Friday, November 28, 2014

#2185: Marine Links Serco Visa Center to Con Air Sister Tags, Obama Passport Frauds

Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco operatives at the National Visa Center to his sister Kristine Marcy's deployment of Con Air (JPATS) tagged offenders, including forgers and killers, and the passport frauds she allegedly used to place Obama – a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies – in the White House.

McConnell notes that Serco, the world's biggest outsourcing company, launched the National Visa Center for the Clinton administration in 1994 the same year his sister, the then-Senior Counsel for Detention and Deportation at the INS, launched Con Air and he alleges that Serco – with Ms. Marcy – used Con Air tagged offenders to re-process Obama’s immigrant visa, forge his passport and kill whistle-blowers who might block his journey to the White House.. McConnell challenges his sister and/or Rupert Soames, Serco's April Fool's Day Chief Executive Officer, to respond.

Prequel 1: #2184: Marine Links Hotel Serco Bypass to Obama Red Switch Rights, Mumbai Thanksgiving Crimes

Meet Field's Sister, Kristine Marcy 
(Sister Abel, Brother Cain) 

Serco... Would you like to know more?

"Opened in 1994 as the successor to the Transitional Immigrant Visa Processing Center in Rosslyn, Va., the NVC centralizes all immigrant visa preprocessing and appointment scheduling for overseas posts. The NVC collects paperwork and fees before forwarding a case, ready for adjudication, to the responsible post.  

The center also handles immigrant and fiancé visa petitions, and while it does not adjudicate visa applications, it provides technical assistance and support to visa-adjudicating consular officials overseas. Only two Foreign Service officers, the director and deputy director, work at the center, along with just five Civil Service employees. 

They work with almost 500 contract employees doing preprocessing of visas, making the center one of the largest employers in the Portsmouth area.  

The contractor, Serco, Inc., has worked with the NVC since its inception and with the Department for almost 18 years. 

The NVC houses more than 2.6 million immigrant visa files, receives almost two million pieces of mail per year and received more than half a million petitions from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) in 2011. Its file rooms’ high-density shelves are stacked floor-to-ceiling with files, each a collection of someone’s hopes and dreams and each requiring proper handling."

"Key Witness In Obama Passport 
 Fraud Case Murdered 
By Devvy Kidd 4-19-9 
The dozens upon dozens of deaths of people who knew or were involved with (positive or negative) under the Clinton dictatorship still remains a stunning thing in my mind. As I have said many times, we do not know what the government is investigating until something happens, i.e., Patrick Fitzgerald holds a press conference on the investigation into a sitting governor (Blago), etc. That investigation was three years long at that point and no one knew about it. I believe the young homosexual man, Donald Young, the Choirmaster at Obama's 'old' church, was murdered to shut him up about Obama being bi-sexual. Now, this. Just a random killing or did Lt. Harris know something else that signed his death warrant? He's identified as a Lt. I can't find anything other than this one story right now, so I am wondering if Lt. here is police or military? 

Key Witness In Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot 
A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church, the Metropolitan Police Department said yesterday. Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been cooperating with a federal investigators, was found late Thursday night slumped dead inside a car, in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church in Northeast, said Cmdr. Michael Anzallo, head of the department's Criminal Investigations Division. Cmdr. Anzallo said a police officer was patrolling the neighborhood when gunshots were heard, then Lt. Harris was found dead inside the vehicle, which investigators would describe only as a blue car.

Emergency medics pronounced him dead at the scene.

City police said they do not know whether his death was a direct result of his cooperation with federal investigators.

"We don't have any information right now that connects his murder to that case," Cmdr. Anzallo said.

Police say a "shot spotter" device helped an officer locate Lt. Harris.

A State Department spokeswoman yesterday declined to comment, saying the investigation into the passport fraud is ongoing.

The Washington Times reported April 5 that contractors for the State Department had improperly accessed passport information for presidential candidates Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain, which resulted in a series of firings that reached into the agency's top ranks.

One agency employee, who was not identified in documents filed in U.S. District Court, was implicated in a credit-card fraud scheme after Lt. Harris told federal authorities he obtained "passport information from a co-conspirator who works for the U.S. Department of State."

"Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 18:19:17 -0500 
From: "James M. Atkinson"
> To: tscm-l2006[at]
Subject: Re: [TSCM-L] {5989} POTUS telephones

Actually yes.

He knows that he can not use a cellphone within X feet of a STU, STE, or security communications media because he can read the white papers on the matter, and has been briefed by the technical advisors until they were blue in the face, but he does not care, he likes his cell phones (because it makes him a more effective leader) If a customer hires me to tell them about the problem, and I tell them about it, write numerous white papers on the subject for them, demonstrate the risk for them by recovering classified information, and even the CIK form a STU using only a nearby cell phone, and they still refuse to use proper communications security, and abide by stand-off distances (the space between the secure phone and the cell phone), then I will have no problems explain that they are a moron to their face (usually in private, but still).

You need only to watch the video of my testimony before Congress on related matters to see that I tend not to couch my words when it comes to national security matters like this.

The President of the United States is a fucking moron, but given the last pool of candidates he is less of a moron, then the other morons we had running at the time. But still, he is a moron, and an arrogant one at that.

"Update on Serco's Strategy Review including the Contract & Balance Sheet Reviews; capital structure and funding; latest trading and outlook 

Date : 10 November 2014 

Strategy Review: Serco's future to be as an international B2G business. A successful, innovative and market-leading provider of services to Governments. Core sectors: Justice & Immigration, Defence, Transport, Citizen Services and Healthcare. 


In the Americas Division, our work for the US Affordable [Obama] Care Act (ACA) has begun an expanded first option year. Other awards in the period included: career transition services for US soldiers; health outreach services for the US Naval Reserve; deployable medical systems solutions also for the Navy; and two contracts for fleet maintenance services for commercial clients. In total, the ACA and all other awards in the period are valued at over $550m. Meanwhile, our contract supporting the Department of State's National Visa Center and Kentucky Consular Center (NVC/KCC) came to an end during the period, as did some Acquisition and Program Management support work for US intelligence agency customers. C4I2TSR services for the US Air Force and Naval installation task order work under the Sea Enterprise frameworks are also reducing.

For further information please contact Serco:

Stuart Ford, Head of Investor Relations T +44 (0) 1256 386 227

Marcus De Ville, Head of Media Relations T +44 (0) 1256 386 226
Jonathan Glass, Brunswick T +44 (0) 207 404 5959 
Analyst and institutional investor meeting……. 
Download PDF [PDF, 387 KB] (Please note: this link will open the page in a new browser window)"

Yours sincerely,

Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222

David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation

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