McConnell claims that Michelle Obama’s terrorist friend Bernardine Dohrn – erstwhile Children and Family Justice Center director at the Northwestern University School of Law – was able to entrap Boeing directors in a hotel child-porn blackmail ring and extort their silence in re the Serco Red Switch Network murder-for-hire service allegedly run out of Chicago since 9/11.
Prequel 1:
#1960: Marine Links Serco 370 Hijack to Obama Northwestern Terrorists, Inmarsat Tracking Fraud
Tribute To all members of call sign "Extortion 17" KIA 06 AUG 2011
Udall Questions Sec. Panetta, Gen. Dempsey on Benghazi Attack
Michael Savage: Ambassador Stevens Raped and Sodomized Before Murder
“Panetta can’t explain why Obama never called back during Benghazi attack [VIDEO]
In October 2011, US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that an investigation carried out following the shootdown concluded "that all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound". The article states that the helicopter crashed after a RPG round impacted the aft rotor assembly.[30]
4:59 PM 02/07/2013
Nicholas Ballasy
Senior Video Reporter
Under questioning from South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta could not explain why President Barack Obama spoke with him only once on Sept. 11, 2012 during the Benghazi terrorist attack, and never called back for any updates for over seven hours.
Here’s the exchange between Graham, Gen. Martin Dempsey and Sec. Panetta at a Senate Committee on Armed Services hearing on Thursday:
SEN. GRAHAM: Your testimony, as I understand it, Secretary Panetta, that you talked to the president of the United States one time.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?
GEN. DEMPSEY: Yeah, about 5 o’clock.
SEC. PANETTA: About 5 o’clock.
SEN. GRAHAM: General Dempsey, did you ever talk to the president of the United States at all?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I was with the secretary when — at that same time.
SEN. GRAHAM: Did you talk to the president?
SEN. GRAHAM: You talked to him how many times.
GEN. DEMPSEY: The same — one time.
SEN. GRAHAM: How long did the conversation last?
GEN. DEMPSEY: We were there in the office for probably 30 minutes.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you talked to him for 30 minutes, one time, and you never talked to him again, either one of you.
GEN. DEMPSEY: Until afterwards.
SEN. GRAHAM: Until after the attack was over.
GEN. DEMPSEY: That’s right.
SEN. GRAHAM: Thank you.
Were there any AC-130 gunships within a thousand miles of Benghazi, Libya?
GEN. DEMPSEY: No, sir.
SEN. GRAHAM: Were there any AC-130 gunships within 2,000 miles of Benghazi, Libya?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I have to go back and look at a map and figure out the distance.
SEC. PANETTA: I talked to him on Sept. 11 with regards to the fact that we were aware this attack was taking place.
SEN. GRAHAM: One time.
SEN. GRAHAM: What time did you tell him that?
SEC. PANETTA: I think that was approximately about 5 o’clock?
GEN. DEMPSEY: Yeah, about 5 o’clock.
SEC. PANETTA: About 5 o’clock.
SEN. GRAHAM: General Dempsey, did you ever talk to the president of the United States at all?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I was with the secretary when — at that same time.
SEN. GRAHAM: Did you talk to the president?
SEN. GRAHAM: You talked to him how many times.
GEN. DEMPSEY: The same — one time.
SEN. GRAHAM: How long did the conversation last?
GEN. DEMPSEY: We were there in the office for probably 30 minutes.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you talked to him for 30 minutes, one time, and you never talked to him again, either one of you.
GEN. DEMPSEY: Until afterwards.
SEN. GRAHAM: Until after the attack was over.
GEN. DEMPSEY: That’s right.
SEN. GRAHAM: Thank you.
Were there any AC-130 gunships within a thousand miles of Benghazi, Libya?
GEN. DEMPSEY: No, sir.
SEN. GRAHAM: Were there any AC-130 gunships within 2,000 miles of Benghazi, Libya?
GEN. DEMPSEY: I have to go back and look at a map and figure out the distance.
Later in the hearing, Graham asked Panetta if he thought it was “typical” for a commander in chief to make no follow-up phone calls.
SEN. GRAHAM: Are you surprised that the president of the United States never called you, Secretary Panetta, and say, ‘how’s it going?’
SEC. PANETTA: I — you know, normally in these situations –
SEN. GRAHAM: Did he know the level of threat that –
SEC. PANETTA: Let — well, let me finish the answer. We were deploying the forces. He knew we were deploying the forces. He was being kept updated –
SEN. GRAHAM: Well, I hate to interrupt you, but I got limited time. We didn’t deploy any forces. Did you call him back — wait a minute –
SEC. PANETTA: No, but the event — the event was over by the time we got –
SEN. GRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, you didn’t know how long the attack would last. Did you ever call him and say, Mr. President, it looks like we don’t have anything to get there anytime soon?
SEC. PANETTA: I — you know, normally in these situations –
SEN. GRAHAM: Did he know the level of threat that –
SEC. PANETTA: Let — well, let me finish the answer. We were deploying the forces. He knew we were deploying the forces. He was being kept updated –
SEN. GRAHAM: Well, I hate to interrupt you, but I got limited time. We didn’t deploy any forces. Did you call him back — wait a minute –
SEC. PANETTA: No, but the event — the event was over by the time we got –
SEN. GRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, you didn’t know how long the attack would last. Did you ever call him and say, Mr. President, it looks like we don’t have anything to get there anytime soon?
SEC. PANETTA: The event was over before we could move any assets.
SEN. GRAHAM: It lasted almost eight hours. And my question to you is during that eight-hour period, did the president show any curiosity about how’s this going, what kind of assets do you have helping these people? Did he ever make that phone call?
SEN. GRAHAM: It lasted almost eight hours. And my question to you is during that eight-hour period, did the president show any curiosity about how’s this going, what kind of assets do you have helping these people? Did he ever make that phone call?
SEC. PANETTA: Look, there is no question in my mind that the president of the United States was concerned about American lives and, frankly, all of us were concerned about American lives.
SEN. GRAHAM: With all due respect, I don’t believe that’s a credible statement if he never called and asked you, are we helping these people; what’s happening to them? We have a second round, and we’ll take it up then.
SEC. PANETTA: As a former chief of staff to the president of the United States, the purpose of staff is to be able to get that kind of information, and those staff were working with us.
SEN. GRAHAM: So you think it’s a typical response of the president of the United States to make one phone call, do what you can and never call you back again and ask you, how’s it going, by the way, showing your frustration we don’t have any assets in there to help these people for over seven hours?
SEC. PANETTA: The president is well-informed about what is going on. Make no mistake about it.
SEC. PANETTA: The president is well-informed about what is going on. Make no mistake about it.
SEN. GRAHAM: Well, that is interesting to hear.
Tags: Benghazi, Leon Panetta, Lindsey Graham
Read more:
“Lawmakers hold hearing on deadly ‘Extortion 17’ helicopter crash in Afghanistan
Stars and Stripes
Published: February 27, 2014
WASHINGTON — Was the mission doomed from the start? Were Taliban fighters tipped off? Were fallen service members treated with dignity and respect?
A congressional oversight committee held a controversial hearing Thursday to get answers to questions surrounding the high-profile shoot-down of an American helicopter in Afghanistan and the way that the remains of the fallen service members were handled.
On Aug. 6, 2011, an American CH-47 Chinook helicopter with the call sign ‘Extortion 17’ was shot down by Taliban insurgents while transporting a fast-reaction team of special operations forces to assist Army Rangers in a battle against insurgents in Wardak province.
The event raised many questions over the planning and execution of the SOF mission, as well as the way that memorial ceremonies and the transfer of remains were conducted. Even the decision to hold a hearing and decision about who was allowed to testify were controversial.
“If I did not believe that a majority of families wanted a forum like this to exist, we would not be conducting this hearing,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, the chairman of the oversight committee, said in his opening remarks.
“There are other families and their representatives who have contacted the subcommittee and expressed grave concern about this hearing. They’ve asked for privacy and they seek closure. So … we should acknowledge that not all of the families affected by this tragedy support these proceedings,” said Rep. John Tierney, D-Mass.
Another source of controversy surrounded the decision not to allow family members of the fallen service members to testify. Five defense officials spoke at the hearing. A plan to have a second witness panel comprising some family members was abandoned in favor of having them submit written statements expressing their concerns, Foreign Policy reported.
“We have tried our best to treat all the families’ interests equally knowing that there’s a wide ranging spectrum of perspectives given the sheer number of families and people that are engaged in this,” Chaffetz said at the beginning of the hearing.
The crash killed 30 U.S. service members, including 25 special operations personnel, some of whom were part of SEAL Team Six, the unit that carried out the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. Five Army National Guard and Reserve crewmen also died, as well as eight Afghans who were part of the team carrying out the mission. [these 8 were PATSIES replacing original 8 and are believed by Abel Danger to be the 'explosive mules' of Extortion 17 whose packs were detonated by the 2nd of three RPG rounds]
The shoot-down of ‘Extortion 17’ constitutes the greatest loss of American life from a single battle in the history of the Afghanistan War. It is also the most disastrous incident in the 27-year history of U.S. Special Operations Command.
The shoot-down of ‘Extortion 17’ constitutes the greatest loss of American life from a single battle in the history of the Afghanistan War. It is also the most disastrous incident in the 27-year history of U.S. Special Operations Command.
Another point of controversy was the tactics employed during the operation, including the decision to fly into an area where the aircraft could be easily shot down.
Garry Reid, the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, said that the task force employed “sound tactics,” but acknowledged that the unit did not achieve the element of surprise because the preceding battle likely put the insurgents on a heightened state of alert and other aerial assets failed to identify the Taliban who were positioned to shoot down the aircraft.
Another decision that was criticized was the choice of using the conventional Chinook instead of the one designed for special operations missions.
Reid said that no U.S. military aircraft has effective countermeasures for RPGs, and that using a different aircraft wouldn’t have made any difference in the outcome.
Some lawmakers asked if Afghan forces tipped off the Taliban before the mission took place, enabling the insurgents to prepare to ambush the aircraft.
Reid said that was highly unlikely because no Afghans were informed of the mission ahead of time except the members of the team, and there were no external communications before the mission was launched.
Events surrounding memorial ceremonies and the way that the remains were handled upset some families of the fallen service members. Some were angry that the military filmed a memorial ceremony in Afghanistan without their permission.
Reid said that that was routine practice until the policy was changed by U.S. Central Command last year.
Another source of concern were reports that an Afghan colonel who spoke in Arabic at the memorial ceremony in Afghanistan insulted the fallen American servicemembers. Reid said it was his understanding, based on talking to those who listened to the remarks, that the colonel praised the fallen servicemembers and denigrated the enemy, but that the colonel’s remarks were “subject to interpretation.”
Others were upset about the fact that when the caskets of the fallen members of the team were returned to Dover, they were draped with 30 American flags as well as eight Afghan flags.
Air Force Col. John Devillier, commander of Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations, said that decision was made because officials could not identify the remains and distinguish between the Americans and the Afghans until a medical examiner looked at the bodies.
“On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan.[6][7] The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American special operations personnel, five United States Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, and one Afghan interpreter—as well as a U.S. military working dog.[8][9][10][11] It is considered the worst loss of U.S Military life in a single incident in the Afghanistan campaign, surpassing Operation Red Wings in 2005 (Note: during Operation Red Wings, on 28 June 2005, a Chinook helicopter carrying a U.S. Navy SEAL team was shot down by a RPG round as it attempted to extract U.S. troops on the ground).[12]
Investigation(s) and findings[edit]
After US intelligence services revealed a possible location of a senior Taliban leader by the name Qari Tahir in Tangi Valley, Wardak province, Afghanistan.[30] A mission to apprehend or neutralize him was launched on the night of 5/6 August 2011 from the forward operating base in Logar Province.[30] It was led by a platoon of 47 U.S. Army Rangers with a troop of 17 U.S. Navy SEALs kept in reserve in case of need.[30][31] The Ranger platoon was transported to the area via two CH-47D transport helicopters (one of them was the accident helicopter) and supported by two AH-64 Apache helicopters and an AC-130 gunship as well as additional intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft (ISR).[30] The mission was deemed high risk.[30]
22:37 local time, 18:07 UTC/GMT/Zulu time[32] the two CH-47D helicopters carrying the U.S. Armay Ranger platoon departed the forward operating base.[33][34]
22:58 5 August 2011 (Afghanistan Local time), 18:28 UTC/GMT/Zulu time[32] the two CH-47D helicopters successfully landed and disembarked the Rangers at the designated location near the compound where it was believed Qari Tahir was located.[30] The helicopters then successfully exfiltrated and returned to base.[30] As the Rangers approached the target compound ISR aircraft observed several people leaving the compound.[30]
23:30 one of the two AH-64 Apache helicopters observed and engaged a group of eight Taliban fighters some 400 meters northwest of the target compound killing six.[30] A second group was observed by ISR aircraft as well but was not engaged.[30]
01:00 6 August 2011 a group of Taliban fighters (who fled the compound shortly before the Rangers arrived) which initially consisted of just 2 people had by now increased in size to 9-10 fighters. The group then split into two groups, three Taliban fighters took a position in a stand of trees while the remaining 6-7 men entered a building located some 2 kilometers from the target compound. Believing that Qari Tahir may be in the group the special operations task force commander and the Immediate Reaction Force commander decided to employ reserve forces (U.S. Navy SEALs) in order to engage this group as well.[30]
01:50 the Aviation Brigade Commander approved a new landing zone which would be used to infiltrate a 17-man Navy SEAL team (the landing zone had been examined for a previous mission but never used).
02:00 special operations task force commander and the Immediate Reaction Force commander [allegedly receiving bogus orders and authorities over Serco’s Boeing Red Switch Network out of Chicago] determined that the Navy SEAL team should be supported with additional elements increasing the size of the team to 33. It was decided to use both CH-47D helicopters but the entire team would be transported in a single CH-47 with the second remaining empty in an effort to mitigate the risk of a second helicopter approaching the landing zone. [This is nonsense up with which – to paraphrase Churchill – Abel Danger will not put]. [30]
02:22[30] - 02:24[33] 6 August, local time, 21:54 UTC/GMT/Zulu time, 5 August,[32] the two CH-47D helicopters (one of them carrying the SEAL team) took-off from the forward operating base[30][33]
six minutes prior to reaching the landing zone the empty CH-47D left formation (as planned) and the CH-47D carrying the SEALs proceeded to the landing zone alone. The helicopter entered the valley from the northwest unlike earlier that night (during the U.S. Army Ranger platoon insertion) when it entered from the south.[30] The helicopter flew without external lighting and made its last radio transmission stating it was one minute away from the landing zone. The helicopter then descended to an altitude below 150 feet (>50 meters)[35] and slowed to a speed of 50 knots (58 mph, ~90 km/h) as it approached the landing zone.[30][36]
02:38 - 02:39 August 6 local time, 22:09 August 5 UTC/GMT/Zulu time[30][32][33] the helicopter was fired upon and shot down by a previously undetected group of Taliban fighters. The group fired 2-3 RPG rounds from a two-story building from a location some 220 meters south of the helicopter. The second round struck one of the three aft rotor blades of the helicopter destroying the aft rotor assembly.[30][37] The helicopter crashed less than 5 seconds later killing all 38 people on board.[30] Some 30 second later one of the AH-64 Apache helicopters in the area reported: "Fallen Angel".[33] Some sources state that at the time of the shootdown the two AH-64 Apache helicopters were engaged in tracking another Taliban group and were thus unable to provide surveillance (of the landing zone and infiltration route) as well as fire support to the inbound CH-47D helicopter carrying the Navy SEAL team.[31][38]
02:45 the Rangers secured the initial compound and detained several people and then began to move (on foot) towards the crash site[30]
04:12 U.S. Army Rangers reached the crash site but found no survivors. Several minutes later a 20-man Pathfinder team (specialised in downed aircraft rescue and recovery) arrived at the site as well.[30]
in the afternoon of 6 August a flash flood swept through the area washing away parts of the wreckage as well as the black boxes which were never recovered[30][39]
the recovery of wreckage from the crash site lasted until 9 August 2011[30]
by 16:25 all of the remains were taken from the crash site via ground convoy and transported to Combat Outpost Sayyid Abad.
In October 2011, US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that an investigation carried out following the shootdown concluded "that all operational decisions, linked to the incident, were deemed tactically sound". The article states that the helicopter crashed after a RPG round impacted the aft rotor assembly.[30]
“Prisoner Scandal Multinationals Could Face UK's Biggest Fraud Case
Penal charity hand dossier on G4S and Serco to police
By: Ben Gelblum
on 13th May 2014 @ 1.56pm
Two multinationals involved in criminal justice privatisation and tarnished by allegations of physical abuse may soon be at the centre of the UK’s biggest ever fraud prosecution.
G4S and Serco agreed to repay a total of more than £180million after it emerged that they had overcharged the taxpayer for electronic tagging prisoners who didn’t exist or where still in jail.
However this amount is a drop in the ocean for the outsourcing giants who are still able to bid for lucrative public contracts, despite being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office.”
“Prisoner Scandal Multinationals Could Face UK's Biggest Fraud Case
Penal charity hand dossier on G4S and Serco to police
By: Ben Gelblum
on 13th May 2014 @ 1.56pm
Two multinationals involved in criminal justice privatisation and tarnished by allegations of physical abuse may soon be at the centre of the UK’s biggest ever fraud prosecution.
G4S and Serco agreed to repay a total of more than £180million after it emerged that they had overcharged the taxpayer for electronic tagging prisoners who didn’t exist or where still in jail.
However this amount is a drop in the ocean for the outsourcing giants who are still able to bid for lucrative public contracts, despite being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office.”
“Serco Receives “Supplier of the Year” from Boeing for Enterprise Architecture Expertise
Serco Inc. has been recognized as Supplier of the Year by The Boeing Company in the Technology category for its state-of-the-practice Enterprise Architecture solutions.
Reston, VA (PRWEB) May 19, 2011
Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services to the federal government, has been recognized as Supplier of the Year by The Boeing Company in the Technology category for its state-of-the-practice Enterprise Architecture solutions.
The Boeing Supplier of the Year award is the company’s premier supplier honor, presented annually to its top suppliers in recognition of their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. This year’s 16 winners represent an elite group among more than 17,525 active Boeing suppliers in nearly 52 countries around the world. This selection was based on stringent performance criteria for quality, delivery performance, cost, environmental initiatives, customer service and technical expertise. This is the second time Serco has been recognized as Supplier of the Year by Boeing. In January 2011, Serco also received the Boeing Performance Excellence Gold Award in recognition of the Company’s performance excellence.
“We are extremely honored to receive this recognition for our work in support of Boeing. This prestigious award demonstrates our passion for excellence and ability to apply Serco’s Enterprise Architecture expertise across a broad range of applications,” said Ed Casey, Chairman and CEO of Serco. “We continue to grow our EA practice, and over the past 15 years we have deployed solutions to support enterprises and systems across federal and commercial environments.”
Serco’s Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence is based in Colorado Springs, CO. The team provides a variety of services in support of Boeing’s business units as well as research and development efforts. Serco’s architecture employs object-oriented (OO)/Unified Modeling Language (UML) to define, design and satisfy defense agencies’ mission-critical requirements, including Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I). This approach improves system developer’s understanding of operational requirements and how best to integrate enterprise operations and systems for the optimal fulfillment of C4I and other operational needs.
About Serco Inc.: Serco Inc. is a leading provider of professional, technology, and management services focused on the federal government. We advise, design, integrate, and deliver solutions that transform how clients achieve their missions. Our customer-first approach, robust portfolio of services, and global experience enable us to respond with solutions that achieve outcomes with value. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Serco Inc. has approximately 11,000 employees, annual revenue of $1.5 billion, and is ranked in the Top 30 of the largest Federal Prime Contractors by Washington Technology. Serco Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Serco Group plc, a $6.6 billion international business that helps transform government and public services around the world. More information about Serco Inc. can be found at”
The Boeing International Headquarters (colloquially known as the Boeing Building and formerly known as the Morton International Building) is a 36-floor skyscraper located in the Near West Side of Chicago. The building has been made the corporate headquarters for Boeing, which decided in 2001 to move to Chicago from Seattle.[2] 100 North Riverside Plaza is poised on the west side of the Chicago River directly across from the downtown Loop. The building responds to the clearance requirements of the site's commuter rail lines with a structural system that uses steel trusses to support its suspended southwest corner. It won the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois' "Most Innovative" Design Award.[citation needed] The building was originally constructed for the Morton Salt Company,[3] and has also housed offices of Ameritech. [citation needed] Navteq moved their headquarters to The Boeing Building in 2007.[citation needed]”
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Serco has worked with the City of Chicago Department of Revenue (DOR) for over 12 years enforcing parking meters. When Chicago’s parking meters were sold to Chicago Parking Meters, LLC. (CPM), in 2009, Serco was sole sourced to provide parking enforcement services on the meters for CPM.
City of Chicago: 8 square miles 2010 Annual Citations Issued: 400,000 2010 Annual Citation Revenue: $24 Million+ Years of Service: 12 years Shifts: DOR = Nights & weekend CPM = 24/7 Availability”
McConnell has been directed by Abel Danger Global to offer expert witness services to plaintiffs who sue for damages in re Serco’s alleged use of the Defense Red Switch Network at the Boeing Chicago headquarters office in a murder for hire service associated with the Extortion 17 crash in Afghanistan on 8/ 6/ 2011, the four American citizens who died in Benghazi on 9/11/2012 and the nations searching for MH370 which did not crash on 8 March, 2014. Abel Danger has set a 2111 CDT deadline for Garry Reid and or Admiral McCraven to correct any mis-statements in this post. They should carefully review what Abel Danger wrote IMMEDIATELY after the Serco DRSN hit on Extortion 17, the same day, IN FACT, all though it was published 5 August due to the International Date Line correction. Google [ Abel Danger + Snookered Chinook + Field McConnell + tidying up ] or hit this link:
Abel Danger: Matrix 5* Man-In-The-Middle Propaganda Attack... Aug 5, 2011 ... Abel Danger ... Detainees in Guantanamo Bay, captured after 9/11, had given up the courier's pseudonym during interrogation .... Bruce McConnell, an experienced IT pro, advises on cybersecurity matters across DHS. ... POTUS Field McConnell 2012 .... Snookered Chinook - 'Tidying Up' of Seal Team 6 -
Yours sincerely,
Abel Danger: Matrix 5* Man-In-The-Middle Propaganda Attack... Aug 5, 2011 ... Abel Danger ... Detainees in Guantanamo Bay, captured after 9/11, had given up the courier's pseudonym during interrogation .... Bruce McConnell, an experienced IT pro, advises on cybersecurity matters across DHS. ... POTUS Field McConnell 2012 .... Snookered Chinook - 'Tidying Up' of Seal Team 6 -
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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