Thursday, September 1, 2022

If America Is to "Survive" It Needs to Drop Britain by Severing Permanently That "Special Relationship"

Editor's note: Edwin C. Knuth, the Wisconsin engineer and author of The Empire of the City, clearly perceived that the major geopolitical struggle is between Britain – the maritime financial (Judeo-Protestant) "Empire of the City" – and Russia, the great (Russian Orthodox Christian) land power. Russia is now playing winning cards with an observable superior social model. America had better kick British influence into the Atlantic Ocean and align with Russia's national self-determination model instead of getting swept under the waves by treasonous Pilgrims Society (British–American financial oligarchy one world ideologists) rats. The Rothschilds are mentioned extensively in Knuth's book. It was a Rothschild who hired a French hack writer to develop the toxic ideology of conservatism that has locked the minds of people into this eternal ideological conflict. Observe carefully where that "conservatism" has led Britain while Wall Street is subservient to the City of London.

Britain's "Special Relationship" and the American Virus.

The metrics of the Conservative Party's forty-year "special relationship" mirrors America's economic, political, social and moral decay. By design!

By Brett Redmayne-Titley | September 1, 2022
With Britain's economy grinding on the rocks of recession, the metrics of the Conservative Party's forty-year "special relationship" with America prove that this relationship has been an infection borne by yet another engineered American virus. Today's terminal decline mirrors America's economic, political, social and moral decay.

The ravages of a wartime winter have returned to Britain. With the Bank of England similarly stricken by this special relationship, it has disastrously emulated the US Federal Reserve step by step. Dying economies are the precursor to the degradation of society. As Britain prepares to endure another desperate holiday season it is time to recall that when Margaret Thatcher became PM in 1979, before she imported Reaganomics to Britain in 1980, sterling's value was £2.33 to the US dollar. Three years later, £1.57. Now, £1.16.

"Special relationship", you say?

The metamorphosis, crisis by crisis, of American financial chicanery continually stoked the global economic pyramid scheme of deficit spending. This was greeted wholesale by the Exchequer and without opposition from elected officials at White Hall. However, during those four decades, Britain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) averaged less than a 1% increase per year with negative GDP in twenty-one of forty-two years.

In 1981 UK manufacturing as a percentage of national GDP was nearly 20% and jobs in this sector made up 21.8%. Ttoday just 7.6%. Trade union membership is down from 13 million in 1980 to just over 6 million members. The average home price (adjusted for inflation) increased from £103,237 to £271,100 while home rentals increased 8.86% per year from a median monthly rent of £357 in 1980 to more than £1400 today. In 1980 53,000 families were listed as homeless then more than doubling to 126,000 by 1989 and over 219,000 as reported in 2020.

Britain's terminal symptoms have metastasized from America's malignancies such as its ongoing increases from 1980 to 2019 in crime and murder rates, poverty (7% vs. 22%), personal debt (42.5% of GDP vs. £1.7 trillion/105% GDP) and student loan debt (£460Billion total/ £45,800 per student), personal and business bankruptcies, and suicide. Obesity and diabetes costs follow the American waistline, too, and add
$10.7 billion in direct NHS costs and another $33.4 in related government subsidies yearly.

Prioritizing the ever-burgeoning war annuity was, however, routine each year and increased from £24.5 billion during Thatcher's first term to £43.3 Billion this annum.

These massive sums have been an increasing, unnecessary, and unsustainable burden on a treasury already suffering from decades of conservative tax cuts.

The American economic affliction began under Ronald Reagan and quickly changed from a promise of "fiscal responsibility" featuring financial deregulation to tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy and the snipping of the Great Society's social safety net. What this Reaganomics
[Editor's note: Thatcherism came before Reaganomics.] also cut was the tax base. Called, "Trickle-down economics," this injection failed to course through the arteries of society for very long, failing somewhere along the way of the wealthy purchasing super yachts, private jets and increased political influence.

Conservatives hypocritically next embraced deficit spending as prescribed by the American economic mythologist John Maynard Keynes.
[Editor's note: Although Keynes visited America he was not an American economist. Keyenes was British.] Thus began the yearly increases in national budget deficits and the selling of government bonds (debt) to pay for it, all the while squeezing social programs.

With interest rates approaching zero and bank depositors receiving a similar return despite record bank profits - and rarely punished with convictions for criminal behavior- the mantra of "too big to fail" by the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve rationalized injecting manufactured money repeatedly into the economy in a trick called Quantitative Easing (QE). QE is the creation of money by printing it (digitally) after the US/UK over-budgets billions more than its tax annual base.
The Treasury issues more debt (bonds) to sell to cover the deficit. Next, the BofE or Fed prints currency out of thin air to buy that debt. Sovereign UK debt is currently in excess of £2.69 Trillion. It was less than £200 Billion in 1980.

Interestingly, today there are one hundred and seventy-one British billionaires. In 1980, there was zero. That's inflation.

Mark Carney, a Canadian, who was governor of the BofE deliberately lowered interest rates to historic lows thus making new home mortgages and equity refinancing so cheap as to transfuse 100's of billions more in cash out of thin air as house prices soared. This was again merely a delay before the crash.

During this economic descent, too few politicians opposed this Keynesian snake oil while an increasingly complicit media
[Editor's note: The media is completely controlled by the Pilgrims Society.] dutifully back-paged it. Tony Blair and the vaporous Gordon Brown, after a decade of demonizing and privatizing the remaining vestiges of British social infrastructure in per usual Tory fashion, proved to be American lackeys rather than representatives of UK popular interests. Such treachery was highlighted in the recent article, "When Your Bank Fails, Don't Walk…Run!"

With Blair began Britain's slide into American-style "monocracy." Neither US Democrat nor Republican any longer provides sincere opposition. Although Britain has yet to suffer an American-style rigged national election, the UK has been similarly stripped of opposition leadership. The shameful and inaccurate demonization of Jeremy Corbyn by British media was designed to sever forever the spinal cord of the Labour Party. It worked. As went Corbyn, so went British socialism's last dedicated champion. Instead, Labour offered up a Blairite member of the anti-labour Tri-lateral Commission, Sir Keir Starmer: A man whose prefix nicely explains his lack of effective leadership.

Please go to substack to read more.

The UK and US both have Zionist-controlled regimes, not actual national governments. Americans can vote all they want and nothing is going to change this:

Take special note it is the British who are behind this proxy war on Russia using Ukraine as its proxy for the US to feed the weapons and planning for Kiev's self-destructive insanity.

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