Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Irresponsible Money Power Behind the Bolshevik-Marxist Kamala Harris - Operation Crafty Beaver: Race War - Kamala Harris As VP Guarantees President Trump Four More Years - The End of the Democratic Party - Machiavelli's Prince: Kamala Harris

Ed.'s note: The extremely wealthy and irresponsible hidden oligarchical money power driving the Democratic Party want a race war in America. If you are of European descent (white) understand that there is now blood libel against you. You can expect more white children like five year old Cannon Hinnant to be executed as racial tensions are inflamed. A five year old little boy is executed on his front lawn and there is absolutely no response anywhere from the media like there was in the case of George Floyd.

5 Jewish things to know about US vice president candidate Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is a continuation of Bolshevik Marxists coming into power who will unleash unbelievable violence against white (European descent) Americans. The Bolsheviks are going to destabilize America by causing the further deterioration of social conditions by defunding the police, releasing prisoners and agitating for racial tensions to ultimately balkanize America. America will become South Africa 2.0 with Obama saying that Harris is "more than prepared to become president."

Kamala Harris' Birthright Citizenship Has Already Spiraled Into a Racist Controversy

Source: SOTN

The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Criminal Conspiracy

August 11, 2020 | by State of the Nation

Another Manchurian Candidate
Groomed as a "Female Obama"

State of the Nation

Make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris was born and bred, socially engineered and mind-control programmed to function as a Manchurian Candidate and female Obama.

In point of fact, just like Barack Hussein Obama, she is not even a U.S. citizen.

As a matter of historical fact, Kamala Harris was not even eligible to run for POTUS as she did during the 2020 election cycle since she is clearly does not meet the criteria of the U.S. Constitution's "natural-born-citizen clause".

Biden's VP will become POTUS if he wins

Democrat POTUS nominee Joe Biden has spent months floating one black woman after another as his VP pick knowing all along his choice was ORDERED by his hidden masters to be Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

The strategy was to put off any official announcement as long as possible in order to subject Harris to as little vetting as possible. This scheme was quite similar to the total lack of vetting of Obama in 2008 who never even presented a valid birth certificate. See: Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged

The 2020 campaign season has been the most intense and competitive in American electoral history so Harris was sure to elicit more scrutiny than any previous VPOTUS candidate in 230 plus years.

Of course, the reason for this extraordinary inquiry into Harris's background is because she will become President should Biden successfully steal his way to a victory. The only reason why the DNC permitted a Biden nomination was so he could justifiably be replaced with Kamala Harris. As follows:

Candidate Biden has already proven himself to be totally unfit and profoundly debilitated to occupy the Oval Office. Everyone knows this, which means that upon his compelled resignation or obvious incapacitation Harris would become the first female POTUS.

Why was Harris really selected for this most difficult of tasks—challenging Trump and becoming the future prez in the Covid era?

Here's why:

Kamala Harris is not only Hillary Clinton on Super Steroids…
… Sen. Harris is also the 'Chosen One' as she was created to be a "female Obama"

Suspiciously Timed Face-lift

The most astute political analysts knew instantly after Harris first presented herself publicly post face-lift that she was Biden's first choice. For example: Did Kamala Harris just have a face lift in anticipation of being named Biden's running mate?

This was no ordinary face-lift, incidentally; it was a major overhaul whereby some folks no longer recognized her as the U.S. Senator from California. Apparently her handlers felt that she needed to appeal to a specific voting demographic and that the lift would help out. Now the body politic knows how utterly incompetent the Democrat campaign consultants are!

On the other hand, some election analysts have wondered out loud whether the new Harris is actually a double (and communist Manchurian Candidate) who was quickly pushed onto the public stage at a critical moment of the nomination process. See: Is this person a doppelgänger for one of California's U.S senators?! (Video)

This suspiciously timed face-lift has justifiably got the Right into all sorts of speculation about the current identity of Harris. Given the obvious use of doppelgängers for Hillary Clinton, it's clear that the Democrats will not hesitate to insert an impersonator into the VP slot in order to carry out their nefarious communist agenda. What better way to do just that than to slip in the clone simultaneously with her so-called face-lift?!

It's also true that the original Kamala Harris developed a reputation as the meanest, rudest, ugliest politico inside the Beltway. Many commentators have even suggested that there's no other politician in the Washington, D.C. firmament who is as reckless and brash, shameless and without conscience as this California hitman. And that includes Hillary Clinton as long as the Clinton body count is today!

Race War

Without a doubt, the primary reason why the globalists want Harris installed in the White House is to zealously foment the race war that Obama started the day he took office.

As senator, Harris did her level best to instigate a race war through her prominent participation in the very cunning and covert Operation Crafty Beaver.

Please go to SOTN to read the entire article.

Source: AIM

Is Kamala Harris an illegal alien? She even fails the "anchor baby" test!

Kamala Harris fails even the "anchor baby" claim

August 12, 2020

Some Kamala-defenders claim she is an anchor baby and qualified for U.S. citizenship solely by her place of birth.

In the last 24 hours, our exposé of Kamala's bogus citizenship claims, we have received some pushback by an almost visceral "she's an anchor baby!" reaction to the question of Kamala Harris' citizenship. It should not be a question at all if Kamala were being sincere about her interest to serve the American public.

Given her father Donald's resume, she looks like just another groomed recruit for the Pilgrims Society and their offspring at the U.N. and Council on Foreign Relations.

At best, the anchor baby concept is thin legal theory.

It takes a leap of logic to interpret the 13th Amendment to allow for citizenship by arguing that a newborn baby is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. at birth merely by virtue of his or her presence in the U.S.
Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."[10]
In 1898, the U.S. Supreme Court did take a precedent steps to clarify what "jurisdiction" meant in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). The Wong circumstances were not dissimilar to Kamala's whose father was a PhD graduate student at the University of California Berkeley. See Kamala's birth certificate below.

In addition, every non-US parent of a baby born in the U.S. has natural citizenship rights for himself and his child based upon the citizenship laws of his home country. Those rights cannot be usurped just because a citizen is a student in America.

In Donald Jasper Harris' case, that is Jamaica. Jamaican law is very clear about Kamala's citizenship at birth:

"Every person born outside Jamaica
shall become a citizen of Jamaica . . . 
on that the date of his birth."

Section 3C(b), Citizenship by decent, Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962. (Jul. 25, 1962). Caribbean and North Atlantic Territories, Statutory Instruments, 1962 No. 1550, Amendments through 2011 appended. Queen Elizabeth and Privy Council.

India has a similar law if one chooses to focus on Kamala's Caucasian Indian mother's citizenship instead. See Part II, Sec. 5, Citizenship. The Constitution of India. (Nov. 9, 2015). Government of India, Ministry of Law and Justice.

So, unambiguously, by the laws of citizenship in Donald's Jamaica, Kamala was born with Jamaican citizenship.

The open question remains whether she is a dual citizen by virtue of her birth in the United States.

To answer this we must turn to the 14th Amendment and the Supreme Court's clarification of "jurisdiction" in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898).

The Wong Kim Ark decision created a simple test for jurisdiction for which all the elements must be true before it applies:

1. Child was born in the U.S;
2. Birth parents are citizens of, and subject to the laws of, a foreign country;
3. Birth parents have "a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;"
4. Birth parents "are carrying on business;" and
5. Birth parents" are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity" by the country of their citizenship"

This is Kamala's test to qualify as an "anchor baby:"

1. Child was born in the U.S.?

YES, Kamala’s birth certificate says she was born at Kaiser Foundation Hospital at 9:28pm on Oct. 20, 1964

2. Birth parents are citizens of, and subject to the laws of, a foreign country;

YES, Kamala's birth certificate shows that her father Donald is a citizen of Jamaica and her mother Gopalan is from India.

3. Birth parents have "a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;"

NO, a student residence is generally not considered a permanent domicile and residence. Rather, for a college student, for example, a home residence is considered his legal domicile while his student abode is temporary. For example, a student cannot list her student housing residence in another state in order to qualify for in-state tuition. Likewise, a student cannot claim a student address as permanent domicile to meet the Wong rule and enable his or her newborn to become a U.S. citizen! When Kamala was 12, her mother moved Kamala and her sister to Canada for graduate work at McGill University. Kamala attended high school in Westmount, Quebec, graduating in 1981. Did she claim Canadian citizenship during that period? That would put her under the jurisdiction of the British Crown with regard to the Wong test.

Please go to AIM to read the entire article.

OPUS 231 Kamala Evil Princess from Steve Pieczenik:

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