Thursday, September 9, 2021

Nomenklatura Joseph Stolen Addresses the Soviet From the Washington-Based Politburo On Delta-19

Editor's note: This will be the most depressing day in 245 years of America's history: The Nomenklatura Joseph Stolen addresses the Soviet from the Washington-based Politburo. This ABC News Bolshevik party member with a somber face delivering the news is trying to convince us there are more than 140,000 reported new Covid cases and 1,000 Americans dying from the Covid Delta variant everyday in America? How many of these alleged 1,000 Americans dying everyday have been vaccinated (injected)? Those 80 million Joe Stolen mentioned have just been targeted (Joe Biden Announces a Civil War). Don't allow yourselves to be provoked by this vile address. Wouldn't it be fun to compare the US with North Korea where people there aren't being injected, they don't practice social distancing, there are no lockdowns and they don't wear masks? This while China chugs along unhampered by Covid. Gee, do you think there is a strategy here to cripple America?  While listening to this consider the Bolshevik purging going on inside the US military. This has nothing to do with a disease, a virus or a pandemic; this is all about the central bankers' flow of their "fairy dust" magic money.

Private companies with 100 employees or more have a vaccine mandate placed against them while members of the US congress and their staffs are exempt? How is that supposed to work? A mandate is not law and cannot be enforced. What happens when those employees at companies with vaccine (injection) mandates placed against then after their employees start taking the injections are knocked down and end up in the hospital? Insurance on their hospitalization is going to start to go through the roof. Is this part of the WEF and Davos oligarch's plan under their "Great Reset?" Vaccine (injection) mandates could potentially wipe out American businesses? The other fact that we have mentioned previously, is that when there are vaccine (injection) mandates, it is estimated that up to 70 percent of unvaccinated Americans would quit their jobs. 

Vaccine Injuries from COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a "Pandemic of Unvaccinated"

The Bolsheviks in the Democratic Party are velvet-tongued vipers laying wait in stealth to spring on their enemies whenever it is necessary to advance their own power.

Some predictive programming from our global commercial warfare antagonists the British. And if you resist the vaccine (injection)?

Are you vaccine hesitant? The science says you're smarter than most:

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