McConnell notes that Serco was able to control Internet packet switching on 9/11 with the NPL clock and deploy tagged offenders from different time zones to all of the ad hoc crime scenes.
McConnell claims that Serco was therefore the only company in the world able to backhaul the Offender's 9/11 snuff film to be viewed by Buffett's friends at the Offutt Air Force Base and share real-time data to support his super-cat reinsurance frauds on Lloyd's Names in London.
Prequel 1: #2085: Marine Links Serco CEO to MoD Packet-Switched Foley Snuff Film and Spot-Fixed East Africa Bombs
Prequel 2: #2000: Marine Links Buffett Offutt Stand-Down Deaths to Serco’s DSN Captain Chic and London Co Camouflaged Cat-Bond Hit
Bombardier, RAF Northolt, Warren Buffett, 9/11 attack

Berkshire's success in super-cat reinsurance, which insures very large catastrophic loss events, becomes more impressive in light of the challenges it faced. Capable reinsurers such as RenaissanceRe (NYSE: RNR ) , XL Capital (NYSE: XL ) , and Montpelier Re (NYSE:MRH ) compete fiercely for market share. In addition, barriers to entry are minimal, with recently formed reinsurers such as Flagstone Re (NYSE: FSR ) and Greenlight Re(Nasdaq: GLRE ) almost constantly emerging. Lastly, reinsurance is a commodity to some extent.
In Buffett's words, "We can supply a quote faster than anyone in the business." To most Fools, this might seem unnecessary. When multimillion-dollar policies with billion-dollar loss exposures are on the line, wouldn't both parties involved want to take their sweet time? Not necessarily.
As Buffett has said, "We will issue policies with limits larger than anyone else is prepared to write." The lower the policy limits are, the hotter the competition. This should make intuitive sense. For example, supposed you wanted to borrow a hundred bucks. You could go to your friend, your local bank, or your credit card company. Heck, some of them won't even charge you interest for a year.
Lastly, Berkshire's Fort Knox-like balance sheet makes it one of only eight U.S. companies to earn an AAA credit rating. The only other such firm that wrote insurance, General Electric (NYSE: GE ) , sold that portion of its business to Swiss Re.

"Offutt, Buffett, and 9/11: Strange Coincidences By Mary Louise
A recent trip to Omaha intensified the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, which has not subsided since that dreadful day, "The Day That Changed The World". While our nation was in shock and turmoil, Bush was being flown hither and yon, with Offutt Air Force Base as one of his stops. Intriguing questions haunted my thoughts about why that location, what went on behind closed doors, and who was there. One thing has led to another since then and much more has been revealed by those who would not allow numerous details to be swept under the rug and forgotten. There have been so many crafty cover-ups and crude contradictions that prior knowledge cannot be denied, only ignored as the warnings were, or played down. Bush knew and Black Tuesday is being used and abused for political ploys and manipulation of the military, especially now with the upcoming presidential "election".
Offutt Air Force Base was the place to be for quite a few VIP's on 9/11, from which strange coincidences have emerged in the scheme of things, including Warren Buffett's unpublicized charity event. Although this fortress is guarded and shielded with maximum security and secretive arrogance from the prying eyes and ears of the general public, it's amazing what can be found on search engines and government websites. So let's go ahead and pry!
One of nine unified commands in the Department of Defense, U.S. Strategic Command or USSTRATCOM, is a command and control headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Representing all four branches of the military, the command has extensive ties with defense agencies, the Department of Energy's national laboratories, and other sources of support. USSTRATCOM integrates and coordinates the command and control capability to provide accurate and timely information for the President, Secretary of Defense, and regional commanders.
The command consists of a Joint Forces Headquarters for Information Operations and four directories: Combat Support, Global Operations, Policy Resources and Requirements, and Strike Warfare. Service commanders retain primary responsibility for maintaining the readiness of USSTRATCOM forces and performing their assigned functions of organizing, training, and equipping forces for employment when called upon to support USSTRATCOM's global mission. This information was obtained from
At this point my questions are what were they doing on September 11th when we really needed them? USSTRATCOM has highly trained personnel, the latest technologies, and expensive equipment. Since they have everything the average person doesn't, it seems fair to say they failed us when it mattered most. What are they there for anyway? Why should they be rewarded with promotions, more authority, and increases in funding while others are on the verge of homelessness or grieving for lost loved ones? The same reasoning applies to the CIA and FBI for their "intelligence" failures. There are no satisfactory explanations for so many failures, period.
Getting back to U.S. Strategic
A recent trip to Omaha intensified the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, which has not subsided since that dreadful day, "The Day That Changed The World". While our nation was in shock and turmoil, Bush was being flown hither and yon, with Offutt Air Force Base as one of his stops. Intriguing questions haunted my thoughts about why that location, what went on behind closed doors, and who was there. One thing has led to another since then and much more has been revealed by those who would not allow numerous details to be swept under the rug and forgotten. There have been so many crafty cover-ups and crude contradictions that prior knowledge cannot be denied, only ignored as the warnings were, or played down. Bush knew and Black Tuesday is being used and abused for political ploys and manipulation of the military, especially now with the upcoming presidential "election".
Offutt Air Force Base was the place to be for quite a few VIP's on 9/11, from which strange coincidences have emerged in the scheme of things, including Warren Buffett's unpublicized charity event. Although this fortress is guarded and shielded with maximum security and secretive arrogance from the prying eyes and ears of the general public, it's amazing what can be found on search engines and government websites. So let's go ahead and pry!
One of nine unified commands in the Department of Defense, U.S. Strategic Command or USSTRATCOM, is a command and control headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. Representing all four branches of the military, the command has extensive ties with defense agencies, the Department of Energy's national laboratories, and other sources of support. USSTRATCOM integrates and coordinates the command and control capability to provide accurate and timely information for the President, Secretary of Defense, and regional commanders.
The command consists of a Joint Forces Headquarters for Information Operations and four directories: Combat Support, Global Operations, Policy Resources and Requirements, and Strike Warfare. Service commanders retain primary responsibility for maintaining the readiness of USSTRATCOM forces and performing their assigned functions of organizing, training, and equipping forces for employment when called upon to support USSTRATCOM's global mission. This information was obtained from
At this point my questions are what were they doing on September 11th when we really needed them? USSTRATCOM has highly trained personnel, the latest technologies, and expensive equipment. Since they have everything the average person doesn't, it seems fair to say they failed us when it mattered most. What are they there for anyway? Why should they be rewarded with promotions, more authority, and increases in funding while others are on the verge of homelessness or grieving for lost loved ones? The same reasoning applies to the CIA and FBI for their "intelligence" failures. There are no satisfactory explanations for so many failures, period.
Getting back to U.S. Strategic
Command, tells us that shortly after the Washington Summit Agreement between the U.S. and Russia in 1992, representatives for STRATCOM briefed then Defense Secretary Cheney and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Powell. Cheney wanted an in-depth study of the strategic nuclear forces and the Joint Staff and US Air Force considered this to be STRATCOM's responsibility, who developed "a preferred USSTRATCOM force structure". This became the basis for the study, the force structure with which to move into the 21st century. After visiting Offutt Air Force Base, the Assistant Secretary of Defense said that STRATCOM had, "filled the void that we sought to eliminate through the establishment of the command".
Incidentally, Defense Department officials are planning to meet in August to discuss implementation of proposals for more nuclear weapons. This represents a grave new threat to the world. Is it another coincidence that the week they are planning to meet happens to be the anniversary of the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Methinks not. Please for more information.
In a press release dated June 26, 2002, the DoD announced the merger of U.S. Space and Strategic Commands, as part of the ongoing initiative to transform the U.S. military into a 21st century fighting force. Scheduled to take place October 2002, the intended merger would improve combat effectiveness and speed up information collection and assessment needed for strategic decision-making, the preferred location for the new headquarters being Offutt AFB. "StratCom and SpaceCom have successfully provided the capabilities to meet the nation's defense needs for many years. The merged command will be responsible for both early warning of and defense against missile attack as well as long-range conventional attacks," said Rumsfeld.
Pertaining to the above news release, goes on to say that beginning October 1st, the U.S. Northern Command will work with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. Northern Command will have overall responsibility for homeland defense from a military standpoint and will coordinate with the Office of Homeland Defense. Bush nominated General Ralph Eberhart to command Northern Command in May, which involves commanding U.S. Space Command and NORAD, as well as being the Defense Department manager of Space Transportation Systems Contingency Support. According to, Eberhart was in charge of air defense on 9/11 before his promotion to Commander of the new Northern Command, established in October 2002. The Northern Command would manage the domestic use of the U.S. military, if or when full-scale martial law is implemented.
The Strategic Air Command Center or SACC, is a two-level underground structure reminiscent of "Dr. Strangelove's" bunker, that links directly with the National Military Command Center in the Pentagon, Washington D.C., and other major command headquarters. Vital data can be displayed on wall screens or individual monitors, in a matter of seconds. The Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network allows the Commander in Chief of the Strategic Air Command or CINCSTRAT prompt contact with the President, Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other unified commanders. The Command Center can communicate with aircraft in flight over any part of the world through satellites and radio networks. Its main purpose is to pass on the National Command Authority orders to the alert forces. One of the major reasons Bush flew to Offutt AFB was because it has a sophisticated national defense system, for holding videoconferencing meetings in times of emergency. There he held a teleconference call with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Armitage, Tenet, Mineta, and others.
Knowing this, one would assume that the SACC should have helped to track and intercept the hijacked airplanes, as well as other command centers. Internet journalist Scott Shuger wrote, "IGNORAD: The Military Screw-up Nobody Talks About",, and quotes NORAD's commander Gen. Eberhart's explanations for the failures. Shuger points out that it is not true there was nothing NORAD could have done, for one thing they could have flown faster, and he explains why the time/distance argument is flawed, in spite of the FAA's delay in notifying the military. The NORAD home page declares its mission to include "the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles". Shuger had this to say, "At the aircraft part of this mission...NORAD stinks" (alternative word). In June of 2002, Scott Shuger, a fitness buff, master of judo and karate, and an experienced scuba diver was found in the water, a little off shore on the California coast south of L.A. The cause of death was not known at the time.
In The London Morning Paper,, there was an article by Tom Flocco, "9-11 Damage Control Team Testifies Friday on Air Defense Failure", that fits right in with the topic at hand. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. is supposed to consider clear evidence of a military stand-down. September 11th: the Attacks and Response will be addressed in public hearings on May 22nd and 23rd,
Once the hearings are complete, the audio, video, and transcripts of the public hearings are posted in the archives The hearing on Thursday was not shown on C-Span 3, as planned in the programming schedule, but everything of less importance sure was. As this article is being written, the Friday hearing is being televised live on C-Span 3, though the daily schedule said C-Span 2, more coincidences? It is this writer's opinion that these mistakes were intentional and everyone should make it their business to watch these historic hearings. What are they trying to hide?
By the way, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran an article on May 19, 2003, "Pentagon and NASA Team Up to Design Hypersonic Plane", which mentions "a future fleet of government and commercial hypersonic vehicles, traveling between dozens or even hundreds of 'sky ports' around the world -- and beyond."
For more information:
Early in the morning on 9/11, a small group of top financial CEO's with offices in the WTC, were flown to the nerve center of U.S. air defenses, for a "Charity Classic" golf event (fund raiser benefit for youth groups). Warren Buffett hosted this event. Rush Limbaugh said on the air that he was there also. Then there is the group of top Pentagon officials who suddenly canceled travel plans on September 10th due to security concerns. These are just a few of many highly suspicious and strange coincidences.
Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He is known as one of the wealthiest men in the United States, with a fortune that is reported to be approximately $36 billion. He is also known to be a miser. He wants 99% of his wealth to go to the Buffett Foundation, which mostly serves family planning clinics. It is not surprising, as he was active in abortion issues during the 60's. His company Berkshire Hathaway has gained overall value since 9/11.
Other companies in which Buffett owns large blocks of shares are; Coca Cola, American Express, Gillette, the Washington Post Company, Wells Fargo and Company, Sees Candy, Benjamin Moore and Co., GEICO Direct Auto Insurance, and Dairy Queen. This information was found on a website of Buffett admirers.
The reader will see why these companies should be boycotted in the following paragraphs:
"The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" by John W. DeCamp, attorney and former Nebraska senator, is an investigation of satanic sexual abuse, ritual murders, pedophile rings, child pornography and prostitution, kidnapping, and money-laundering. It involves top Washington D.C. politicians, savings and loan executives, and media cover-ups. This book is dedicated to the author's dear friend, Bill Colby, former head of the CIA (before Bush), who died under very mysterious circumstances in 1996.
The Franklin Credit Union scandal centered in Omaha opens a window into the hellish world of child abuse and organized drug trafficking patronized and protected by powerful figures in politics and business. This awful but true story is about the abuse of positions of public trust, the Cover-up by institutions of government, and the abhorrent conduct and Cover-up by some of our wealthiest citizens. The unfinished business of the Franklin investigation is not only a matter involving children from Nebraska, but the lives of untold numbers of children everywhere.
In the Foreword of the book John DeCamp asked his friend Bill Colby, "What do Ronald Reagan, President George Bush (Sr.), former CIA Director William E. Colby, Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerrey, billionaire and second richest man in America and now head of Salomon Brothers - Warren Buffett, and Ronald Roskens, the current administrator of the Agency for International Development, all have in common?" Colby replied, "I give up, what could that group have in common?" DeCamp answered, "Three things, all of them a burden at times for those who have to carry them. The three things are me (John DeCamp), a case called Franklin, and a man named Larry King."
Lawrence E. (Larry) King was the manager of Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, when it was raided by federal agencies and shut down. Nearly $40 million was missing from the coffers of the credit union, as the financial scandal turned into something more. It became known children from Omaha and its surroundings said they had been flown from city to city to be abused at parties held by Franklin's officers, well-known Nebraskans, and Republican activists.
For further information on the previous paragraphs see
Alex Jones discussing the above (graphic) subject with John DeCamp can be heard at
As time goes by, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep track of everything in such a complicated story with numerous players, motives, and extensive details. The various timelines compiled are a valuable aid in sorting through rampant hype and discrepancies. Inspired by the excellent timeline at the From the Wilderness website, Paul Thompson started adding to it with primarily mainstream sources and has contributed a great accomplishment with Allan Wood called, "An Interesting Day". It was featured May 12 on Prison Planet and can be found in the archives. It is a must read for anyone trying to connect all the dots and can also be read
It is very distressing, that the powerful clique responsible for the sacrificial deaths on 9/11 and the black cloud of misery upon the population use it to their advantage at every opportunity. Having all the advantages, including unlimited free publicity, they also block investigations and disclosure of incriminating information, under the very convenient excuse of being "classified" for "National Security". Read "The Final Secret of 9/11" at
Drastic draconian laws are sneakily passed, while the ones behind it are exempted from their ridiculous rules and burdensome regulations. It was figured out long ago, before the Project for the New American Century was dreamed up. We are even expected to trust them as the experts and put them on a pedestal, as they destroy everything of real value and try to make us the enemy.
To top it off, they provoke the world to despair and rage against America and make enemies out of allies. The ones who call the shots in their private planes, mansions, bunkers, and groves are the ones who benefit from their actions with impunity. The U.S. government has been under siege for a long time, by ruthless imposters with ulterior motives and this is not the real America. The government has become the U.S. Corporation of the Power Elite worldwide and we are the scapegoats. If they would just leave us alone to live and let live, most people would get along with their neighbors. Don't we have enough problems already?
"T-Bone" Ridge said in a hearing, "they want answers to questions". Why is it then, that they don't want our questions truthfully and forthrightly answered? Because the proof is in the pudding and the pudding is putrid, made from their recipe of killing, lying, and stealing. Are there strange coincidences? Do birds fly?
Support Infowars with your heartfelt prayers and financially. Cherish the gift of expression that we have been given through the voice of Alex Jones, who speaks boldly and unceasingly, on our behalf."
Incidentally, Defense Department officials are planning to meet in August to discuss implementation of proposals for more nuclear weapons. This represents a grave new threat to the world. Is it another coincidence that the week they are planning to meet happens to be the anniversary of the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Methinks not. Please for more information.
In a press release dated June 26, 2002, the DoD announced the merger of U.S. Space and Strategic Commands, as part of the ongoing initiative to transform the U.S. military into a 21st century fighting force. Scheduled to take place October 2002, the intended merger would improve combat effectiveness and speed up information collection and assessment needed for strategic decision-making, the preferred location for the new headquarters being Offutt AFB. "StratCom and SpaceCom have successfully provided the capabilities to meet the nation's defense needs for many years. The merged command will be responsible for both early warning of and defense against missile attack as well as long-range conventional attacks," said Rumsfeld.
Pertaining to the above news release, goes on to say that beginning October 1st, the U.S. Northern Command will work with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. Northern Command will have overall responsibility for homeland defense from a military standpoint and will coordinate with the Office of Homeland Defense. Bush nominated General Ralph Eberhart to command Northern Command in May, which involves commanding U.S. Space Command and NORAD, as well as being the Defense Department manager of Space Transportation Systems Contingency Support. According to, Eberhart was in charge of air defense on 9/11 before his promotion to Commander of the new Northern Command, established in October 2002. The Northern Command would manage the domestic use of the U.S. military, if or when full-scale martial law is implemented.
The Strategic Air Command Center or SACC, is a two-level underground structure reminiscent of "Dr. Strangelove's" bunker, that links directly with the National Military Command Center in the Pentagon, Washington D.C., and other major command headquarters. Vital data can be displayed on wall screens or individual monitors, in a matter of seconds. The Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network allows the Commander in Chief of the Strategic Air Command or CINCSTRAT prompt contact with the President, Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other unified commanders. The Command Center can communicate with aircraft in flight over any part of the world through satellites and radio networks. Its main purpose is to pass on the National Command Authority orders to the alert forces. One of the major reasons Bush flew to Offutt AFB was because it has a sophisticated national defense system, for holding videoconferencing meetings in times of emergency. There he held a teleconference call with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Armitage, Tenet, Mineta, and others.
Knowing this, one would assume that the SACC should have helped to track and intercept the hijacked airplanes, as well as other command centers. Internet journalist Scott Shuger wrote, "IGNORAD: The Military Screw-up Nobody Talks About",, and quotes NORAD's commander Gen. Eberhart's explanations for the failures. Shuger points out that it is not true there was nothing NORAD could have done, for one thing they could have flown faster, and he explains why the time/distance argument is flawed, in spite of the FAA's delay in notifying the military. The NORAD home page declares its mission to include "the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles". Shuger had this to say, "At the aircraft part of this mission...NORAD stinks" (alternative word). In June of 2002, Scott Shuger, a fitness buff, master of judo and karate, and an experienced scuba diver was found in the water, a little off shore on the California coast south of L.A. The cause of death was not known at the time.
In The London Morning Paper,, there was an article by Tom Flocco, "9-11 Damage Control Team Testifies Friday on Air Defense Failure", that fits right in with the topic at hand. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. is supposed to consider clear evidence of a military stand-down. September 11th: the Attacks and Response will be addressed in public hearings on May 22nd and 23rd,
Once the hearings are complete, the audio, video, and transcripts of the public hearings are posted in the archives The hearing on Thursday was not shown on C-Span 3, as planned in the programming schedule, but everything of less importance sure was. As this article is being written, the Friday hearing is being televised live on C-Span 3, though the daily schedule said C-Span 2, more coincidences? It is this writer's opinion that these mistakes were intentional and everyone should make it their business to watch these historic hearings. What are they trying to hide?
By the way, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran an article on May 19, 2003, "Pentagon and NASA Team Up to Design Hypersonic Plane", which mentions "a future fleet of government and commercial hypersonic vehicles, traveling between dozens or even hundreds of 'sky ports' around the world -- and beyond."
For more information:
Early in the morning on 9/11, a small group of top financial CEO's with offices in the WTC, were flown to the nerve center of U.S. air defenses, for a "Charity Classic" golf event (fund raiser benefit for youth groups). Warren Buffett hosted this event. Rush Limbaugh said on the air that he was there also. Then there is the group of top Pentagon officials who suddenly canceled travel plans on September 10th due to security concerns. These are just a few of many highly suspicious and strange coincidences.
Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He is known as one of the wealthiest men in the United States, with a fortune that is reported to be approximately $36 billion. He is also known to be a miser. He wants 99% of his wealth to go to the Buffett Foundation, which mostly serves family planning clinics. It is not surprising, as he was active in abortion issues during the 60's. His company Berkshire Hathaway has gained overall value since 9/11.
Other companies in which Buffett owns large blocks of shares are; Coca Cola, American Express, Gillette, the Washington Post Company, Wells Fargo and Company, Sees Candy, Benjamin Moore and Co., GEICO Direct Auto Insurance, and Dairy Queen. This information was found on a website of Buffett admirers.
The reader will see why these companies should be boycotted in the following paragraphs:
"The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" by John W. DeCamp, attorney and former Nebraska senator, is an investigation of satanic sexual abuse, ritual murders, pedophile rings, child pornography and prostitution, kidnapping, and money-laundering. It involves top Washington D.C. politicians, savings and loan executives, and media cover-ups. This book is dedicated to the author's dear friend, Bill Colby, former head of the CIA (before Bush), who died under very mysterious circumstances in 1996.
The Franklin Credit Union scandal centered in Omaha opens a window into the hellish world of child abuse and organized drug trafficking patronized and protected by powerful figures in politics and business. This awful but true story is about the abuse of positions of public trust, the Cover-up by institutions of government, and the abhorrent conduct and Cover-up by some of our wealthiest citizens. The unfinished business of the Franklin investigation is not only a matter involving children from Nebraska, but the lives of untold numbers of children everywhere.
In the Foreword of the book John DeCamp asked his friend Bill Colby, "What do Ronald Reagan, President George Bush (Sr.), former CIA Director William E. Colby, Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerrey, billionaire and second richest man in America and now head of Salomon Brothers - Warren Buffett, and Ronald Roskens, the current administrator of the Agency for International Development, all have in common?" Colby replied, "I give up, what could that group have in common?" DeCamp answered, "Three things, all of them a burden at times for those who have to carry them. The three things are me (John DeCamp), a case called Franklin, and a man named Larry King."
Lawrence E. (Larry) King was the manager of Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, when it was raided by federal agencies and shut down. Nearly $40 million was missing from the coffers of the credit union, as the financial scandal turned into something more. It became known children from Omaha and its surroundings said they had been flown from city to city to be abused at parties held by Franklin's officers, well-known Nebraskans, and Republican activists.
For further information on the previous paragraphs see
Alex Jones discussing the above (graphic) subject with John DeCamp can be heard at
As time goes by, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep track of everything in such a complicated story with numerous players, motives, and extensive details. The various timelines compiled are a valuable aid in sorting through rampant hype and discrepancies. Inspired by the excellent timeline at the From the Wilderness website, Paul Thompson started adding to it with primarily mainstream sources and has contributed a great accomplishment with Allan Wood called, "An Interesting Day". It was featured May 12 on Prison Planet and can be found in the archives. It is a must read for anyone trying to connect all the dots and can also be read
It is very distressing, that the powerful clique responsible for the sacrificial deaths on 9/11 and the black cloud of misery upon the population use it to their advantage at every opportunity. Having all the advantages, including unlimited free publicity, they also block investigations and disclosure of incriminating information, under the very convenient excuse of being "classified" for "National Security". Read "The Final Secret of 9/11" at
Drastic draconian laws are sneakily passed, while the ones behind it are exempted from their ridiculous rules and burdensome regulations. It was figured out long ago, before the Project for the New American Century was dreamed up. We are even expected to trust them as the experts and put them on a pedestal, as they destroy everything of real value and try to make us the enemy.
To top it off, they provoke the world to despair and rage against America and make enemies out of allies. The ones who call the shots in their private planes, mansions, bunkers, and groves are the ones who benefit from their actions with impunity. The U.S. government has been under siege for a long time, by ruthless imposters with ulterior motives and this is not the real America. The government has become the U.S. Corporation of the Power Elite worldwide and we are the scapegoats. If they would just leave us alone to live and let live, most people would get along with their neighbors. Don't we have enough problems already?
"T-Bone" Ridge said in a hearing, "they want answers to questions". Why is it then, that they don't want our questions truthfully and forthrightly answered? Because the proof is in the pudding and the pudding is putrid, made from their recipe of killing, lying, and stealing. Are there strange coincidences? Do birds fly?
Support Infowars with your heartfelt prayers and financially. Cherish the gift of expression that we have been given through the voice of Alex Jones, who speaks boldly and unceasingly, on our behalf."
"How Berkshire Built a Super-Cat Powerhouse
By Emil Lee | More Articles
August 29, 2007 | Comments (0)
August 29, 2007 | Comments (0)
As of 2006, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A ) (NYSE: BRK-B ) wrote the third-largest amount of net premiums in the reinsurance industry -- an amazing feat for a firm that started out making textiles. One of the key foundations of Berkshire's reinsurance business is its super-catastrophe line, and the company's annual shareholder letters offer an incredibly valuable case study of that segment's success. Let's take a closer look at the integral components of Berkshire's reinsurance division.
Against all odds
Berkshire's success in super-cat reinsurance, which insures very large catastrophic loss events, becomes more impressive in light of the challenges it faced. Capable reinsurers such as RenaissanceRe (NYSE: RNR ) , XL Capital (NYSE: XL ) , and Montpelier Re (NYSE:MRH ) compete fiercely for market share. In addition, barriers to entry are minimal, with recently formed reinsurers such as Flagstone Re (NYSE: FSR ) and Greenlight Re(Nasdaq: GLRE ) almost constantly emerging. Lastly, reinsurance is a commodity to some extent.
Thus, Berkshire boss Warren Buffett had to overcome considerable obstacles to build his reinsurance operations into the juggernaut they are today. Since day one, Buffett based his strategy on three simple strengths: speed, size, and security.
Speed: Fastest policy in the West
In Buffett's words, "We can supply a quote faster than anyone in the business." To most Fools, this might seem unnecessary. When multimillion-dollar policies with billion-dollar loss exposures are on the line, wouldn't both parties involved want to take their sweet time? Not necessarily.
Suppose you take a spin at a roulette table with 100 numbers on it. If the ball lands on the number 55, you suffer a crippling financial loss. How much would you pay to get out of this situation, and how quickly would you want to get out of it before the ball has a chance to land?
Sometimes, reinsurance customers find themselves in similar situations, sitting on ultra-large risks that could either cripple or bankrupt their company. What if an earthquake happens in a key metropolitan area tomorrow? In these cases, speed is critical, and Berkshire has a quick draw. The company benefits from favorable odds when customers are more concerned with speed, not price.
Size: Might makes right
As Buffett has said, "We will issue policies with limits larger than anyone else is prepared to write." The lower the policy limits are, the hotter the competition. This should make intuitive sense. For example, supposed you wanted to borrow a hundred bucks. You could go to your friend, your local bank, or your credit card company. Heck, some of them won't even charge you interest for a year.
Now, suppose you wanted to borrow $10 billion. The pool of possible lenders narrows dramatically. Only a handful of financial institutions would be prepared to write a $10 billion check, and they definitely wouldn't offer you a "one year interest-free!" teaser.
Similarly, Berkshire's ability to write ultra-large policies narrows the pool of competitors, helping to insulate the firm from competitive pressures, and allowing it to compete in the less commoditized (and thus higher-margin) portions of the market.
Security: In Berkshire we trust
Lastly, Berkshire's Fort Knox-like balance sheet makes it one of only eight U.S. companies to earn an AAA credit rating. The only other such firm that wrote insurance, General Electric (NYSE: GE ) , sold that portion of its business to Swiss Re.
A sterling credit rating reassures customers that Berkshire will be able to pay even under the most stressful conditions. Since Berkshire specializes in ultra-large risks, customers are extra-careful to do business only with insurers they know will pay up.
Although it wasn't in the super-cat area, a good example of this caution came when Lloyds wanted to get rid of its asbestos liability. The backers for those liabilities were Lloyd's "Names," a group of unfortunate wealthy individuals who agreed to take on insurance risks in exchange for a cut of the profits. A while back, those Names got blindsided by an avalanche of asbestos and environmental liabilities, a disaster that threatened Lloyds' very existence.
Asbestos liabilities have haunted the Names for more than a decade. They've begged for an end to the suffering, and many have stated, "I just want to sleep easy." Recently, Lloyd's turned to a reinsurer they knew would be able to make payments for decades to come. As the CEO of Equitas, the Lloyd's unit that assumed the liability, stated after transferring the risk to Berkshire, "We think we have just bought [the Names] the world's best mattress."
That sounds like a customer much more concerned with security than price, and it helps to explain how Berkshire continues to use its competitive advantages of speed, size, and security to build its super-cat reinsurance moat.
Berkshire has used similarly astute strategies to build enormously valuable competitive advantages in all of its insurance lines. That's one of the primary reasons why many investors are betting that Berkshire's intrinsic value far exceeds its current share price. Like Berkshire's nervous super-cat customers, it seems we'll have to spin the wheel and see how that bet turns out.
Further Foolishness that's super, cat:
Berkshire Hathaway is both an Inside Value and a Stock Advisor selection. See why by taking either service for a free 30-day trial run.
Fool contributor Emil Lee is an analyst and a disciple of value investing. He doesn't own shares in any of the companies mentioned above. Emil appreciates your comments, concerns, and complaints.
Montpelier Re is both a Stock Advisor and a Hidden Gems recommendation. The Motley Fool's disclosure policy is always prepared for the worst."
Montpelier Re is both a Stock Advisor and a Hidden Gems recommendation. The Motley Fool's disclosure policy is always prepared for the worst."
"December 9, 2012 4:49 pm
Time called on Serco's NPL contract" By Gill Plimmer
Serco, the FTSE 100 outsourcing company, has lost its contract to run the National Physical Laboratory – which built the first atomic clock – after the government said it would seek academic partners to take over the centre instead.
The laboratory has been managed by Serco on a profit-share basis since 1994. But David Willetts, science minister, has decided that the government can "encourage greater interaction with businesses" by ending the contract in March 2014 [Now you know why MH Flight 370 was disappeared], when the company's 17-year tenure comes to an end."
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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