition, because if Fauci has lied to Congress, Congress doesn't require Justice to do anything about it. Congress has its own authority to arrest and detain, and doesn't have to beg Justice or FBI to do it. But it is even worse than that, because perjury is the least of Fauci's crimes. He should immediately be arrested for mass murder and treason, along with tens of thousands in the US and hundreds of thousands worldwide. So talking about perjury couldn't be more perverse. It is like declaring that Stalin should have been prosecuted for jaywalking.

Afghanistan has been a similar diversion, created to destroy your focus. If they were real, every "alternative" news source should have been zeroed in on masks, vaccines, censorship, and fighting tyranny. Instead, Tucker Carlson, Infowars, Zerohedge, Breitbart, NaturalNews, and Gateway Pundit have wasted most headlines and huge amounts of space reporting on the manufactured events in Afghanistan. Even if the events in Afghanistan were real — which they are not — they would have merited only a passing mention in comparison to the crisis of tyranny we face right here and now in our own cities and towns. The country is being stolen right before our eyes, all laws ignored, many new "mandates" forced down our throats illegally, the Constitution torched, the media bought, most doctors bought, teachers' unions infiltrated and bought, schoolboards infiltrated and bought, and yet all that is ignored because the military decided to manufacture a fake withdrawal from a fake country this month? You can be sure we will be back in Kabul before Christmas, in order to protect "human rights" or some such garbage, but in the meantime the mainstream media will have one more excuse for not reporting on local tyranny right here in the US.

You will say that at least Tucker Carlson continues to devote ¼ of his show to local Covid tyranny, which is eight more minutes than CNN will ever devote to it, and that Infowars continues to devote about half their reportage to it, which is better than anyone else. That's true, but by giving Afghanistan any time at all they are proving they are controlled opposition.

Another way I know they are controlled is the way they have reported on the January 6 fake insurrection. All these alternative sites, including NaturalNews, have reported that various people are in solitary confinement after being arrested at the Capitol. They have to know that isn't true, since they have to know the whole thing was theater. Some of them like Tucker and Infowars finally—many months late—began reporting the FBI was involved in provocateuring the fake riot, but they pretended not to see even then that a provocateured event implied a faked event, and in a faked event the arrests are faked just like everything else. That isn't too subtle for them, since we remember them reporting just that in many previous faked events. I guess when Alex Jones "lost" the Sandy Hook judgment, part of the agreement was that he wipe from his mind any memory of how provocateured false flags actually work.

Another thing that doesn't make any sense is skyrocketing prices and skyrocketing stock markets when no normal people have any money. This is illogical because we are basically in a depression. Or, 90% of the country is in a depression. But if you will remember, the Great Depression followed a stock market crash. Why and how would a second Great Depression spark a stock market bonanza? There are only two ways to explain it: 1) the bonanza is being funded with money the top 5% have stolen from the rest of us. They have stolen more and more brazenly in the past decade, so they are able to run all these prices way up. 2) The stock market numbers are all faked from the ground up, to seem to justify the rise in prices of everything. But the price rises are just out-and-out gouging. They aren't linked in any way to the markets, to supply and demand, or to anything else. The price rises have been manufactured to see what we will put up with. WHAT WILL THE MARKET BEAR? In other words, how much can they steal from you before you say stop? They have never really pushed that equation to its limits, but their successes since 2001 emboldened them to do just that.

Some will say, "You aren't paying attention. The government is giving away billions of dollars to people right now in rent mitigation, wage mitigation, etc. That is the opposite of stealing".

And I reply, "No, YOU aren't paying attention, because there is no such thing as free money. All that money is being printed and/or borrowed from the private banks, and in either case it will have to be paid back. It is borrowed at interest, and who do you think will be paying it back? YOU and your children. Not rich people, not corporations, not banks. YOU the middle or lower class taxpayer with no means to hide assets or earnings. You will be paying it back for hundreds of years, supposing you aren't pushed into the poorhouse over the next twelve months.

That's the wall they are pushing up against, no joke. The manufactured debt is already so high it can't ever be paid back, but time isn't the real problem. The bankers don't WANT it be paid back, just like they don't want your credit cards at zero. They love high debt. No, the problem for them isn't time, it is debtors. They rely on a huge population of debt slaves, but broke people are useless to them. In the past 20 years they have sucked a lot of people completely dry, tossing their carcasses aside. Taxable workers, taxable income, and stealable assets have to be plummeting, since the crooks have already stolen everything of value. When the lower and middle class are tapped out, the billionaires then have to target the millionaires. Previously, most millionaires were left alone because they were cousins of the billionaires. Family. But that rule was tossed sometime in the late 20th century, when many millionaires were targeted. We saw it with Philip Anschutz in my paper on John Lennon. Anschutz was targeted through the fake Batman shooting in Denver, but survived the hostile takeover by becoming a billionaire. And now, in the 2020s, even that pond is being fished out, so the billionaires have to go after one another's money. It is the only thing left. And so we have seen the Civil War I have been telling you about, where the billionaires and trillionaires scheme against one another under the cloak of investment groups. To create even more cover they have tried to manufactured other Civil Wars among us peasants, red v. blue, man v. woman, black v. white, gay v. straight, old v. young. They want us fighting one another rather than allying against them. They know that while they are fighting one another, the rich are vulnerable. The losing group is especially vulnerable, because if we become aware of them in the battle, they could experience a fatal crash, never rising again. In fact, both groups are vulnerable during their war, since both will be weakened by fighting one another. They know it would be the worst time for them to have to face a revolution, in this weakened state, which is why they are spending so much time and money keeping your eyes off that. They want to make doubly and triply sure you choose a side, backing the winner, so all their propaganda resources are going to ensuring that. The worst thing for them would be if we all became aware of their war and picked neither side. This is a moment in history, maybe the first moment ever, where we the people could decide to drive right around them, deciding that we don't require any old family of Phoenicians to be our owners.

I say it is the first such moment in history, because never before have so many known so much about how the world works. Never before have so many had such access to knowledge and information. Never before have so many seen through the veils of history and the lies of the rulers. They call us sheep and treat us like sheep, and though many of us still prefer to munch grass and baaah, more of us are awake than ever before. Plus, there are simply more of us than ever before. Never in history have there been 7 billion people on this planet, so all those people don't have to be awake to make this a special time in history. In the first world, especially Europe and the US, it may be that a majority is awake. Not woke, but awake. Aware of the lies. Aware of the predation. Aware that our rulers are very bad people and that there is no solution to this but to take them down.

I recommend we make the most of this opportunity, since it may not come again any time soon. The rulers have made a whole host of errors, gifting us this opening, and you can be sure they will soon come to realize that, trying to close those openings and shore up their weaknesses. If they achieve that, it will just be harder the next time.

More on the Phoenicians:

The Scofield Bible was British:

No matter where you look or investigate the British will show up and that probably means the Phoenicians as well:

About "the" Republic -- A Message to Donald Trump and the Military


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