Monday, August 17, 2020

Systemic Rot Across All Sectors of Society - Demand For Hearings at the Hague For Crimes Against Humanity - No Electron Microscope Virus Samples - Public Healthcare Systems Have Not Collapsed as Predicted - Experts: The Guy From Out of Town - 99.9% Survived - The Germans Have Had Enough - COVID Cannot Be Sustained

Ed.'s note: Here is what it is going to come down to with this systemic rot across all levels of society from science to social media to the media itself and "government." We really have no choice now: We individually either create our own culture and civilization around our unique personal circumstances the way we want, or these psychopathic control freak techno fascists will remake society the way they want to drive humanity using their global WEF-directed COVID operation (using a tweaked non-lethal or cultivated coronavirus?).

What should be looked at carefully are massive lawsuits and hearings at the Hague for crimes against humanity (unity required in political and legal/judicial areas) relative to how cures and preventatives against coronavirus like with hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil, Liposomal Vitamin C within tolerance (if hospitalized intravenous drip), Vitamin D and Zinc (please seek competent and responsible professional medical care) have been intentionally blocked by government unelected bureaucrats.

Whitewashing tyranny: Forced isolation may be the only way to stop resurgence of virus

COVID: Did they actually discover a new coronavirus? The question won't go away.

Source: The Unz Review

CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019; the Elitist Plan to Remake Society


Everything we were originally told about the Coronavirus has turned out to be wrong. In fact, it's not a "novel" one-of-a-kind infection at all, but a member of a larger family of which there have been many iterations in the recent past. It's also not the most contagious or most lethal virus we've ever seen, but a fairly-mild infection that has no impact on the majority of people and that only kills somewhere between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000 people. (CDC-IFR- 0.26%) Also, there was no real danger that our public health system was going to collapse, because the projected number of potential deaths (1 to 2 million in the US) never approached the estimates of the flawed computer models that were used to decide the policy. In short, just about everything we were told from the very beginning turned out to be demonstrably wrong. Why is that? Why do you think that the people who provided us with the information –many of them supposedly "experts" in their field– were so wrong about everything? And why haven't they made any effort to publicly correct their mistakes when they realize how much confusion they’ve caused?

It’s politics, right? What other explanation could there be? Our leaders and their behind-the-scenes puppet-masters are using science as a vehicle for achieving their own narrow political objectives. In broader terms, COVID–19 or, should we say, CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019, is the plan to manipulate virus-hysteria "to drastically and irrevocably" change the "fundamental structure of society" to establish a totalitarian world order. (Quote: from CJ Hopkins) That's what's happening, and the Democrats, the media and the many infectious disease experts are playing key roles in this operation that's bound to continue until its objectives are achieved.

But let's forgo the political analysis for now and review what we actually know about the virus itself. This, of course, would not be necessary if the media had been doing its job by providing accurate information rather than fueling public hysteria. Sadly, the majority of people are just as misinformed now as they were 6 months ago when the outbreak began. How could that be if the media was actually doing its job? It couldn't.

What we know for certain is that the doomsday scenarios never materialized. 2 million Americans did not die and the world did not come to an abrupt end. We also know that the computer model predictions from the Imperial College were bogus just as we know that the countries that ignored those absurd models did better than the others. As Nobel prize winner Michael Levitt points out in an article at Haaretz:
"The same type of models predicted that in Sweden, the number of deaths from COVID-19 would reach about 100,000 by June, if the Swedish government continues to refuse to impose lockdown measures. Sweden rejected these models and bravely adopted… a democratic policy that broadly enabled normal life to continue. Despite the large nursing homes in Sweden...the number of deaths turned out to be 6% of the one predicted, about 6,000 people, at an average age of 81. Half of the victims were nursing home residents who, in Sweden, have a median life expectancy of 9 months after admission." ("Countering the Second Wave with Facts, not Misconceptions" Haaretz) 
Repeat: Sweden's death toll turned out to be just 6% of the original estimate. By comparison, the US death toll (167,000) is not quite 10% of the original (Imperial College) estimate. Both estimates were catastrophically wrong, and yet, we shut down the economy, drove unemployment up to levels not seen since the Great Depression, and condemned the country to years of agonizing restructuring. And for what??

Well, to promote a ghastly, authoritarian political agenda, that's why. And this just helps to underscore what Covid-19 is really all about. It's politics masquerading as science.

The Haaretz article also sheds light on the issue of "herd immunity" which is routinely mischaracterized in the media as the point at which 60% (or more) of the population have been infected and therefore have developed antibodies to the virus. This is wrong, in fact, the threshold for herd immunity is much lower than that, perhaps 5 to 15% of the population.

But, how can that be, after all, we were told that this was an entirely new "novel" virus that our species had never before experienced and for which we had no built-up immunity?

That was another lie. Here's Michael Levitt again:
"Widespread infection is not required for stopping the epidemic. The argument that 60% of the population must be infected and becomes immune before the infection spread is halted is based on an incorrect mathematical calculation….The most significant evidence – decidedly refuting the need for 60% infection rate – is pre-immunity. For example, COVID-19 has several relatives (other coronaviruses) to which the population had been exposed, and such prior exposure can provide immunity to a significant segment of the population. Back in April, two of us wrote an article about the postulated nature of this immunity and the statistical evidence that pointed to its existence. We noted that in several closed communities that underwent testing, the infection rate was always capped at 20%, which statistically aligns with maximal infection rate in these communities rather than recurring coincidences. About a month later, a group of researchers published corroborating evidence in Cell, one of the most prestigious journals in the life sciences. About 60% of people in California who had never been exposed to COVID-19, had immune memory cells that recognized the virus and are therefore likely to provide immunity.

Moreover, a study in Germany showed that such immunity could reach a level as high as 81% of the population. …This rate of pre-immunity to COVID-19 is also evident in the global rates of infection. The virus began infecting humans more than eight months ago, and the epidemic has already spread to most of the world. Yet in all countries, the infection rate remains below 20 percent of the general population. This limited rate of infection has remained unchanged regardless of social distancing measures (if any),such as quarantines, local or country-wide lockdown, mask-wearing, and so on. In Sweden, for example, the infection rate did not exceed 20% and the percentage of people who survived the epidemic exceeds 99.9% (!) of the population. Such is the case in Belgium as well, the country with the highest population mortality rate, where less than 20% were infected, and more than 99.9% of the population has survived the epidemic…The implications of these findings are of utmost importance. They call for immediate removal of most restrictions on the economy, immediate return to normal life of low-risk population while helping high-risk groups reduce the rate of social contacts." ("Countering the Second Wave with Facts, not Misconceptions" Haaretz)
This is not some minor point. Our policy and the policies adopted by countries around the world are based on assumptions that are both unscientific and false. Do you really think the people responsible for implementing these policies don't know the science or don't know about "pre-immunity" or that that "prior exposure can provide immunity" or that "the infection rate was always capped at 20% in all countries" (which means that only 1 in every 5 people will contract the infection regardless of their exposure.) or that in all cases and all countries "more than 99.9% of the population has survived the epidemic"?

Please go to The Unz Review to read the entire article.

The Germans have had it with their political leadership on this global WEF-directed scamdemic and they are taking to the streets in the thousands with the German police joining them. Contact people personally face-to-face anyway you want to and do not be afraid.


The New Normal: 'Covert Moral Enhancement' For 'Coronavirus Defectors'

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