Monday, September 5, 2022

UFO/Aliens Are Not What You Think They Are

Editor's note: The "deep state" (Peter Dale Scott) want you to look up into the night sky for aliens and UFOs as the alien/UFO operation/threat (German concept grafted onto the US: world view warfare PSYOP; destroy society then rebuild it) replaces the Covid operation. The beneficiaries are the corporations inside the deep state probably most likely associated with the aerospace industry and their shadow government operating through Continuity of Government (CoG) that are going deep underground while you look up into the night sky. "Threats to national security" is the key nomenclature of the alien/UFO agenda required for funding.


Who Benefits From US Government Claims That The UFO Threat Is Increasing 'Exponentially'?

By Caitlin Johnstone | September 4, 2022
A US senate report which is an addendum to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 has people talking due to the surprising statements it includes about the US government's current position on UFOs.

I mean Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

I mean Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena.

This latest moniker for the thing we all still think of as UFOs is the US government's way of addressing how these alleged appearances, which began entering mainstream attention in 2017, are said to be able to transition seamlessly from traveling through the air to moving underwater in what's been labeled "cross-domain transmedium" movement. Because branches of the US war machine are roughly broken up into forces specializing in air, sea, land and space operations, the notion that these things move between those domains gets special attention.

UFO enthusiasts are largely focusing on a part of the addendum which oddly stipulates that the government's newly named Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office shall not be looking into objects "that are positively identified as man-made," because of the obvious implications of that phrase. This is understandable; if you've got a government office that's responsible for investigating unidentified phenomena, you can just say it won't be looking into phenomena that are "positively identified". You wouldn't have to add "identified as man-made" unless you had a specific reason for doing so.

But for me the claim that really jumps off the page, authored by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner, is the claim that these unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena are a "threat" that is increasing "exponentially".

"At a time when cross-domain transmedium threats to United States national security are expanding exponentially, the Committee is disappointed with the slow pace of DoD-led efforts to establish the office to address those threats," Warner writes in the report.

"Exponentially" is a mighty strong word. Taken in its least literal sense, it means that threats to US national security from UFOs are increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate. That they have swiftly become much greater than they used to be.

What is the basis for this incendiary claim? What information are US lawmakers being given to make them draw such conclusions and make such assertions? There's a long chain of information handling between an alleged UFO encounter and a US senator's pen, and corruption can occur at any point in that chain (including the first and last link).

I remain comfortably agnostic about most aspects of the UFO question, up to and including the possibility that there are actual extraterrestrial or extradimensional [Editor's note: past ancient highly advanced technological civilization remnants remaining after a catastrophic event most likely] beings zipping around our planet in technology our science cannot comprehend. But one thing I absolutely will take a hard and fast position on is that the moment the US government starts labeling something a "threat", all trust and credulity must be immediately be thrown out the window.

Please go to substack to read more.

The UFO/alien agenda rollout want people to look up in order to embed in their collective psyche that UFOs and aliens are off planet.

Triangle UFO video Santa Monica Aug 2022, Many witnesses



Whatever intelligence on Russia Sen. Mark R. Warner was provided or if he came to his own conclusions had it entirely wrong and miscalculated on Russia's "special operation" to de-Nazify Ukraine. Six months later since this interview the Russians have completely decimated the Ukrainian military and their Nazi fascist battalions. Sen.Warner got it completely wrong on Russia so who is going to accept anything he says on the UFO/alien operation being rolled out?

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