Wednesday, August 19, 2020

CNN Stoking the Fires of Race War

Ed.'s note: Look what the race hustlers over at CNN published the other day. An intentional extremely inflammatory and disturbing article. This is in your face intentional race hatred put out by CNN. The fact is that over 90 percent of the doctors practicing are not black. This means the actual death rate is lower than with black doctors. This is nothing more than provoking race war. One alternative source said that "CNN should be burned to the ground" for putting this out. We suggest one better: massive multiple lawsuits for "hate speech." If you can capture this CNN news article as an image rather than a link; because CNN might be forced to rescind this. This is totally unacceptable. The study is relying on the CDC that makes it even more suspect.

Source: CNN

Black newborns 3 times more likely to die when looked after by White doctors

By Rob Picheta, CNN | August 18, 2020

In the United States, racial disparities in human health can impact even the first hours of a person's life, according to new research.

(CNN) Black newborn babies in the United States are more likely to survive childbirth if they are cared for by Black doctors, but three times more likely to die when looked after by White doctors, a study has found.

The mortality rate of Black newborns shrunk by between 39% and 58% when Black physicians took charge of the birth, according to the research, which laid bare how shocking racial disparities in human health can affect even the first hours of a person's life.

By contrast, the mortality rate for White babies was largely unaffected by the doctor's race. The findings support previous research, which has shown that, while infant mortality rates have fallen in recent decades, Black children remain significantly more likely to die early than their White counterparts.

Researchers from George Mason University analyzed data capturing 1.8 million hospital births in Florida between 1992 and 2015 for the new study, which was published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, also known as PNAS.

When cared for by White physicians, Black newborns were about three times more likely to die in the hospital than White newborns, the researchers found.

"Strikingly, these effects appear to manifest more strongly in more complicated cases, and when hospitals deliver more Black newborns," the authors wrote. "The findings suggest that Black physicians outperform their White colleagues when caring for Black newborns."

The authors did not speculate about the reasons behind the trend, but wrote: "Taken with this work, it gives warrant for hospitals and other care organizations to invest in efforts to reduce such biases and explore their connection to institutional racism."

"Reducing racial disparities in newborn mortality will also require raising awareness among physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators about the prevalence of racial and ethnic disparities," the researchers added.

Read more at the CNN link.


Ed.'s note: This is a very important related subject that needs far larger readership and understanding recently put out by the NOI Research Group. After reading this the idea of "burning CNN down" might take on a little more meaning. Not in the real sense but in the sense that CNN needs to be shutdown, boycotted and censored by all Americans including blacks who are aware of what is going on here.

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