Sam Cam and Tricky Wag the Dog - Chat Room in WTC#7 - City & Guilds Team of Decoy Pedophiles - Massive Attack on Capital Markets on 9/11
1988: Savile gets blackmailer’s key to the Broadmoor prison hospital and Serco begins the development of Stratum access cards for parolees to extort concessions from crime scene investigators
David and Samantha Cameron make an emotional visit to Ground Zero
Massive Attack, Portishead, Tricky, AllFlaws, Kosheen - ( Bristol Trip Hop)
9/11 demolition proof of explosives and thermite charges on twin towers
More to follow.
PresidentialField Mandate
Abel Danger Blog
Any one who ever has used thermite grenades in the military should see the classic signs of thermite. Jet fuel cannot pool the metal because the laws of chemistry will not allow temps to reach that level of energy.