Monday, May 24, 2010

East-India Lloyd's - Thugees - Bullingdon Club - scarf ('evidence')

Source: Yahoo Group; Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock

May 24, 2010

Dear Jack:

Topic Proposals: Jack Stockwell Show, KTALK AM630

‘How East-India Lloyd’s Thuggee Flew United 93
Tuesday 6:00 am – 8:00 am PST May 25, 2010

We propose to describe how in the 17th century, the British East India Company and Lloyd’s of London began to defend investors’ patents and monopolies with a ‘Thuggee’ network of paid assassins and how this patent-pool network may have been used to fly and destroy United Airlines Flight 93 on 9/11.

We will argue that instead of dismantling the Thuggee network, as was intended in the 19th century, unwitting (?) agents in the reign of Queen Victoria, transferred the East India Company’s authority to defend its patents by killing rivals or interlopers, to the custody of Lloyd’s of London on the site of the old East India House in Leadenhall Street in the City of London.

We will argue that in the 19th century, various corrupt Lloyd’s underwriter groups, transferred authorities (?) for recruiting, oath-taking and training Thuggee assassins to the president of Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club (founded in 1780).

We will argue that in late ‘80s and through the ‘90s, the Bullingdon presidents arranged Thuggee oath-taking ceremonies for the principal organizers of 9/11, including Nat Rothschild, David Cameron, Boris Johnston, Darius Guppy, George Latham, Sebastian Grigg, the-late Gottfried von Bismark and Chris Coleridge, the son of the disgraced former Lloyd's chairman David Coleridge.

We invite you and your listeners to examine the images and excerpts below to see if we can collectively solve the .....

“Mystery of United 93 and the Thuggee Strangler Scarf”

“Lloyds Building, the site of East India House from 1658 to 1858 The East India Company’s final headquarters were on the site of the Current Lloyds building. Originally this was the ‘great mansion house’ of Sir William Craven, who had been Lord Mayor of London in 1610. This structure was rebuilt in 1726 and then replaced in 1799-1800 by a much larger building designed by the architect Richard Jupp. Built in 1799, where Lloyds now sits, there is no memorial to the 200 foot long ‘Monster of Leadenhall’, the HQ of The East India Company. Classically columned it had sculptures of Britannia on a Lion, Europa on a horse and Asia on a Camel. It was torn down in 1861; 3 years after Queen Victoria’s government had absorbed The Company’s territories and ordered its holdings dispersed”

'The English word "thug" comes from the Hindi word "thag", meaning "conman".'

'At the moment of attack, the sudden revelation of the identity of the assailants produces a shock that disables defensive maneuvers, at least for a few, vital moments, while the reputation for invincibility engenders a defeatism that results in a fait accompli.'

“Just finished plowing through Colonel James L. Sleeman's Thug: Or a Million Murders. Note: All agents need to read this book and I think this is the exact same method imported into Britain from India. This book is almost like reading a training manual of our enemies. If anyone needs a clear understanding of the SCRAP Merchant or the actors/killers in 9/11, this is it, not only did the British import Hindu beliefs (reincarnation of elite oligarchs) back into England, but their techniques as well. Reading Sleeman's accounts in his book are just mind boggling.”

“A religion of murder: "Sahib," replied the benevolent looking native standing before him, in a quiet voice tinged with a note of pride, "there were many more, but I was so intrigued in luring them to destruction that I ceased counting when certain of my thousand victims!"

Were this fiction it would be extravagant, indeed unbelievable; but that it is fact must surely compel the most skilled and ruthless Chicagoan gun-man to feel the veriest amateur by comparison and to hand the palm for murder to the Thug of India. Thugee's victims rarely escaped death: The histrionic sense of the Thug was highly developed, many being remarkably good actors, and if they detected the slightest suspicion on the part of travelers they were attempting to ingratiate themselves with, they immediately departed and disappeared in another direction. No sooner were they out of sight, however, than messengers were sent to other gangs — for they quartered the ground like wolves — who caught up the travelers, primed with any information that the first Thugs had gleaned, and it was seldom that the quarry escaped death.

If there were people in the vicinity and it was dangerous to dig the graves in the open, the Thugs did not scruple to bury the bodies beneath their own tents, eating their food and sleeping on the soil without a qualm!

Many devices were adopted by the Thugs to make their murders easier, one favourite ruse being 'to feign sickness, the Thug selected for the part pretending to be taken violently ill. Others would attempt to succour him, but to no purpose — the pains growing increasingly severe. It was then pretended that a charm would restore him, and the doomed travellers were induced to sit around a pot of water, to uncover their necks, and to look up and count the number of stars. Having, in their superstitious folly, put themselves over so completely in the hands of the Thugs, the ruhmals [scarves] were about their necks in a trice and they were strangled with dispatch.”

References can be found at the following links.

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