Monday, September 19, 2022

Wealthy Elitist Democrats (Bolshevik Apparatchiks) Go Into Apoplectic Rage

Editor's note: The President of the United States (USA Inc.) is calling on immigrants to "surge through the border?" Jospeh Stolen's corporate Bolshevik apparatchik handler's sure have him busy. With everything he is doing and with his schedule it is amazing he a hasn't already dropped dead from a heart attack. Imagine the look on Nomenklatura Harris' face when immigrants were dropped off at her front door? In order for this wealthy Bolshevik elite to survive considering money rules, is for them to make decisions on all levels that only protects themselves and their wealth. What this Bolshevik apparatchik wealthy elite actually mean is, they are protecting their wealth. They could give a shit about anyone else including both immigrants and Americans.


Lessons From Martha's Vineyard: Hit the Elites Where They Live

By Ben Bartee | September 19, 2022

It had everything one could want in a juicy culture war soap opera: exposure of hypocrisy on a grand scale, comeuppance for the elites wrecking the nation, corporate media news actors' crocodile tears.

Remember when then-candidate Brandon encouraged literally everyone in Latin America "seeking asylum" to "surge" through the border as soon as he got into office?

Apparently he forgot the caveat: "just not to Martha's Vineyard where my donors have summer homes." This is the modern tale of two cities:
• When the privileged Country Club classes that populate Martha’s Vineyard are made to bear the brutal impacts of their policing it's "theatre" and a "political stunt."

• When average people in smalltown Texas get flooded with illegal immigrants, that’s just another Tuesday. If they complain to the government that's supposed to control border crossings, they’re denounced as bigots.

"We don't have the resources to house them," lamented the Martha's Vineyard homeless shelter coordinator.

Imagine the gall. Martha's Vineyard is one of the wealthiest locales in the whole country. If it can't swing the resources to house and feed 50 new immigrants, how can cash-strapped cities across the US like Brownsville, Texas be expected to handle millions of migrants every year illegally trampling over the border into its hands?

Please go to The Daily Bell to continue reading.


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