Monday, September 6, 2021

Dude! Where's My Schwanzsticker?!

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent at Large

Sir Oliver Klosov

I thought the idea of winning a conflict that has gotten to real war was in like the movie Gladiator? Oh, how my pantheon has failed me. The decades of training kids to sit at home on computers playing 'digital war games'... their parent's expense to train these kids to think of themselves as 'digital War Fighters'

This is so dastardly it makes me wretch. 

In that sense, a "digital military" is simply a further extension of a longstanding trend: airplanes allowing soldiers to rain death on distant targets and return home; cruise and ballistic missiles putting the operator far beyond the horizon; armed UAVs allowing an operator sitting in a shipping container halfway around the world to observe a target for hours or days before deciding whether to end its life or not. The march of technology, it seems, allows us to abstract at least some of the warfighters ever-farther from the wars, or even to abstract the concept of war itself...sure...but...

In a real sense it's war without testicles.

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