August 06, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Mandela diamond necklace in Crown Sisters Fuellers’ trade
Hawks CAFE is asking UKIP to investigate blood-diamond and ‘necklace’ snuff-film supply chains which have allegedly been networked to various Mandela-family insiders by Crown Agents Sisters’ Miriam Clegg and her City of London Livery Company clients, including International Bankers, Fuellers and World Traders.
The Mandela dinner also fits in with the prosecution's timeline of diamond deals and arms shipments. Prosecutors claim that Mr Taylor travelled to South Africa with an assortment of diamonds (one of which was given to Miss Campbell) before returning to Liberia via Burkina Faso and Libya. Shortly after his return, a large shipment of arms arrived in Sierra Leone – via Burkina Faso and Libya. Mr Taylor's defence claim the impending appearance of Miss Campbell, Mia Farrow and Carole White is "a circus". All three are likely to appear before a judge early next month, after Miss Campbell's representatives told the court on Friday that she was unable to be present on July 29 as requested.”
“Friday, May 23, 2008 "Necklacing" is the method of execution carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with gasoline, around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire. The tire serves two purposes: to constrain the victim's arms and hold the fuel. It first surfaced in South Africa in the late 1980s as the most popular method for the "comrades" in black townships like Soweto to lynch supposed collaborators with the apartheid government. Necklacing sentences were handed down by the comrades' "people's courts" in black townships. The most common victims of necklacing were black policemen. The African National Congress (ANC) condemned necklacing but Winnie Mandela (then wife of Nelson Mandela) exhorted the comrades: "With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country!" (Winnie Mandela was elected to the ANC National Executive Committee on December 21st, 2007.)”
“1. Introduction The Worshipful Company of Fuellers welcomes the chance to respond to the important new consultation, “Our Energy Challenge”. We are a modern, technically-oriented City Livery company formed under our current name in 1981, although our roots date back to the Woodmongers and Coal Sellers Company of 1376 .. We also have close links to electrical appliance manufacturers through our sister livery company, the Worshipful Company of Lightmongers, and to the Worshipful Company of Engineers. We are acutely conscious, from this diverse professional membership, that as a nation we must have control of secure, economic and low-carbon energy supplies .. It is clear that the real and dangerous climate change risks we face as a result of CO2 emissions cannot be ameliorated by energy efficiency and renewables alone .. We hesitate to mention uncontrolled growth in CO2 emissions from the road and air transport sectors, where government policy is not to manage, but to meet this unsustainable level of demand - by building more major runways. Prices are at a level that has doubled fuel poverty amongst vulnerable customers since 2003, and has already put sections of UK manufacturing industry out of business and cast a serious shadow on many more .. Monies collected from customers by government agencies under the non fossil- fuel arrangements, intended to support zero-carbon generation, will amount to between £500m and £1billion by 2008 and yet are not being released for zero-carbon generation research. Fuellers are acutely conscious that as a nation we must have control of secure, economic and low CO2 emitting energy supplies and that any loss of energy would be crippling to our advanced economy. We believe that there is no room for error and therefore that all options should be enabled both to secure our long term energy requirements and to minimize our national CO2 footprint [allegedly through Crown Agents blood-diamond and snuff film trade]”
“Jean Benedict’s Experience Regional Operations Manager Crown Agents - USA
(International Trade and Development industry) February 2007 — Present (3 years 7 months) U.S. Agency for International Development, East Africa Regional Mission, Office of Regional Conflict, Management and Governance, Program Manager, November 2006-February 2007 Designed and managed regional conflict mitigation programs for the Horn of Africa Commercial Service, Consultant United States Department of Commerce (International Trade and Development industry) April 1992 — Present (18 years 5 months) Program Manager, Regional Conflict, Democracy and Governance USAID East Africa (International Trade and Development industry)
November 2006 — February 2007 (4 months) Project design and management position with USAID/EA. Office of Food for Peace U.S. Agency (International Trade and Development industry) October 2006 — November 2006 (2 months) Wrote annual report detailing the annual activities and achievements for the Food for Peace Office International Trade Specialist Booz Allen Hamilton (Privately Held; 10,001 or more employees; Management Consulting industry) January 2004 — June 2004 (6 months) Assisted in bid preparation for USAID/Croatia SME project Associate Director
DNR International Group (International Trade and Development industry) January 1993 — January 1995 (2 years 1 month) Managed the establishment of corporate headquarters for investment advisory services firm Advised American business clients on investment prospects in Africa Designed corporate marketing materials Coordinated investment promotion and lobbying activities on behalf of the Government of Burkina Faso”
“Crown Agents is an international development company committed to global development and growth. Our expertise in public financial management helps governments raise revenue, manage debt and plan expenditure more effectively .. We work in partnership with multilateral agencies such as the World Bank, European Commission, United Nations agencies and regional development banks, and bilateral donors such as the UK, Japanese and US governments. For [175] years Crown Agents was a British public corporation. In 1997 we transferred to the private sector as a limited company owned by a new entity, The Crown Agents Foundation. Members of the Foundation are companies and other international organisations with a keen interest in our activities.”
We name below 13 Crown Agents’ Sisters and affiliated Livery Companies which allegedly use Oracle telecommunication networks for sexual entrapment, murder-for-hire and laundering of receivables through Lloyd’s of London and FCC bordereaux frauds.
“1. Eliza Manningham-Buller [Oracle-MI5-CIA Serco, Promis, K-Branch, IRA, Pan Am 103, NetJets 9/12, Amec 7/7, RAF Brize Norton, Anna Chapman, Rendition, Waterboarding] 2. Jamie Gorelick [Oracle-Fannie Mae, David Emerson, MindBox, DOJ Pride, Vince Foster, Waco, Promis, 9/11 Wall, Schlumberger, Transocean, BP Cancelled Cement Job, Sabotage] 3. Samantha Cameron [Oracle-Menzies Aviation and Distribution, Smythson Stationery, Boston Brakes, Princess Di, wife of Jardine Jump-Ship Dave Cameron, great grandfather was chairman of Reuters] 4. Hillary Clinton [Oracle USAID-SBA liquidations, Crown Agents Gyroscope QRS11 Patent on NetJets Boeing and Gulfstream V on 9/11] 5. Cherie Blair [Oracle-LSE For You, Matrix Terrorists, Law of the European Union, European Convention on Human Rights] 6. Michelle Obama [Oracle-CIA Henry Bienen, Princeton, Union Carbide Bhopal AT&T] 7. Miriam Clegg [Oracle DLA Piper head of international [EU/FCC] trade law practice, clients include Standard Chartered Bank, wife of Lord President of the Council Nick Clegg, worked with late Robin Cook on passports for ‘al-Qaeda’ illegals, BBC Royal Charter, exclusive alliance in corporate finance, tax, ICT, telecommunications, public private partnerships, infrastructure, energy and aviation with Nairobi law firm, Iseme Kamau & Maema Advocates] 8. Bernardine Dohrn [Oracle-Northwestern University, Unabomb, Weather Underground Rwanda Genocide, Torture Paradigm and Practice] 9. Mary Harron [Oracle-Netflix DVD American Psycho, Weather Underground, Bondage S&M, SCUM, Former girlfriend of Tony Blair at Oxford University] 10. Charlotte Bryan [Oracle-Serco FAA Contract Towers FC-KU crime scenes of 9/11] 11. Lucy Adams [Oracle-Serco BBC snuff film sites 9/11, 7/7] 12. Kristine Marcy [Oracle-Serco, Promis, SBA DOJ Pride USIS DNS, ICE, U.S. Marshals, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) for illegals in preparation for 9/11, Obama CUKC Passport JPATS Femme Comp Inc Unabombs 'Mindless breathers - Useless Breeders' comment] 13. Vicky Huhne [nee Pryce, UK Government Economic Service, Greek, LSE Fabian, KPMG tax shelter, Exxon Valdez, Williams & Glyn's Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Department for Trade and Industry, FTI, married to but cuckolded by Chris Huhne Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change for the bisexual Carina Trimngham] .. Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators .. Honourable Company of Master Mariners .. Worshipful Company of Security Professionals .. City of London Solicitors' Company .. Worshipful Companies of Butchers, Stationers and Newspaper Makers, Insurers, International Bankers, World Traders, Information Technologists and Weavers [Livery Company heraldry - Torse-fillet strangler scarf at United 93 Crash]”
“Report Automation and Compilation Creates Flexibility “We had been struggling for some time to automate the reporting process for the Lloyd’s of London bordereau,” Klotz commented. Klotz was, therefore, eager to participate in a vendor-driven test project to develop a new reporting tool for Oracle Documaker. Continental’s personnel were able to easily extract data residing within the smart archive of Oracle Documaker to create the Lloyd’s bordereau and other reports.” .. “Back in 1988, France was the first European civil law country to enact a securitisation law .. created the fonds commun de créances or FCC .. (the French securitisation vehicle) .. has ... attracted French and foreign (mostly London based) arrangers who are now willing to set-up French ABS, RMBS or CMBS transactions. This favorable trend has nurtured the interest in certain classes of assets such as future receivables, mortgage backed receivables, export receivables (in the context of pan-European transactions) or collateralised debt obligations (CDO) and the need for specific regulations. In order to capitalise this growing interest and to attract investors, the Securitisation Law has been amended in order to facilitate the transfer of certain categories of receivables, to issue new financing instruments and to secure the applicable cash flow mechanisms. These amendments will also clarify some practical issues raised over the years. Thanks to these amendments, France contemplates to recover the leadership it had acquired in 1988 (today fifth European securitisation market, ranking behind Italy and Germany).”
"Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
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