Monday, March 13, 2023

Bessie says "moo"

Editor's note: Bessie gets a new harness. The technocrats don't like the fact Bessie exhales methane so dairy farmers will be required to dish out likely thousands of dollars to equip their diary herds with ZELP's "cow mask" to reduce emissions. Lawyers at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation thought it is a great idea, so they dropped $4.7 million into ZELP's bank account. The idea would never fly on its own. Laws will likely be coming next to guarantee ZELP's return on investment and force dairy farmers to pay (or rent them) for it. The forced utilization of technology is going to make an unhappy Bessie as ZELP will double down on the scam by selling offset credits. What's next? An anal device to collect cow flatulence converting it to Co2?

And Bill, what about the cow masks? From what we can tell from Gates's image, he looks like he is full of flatulence - full of shit too.

Watch "Geert Wilders: "The real aim here is to get rid of our farmers" on YouTube:

"Geert Wilders: "The real aim here is to get rid of our farmers"

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