Saturday, August 6, 2011

Patented Onion Router Encryption - Decoyed Transfer of Continuity of Government Authorities - Matrix 5 Lesbians or Pedophiles - Oath-Taking Rituals

To whom it may concern

August 6, 2011

Clinton-Marcy decoys on patented Onion Route to Middle Temple 911

Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sisters Hillary Clinton and Kristine Marcy used patented Onion Router encryption to decoy the transfer of continuity of government authorities to Matrix 5 lesbians or pedophiles, allegedly bonded by oath-taking rituals to uphold and enforce centuries-old Middle Temple law in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Matrix 5 MitM = Banker + Anglophone + Francophone + Lesbian + Pedophile attacks

Matrix 5* Man-In-The-Middle Propaganda Attack - Hacking Into Sky News’ Ku-band PKI** - May Day Spin On OBL Contract Hit - Police's Trident Unit

New Captain Sherlock eBook

See #1 and #4
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

[CSI and spoliation inference suggest that Clinton and Marcy used Onion Route encryption devices to set up MitM decoys where innocent low-level players in phony 911 war games could be indicted for treason, hauled before a Middle Temple-controlled United States Court of Appeals to be convicted and then executed by firing squad thereby leaving the reputation of the principal conspirators untouched cf. Terror Trials Anna Louise Strong] The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces or CAAF (in case citations, C.A.A.F.) is an Article I court that exercises worldwide appellate jurisdiction over members of the United States armed forces on active duty and other persons subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The court is composed of five civilian judges appointed for 15-year terms by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the United States Senate. The court reviews decisions from the intermediate appellate courts of the services: The Army Court of Criminal Appeals, the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals, the Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals, and the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals .. Courts-martial are judicial proceedings conducted by the armed forces. The Continental Congress first authorized the use of courts-martial in 1775. From the time of the American Revolutionary War through the middle of the twentieth century, courts-martial were governed by the Articles of War and the Articles for the Government of the Navy. Congress's authority "To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces" is contained in the United States Constitution at Article I, Section 8. Until 1920, court-martial convictions were reviewed either by a commander in the field or by the President, depending on the severity of the sentence or the rank of the accused. The absence of formal review received critical attention during World War I, and the Army created an internal legal review process for a limited number of cases. Following the war, in the Act of June 4, 1920, Congress required the Army to establish boards of review, consisting of three lawyers, to consider cases involving death, dismissal of an officer, an unsuspended dishonorable discharge, or confinement in a penitentiary, with limited exceptions. The legislation further required legal review of other cases in the Office of the Judge Advocate General.”

Those who may be concerned have a moral obligation to think hard.

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