August 2, 2011
Maddy and Gareth and Rebekah Wade decoy a Middle Temple pedophile trade
Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sister Rebekah Wade used PwC’s beTrusted and Entrust public key infrastructure to decoy the Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman, Maddy McCann and Gareth Williams crime scenes and divert investigators from Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle attacks and, allegedly, a centuries-old Middle Temple pedophile entrapment trade.
Matrix 5 MitM = Banker + Anglophone + Francophone + Lesbian + Pedophile attacks
Middle Templar and Crown Agents - BeTRUSTed Public Key Infrastructure - Patented Onion Router Devices - Concealed Identity Frauds - Matrix 5*
Note Vodaphone / beTrusted
New Captain Sherlock eBook
See #66
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
"The Name of the Beast “You have asked me if I knew the name of the assassin. I do. The mere knowing of his name is a small thing, however, compared with the power of laying our hands upon him.” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Study in Scarlet'', Holmes speaking"
“[CSI and spoliation inference suggests that Middle Templars began commissioning playing companies – now called production companies – to create decoy and ‘misrule’ spectacles at real or simulated crime scenes more than four hundred years ago] And now comes a new book, Shakespeare and the Prince of Love: The Feast of Misrule in the Middle Temple (Giles de la Mare Publishers, 2000). Its author, Anthony Arlidge, is a Queen's Counsel at the Middle Temple, where he is Master of the Entertainments. He is deeply versed in the archives and traditions of the Middle Temple. He puts forward a beguiling and persuasive thesis, that Twelfth Night had its premier in Middle Temple Hall on February 2nd, 1602. Of a performance on that date we have sure knowledge. John Manningham was a fourth year student at the Middle Temple, one of the four Inns of Court. For February 2nd 1602 he made this entry in his diary: 'at our feast wee had a play called Twelve Night or What You Will...a good practise in it to make the Steward beleeve his Lady widdowe was in Love with him by counterfeyting a letter as from his lady in generall tearmes...'. This has to be Shakespeare's comedy. Could it have been a first night performance? It could, indeed, and Mr Arlidge builds up a very strong case based on circumstantial evidence. The date, February 2nd, was known to the Elizabethans as Candlemas. The feast at Candlemas was, says Anthony Arlidge, 'one of the two most important dates in the Inn calendar, when members of the Inn who had gained professional preferment were sumptuously entertained'. (p. 3) There's a strong thematic connection: Twelfth Night marked the end of the Christian festival, and exploited the mediaeval tradition of misrule. The records of student revels at the Inn showed them electing a Prince of Misrule (in the Middle Temple, the Prince of Love) whose reign ended on February 2nd. So the theme of misrule in Twelfth Night ('this uncivil rule', says Malvolio, 2.3.123) was apt for the Candlemas performance. A comedy of love would have suited a performance in the Kingdom of Love, ruled over by the student Prince D'Amour. The play would have suited the commissioning authorities, too. John Shurley was Treasurer of the Middle Temple in 1602, and hoped to be made Serjeant (a well-rewarded honour). A splendid entertainment laid on by the Treasurer would impress the existing Serjeants. Shakespeare, of course, was by then known as the finest playwright in the land. A new comedy of his, put on by the Lord Chamberlain's Men, would not have come cheap. Mr Arlidge links the name of Shurley to the 'Sophy' (Shah) references in the play, for Robert and Anthony Sherley, family connections of Shurley, journeyed to Persia in 1599. Robert Sherley, 'Fencer to the Sophy', was painted by Van Dyck in 1622. Thus the 'Sophy' references are a compliment to the Treasurer and his renowned kin. It all fits together nicely. So does the topography of the Hall. Feste has a striking description of the house in which Malvollo is imprisoned: 'Why, it hath bay windows transparent as barricadoes, and the clerestories towards the south-north are as lustrous as ebony'. (4.2.35-36) Shakespeare is clearly making an in-joke -- 'Inn-joke' is irrestible -- for his special audience. Anthony Arlidge puts it definitively: 'The building is plainly not a theatre and the description matches Middle Temple Hall, which has clerestories in the south and north walls, and bay-windows, and is exceptionally light for a building of its kind'. No doubt the staging kept Malvolio in some kind of shadow, so that he could not see what everyone else could. 'The joke is about a light building, and the Hall was one of the first to use new glass technology to produce a large light room'. These and other allusions read as integral to the text, not bits stuck on to a pre-existent text. It does look as though Shakespeare had a particular audience very much in mind. Which would make Twelfth Night a custom-written, new play. There's a piece of contributory evidence here: Manningham started to write 'Mid', then crossed it out and wrote 'Twelve Night'. Was he unsure of the title of the play he had just seen? That too points towards a new play, whose title did not come automatically to the mind of the diarist. Other allusions sound like contemporary spice, introduced to tickle legal palates. Sir William Knollys, Comptroller of Her Majesty's Household, has long been suspected to be the origin of Malvolio. They match at several points. He too was a 'Steward', and Malvolio's statement that he will quench his familiar smile 'with an austere regard of control' (2.5.55) sounds like a pun on Knollys' office. There are 'yellow stockings' allusions in a contemporary ballad mocking Knollys, who notoriously had made a fool of himself by his infatuation with Mary Fitton, a young lady at Court under his protection. He wanted to marry her, once his (much older) wife had died. But his wife remained obstinately alive, and Mary Fitton got pregnant by the Earl of Pembroke (who refused to marry her). The episode did nothing for Knollys' reputation. Knollys = Malvolio is a set of outrageous hints, which would have been devoured by a sharp-witted audience. This is not a case, I suspect, where one leans on Fanny Trollope's great line in these matters: 'Of course, I draw from life, but I always pulp my acquaintances before serving them up. You never recognize a pig in a sausage'. It seems obvious that Shakespeare was at home with his Middle Temple audience, and that this implies a degree of familiarity, an ongoing social relationship. It might well have been nurtured at the Mermaid Tavern, by St Paul's, which was a meeting-place for literary men as well as lawyers. There was an immensely strong tradition of literary involvement at the Middle Temple: dramatists who were Middle Temple men included John Webster, John Marston, and John Ford. (Francis Beaumont was Inner Temple.) No one disputes that in 1602 the Middle Temple was at the heart of the London literary scene.”
“[CSI and spoliation inference suggests that Middle Templars began paying playing companies – now called production companies – to create decoy crime scenes involving pedophile entrapment, extortion, pandering (pimping) and contract killing more than four hundred years ago] Pericles, Prince of Tyre is a Jacobean play written at least in part by William Shakespeare and included in modern editions of his collected works despite questions over its authorship, as it was not included in the First Folio. Modern editors generally agree that Shakespeare is responsible for almost exactly half the play—827 lines—the main portion after scene 9 that follows the story of Pericles and Marina. Modern textual studies indicate that the first two acts of 835 lines detailing the many voyages of Pericles were written by a mediocre collaborator, which strong evidence suggests to have been the victualler, pander, dramatist and pamphleteer George Wilkins...... John Gower introduces each act with a prologue. The play opens in the court of Antiochus, king of Antioch, who has offered the hand of his beautiful daughter to any man who answers his riddle; but those who fail shall die.
I am no viper, yet I feed
On mother's flesh which did me breed.
I sought a husband, in which labour
I found that kindness in a father:
He's father, son, and husband mild;
I mother, wife, and yet his child.
How they may be, and yet in two,
As you will live, resolve it you.
Pericles, the young Prince (ruler) of Tyre in Phoenicia (Lebanon), hears the riddle, and instantly understands its meaning: Antiochus is engaged in an incestuous relationship with his daughter. If he reveals this truth, he will be killed, but if he answers incorrectly, he will also be killed. Pericles hints that he knows the answer, and asks for more time to think. Antiochus grants him forty days, and then sends an assassin after him. However, Pericles has fled the city.”
“[CSI spoliation inference suggests Middle Templars, such as Rebekah Wade’s friend and fellow Crown Agents Sister, Marina Johnson, have trusted third-party opportunities at decoy crime scenes to thwart any Grand Jury attempt to ‘accuse no innocent but shelter no guilty’] Peter Lodder QC is the Chairman of the Bar Council. Peter was called to the Bar in 1981 by the Middle Temple and was awarded a Jules Thorn major scholarship in 1982. He was appointed as a Recorder (a part-time judge) in 2000 and as Queen’s Counsel in 2001. He was Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association 2008-9. He became a bencher of Middle Temple in 2010. He has lectured at many seminars and conferences in the UK and abroad. Recently he has spoken on topics such as the UK Bribery Act 2010, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, Corporate Criminal Liability and International Arbitration procedures in St Petersburg, Kiev, Oman, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Peter was a guest speaker at the first St Petersburg International Law Forum in May 2011. He shared the platform with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, Russian Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov and Valery Zorkin the President of the Russian Constitutional Court. Peter spoke on the 'Role of Law as an Instrument of Secure Development', and the human rights consequences of recent measures to combat the financing of terrorism. He has been recommended for many years as a "Leader in the field" in general crime, business crime and in fraud by the major professional directories. He has an extensive practice in serious and complex fraud, money laundering and sanctions breaking. He also maintains a heavy workload in general crime: murder, drugs and confiscation. Peter often appears on national radio and television news broadcasts to comment upon high profile criminal cases and on changes in the law. He has contributed to current affairs programmes and has provided commentary for many national newspapers and legal journals. Profiles of Peter’s career and experience have appeared in The Times on 11 September 2008 and on 2 December 2010.”
“[CSI spoliation inference suggests that someone in a Middle Templar trusted-third-party OODA loop is trying to warn us through a work of factual fiction of sexual deviants at decoy crime scenes associated with the murder of Gareth Williams]
Sherlock Holmes And The Alderney Street Mystery
In memory of Gareth Wyn Williams and with apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a work of factual fiction in progress, from Winter Patriot
Not five minutes later, our landlady was tapping at the door. "I've brought your lunch, gentlemen," she said. "And there's a telegram for you, Mr. Holmes."
"Thank you, Mrs. Hudson," said my friend, taking the telegram and leaving me to handle the tray of food. "More good luck," he said when he had finished reading. "Cheryl Eastap will call on us at four o'clock this afternoon."
"Is she one of the two attractive blondes Bucky suggested you should contact?" I asked.
"Indeed she is," replied the detective. "I know nothing else about her, or her connection with this case, but I am sure we will find out soon enough."
As usual, his prediction proved to be correct. Cheryl Eastap arrived shortly before four and introduced herself with a surprising statement. "I would have come sooner had I known you were interested in the case, Mr. Holmes," she said. "I am so thankful for your message."
"Please sit down," Holmes said, "and tell us, from the beginning, how you came to be involved in this case."
"It was through my work, sir," she replied. "I'm a fashion designer, and I teach at Central Saint Martins College. I knew Gareth Williams from the college. He was a part-time student there."
"I see," said Holmes. "Did Gareth take one of your courses?"
"No, he took two courses with me, sir," she replied.
"Both in the past year?" he asked.
"Yes sir," she answered. "The first one started in the winter and finished in the spring. The second began in early April, if I recall, and ran until late June."
"Tell me about these courses," Holmes said.
"They were short, introductory courses," she replied. "We would meet once per week for ten weeks, and that was all. Just enough to give the students a good overview of the subjects, and a chance to try some simple things themselves."
"What were your impressions of Gareth as a student?" Holmes asked.
"He was very talented, sir," replied Ms. Eastap, "clearly very interested, and quite well-versed, for a beginner."
"What subjects did you teach him?" Holmes asked.
"Fashion design and interior design, sir," she replied.
"Hmm, fashion design," he said. "Would it be fair to assume a rather large percentage of your male students might be gay?"
"I do believe that would be a fair estimate," she answered.
"Aside from open declarations of interest," he continued, "can you, perhaps, spot the gay men by the way they look at the young women?"
"Most of the time," she replied, "you can tell by whether they look at the young women."
"And in Gareth's case, would you say he was looking?" asked the detective.
"That is how it appeared to me, sir," she said. "If you're asking whether Gareth was gay, I can tell you I never saw any sign of it."
"Unfortunately," said Holmes, "in this case, the undercurrent of deviant sex will not go away. I am sorry to mention it, but I must."
"Yes, of course," replied Ms. Eastap.
"I am given to understand," said Holmes, "that you are unhappy with the police and their investigation."
Cheryl Eastap nodded and said, "Yes, sir. They came to see me not long ago, and asked all manner of questions about the courses, the assignments, and so on."
"Yes?" said my friend.
"They seemed especially interested in an assignment Gareth had completed which was called 'Living Spaces.' They even suggested that Gareth may have 'gone overboard' and locked himself in the holdall while trying to find out how small a space a person can live in."
"And what did you think of that line of reasoning?" asked my friend.
"It's not 'reasoning' at all, sir," replied the teacher. "There couldn't possibly have been any connection between the assignment and the young man's death. The police were simply trying to create a decoy."
"Are you certain?" asked the detective.
"Absolutely!" replied our guest.
"What makes you think," asked Holmes, "that the police were merely trying to establish a decoy?"
"What else could they have been doing?" she countered.
"They clearly understood the nature of the assignment?" he pressed.
"Yes sir," she said, "they most assuredly did."
"And it carried no risk of accidental confinement?" he continued.
"None at all!" she replied. "It was an interior design assignment, sir. It was about the spaces people live in and how we can make them more attractive. That was all."
"I'm sorry if you find this frustrating," said the detective, "but I must ask the questions, you see?"
"Yes, of course," she said, and seemed to relax somewhat.
"Do you have any idea," Holmes continued, "why the police might be trying to establish a decoy?"
"None at all," replied our guest. "I was hoping you would tell me."
"Unfortunately," he replied, "I cannot tell you anything concrete at the moment. But you have been most helpful, and I thank you very much for calling on us this afternoon."
"You are welcome, Mr. Holmes," she replied, rising to leave. "I wish you the best of luck on this case, sir."
Some links for you, dear reader, to look at possibility that crime scenes associated with the Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman and Maddy McCann murders, have been decoyed by trusted third parties in PKI ‘hides’ to divert investigators from a Middle Temple pedophile trade. - track red shirts to Worshipful Companies of Information Technologists, Stationers, Newspaper Makers and Spectacle Makers - track dead chef to Companies of Distillers, Stationers, Newspaper Makers and Spectacle Makers
“[CSI spoliation inference suggests that Middle Templars with a trusted-third-party role could set up PKI hides and decoys at any crime scene, anywhere and at any time] Clearly the FBI understands that without cyber security, there is no physical security," said Bill Conner, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Entrust. "They have set an aggressive timetable to develop and deploy a secure PKI architecture that meets the IT security needs of their dedicated staff while also aiding to combat the growing threats against our citizens. Entrust looks forward to working with Northrop Grumman IT and the FBI to meet and exceed their expectations." "Northrop Grumman IT brings industry leadership in systems integration and management of information assurance, PKI and smart card projects to meet the FBI's requirements," said Jim Perriello, president, Government Solutions, Northrop Grumman IT. "Northrop Grumman selected Entrust because of its demonstrated leadership in PKI-based solutions and extensive government knowledge gained through numerous successful deployments." Entrust has a highly successful track record in partnering with law enforcement. For example, since 1997, the Criminal Information-Sharing Alliance (CISA) [founded by #1 and her jailed protege Robert Hanssen] has been enabling secure information sharing among law enforcement agencies in the southwest states and with Federal law enforcement agencies utilizing Entrust's technology. CISA has established its network, CISAnet, utilizing Entrust security solutions to strongly authenticate users, encrypt data and e-mails, and digitally sign documents and communications. Championed as a model for federal law enforcement, the system was recently expanded to include data sharing regarding money laundering, weapons violations, sex offenders, missing persons, criminal histories, and a number of homeland security initiatives. Entrust is a leading security solution provider for more than 320 global government customers and has deployed cyber security solutions in more than 50 U.S. Federal government departments and agencies, including Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture National Finance Center (USDA/NFC), Treasury Department, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), NASA, Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and more.”
“[CSI spoliation inference suggests that Middle Templars with a trusted-third-party role could set up PwC PKI hides and decoys at any crime scene, anywhere and at any time] Posted by AccountingWEB in Firm News, Technology, IT on 04/20/2000 - 09:19 PWC Creates VeriSign Competitor PricewaterhouseCoopers has developed its own digital certificate system to compete with market leader VeriSign. The new company is called 'beTrusted,' and is based in Columbia, MD with 120 employees. Officials with PWC attributed the new company's creation to the explosive business-to-business marketplace and related developments. Compared to VeriSign, who has concentrated mainly on business-to-consumer transactions, PWC thinks it can carve out its own piece of this $13.6 billion industry. PWC also hopes to expand beTrusted to handle credit references and interbank fund transfers for its customer base.”
“[CSI spoliation inference suggests that Middle Templars with a trusted-third-party role could set up PwC PKI hides and decoys at any crime scene, anywhere and at any time] By Pia Heikkila on 9 January 2001 16:09 NEWS Companies can monitor their mobile billing and other administrative information through a secure getAccess system on Vodafone's corporate website. The access technology allows companies to tailor their requirements for the portal by either using single sign-on, hardware token or a public key infrastructure. Andrew Armstrong, VP for Northern Europe at Entrust, said: "Companies can integrate their billing monitoring with their existing corporate portal. It will allow the company to carry out self-service transactions through one interface." Tom Fawcett, security analyst at Frost and Sullivan said: "Accessing billing information through a corporate portal will be on the increase as most companies now offer mobile phones to employees. Also the majority of mobile operators are looking into partnering with security companies in order to enhance their services." The companies estimate the service will be accessed by 550,000 of Vodafone's customers.” ... News Releases Entrust and beTRUSTed, PricewaterhouseCoopers? E-Security Business, Sign Agreement To Offer Digital Identity, Enhanced Internet Security and Integration Services Worldwide Dec 12, 2001 Strategic alliance will provide global businesses best-in-class e-security and digital identity solutions 12 Dec 2001 DALLAS and Columbia, MD, -- Entrust, Inc. [Nasdaq: ENTU], the leading provider of enhanced Internet security products and solutions, and beTRUSTed, the e-security business of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world's largest professional services organization, have formed a new strategic alliance that will expand the depth of services offered to both companies' clients worldwide. The agreement extends Entrust's market reach worldwide. It allows beTRUSTed to become a provider of the Entrust market-leading Internet security software, which helps protect the mission-critical data and communications that customers move online. At the same time, the agreement deepens the relationships between Entrust, beTRUSTed and PricewaterhouseCoopers' global security practice. It introduces current and future Entrust clients to global consulting, integration and digital identity subscription services from beTRUSTed and PricewaterhouseCoopers. These services will be delivered through beTRUSTed's secure facilities and operations in the Americas, Europe and Asia/Pacific. Under the agreement, the two companies will also mutually assign dedicated global sales professionals, in addition to product and marketing teams, to work in tandem across North America, Europe, Asia* and Latin America. beTRUSTed will provide security services for customers based on Entrust enhanced Internet security products. Customers that have purchased digital identity services from Entrust will be transitioned to beTRUSTed in the first quarter of 2002. New and existing Entrust clients will be offered enhanced service capabilities being developed by Entrust and beTRUSTed. These services will be offered through beTRUSTed's twin, high-security Certification Authority facilities in the United Kingdom and the United States. Entrust will assist in expanding these facilities and capabilities, which adhere to rigorous systems and standards in the protection of electronic information and use the same protocols established for military and diplomatic operations.”
“[CSI spoliation inference suggests that Middle Templars with a trusted-third-party role could set up PwC PKI hides and decoys at any crime scene, anywhere and at any time, including Portugal in re abduction of Maddy McCann] Entrust TrustedPartners are recognized for their commitment to delivering increased value to Entrust customers. A wide range of comprehensive and secure solutions are supported by high standards of technology certification, skilled resources, and a commitment to customer service. Australia |Austria |Bangladesh |Belgium |Bolivia |Brazil |Canada |Chile |Colombia |Croatia |Cyprus |Czech Republic |Denmark |Egypt |England |Finland |France |Germany |India |Ireland |Israel |Italy |Japan |Kenya |Kuwait |Latvia |Lebanon |Luxembourg |Malaysia |Mauritius |Mexico |Netherlands |Nigeria |Norway |Pakistan |Panama |Paraguay |Peru |Philippines |Poland |Portugal |Saudi Arabia |Singapore |Slovenia |South Africa |Spain |Sweden |Switzerland |Taiwan |Thailand |Turkey |Ukraine |United Arab Emirates |United Kingdom |United States |Uruguay |Venezuela |” .. “A solução líder de mercado da Entrust, representada em Portugal pela CESCE SI, ajuda a proteger as instituições financeiras das mais recentes ameaças online A CESCE SI, empresa do Grupo SIA especialista em soluções de Segurança e Armazenamento de Dados, anunciou que a sua parceira de negócios, Entrust, Inc, fabricante de soluções de segurança que se especializa na prevenção de fraudes online, foi posicionada no quadrante dos líderes da Gartner Inc “2010 Magic Quadrant for Web Fraud Detection”. O estudo surge numa altura em que os ataques avançados de malware e man-in-the-browser continuam a defraudar os consumidores, as empresas e as instituições financeiras e a necessidade de uma detecção de fraude apropriada e uma autenticação forte é cada vez mais importante.”
“65. Rebekah Brooks (née Rebekah Mary Wade; born 27 May 1968) [Revised August 02, 2011. Matrix 5 aide to allegedly extorted men-in-the-middle, Rupert Murdoch and his two sons; Matrix 5 former wife of Ross Kemp, the ex-EastEnders actor who once described her as a ‘homophobic cow’; Matrix 5 associate of allegedly extorted men-in-the-middle alumni of the Bullingdon Club and their relatives, including Mayor of London Boris Johnson’s Middle Templar wife, Marina (see # 66) ; Matrix 5 former boss of NOTW staff who appeared elated when she sacked them and shut down the paper – allegedly creating a decoy to protect the Middle Temple pedophile trade; alleged expert user of PwC’s beTrusted and Entrust public key infrastructure to decoy crime scenes such as those associated with Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman, Maddy McCann and Gareth Williams; alleged expert user of PwC’s beTrusted and Entrust public key infrastructure to divert investigators from Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle attacks and a centuries-old Middle Temple pedophile entrapment trade; allegedly recruited into the Matrix 5 extortion racket in the mid’ 80s in Paris by agents of the late Jeanne Sauve, then-Governor General of Canada and patron of SOS Children’s Villages – an alleged, supranational network of pedophile entrapment and oath-taking centers funded by D2 Banking and HSBC out of Canada Square, Canary Wharf; allegedly set up ‘off-campus’ pedophile entrapment centers for alumni, faculty and students at the Sorbonne in Paris; allegedly procured Sun-Mozilla PKI – public key infrastructure – ‘hides’ for clients of Canary Wharf-based PKI Services, including NATO, United Nations and News International cutouts in the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, Interpol and the Metropolitan Police to operate dual-use cells as virtual private networks for sabotage, assassination and deception; allegedly procured PKI where News International can assign journalists or criminals authorized by Crown Agents’ Sisters to track and expose pedophiles, or to entrap and extort them; Wade grew up in Daresbury; she decided she wanted to be a journalist from the age of fourteen; she attended Appleton Hall County Grammar School in Warrington; she worked for French magazine L'architecture d'aujourd'hui in Paris; she returned to Britain to work for Eddy Shah's Messenger Group; she allegedly infiltrated PKI hides into the management of the Sunday newspaper News of the World where she was hired in 1989 as a secretary before being promoted to feature writer and eventually the paper's deputy editor; she allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to authorize the NOTW’s routine practice of intercepting mobile phone messages of celebrities, politicians and other public figures; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to entrap James Hewitt, a paramour of Princess Diana, by reserving a hotel suite for an ‘interview’ and "kitting it out with secret tape devices in various flowerpots and cupboards"; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ for the News of the World when she returned in 2000 as editor; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to launch a NOTW campaign of "naming and shaming" convicted child sex offenders; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor the murder of Sarah Payne; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to incite mob attacks on suspected pedophiles; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to release information on the basis that it is "only right that the public have controlled access" to information on sex offenders; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ in January 2003 after she returned to The Sun, replacing her former boss David Yelland, to become its first female editor; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to generate the "Bonkers Bruno Locked Up" story concerning the mental health problems of former heavyweight boxing champion Frank Bruno; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor Women in Journalism where she once served as chairman; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor "Guardian Student Media Awards" where she served as a judge in November 2003; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor tenth annual Police Bravery Awards sponsored by The Sun where she served as a judge in July 2005; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to infiltrate News International management systems after she left The Sun in September 2009 to become chief executive of the newspaper's parent company; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to authorize NOTW reporter, Clive Goodman, and Glenn Mulcaire, a hired investigator, to intercept the phone messages of members of the royal family; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to authorize payments by her journalists to "... police for information in the past"; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to hack the voicemail of missing schoolgirl Milly Dowler (later found to be murdered) and access or delete messages left by her parents; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor and control leading politicians; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor sex habits (?) of her ‘friends’ Tony and Cherie Blair; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor sex habits (?) of then Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and current Prime Minister David Cameron both of whom attended her 2009 wedding; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor sex habits (?) of Samantha and David Cameron who live near her home in Oxfordshire where they often go horse riding together and have had dinner at each others' homes; she was engaged to actor Ross Kemp (best known as Grant Mitchell in EastEnders) in 1996, and married him in June 2002 in Las Vegas; she did not take Kemp's surname and she was arrested on 3 November 2005, following an alleged assault on her husband; she was later released without charge and the police took no further action; she is referred to in Private Eye as "the slapper" (a pejorative word for a woman of loose morals in Britain, and a pun on the act of slapping); the couple had spent the previous evening in the company of the former Cabinet Minister David Blunkett, who had resigned for the second time on that day; she allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor citizens through ID cards originally sponsored by Blunkett, who pioneered the UK government's proposal; she allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ with Blunkett through Entrust, the Nortel/Ottawa security company which allegedly provided certificate authorities for the 911 attacks and the sabotage of the Deepwater Horizon; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to bug Blunkett who named his budgerigar "Bimbo" to remind him of the secret unlock code for the information on his I.D card; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor and extort the Prince of Wales into support for the global warming scam and the contract killing of deniers on behalf of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the Alliance of Small Island States; she repeatedly chose not to attend to give evidence to a cross-party media committee investigating News of the World's phone-hacking; her refusal to attend resulted in four members of the committee "considering asking the serjeant at arms to issue a warrant forcing Brooks to attend"; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor sex life of James Whittingdale, her Facebook friend al least until the week ending 10/7/2011, and control him as the chairman of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, during the trial (?) of the Murdoch males; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to extort Whittingdale into warning members of the committee not to compel her to testify due to the risk that their personal lives would be investigated in revenge; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to monitor Whittingdale when he worked on international privatisation at NM Rothschild in 1987 and, in January 1988, when he became Political Secretary to Margaret Thatcher through to the time of his election to Parliament in 1992; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to extort support from Dr Thérèse Coffey, a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee in the upcoming show trial of the Murdoch males, who has already complained of a "witch hunt" against Wade on the basis that simply to say she was editor at the time is not enough evidence; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to feed bogus information to Coffey that Wade’s own phone is thought to have been tapped and the problems were not "unique to one news group"; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to extort support from Louise Daphne Mensch, a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, in the upcoming show trial of the Murdoch males; allegedly procured PKI ‘hides’ to extort Mensch into the secret June 2011 marriage with Peter Mensch, 19 years her senior who was co-manager of Def Leppard rock group; she allegedly procured Matrix 5 PKI ‘hides’ to extort Peter Mensch and contemporary media leaders into transforming the radical lesbian (les lesbiennes radicales) cult and‘culture’ associated with Pyromania, France and Quebec of the ‘80s into the 'first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history' on 911]"
Those who may be concerned have a moral obligation to think hard.
Heather Mills 'told she was phone-hacking target'
ReplyDeleteBBC News
3 August 2011