McConnell alleges Serco's CSI SNAP common access cards were developed in support of the 9/11 attacks in a murder-for-hire joint venture between Serco, General Dynamics’ Lester Crown and Lockheed Martin’s Lynne Cheney, at Rye Canyon – a corporate campus owned by Lockheed Martin in the Valencia area of Santa Clarita, California.
#1460: Marine Links Serco’s Mentor-Protégé Crime Scene Clocks to Cheney Tillman NIPRNet Swaps
MURDER: Pat Tillman 3 Shots to the Head
“Michael Peoples
Senior Engineer CIBER Defense Technology Systems-Fort Bragg
September 2004 – Present (8 years 7 months)
Top Secret Clearance. Project Manager and Planner. Conducts all planning, coordinating and implementation for US Army Special Operations unit moves. Single handedly performed 62 successful Installs without failure. Operate, Maintain, troubleshoots and repairs the Tactical Network of over 70 military units SIPR/ NIPR and 17 encrypted Secret Video Tele-Conferencing (S-VTC). [CSI SNAP-shot terminals]. Conducts the repairs, imaging upgrades and life cycle replacements. (IAVA comp)
Performs software upgrades, crypto, KEK upgrades, Over The Air Relay (OTAR) procedures directed by National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Information Security Agency (DISA), Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and Digital Video Services (DVS).
Troubleshoots infrastructure issues on Secure, non-secure data paths for SIPR/NIPR and ISDN for VTC. Works daily with MS Office suite.
Performs feasibility studies for installation of Secure LAN Networks, IAW established regulations. Transports Crypto and other classified hardware with courier orders [per Bullpup ammo in Jinga truck].
Provides on site inspections, TEMPEST risk assessments and plans, draws and presents MS-Visio building schematics.
Built VTC testing Lab to support ISDN based VTC's across North America.
Conducts remote computer network troubleshooting, repairs, imaging.
Maintains status reports and trouble shoots issues related to the security of these systems. Serves as the liaison between the U.S. Army, Ciber Defense Tech, CORP of Engineers and Sub Contractors.
Read and interpret engineering change orders, equipment requisitions, work orders, trouble tickets, regulations, manuals and other pertinent documentation relating to the security and compliancy.
Responsible for quality control and final inspections of work sites in accordance with Defense Information Security Agency standards.
Provides briefings and detail reports to higher headquarters on status of projects and better business practices.”
“During the 1990s, Anthony Zuiker caught producer Jerry Bruckheimer's attention after writing his first movie script and was convinced that there was a series in the concept. Bruckheimer agreed and arranged a meeting with the head of Touchstone Pictures. The studio's head at the time liked the spec script and presented it to ABC, NBC and Fox executives, who decided to pass. The head of drama development at CBS saw potential in the script, and the network had a pay or play contract with actor William Petersen who said he wanted to do the CSI pilot. The network's executives liked the pilot so much that they decided to include it in their 2000 schedule immediately, airing on Fridays after The Fugitive. Initially it was thought that CSI would benefit from The Fugitive (a remake of the 1960s series), which was expected to be a hit, but by the end of the year 2000 CSI had a much larger audience.[9]
Filming locations CSI was initially shot at Rye Canyon, a corporate campus owned by Lockheed Martin, situated in the Valencia area of Santa Clarita, California. Other shows such as The Unit and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have also been shot there.
The Rye Canyon corporate campus is located in a cul-de sac-against the hills for a good reason: it was built by the Lockheed Corporation for classified military work associated with the Stealth Fighter program. Mostly vacated by Lockheed now, the office park is part of a larger office park development, though Lockheed?s Skunkworks still uses the anechoic chamber building (Building 246) for secret military work.
Other tenants are beginning to move in. The largest new tenant is a company called Advanced Bionics, which designs mechanical body parts such as the Cochlear implant. The major use of the property however has been as a film location, marketed as a "multi-faceted film facility" by its developers, the Legacy Company. It frequently hosted the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and other video-based television productions. Location scouts have commented that it looks more like Silicon Valley than anywhere else in Los Angeles. The offices and computer rooms in Building 34 - originally a "quiet building," designed to be impenetrable to external surveillance, as it housed design operations for new weapons systems - are favored as locations, and the old high bays in back, which once housed Stealth Fighter flight simulators, are often used as property shops.
CBS TV has used this building as a location for a pilot for a proposed series called The Agency, about the FBI. The television show Crime Scene Investigators (CSI) used the site so much it set up production offices here. The series VIP has also shot here, and used Building 3 as a stand in for the CIA. The California Institute of the Arts (coincidentally also abbreviated "CIA") temporarily operated out of this office park after the Northridge earthquake.
In June 1983, the Lockheed Rye Canyon Research facility was renamed Kelly Johnson Research and Development Center, Lockheed-California Company, in honor of Johnson's 50 years of service to the company.
Other tenants are beginning to move in. The largest new tenant is a company called Advanced Bionics, which designs mechanical body parts such as the Cochlear implant. The major use of the property however has been as a film location, marketed as a "multi-faceted film facility" by its developers, the Legacy Company. It frequently hosted the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and other video-based television productions. Location scouts have commented that it looks more like Silicon Valley than anywhere else in Los Angeles. The offices and computer rooms in Building 34 - originally a "quiet building," designed to be impenetrable to external surveillance, as it housed design operations for new weapons systems - are favored as locations, and the old high bays in back, which once housed Stealth Fighter flight simulators, are often used as property shops.
CBS TV has used this building as a location for a pilot for a proposed series called The Agency, about the FBI. The television show Crime Scene Investigators (CSI) used the site so much it set up production offices here. The series VIP has also shot here, and used Building 3 as a stand in for the CIA. The California Institute of the Arts (coincidentally also abbreviated "CIA") temporarily operated out of this office park after the Northridge earthquake.
In June 1983, the Lockheed Rye Canyon Research facility was renamed Kelly Johnson Research and Development Center, Lockheed-California Company, in honor of Johnson's 50 years of service to the company.
Wikipedia article:
Nearby cities: Santa Clarita, California, Los Angeles, California, Simi Valley, California
Coordinates: 34°27'24"N 118°34'43"W”
“Some frangible bullets—usually for rifle cartridges—use powdered-metal cores inside a jacket. Examples are the Barnes M/LE RRLP (Reduced Ricochet, Limited Penetration)—which ICC loads in .223 Rem., .308 Win. and 7.62×39 mm for its Green Elite JOT (Jacketed Open Tip) line—and the bullets used by Dynamic Research Technologies in its line of rifle ammo. Jacketed frangible bullets are capable of extreme accuracy. They also offer increased durability over totally frangible bullets, which makes them less likely to become damaged during loading or handling. However, the jacket material can cause splashback at close range, and they are best reserved for steel targets that are at least 50 yards away. Most frangible pistol bullets are made of compressed and sintered, powdered metal. They lack jackets, which allow them to completely disintegrate upon impact with hard surfaces like steel. With totally frangible or copper/nylon bullets, you can shoot steel targets at close range without the worry of splashback. How close? Well, I have seen demonstrations where a guy wearing sneakers stood on a plate and emptied a pistol into the steel between his feet. Nobody recommends trying that—for a lot of reasons. However, most agree you are safe shooting steel as close as 15 feet with these bullets.”
More to follow.
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