McConnell believes that over the last 20 years, Serco has integrated FAA Contract Towers with the Defense Red Switch Network and Skynet mil-sat communications at RAF Oakhanger so that The IFATCA Controller's hit teams could impute ad hoc way-points into the flight plans of hijacked aircraft, trigger crashes by manipulating the telemetry and pre-position ground crews to remove evidence of Montreal murder for hire.
McConnell invites Virgin CEO Sir Richard Branson to contact him for a briefing on the world's largest air traffic controller Serco and The Montreal Controller's alleged use of SpaceShipTwo telemetry to crash the plane and generate a wag the dog story of exploding rocket engines.
McConnell also invites Sir Richard to conduct a private investigation of Gary Butcher, the Serco Telemetry and Command Station Manager at RAF Oakhanger, and the 32-year veteran Serco manager Bob Coulling and his tradecraft skills needed for the Virgin feather death and wag the dog script, especially Coulling's experience in electronic warfare, tagging, asset recovery and paedophile image analysis for MOD, GCHQ, CESG, Police, Home Office, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Ministry of Justice and Customs and Revenue and Immigration Service.
Prequel 1: #2162: Marine Links Serco's FAA Red-Switch Paradigm to Cake Boy's Exploding Virgin, Down Low Snuff-Film Club

SS2 First Feather Flight
Virgin Galactic Spaceship 2 Explodes In Flight and Crashes Virgin Calls it an "Anomaly" happened
Serco... Would you like to know more?
"SpaceShipTwo Feathering System Prematurely Deployed before Fatal Breakup
Posted by Jason Davis
2014/11/03 17:33 UTC
Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo disintegrated shortly after the vehicle's tail stabilizers prematurely deployed, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. Friday's crash killed co-pilot Michael Asbury and injured pilot Peter Siebold. The exact cause of the accident is still unknown, and acting NTSB Chair Christopher A. Hart cautioned against drawing conclusions from the initial findings.
"I would like to emphasize that what I'm about to say is a statement of fact, and not a statement of cause," Hart said, speaking at a late Nov. 2 press conference. There, he used two models of SpaceShipTwo to show how the vehicle "feathers" during reentry. Under normal operations, SpaceShipTwo is flown to a pre-determined altitude and released by its carrier aircraft, WhiteKnightTwo. For Friday's test, this happened at about 50,000 feet.
Shortly after SpaceShipTwo is released, it ignites its rocket engine and pitches upward, flying into a high arc designed to eventually reach the boundary of space. After the spaceship reaches apogee—the highest point of its flight—the vehicle's twin tails rotate upward, stabilizing and slowing SpaceShipTwo as it reenters the atmosphere.
It is not clear what the intended sequence of events was for Friday's test flight, but Hart said that the feathering system deployed prematurely. In order to feather the vehicle, two levers must be moved inside the cockpit. One unlocks the system, and the second deploys the stabilizers.
"About nine seconds after the engine ignited, the telemetry data showed us that the feather parameters changed from lock to unlock," Hart said. The telemetry data was confirmed by a camera inside the cockpit that showed co-pilot Asbury moving the handle. Normally, the feathers are not unlocked until the vehicle reaches Mach 1.4, Hart said. On Friday, Asbury unlocked the feathers around Mach 1.0.
However, neither pilot commanded the feathers to deploy. Shortly after the system was unlocked, the tail stabilizers began moving into their feather positions. Moments later, telemetry and video data stopped. The engine burn was normal up to the extension of the feathers, Hart said. This information runs contrary to speculation that the accident may have been caused by the engine, which was using a new fuel mixture during the flight. Scaled Composites, SpaceShipTwo's contractor, said the engine had been tested on the ground "many times," according to company president Kevin Mickey.
Hart said pieces of SpaceShipTwo, which are spread over a wide swatch of the Mojave Desert, are being moved into a hangar. "Among other things, [the investigators] found the fuel tanks, the oxidizer tanks, and the engine. All were intact and showed no signs of burn-through, and no signs of being breached," he said.
Because Friday's accident was a test flight, NTSB officials have a wealth of telemetry and video data to sift through. "There's much more that we don't know," Hart said, "and our investigation is far from over."
Virgin Galactic
SpaceShipTwo's third powered flight
This promotional video from Virgin Galactic shows the third powered flight of SpaceShipTwo, which took place Jan. 10, 2014. The vehicle's feathering system can be seen in action at 1:46.
"Gary Butcher
Telemetry and Command Station Manager
Bordon, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Chartered Management Institute
Telemetry and Command Station Manager
August 2013 – Present (1 year 4 months) Oakhanger, Hants
Ensuring continued high quality Satellite Command and Monitoring services through efficient deployment of resources, first line management supervision and adherence to appropriate practices and regulations.
Spacecraft Operations Manager
January 2010 – July 2013 (3 years 7 months) Hawthorn, Wiltshire
Integrated with the customer, responsible for the training, performance and processes of the Spacecraft Operations Team, monitoring and performing Operations on Secure Communications Satellites
Spacecraft Controller
June 2003 – January 2010 (6 years 8 months) Oakhanger/Hawthorn
Various roles within the Spacecraft Operations Team, including Lead Spacecraft Controller responsible for shift, and Day Support roles supporting the SOM in continuation and strategy within the Team on all matters associated with either Space or Ground Segment
Electronics Technician
June 1982 – June 2003 (21 years 1 month) Various
8 Years Ground Radio Installation Teams
7 Years communications technician
6 Years Spacecraft Controller/Trainer"
7 Years communications technician
6 Years Spacecraft Controller/Trainer"
"New military hotline [operated by Serco] directly links top brass to U.S. [and allegedly the the telemetry systems used by the Montreal Controller's ad hoc contract killers]
Canada is installing a hotline that will allow military brass and politicians to talk with their American counterparts during a time of war or in any other crisis. BY THE OTTAWA CITIZEN JANUARY 14, 2006
Canada is installing a hotline that will allow military brass and politicians to talk with their American counterparts during a time of war or in any other crisis.
About $20 million is being spent on what is called the Defence Red Switch Network. The communications system is already running in some locations, including the defence minister's office and other undisclosed sites for the military's senior leadership. The system will provide a link for the Canadian government to various U.S. military headquarters as well as the North American Aerospace Defence Command, the joint U.S.-Canada alliance that monitors air and space approaches to the continent.
After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, there was criticism that senior Canadian officials, including then-prime minister Jean Chretien, were out of the communications loop during the initial stages of the terrorist strike.
The Citizen obtained documents on the red switch network under the access to information law, but Defence Department officials censored almost all details. They claimed releasing the material would be "injurious" to the defense of Canada, its international relations, as well as the detection of subversive or hostile activities.
The newspaper, however, found the details of the supposedly secret network, including its cost to taxpayers, on the department's own public webpage. Details of a similar system that would allow U.S. President George W. Bush to communicate with his top level commanders was also on a Pentagon webpage.
Canadian military officials were not available to explain why information about the network is considered secret when such details have already been put out in the public domain by both the U.S. and Canada.
The red switch network is considered secure, meaning that it has technology to prevent its transmissions from being monitored or intercepted [Except for the Heartbleed bug]. Presumably the Canadian system can link up with the president's network.
Martin Shadwick, a strategic studies professor with York University, said such a system makes sense in that Canada and the U.S. share a common goal in protecting North America. He noted that similar communications systems existed during the Cold War.
But analyst Steve Staples said the hotline is another example of the growing integration of the U.S. and Canadian militaries and the increased involvement of the Canadian Forces in American-led operations. "This system just allows the Canadian military and government leaders to get their orders from Washington more quickly," said Mr. Staples, an analyst with the Ottawa-based Polaris Institute.
The Citizen requested information on the red switch network almost four weeks ago, but military officials have not been available to comment.
But according to the Defence webpage, the network "allows access to the U.S. system (Forces wide) and will enhance north/south and internal connectivity -- particularly during times of crisis."
According to a Pentagon site, the network provides the president, secretary of defence, joint chiefs of staff, combatant commanders and selected agencies with secure voice communications up to the top secret level. The system is for use during war and other emergencies. Other U.S. defence and federal government agencies can access the network if they have approval from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, according to the site. The website also includes a [Serco!] phone number that U.S. government officials can call to request entry to the network.
Mr. Staples said the level of secrecy in Canada surrounding the network is disturbing. "I think the Defence Department is worried that Canadians are going to realize the extent our military is being integrated into the U.S. system," he added.
Critics have warned about a new wave of secrecy at the Defence Department. Officials there are censoring information in official documents released to the public even though the same material is already available on government Internet sites. Some critics say this blanket of secrecy raises questions about government accountability and openness. Last week, the Citizen reported the Defence Department is withholding information about the Pentagon's missile shield that is already on the U.S. government's websites, while at the same time claiming the security of Canada could be harmed if the names of senior American officers treated to a taxpayer-financed reception more than a year ago are released.
In addition, the newspaper obtained two missile shield briefing notes sent to Defence Minister Bill Graham. The department had originally told both the newspaper and an investigator with the Office of the Information Commissioner that those records, one of which discusses U.S. efforts to develop space weapons, never existed.
© © CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc."
Canada is installing a hotline that will allow military brass and politicians to talk with their American counterparts during a time of war or in any other crisis. BY THE OTTAWA CITIZEN JANUARY 14, 2006
Canada is installing a hotline that will allow military brass and politicians to talk with their American counterparts during a time of war or in any other crisis.
About $20 million is being spent on what is called the Defence Red Switch Network. The communications system is already running in some locations, including the defence minister's office and other undisclosed sites for the military's senior leadership. The system will provide a link for the Canadian government to various U.S. military headquarters as well as the North American Aerospace Defence Command, the joint U.S.-Canada alliance that monitors air and space approaches to the continent.
After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, there was criticism that senior Canadian officials, including then-prime minister Jean Chretien, were out of the communications loop during the initial stages of the terrorist strike.
The Citizen obtained documents on the red switch network under the access to information law, but Defence Department officials censored almost all details. They claimed releasing the material would be "injurious" to the defense of Canada, its international relations, as well as the detection of subversive or hostile activities.
The newspaper, however, found the details of the supposedly secret network, including its cost to taxpayers, on the department's own public webpage. Details of a similar system that would allow U.S. President George W. Bush to communicate with his top level commanders was also on a Pentagon webpage.
Canadian military officials were not available to explain why information about the network is considered secret when such details have already been put out in the public domain by both the U.S. and Canada.
The red switch network is considered secure, meaning that it has technology to prevent its transmissions from being monitored or intercepted [Except for the Heartbleed bug]. Presumably the Canadian system can link up with the president's network.
Martin Shadwick, a strategic studies professor with York University, said such a system makes sense in that Canada and the U.S. share a common goal in protecting North America. He noted that similar communications systems existed during the Cold War.
But analyst Steve Staples said the hotline is another example of the growing integration of the U.S. and Canadian militaries and the increased involvement of the Canadian Forces in American-led operations. "This system just allows the Canadian military and government leaders to get their orders from Washington more quickly," said Mr. Staples, an analyst with the Ottawa-based Polaris Institute.
The Citizen requested information on the red switch network almost four weeks ago, but military officials have not been available to comment.
But according to the Defence webpage, the network "allows access to the U.S. system (Forces wide) and will enhance north/south and internal connectivity -- particularly during times of crisis."
According to a Pentagon site, the network provides the president, secretary of defence, joint chiefs of staff, combatant commanders and selected agencies with secure voice communications up to the top secret level. The system is for use during war and other emergencies. Other U.S. defence and federal government agencies can access the network if they have approval from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, according to the site. The website also includes a [Serco!] phone number that U.S. government officials can call to request entry to the network.
Mr. Staples said the level of secrecy in Canada surrounding the network is disturbing. "I think the Defence Department is worried that Canadians are going to realize the extent our military is being integrated into the U.S. system," he added.
Critics have warned about a new wave of secrecy at the Defence Department. Officials there are censoring information in official documents released to the public even though the same material is already available on government Internet sites. Some critics say this blanket of secrecy raises questions about government accountability and openness. Last week, the Citizen reported the Defence Department is withholding information about the Pentagon's missile shield that is already on the U.S. government's websites, while at the same time claiming the security of Canada could be harmed if the names of senior American officers treated to a taxpayer-financed reception more than a year ago are released.
In addition, the newspaper obtained two missile shield briefing notes sent to Defence Minister Bill Graham. The department had originally told both the newspaper and an investigator with the Office of the Information Commissioner that those records, one of which discusses U.S. efforts to develop space weapons, never existed.
© © CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc."
"International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA) unites the professional associations of air traffic controllers from around the world. In total, it represents over 130 of such organisations, with a combined membership of over 50,000 air traffic controllers.
The Federation is registered in Switzerland, but maintains a permanent office in Montreal, Canada.
The goals of the Federation include promoting safety, efficiency, and regularity of international air navigation, aid in the development of air traffic control systems, procedures and facilities and promote knowledge and professional efficiency among air traffic controllers.
They do this by closely cooperating with national and international aviation authorities, and as such are represented in a large number of bodies that are looking at the present and future developments in air traffic control.
Their ultimate goal is a world-wide federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations.
The Federation publishes a quarterly, called "The Controller"."
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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