Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Letter to National Post on Ottawa Shooting by Ian V. Macdonald

Source: Radical Press

October 26, 2014

Dear Sir,

Re: Ottawa outrage was avoidable

National Post coverage of the killing of the Cenotaph guard and his assailant, as with other media, has been more than adequate as regards the specific events, but sadly provides no thoughtful, penetrating explanation of how such an incongruous event could ever take place in Canada’s peaceful, former peace-making capital.

The origin of the current “terrorism” is the disintegration in the Middle East and the subversion of Western Democratic governments which made it possible to establish an incompatible, provocative colony of European Jews in Arab territory through the violent dispossession and expulsion of the indigenous Arab-speaking population in Palestine.  Subsequent wars of aggression to expand Jewish territory and hegemony over the region aggravated the tensions.  Since the conquered Arabs could not resist militarily, they resorted to various forms of partisan warfare which ranged from stone-throwing to suicide bombing, described by the media as “terrorism” although it was virtually innocuous compared with the vicious killing sprees of their oppressors (over 2000 unarmed Palestinian children were shot dead by Israeli “soldiers” during the first Intifada alone and a similar number killed recently in Gaza).

Not surprisingly, the litany of atrocities combined with international criminal activity of all kinds on a grand scale, prompted outrage and hatred among humanitarians of all stripes,  stirring many to action in support of what has morphed into a tangle of special interests some of which secretly supported by their U.S.-Zionist ostensible enemy in order to forestall any return to unity.  False flag operations are employed to help keep the already-stupified American public on-side, of which the Mossad-engineered, state-of-the-art demolition of the World Trade Centre (ludicrously attributed to unskilled young Arabs) is a spectacular example.

Senior American statesmen and military advisors warned President Harry Truman in 1948 that creation of an unwelcome Jewish state in Arab on Arab land would have catastrophic consequences, but the heavily-bribed President acquiesced to Zionist pressure and even persuaded some reluctant small countries to vote in the UN in favour of recognizing the unsavoury Zionist entity.

An honest, astute, conscientious, loyal Canadian statesman today would see the only solution to the contrived “terrorist” problem, of which the Ottawa incident is a very minor manifestation, as being the permanent eradication of its creator, namely Zionism and the State of Israel and all their diabolical works including, most importantly, its subversive network of traitors and lobbyists who have bought control of our governments and our lives.  If Canada were to take the lead in the neutralization of Israel (readily accomplished through Iraq-style sanctions) it would regain respect and once again serve as a light among the nations, to its immense benefit, politically, materially - and also spiritually for doing God’s work.

As ever,

Ian V. Macdonald
Canadian Foreign Service rtd.
455 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa ON K1N 6M7


Ian’s Note: This is a sad  story but the death of one Canadian soldier, to be seen in perspective, should be compared with the death of millions in the Middle East and elsewhere for which the Zionist Jews are indirectly or directly responsible.  It’s amazing that we have not had more such incidents considering that Canada has been complicit right from the beginning in Zionist criminality, if you count WWII as essentially arising from a sinister conspiracy to deliver Palestine into Jewish hands (and Eastern Europe to the tender mercies of Stalin’s Jewish Kommissars).  IV 

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