McConnell claims Serco director Maureen Baginski equipped Carlson’s Sherlock Holmes Park Plaza hotel with an onion-router triage war room to relay ignition signals to the bomb that silenced Fatayi-Williams – a prospective whistle-blower to the MI-3 Travelgate team which triggered the Amec bombs in the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.
McConnell invites key word Googlers to read excerpts below and emerging chapters of “The List of Thurso Innholders – The Wrist That Didn’t Bleed” at
Prequel 1: #1828: Marine Links Carlson’s Sherlock MI-3 List to Clinton’s Blue Mountain Benghazi Hit
7/7 Ripple Effect: Ch2 Peter Power, Dupe or Accomplice
Mother of 7/7 victim [Anthony Fatayi-Williams] calls for inquiry in response to inquest verdict
“Anthony Fatayi-Williams was last seen by friends at about 0830 BST at Camden Town Tube station.
He was on his way to work at Amec Offshore Services, near Liverpool Street station, but is thought to have taken an alternative route to work, via King's Cross, because of delays on the Northern Line.
He died in the number 30 bus blast at Tavistock Square.
His death was confirmed when an inquest was opened in London on Thursday.
In the days after the bombings, Mr Fatayi-Williams' mother Marie made an emotional plea for information about his whereabouts.”
That the number 30 bus was the first sign of terrorism on 7/7 is a strange idea given how iconic the few images that exist of the event have become, but it was proclaimed as the first sign of terrorism by one of the few people that should have had clear oversight of what was going on underground, the then Managing Director of the London Underground, American Tim O'Toole:
"Following initial reports, we had one team concentrating on getting emergency resources to the sites and getting further reports, and we split another part of management to think about what we would be doing later, four hours and 24 hours later, because at that time of course, shortly after the bomb exploded on the bus we knew we were dealing with crime scenes."
Given that underground workers and emergency services staff attended some of the underground incidents within minutes of them occurring, that the incidents occurred only a short distance into each tunnel and that, as TfL themselves have advised, that train drivers were in radio contact with the network control centre, it seems odd that it would have taken over an hour for the managing director of London Underground to have sufficient detail on the incidents underground to have known that they were dealing with bomb blasts and crime scenes. Additionally, if nobody knew they were dealing with crime scenes underground until after the bus explosion, an hour after the underground incidents, and suspecting in the first instance an accident rather than an act of terrorism, it is possible there would have been no effort to preserve the integrity of any evidence at each of the incident locations.
Months later it was again confirmed that nobody suspected anything other than the reported power surges until the number 30 bus explosion:
PC Ashley Walker, 26, was actually looking at the bus when it blew apart in front of him. He said that up until then they had been uncertain what was happening on the underground. "But when we saw the bus bomb go off we realised it was a terrorist attack," he said.
Before long, Transport for London drew much criticism for the 'power surge' story:
TfL ‘did not mislead’ on surge report
15 July 2005
15 July 2005
Reports that initial "power surge" claims during the London bombings were deliberate misinformation have been dismissed as "absolute bollocks" by the press office for Transport for London.
The Sun reported on Friday that the power surge rumour was "false information deliberately designed to reduce panic" and The Guardian's home affairs editor, Alan Travis, quoted a London Transport source on the same day as saying: "When I heard the words power surge I knew it was a communications ploy."
But Stephen Webb, deputy head of news at Transport for London, said the initial information coming into the office was simply that the current had been knocked out at one of the network control centres: "something that might have come from a massive power surge".
And he said that this information was passed on to early callers, including the Evening Standard.
He said that no professional would deliberately put out a false information and added: ""As the minutes ticked on it became clear what had caused it was an explosion, but there was so much going on, so much information coming in...Once we were aware of the [true] situation it was time to inform staff and decide where to send PR officers before we could get a clear statement out."
Source: Press Gazette
As with Tim O'Toole, the bus incident appears to be the point at which it seems beyond question that a terrorist attack occurred. Is it really possible that the managing director of the London Underground, as well as police officers taking part in the recovery operation were not aware that the events on the underground were anything other than power surges for nearly a whole hour after they occurred?
But then they weren't the only ones. Two experienced train operators in the driver's cab of the Picadilly line train - both train drivers, one of whom was driving the affected train - believed they were dealing with a mechanical or electrical fault in the first carriage of train 311/331. If those experienced train operators who bravely assisted in the aftermath of what happened were unaware that anything other t an a mechanical or electrical fault occurred -- at the incident location reported to have had a final death toll double that of other incidents that morning. -- why would anyone else think otherwise?
However, if unnamed and anonymous sources are to be trusted, other London Underground employees were aware that something other than a 'power surge' might have occurred.
But questions were asked last night about the origin of the power surge claim, which helped to prevent panic.
"When I heard the words power surge I knew it was a communications ploy," said one London Underground source. "The three stations [Liverpool Street, King's Cross and Edgware Road] were on different power networks. Under the plans, we didn't want to panic everybody. The last thing you want is people rushing on to the streets."
The origin of the explanation was unclear, and it was quickly denied by the National Grid.
Source: The Guardian”
“AMEC mourns Anthony Fatayi-Williams
14 July 2005
London, United Kingdom (14 July 2005) – The following statement was issued today by Sir Peter Mason, chief executive of AMEC plc.
“It is with deep regret that we have learnt that Anthony Fatayi-Williams, who worked in our Old Street office in London, lost his life as a result of last Thursday’s terrorist outrage.
“It is very hard to put into words the shock and distress that we have all felt on learning of this tragedy. It is particularly terrible for those who knew Anthony and worked with him and we can, of course, only imagine his family’s grief. But I know I speak for all of us at AMEC when I say that he and his family are constantly in our thoughts and that we all feel deeply affected by this needless loss of a bright, talented and popular young man.
“No one who saw Anthony’s mother on the television news could have been unmoved by her passionate and eloquent statement on the futility of terrorism and the pain it inflicts on innocent people and their families. There is little that we can add to her condemnation of terrorism and the misery it inflicts on loving families.
“Anthony, who was 26, was a friendly, caring person, full of charm with a great sense of humour and a boundless energy for life. He graduated in economics and politics from Bradford University and joined AMEC’s Oil & Gas business in January 2002. In his role as a Regional Executive, he was helping us develop business opportunities in Africa and looking forward to building a career in management and business development. Representing AMEC at various public forums, he always engaged with, and gained the respect of, others for his competence and personable manner.
“Our thoughts and prayers are and will remain with Anthony’s parents, family, friends and colleagues.”
The London-based firm AMEC, ranked by Engineering News-Record magazine as "the world's largest firm," oversaw the actual management of the debris removal at both the Pentagon and the WTC. "AMEC was the only construction company working at both disaster sites," the company's web site says. "AMEC is managing Hudson River barging operations to transport the rubble from the entire WTC site to a landfill on Staten Island and to steel recycling operations in New Jersey."
AMEC had just finished the renovation at the Pentagon when it was called to manage the removal of debris there and at the World Trade Center. "AMEC was placed in charge by the City of New York of organizing and engineering the around-the-clock clean up operation in the northwest sector," the web site says, which included the North Tower and WTC 6 (U.S. Customs House). The company also cleaned up the 47-story WTC 7, which mysteriously collapsed late in the afternoon of 9-11.”
“The White House travel office controversy, sometimes referred to as Travelgate,[1][2] was the first major ethics controversy of the Clinton administration. It began in May 1993, when seven employees of the White House Travel Office were fired. This action was unusual because although theoretically staff employees serve at the pleasure of the President and could be dismissed without cause, in practice, such employees usually remain in their posts for many years.
The White House stated the firings were done because financial improprieties in the Travel Office operation during previous administrations had been revealed by an FBI investigation. Critics contended the firings were done to allow friends of President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to take over the travel business and that the involvement of the FBI was unwarranted. Heavy media attention forced the White House to reinstate most of the employees in other jobs and remove the Clinton associates from the travel role.
Further investigations by the FBI and the Department of Justice, the White House itself, the General Accounting Office, the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and the Whitewater Independent Counsel all took place over the subsequent years. Travel Office Director Billy Dale was charged with embezzlement but found not guilty in 1995. In 1998, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr exonerated Bill Clinton of any involvement in the matter.
Hillary Clinton gradually came under scrutiny for allegedly having played a central role in the firings and making false statements about her role in it. In 2000, Independent Counsel Robert Ray issued his final report on Travelgate. He sought no charges against her, saying that she had made factually false statements but there was insufficient evidence her statements were either knowingly false or that she understood that her statements led to the firings.
On January 5, 1996, a new development thrust the travel office matter again to the forefront. A two year-old memo from White House director of administration David Watkins surfaced that identified First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as the motivating force behind the firings, with the additional involvement of Vince Foster and Harry Thomason.[39] "Foster regularly informed me that the First Lady was concerned and desired action. The action desired was the firing of the Travel Office staff."[40] Written in fall 1993, apparently intended for McLarty, the Watkins memo also said "we both know that there would be hell to pay" if "we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes."[39] This memo contradicted the First Lady's previous statements in the GAO investigation, that she had played no role in the firings and had not consulted with Thomason beforehand; the White House also found it difficult to explain why the memo was so late in surfacing when all the previous investigations had requested all relevant materials.[40] House committee chair Clinger charged a cover-up was taking place and vowed to pursue new material.[39]
New York Times columnistWilliam Safire had endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992, but by 1996 was Hillary Clinton's most infamous critic and a possible punching bag for Bill.
These developments, following Hillary Clinton's prior disputed statements about hercattle futures dealings and Whitewater, led to a famous exchange in which high-profileNew York Times columnist William Safire, who had endorsed Bill Clinton in the previous election, wrote that many Americans were coming to the "sad realization that our First Lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation—is a congenital liar,"[41] followed by White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry saying that "the President, if he were not the President, would have delivered a more forceful response to that—on the bridge of Mr. Safire's nose."[42][43]
As a result of the discovery of the Watkins memo, and based upon a suggestion from the Office of Independent Counsel, on March 20, 1996, Attorney General Janet Renorequested that Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr expand his inquiry to specifically include the travel office affair, in particular allegations that White House employees had lied about Hillary Clinton's role in the firings,[8] and that David Watkins or Hillary Clinton had made false statements in previous testimony to the GAO, Congress, or the Independent Counsel.[44]
The Congressional investigation continued; on March 21, 1996, Hillary Clinton submitted a deposition under oath to the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, again acknowledging concern about irregularities in the Travel Office but denying a direct role in the firings and expressing a lack of recollection to a number of questions.[26] A battle of wills took place between the legislative and executive branches. On May 9, 1996, President Clinton refused to turn over additional documents related to the matter, claiming executive privilege.[45] House committee chair Clinger threatened a contempt of Congress resolution against the president, and the White House partially backed down on May 30, surrendering 1,000 of the 3,000 documents the committee asked for.[46]
Meanwhile, the seven dismissed employees were back in the picture. In March 1996 the House voted 350–43 to reimburse them for all of their legal expenses;[47] in September 1996, Democratic Senator Harry Reid led an unsuccessful attempt to block this measure.[48] In May 1996, the seven filed a $35 million lawsuit against Harry Thomason and Darnell Martens, alleging unlawful interference with their employment and emotional distress.[49]
On June 5, 1996, Clinger announced that the committee's investigations had discovered that the White House had requested access to Billy Dale's FBI background check report seven months after the terminations, in what Clinger said was an improper effort to justify the firings.[50] It was rapidly discovered that the White House had additionally gotten improper access to hundreds of other FBI background reports, many on former White House employees in Republican administrations; thus was born the Filegate controversy.[51]
The Senator Al D'Amato-chaired Senate Special Whitewater Committee, which had begun the previous year, issued its findings in a majority report on June 18, 1996;[52] it did not investigate Travelgate directly, but did say that "[Hillary] Clinton, upon learning of [Vince] Foster's death, at least realized its connection to [the] Travelgate scandal, and perhaps to the Whitewater matter, and dispatched her trusted lieutenants to contain any potential embarrassment or political damage."[53]Minority Democratic members of the Committee derided these findings as "a legislative travesty," "a witch hunt," and "a political game."[52]
The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee issued its majority report on September 18, 1996, in which it accused the Clinton administration of having obstructed the committee's efforts to investigate the Travelgate scandal.[6] It portrayed Bill Clinton as being heavily involved in the travel office affair,[6] more than any other investigation. The report's chapter titles were lurid: "The White House Stonewalled All Investigations into the White House Travel Office Firings and Related Matters", "The White House Initiated a Full-Scale Campaign of Misinformation in the Aftermath of the Travel Office Firings and President Clinton Led the Misinformation Campaign from the First Days of the Travelgate Debacle", "Foster's Death Shattered a White House Just Recovering from an Abysmal First 6 Months of Administration", and so forth.[54]Democratic members of the Committee walked out in protest over the report, with ranking member Henry Waxman calling it "an embarrassment to you [Chairman Clinger], this committee and this Congress" and "a crassly partisan smear campaign against President Clinton, Mrs. Clinton and this administration."[6] The following month Clinger forwarded the report, along with one on Filegate, to the Independent Counsel, suggesting that the testimony of several witnesses be looked at for possible perjury or obstruction of justice .[8] Democrats said this was politically motivated in an attempt to influence the1996 presidential election[8] (in which Clinton was re-elected by a solid margin).
Yours sincerely,
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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