The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that its Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, has received a death threat which, he alleges, is an attempt by sponsors of the Gore Hammer Nortel JABS network, to force him to abandon his Presidential Field election campaign.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
McConnell Links Samantha Cameron Spread Bet To BBC Silent Witness – Building #7
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Samantha Cameron to spread bets on the insured value of Wells Fargo’s pass-through certificates for the Twin Towers and the phony, BBC Silent Witness script which announced that WTC Building 7 had collapsed before it did.
“BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early—TWICE”
“BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early—TWICE”
Field McConnell Receives Death Threat Letter
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 10:57 AM
hi Field how are you doing i pity your life now cause i know you will have see the message i sent you but i see know respond of you that is why some want you dead and i don,t know what you have done to the person the person have pay me to kill you and he gave me all your details you name every thing about you am writing you this letter my men are in your city there watching you in every where you go...we are ready to carry out the operation just want you to know that..if you can bear with us and if you can pay up we can let you stay bless but i you don,t want you to pay my men are going to gun you down so this are you details so that you can know we know every thing about you
To: ""
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 10:57 AM
hi Field how are you doing i pity your life now cause i know you will have see the message i sent you but i see know respond of you that is why some want you dead and i don,t know what you have done to the person the person have pay me to kill you and he gave me all your details you name every thing about you am writing you this letter my men are in your city there watching you in every where you go...we are ready to carry out the operation just want you to know that..if you can bear with us and if you can pay up we can let you stay bless but i you don,t want you to pay my men are going to gun you down so this are you details so that you can know we know every thing about you
Friday, March 30, 2012
McConnell Links Sister’s JABS to Silent Witness–Gareth Williams And CSI–JonBenet
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy, to the Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) computer network which allegedly turns contract hits into cold-case TV scripts, two examples of which could be, Silent Witness – Gareth Williams and CSI – JonBenet.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that his Crown Agents’ sister, Kristine Marcy, has been using JABS since at least 1996 to 'spoliate' evidence of murder-for-hire and support bogus TV news scripts (cf. JonBenet, 9/11, 7/7 and Gareth Williams) which are designed to manipulate the public into accusing the innocent and sheltering the guilty.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that his Crown Agents’ sister, Kristine Marcy, has been using JABS since at least 1996 to 'spoliate' evidence of murder-for-hire and support bogus TV news scripts (cf. JonBenet, 9/11, 7/7 and Gareth Williams) which are designed to manipulate the public into accusing the innocent and sheltering the guilty.
McConnell Links Cameron's Twin Tower Spread Bets To Murdoch Pay-Per-View
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked an ITV contractor – allegedly nominated by David Cameron for spread betting on the Twin Towers – to Rupert Murdoch’s use of pay-per-view encryption devices during ‘the first live-broadcast mass snuff film in history’.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Cameron’s ITV contractor set up a Canada Square betting office where Wells Fargo or Citibank insiders were able to spread the bets on the re-insured collapse of the Twin Towers by hacking Murdoch’s pay-per-view networks with snuff-film images recorded by the Naudet Brothers (Canal+) in New York.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Cameron’s ITV contractor set up a Canada Square betting office where Wells Fargo or Citibank insiders were able to spread the bets on the re-insured collapse of the Twin Towers by hacking Murdoch’s pay-per-view networks with snuff-film images recorded by the Naudet Brothers (Canal+) in New York.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
McConnell links Cameron Small Business Spread-Bet Banker to 9/11 Janitor Keys
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked David Cameron's donor guest, Henry Angest, to a Small Business Administration loan auction at which Cameron cronies in the Guild of International Bankers, allegedly placed spread bets which gave them Janitor-key access to the WTC Twin Towers for 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims his Crown Agents’ sister, Kristine Marcy, organized SBA auctions with ex-KPMG Economist Vicky Pryce, and kept logs to identify the spread betters who bought the 9/11 Janitor keys.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims his Crown Agents’ sister, Kristine Marcy, organized SBA auctions with ex-KPMG Economist Vicky Pryce, and kept logs to identify the spread betters who bought the 9/11 Janitor keys.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
McConnell Links Economic War And Mortgage Fraud to Wells Fargo Federal Bridge
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Wells Fargo’s use of the Federal Bridge Certification Authority to economic warfare attacks which include pre-insured liquidation of a Twin Towers leveraged lease on 9/11 and sub-prime mortgage frauds on targeted borrowers.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims that the UK Ministry of Defence used private keys to the Federal Bridge Certification Authority to place spread bets for Wells Fargo family-office insiders and their wealth-management clients on leveraged assets, targeted for liquidation.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims that the UK Ministry of Defence used private keys to the Federal Bridge Certification Authority to place spread bets for Wells Fargo family-office insiders and their wealth-management clients on leveraged assets, targeted for liquidation.
Field McConnell & David Hawkins: March 2012
28 March 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
21 March 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
14 March 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
7 March 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
3 March 2012—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

audios 2012
C.H. Douglas, 'The Greatest Boon to Economics Who Ever Lived'; National Dividend = Basic Income; 'Full Employment' Is an Undesirable Delusion
Source: Digital Journal
Who the Dickens was Major Douglas?
By Alexander Baron
Jan 20, 2012
1 comment
Next month sees the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. This year is also the 60th anniversary of the death of an even greater Englishman. But who was Major Douglas, and what is his legacy?
Major C.H. Douglas (1879-1952) Clifford Hugh Douglas was without question the greatest boon to economics who ever lived. His strength is that he was not an economist at all, but an engineer; and in his application of engineering principles to the financial system, he determined not only the weakness of the current régime, but the way to rectify it.
Like that great pseudo-economist Karl Marx with his drivel about the iron law of wages and such, Douglas was not an easy writer to understand; but unlike Marx, not only did he make sense, he was also right. So who was he? Born in Lancashire on January 20, 1879 – 133 years ago to this day – his early life is shrouded in mystery: not a mystery of the mysterious kind, more of the kind that is generated without a reliable paper trail. It is known though that he worked briefly as a teacher, that he went to Cambridge as a mature student leaving without graduating, and that he worked as an engineer.
His great insight was the application of engineering principles to the financial system. The current financial system, the same one that held sway in his day, sees such niceties as making profits, generating employment and balancing the budget as the be all and end all not only of economics but of Man. Indeed, it may be said that the generation of employment – whether gainful or not – is in many ways considered the end to which all of us should aspire.
Who the Dickens was Major Douglas?
By Alexander Baron
Jan 20, 2012
1 comment
Next month sees the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. This year is also the 60th anniversary of the death of an even greater Englishman. But who was Major Douglas, and what is his legacy?
Like that great pseudo-economist Karl Marx with his drivel about the iron law of wages and such, Douglas was not an easy writer to understand; but unlike Marx, not only did he make sense, he was also right. So who was he? Born in Lancashire on January 20, 1879 – 133 years ago to this day – his early life is shrouded in mystery: not a mystery of the mysterious kind, more of the kind that is generated without a reliable paper trail. It is known though that he worked briefly as a teacher, that he went to Cambridge as a mature student leaving without graduating, and that he worked as an engineer.
His great insight was the application of engineering principles to the financial system. The current financial system, the same one that held sway in his day, sees such niceties as making profits, generating employment and balancing the budget as the be all and end all not only of economics but of Man. Indeed, it may be said that the generation of employment – whether gainful or not – is in many ways considered the end to which all of us should aspire.
McConnell Links Sam Cam Astor Family Office To Wells Fargo Spread Bets 9/11
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Wells Fargo wealth managers to spread bets placed on behalf of a Samantha Cameron and Astor Family office on the value of Twin Towers pass-through certificates during the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, NYC.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims that Wells Fargo used 9/11 time-lapse keys on the U.S. Federal Bridge Certification Authority to trigger a ‘double-occurrence’ demolition of the Twin Towers and thereby maximize spread-bet profits for insider-managers of the Samantha Cameron and Astor family office.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims that Wells Fargo used 9/11 time-lapse keys on the U.S. Federal Bridge Certification Authority to trigger a ‘double-occurrence’ demolition of the Twin Towers and thereby maximize spread-bet profits for insider-managers of the Samantha Cameron and Astor family office.
Abel Danger Presents: Bill & Lilly Go To New York
Just to keep everyone in the loop - like in OODA Loop - this video is being placed on AD blog filmed by PieNMash Films. There hasn't been a lot of 'comment' reaction from the United States on this controversial docu/drama BILLY & LILLY GO TO NEW YORK; the movie's viewing figures have risen sharply by 3000 over 3 days with over 300 comments.
"Bill Maloney was once a major player in movie making in UK but his social conscience forced him to leave the bigger industry and concentrate on making socially responsible truth documentaries at PieNMash Films."
"Bill Maloney was once a major player in movie making in UK but his social conscience forced him to leave the bigger industry and concentrate on making socially responsible truth documentaries at PieNMash Films."
Caution: The language in this docu/drama may be a bit offensive and content controversial, but so was 9/11.
Story: JetBlue Captain's Meltdown Forces Emergency Landing
Source: Business Insider
Ms. Spector,
VIDEO: JetBlue Captain's Meltdown Forces Emergency Landing
Having read your article concerning the Jet Blue flight that diverted into Amarillo due to a pilot tantrum, please google my name, take a look at Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) and then contact me if you have any desire to write more about pressures facing airline pilots in this period of time where control of aircraft is shared between humans in cockpit and humans at ground control stations or airborne control stations "remotely positioned outside the cockpit".
Ms. Spector,
VIDEO: JetBlue Captain's Meltdown Forces Emergency Landing
Having read your article concerning the Jet Blue flight that diverted into Amarillo due to a pilot tantrum, please google my name, take a look at Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) and then contact me if you have any desire to write more about pressures facing airline pilots in this period of time where control of aircraft is shared between humans in cockpit and humans at ground control stations or airborne control stations "remotely positioned outside the cockpit".
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Letter Sent To Wells Fargo - Electronic Tracking Numbers McConnell-Wells Fargo-SEC-FBI
Field McConnell
N3572 CR S
Plum City WI 54761
Mr. Mike Heid, President (via email and Certified Overnight USPS)
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
P O Box 10335
Des Moines IA 50306-0335
CC to:
Mr. Brian J. Melton (via email and Certified Overnight USPS)
Clay County Attorney
807 11th Street North
Moorhead , MN 56560
Sheriff Bill Berquist (via email and Certified Overnight USPS)
Clay County
807 11th Street North
Moorhead, MN 56560
27 March, 2012
Mr Heid:
You have failed to respond appropriately to my repeated demands to have your approval for the short sale of 9223 50th Ave S, Glyndon MN, 56547. Please refer to yellow highlighted items below. Wells Fargo missed my 7 March, 2012 deadline articulated to you in writing on 21 February, 2012. This morning I missed a call from 515 324 6859, which is a Wells Fargo number. If Wells Fargo is calling to approve the short sale or grant a 'deed in lieu' please call again. If neither is agreed to by end of business tomorrow, Wednesday, 28 March, 2012, I will be in Clay County Offices Thursday or Friday filing 'breaking and entering' charges against whoever authorized the illegal break in to my property that occurred between 17 January and 24 February, 2012. During that illegal breakin locks were changed, plumbing was needless winterized, and thermostats adjusted without my permission. These changes could have caused a fire or a freezeup during a period when the property is uninsured.
N3572 CR S
Plum City WI 54761
Mr. Mike Heid, President (via email and Certified Overnight USPS)
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
P O Box 10335
Des Moines IA 50306-0335
CC to:
Mr. Brian J. Melton (via email and Certified Overnight USPS)
Clay County Attorney
807 11th Street North
Moorhead , MN 56560
Sheriff Bill Berquist (via email and Certified Overnight USPS)
Clay County
807 11th Street North
Moorhead, MN 56560
27 March, 2012
Mr Heid:
You have failed to respond appropriately to my repeated demands to have your approval for the short sale of 9223 50th Ave S, Glyndon MN, 56547. Please refer to yellow highlighted items below. Wells Fargo missed my 7 March, 2012 deadline articulated to you in writing on 21 February, 2012. This morning I missed a call from 515 324 6859, which is a Wells Fargo number. If Wells Fargo is calling to approve the short sale or grant a 'deed in lieu' please call again. If neither is agreed to by end of business tomorrow, Wednesday, 28 March, 2012, I will be in Clay County Offices Thursday or Friday filing 'breaking and entering' charges against whoever authorized the illegal break in to my property that occurred between 17 January and 24 February, 2012. During that illegal breakin locks were changed, plumbing was needless winterized, and thermostats adjusted without my permission. These changes could have caused a fire or a freezeup during a period when the property is uninsured.
McConnell Links Cameron Contract For Difference To Wells Fargo Break-In WTC 7
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked David Cameron and his hedge-fund friends to an alleged CMC contract for difference partnership with Wells Fargo and a break-in and subsequent arson attack on the SEC offices in WTC #7 on 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims that Cameron's hedge-fund friends arranged a break-in and arson at SEC offices to destroy evidence held by SEC / SS investigators of illegal contract-for-difference trading by a CMC Markets and Wells Fargo partnership in the United States.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell, claims that Cameron's hedge-fund friends arranged a break-in and arson at SEC offices to destroy evidence held by SEC / SS investigators of illegal contract-for-difference trading by a CMC Markets and Wells Fargo partnership in the United States.
Monday, March 26, 2012
McConnell Links Kristine Marcy Nortel JABS To Gore Hammer JonBenet [Wells Fargo]
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Kristine Marcy’s co-recipients of the Gore Hammer awards to the alleged use of the Nortel JABS system in the spoliation of evidence of a home break-in and torture murder of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Gore Hammer associates of his sister, Kristine Marcy, have been using Nortel JABS for the spoliation of crime scene evidence of break-ins and ‘death-by-breath’ events since 1996 and even left a signature consistent with a ‘JABS break in’ at his former Glyndon property where the ownership is disputed by Wells Fargo and Citibank per below.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Gore Hammer associates of his sister, Kristine Marcy, have been using Nortel JABS for the spoliation of crime scene evidence of break-ins and ‘death-by-breath’ events since 1996 and even left a signature consistent with a ‘JABS break in’ at his former Glyndon property where the ownership is disputed by Wells Fargo and Citibank per below.
McConnell Links Wells Fargo kickback Lease To Obamacare ManorCare Fraud
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Wells Fargo to a kickback lease scheme, allegedly structured by Sidley Austin law firm to generate lucrative referrals in an Obamacare ManorCare fraud.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Wells Fargo’s loan syndicate partners at Canada Square are funding Obama’s 2012 election campaign to ensure that Obamacare referral kickbacks can be laundered through fraudulent debt-for-lease swaps in HCR ManorCare's cash flow.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Wells Fargo’s loan syndicate partners at Canada Square are funding Obama’s 2012 election campaign to ensure that Obamacare referral kickbacks can be laundered through fraudulent debt-for-lease swaps in HCR ManorCare's cash flow.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
It's Robert Green's Birthday on Tuesday the 27th of March
Happy Birthday, Robert Green, Abel Danger Hasn't Forgotten You Tuesday, March 27th
Source: Hollie Demands Justice
Please drop him a line or send him a card to show him your support. All letters must be addressed as follows:
George Robert Green
4 Grampian Place, Aberdeen
AB11 8FN
Phone: 01224 238300
Thank you for all your help!
Source: Hollie Demands Justice
George Robert Green
4 Grampian Place, Aberdeen
AB11 8FN
Phone: 01224 238300
Thank you for all your help!
McConnell Links Wells Fargo Pass-Through 9/11 To Canada Square Odious Debt
The Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked a pass-through certificate fraud and the WTC Twin Towers’ demolition on 9/11 to a Canada Square Odious Debt Syndicate led by Wells Fargo loan administrators out of Canary Wharf, London.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell located the source of odious debt after his spoliation inference that Wells Fargo – a syndicate leader at Canada Square, Canary Wharf – had used a Federal Bridge Certification Authority to issue Pull it orders to the U.S. Small Business Administration operators who allegedly demolished WTC #1 and 2 (The Twin Towers) and WTC # 4, 5 and 7 with nano-thermite devices on 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell located the source of odious debt after his spoliation inference that Wells Fargo – a syndicate leader at Canada Square, Canary Wharf – had used a Federal Bridge Certification Authority to issue Pull it orders to the U.S. Small Business Administration operators who allegedly demolished WTC #1 and 2 (The Twin Towers) and WTC # 4, 5 and 7 with nano-thermite devices on 9/11.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Ron Paul: Gold Wolf Fleecing Sheep; Alex Jones' New Economic Pearl Harbor; Gold Standard Is the NWO Endgame
PNAC,, and Ron Paul Partner for a New Pearl Harbor
Source: Liberty Revival
February 28, 2012 by Keith Gardner

Alex Jones and Ron Paul know a lot about the New World Order and are right about a lot of things. They are also, however, working on the New World Order’s biggest endgame: a new economic order – a new economic Pearl Harbor – which will enslave the productive serfs to the idle aristocrats and international bankers. They want total economic enslavement through monetary usury. They want the serfs to love their enslavement and call it freedom. They want the serfs to make tribute payments to the non-productive aristocrats on increasing national debt, in the increasing value of gold made legal tender by the New World Order. Alex Jones and Ron Paul promote the communism for the rich known as feudalism.
Source: Liberty Revival
February 28, 2012 by Keith Gardner
McConnell Links Dick-Hit Russian Banker To Wells Fargo's JABSt Canada Square
Abel Danger White House announced today that it has linked Cressida Dick to a Joint Automated Booking Station (JABS) set up by Wells Fargo at Canada Square and an attempted contract hit of the Russian banker, German Gorbuntsov.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Cressida Dick adopted JABS in 1997 to track killers and victims through CCTV images (Princess Di) and used Wells Fargo to finance contract hits through pass-through insurance certificates as was allegedly the case with its leveraged lease on the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Cressida Dick adopted JABS in 1997 to track killers and victims through CCTV images (Princess Di) and used Wells Fargo to finance contract hits through pass-through insurance certificates as was allegedly the case with its leveraged lease on the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Friends To The Aid Of The Party - Presidential Field Microeffect Radio - Pacific Time, Saturday, March 24, 2012
Source: The Micro Effect
Talk To Our Host/Guest at:
Toll Free 1 (888) 747-1968 Outside USA 1 (208) 935-0094

2:00 - 3:00 PM LIVE!! Presidential Field (Field McConnell & David Hawkins)
3:00 - 4:00 PM LIVE!! Presidential Field (Field McConnell & David Hawkins)
4:00 - 5:00 PM LIVE!! Presidential Field (Field McConnell & David Hawkins)
Alternative News for Alternative Thinkers
Program Times are Pacific Time
Talk To Our Host/Guest at:
Toll Free 1 (888) 747-1968 Outside USA 1 (208) 935-0094
2:00 - 3:00 PM LIVE!! Presidential Field (Field McConnell & David Hawkins)
3:00 - 4:00 PM LIVE!! Presidential Field (Field McConnell & David Hawkins)
4:00 - 5:00 PM LIVE!! Presidential Field (Field McConnell & David Hawkins)
McConnell Links Obama Wire-Fraud Footprint To Gore-Marcy Apple JABS
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Al Gore and Kristine Marcy’s Apple-based Joint Automated Booking Station (JABS) to wire frauds including the transmission and use of an online, footprint image in a manner intended to deprive American citizens of the right of honest services from a virtual identity named Barack Obama.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
McConnell Links Romney Obama Bombardier To Twin Towers Leveraged Lease
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and their erstwhile associates to a fraud on Bombardier Family trusts in respect pf a pass-through insurance claim on a Twin Towers leveraged lease after the 9/11 attacks.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Romney’s Bain Capital and Obama’s Sidley Austin associates placed Bombardier trusts in a leveraged lease with a fraudulent pass-through agreement where Wells Fargo’s Federal Bridge Certification Authority partners used proceeds of GMAC insurance claims to reward small business administration protégés for a double occurrence demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that Romney’s Bain Capital and Obama’s Sidley Austin associates placed Bombardier trusts in a leveraged lease with a fraudulent pass-through agreement where Wells Fargo’s Federal Bridge Certification Authority partners used proceeds of GMAC insurance claims to reward small business administration protégés for a double occurrence demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
McConnell Links Gore Patent For Death by JABS to Miliband Carbon-Capped Spook
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Al Gore's launch of a patented Death by JABS* service to carbon-cap death squads, allegedly hired by Ed Miliband or his brother David, to kill GCHQ spook, Gareth Williams.
JABS* = Joint Automated Booking Station
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his sister Kristine Marcy helped Gore to launch the Death by JABS service with a carbon-cap garrote of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.
JABS* = Joint Automated Booking Station
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his sister Kristine Marcy helped Gore to launch the Death by JABS service with a carbon-cap garrote of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
McConnell Links Miliband Raid To Bullingdon Decoys In Case of Folded Spook
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked a recent raid on Ed Miliband’s offices to decoy maneuvers – allegedly staged by Bullingdon Club alumni as a limited hangout – designed to deflect MI5 attention from The Case of the Folded Spook*.
*The Gareth Williams murder a.k.a. Sherlock Holmes And The Alderney Street Mystery
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that the Bullingdons used GCHQ LGBT agents to fold Gareth Williams alive into a North Face hold all and later raid the Miliband office in an attempt to deflect the United Kingdom's counter-intelligence services from a genocidal plan to neutralize the public's carbon footprint through the $78 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project.
*The Gareth Williams murder a.k.a. Sherlock Holmes And The Alderney Street Mystery
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that the Bullingdons used GCHQ LGBT agents to fold Gareth Williams alive into a North Face hold all and later raid the Miliband office in an attempt to deflect the United Kingdom's counter-intelligence services from a genocidal plan to neutralize the public's carbon footprint through the $78 trillion Carbon Disclosure Project.
McConnell-Harper Pig Farm Graphics Linked To JABS For JonBenet
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) and Laureen Harper to the development of a graphical user interface for mobile (?) Joint Automated Booking Stations, first tested in 1996 at a B.C. pig farm and JonBenet Ramsey’s home in Boulder, Co.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Kristine McConnell, his sister, and Laureen Harper developed a graphical user interface for JABS to ensure that CCTV, fingerprint and DNA images, which might identify real perpetrators at crimes scenes such as the Pickton pig farm or the basement in the Ramsey home, could be filtered (?) at FBI headquarters in Washington D.C.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Kristine McConnell, his sister, and Laureen Harper developed a graphical user interface for JABS to ensure that CCTV, fingerprint and DNA images, which might identify real perpetrators at crimes scenes such as the Pickton pig farm or the basement in the Ramsey home, could be filtered (?) at FBI headquarters in Washington D.C.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
McConnell Links Sister’s Joint Automated Booking System To Rape of JonBenét
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy to the use of a Joint Automated Booking Station by the rapists who tasered, tortured and killed JonBenét Ramsey on Christmas Day, 1996.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims his sister procured the Joint Automated Booking Station which gave INS employees and their Canadian counterparts, an authority for the Christmas Day rape.
JonBenét’s crime?
Ask Russell William, director of the NORAD Santa program in 1996, or Al Gore, the sponsor of a 1996 Hammer award to Marcy for her Con Air re-invention of government.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims his sister procured the Joint Automated Booking Station which gave INS employees and their Canadian counterparts, an authority for the Christmas Day rape.
JonBenét’s crime?
Ask Russell William, director of the NORAD Santa program in 1996, or Al Gore, the sponsor of a 1996 Hammer award to Marcy for her Con Air re-invention of government.
Monday, March 19, 2012
McConnell Links Sister Marcy’s SENTRI Hits To Fast and Furious Contract Hits
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy to Gore Hammer SENTRI kits allegedly used by hit teams to bypass border controls to execute Fast and Furious contract hits in Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his sister designed the SENTRI – Secure Electronic Network for Travelers' Rapid Inspection – kits in 1995 as part of a Gore Hammer program to re-invent government and allow pay-to-play insiders to kill their enemies without being detected, indicted and/or convicted
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his sister designed the SENTRI – Secure Electronic Network for Travelers' Rapid Inspection – kits in 1995 as part of a Gore Hammer program to re-invent government and allow pay-to-play insiders to kill their enemies without being detected, indicted and/or convicted
McConnell Links Sister Marcy’s Free Flight Furloughs to Rape of JonBenét
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy to Free Flight furlough reservations, allegedly made on her U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, for witnesses to the Christmas Day rape of JonBenét Ramsey.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims his sister arranged Free Flight reservations on a Sabre DND system – allegedly operated by Canada’s Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates – to move furloughed soldiers or prisoners past U.S. immigration controls and back to jail before police arrived at the JonBenét rape scene.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims his sister arranged Free Flight reservations on a Sabre DND system – allegedly operated by Canada’s Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates – to move furloughed soldiers or prisoners past U.S. immigration controls and back to jail before police arrived at the JonBenét rape scene.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
McConnell Links Nick and Miriam Clegg to Free Flight Decoy 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Nick and Miriam Clegg to an EU-funded development of a Federal Bridge Certification Authority for the Free Flight decoy maneuvers on 9/11.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that the two Cleggs extorted Leon Britain, the then European Commissioner for Trade, into funding the development of Free Flight 9/11 capability in Europe while they decoyed agents of the United States CTC (CIA Counterterrorism Center) with false-flag Muslim groups, such as the ephemeral al-Qaeda cells, identified by General Henry Shelton’s "Able Danger" data mining program.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that the two Cleggs extorted Leon Britain, the then European Commissioner for Trade, into funding the development of Free Flight 9/11 capability in Europe while they decoyed agents of the United States CTC (CIA Counterterrorism Center) with false-flag Muslim groups, such as the ephemeral al-Qaeda cells, identified by General Henry Shelton’s "Able Danger" data mining program.
McConnell Links al-Qaeda Free Flight Airport To DLA Piper Time Lapse Lease
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked al-Qaeda maneuvers near Stewart International Airport in New York on 9/11, to a 30-hour time-lapse lease of Free Flight patent-pool devices allegedly arranged by DLA Piper with the airport operator, National Express.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims DLA Piper lawyers structured the National Express time-lapse lease in a Free Flight 9/11 conspiracy with Clinton Rubin associates, including Charlotte Bryan and his sister Kristine Marcy.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims DLA Piper lawyers structured the National Express time-lapse lease in a Free Flight 9/11 conspiracy with Clinton Rubin associates, including Charlotte Bryan and his sister Kristine Marcy.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
McConnell Links NCC Harper To Assange Onion Route and Free Flight 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked former National Citizens Coalition (NCC) President Stephen Harper to Julian Assange’s use of Onion Router encryption devices which concealed the Free Flight decoy and drone maneuvers executed on 9/11.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Assange relayed Onion Router encrypted signals across Harper’s network of NCC and Federal Bridge computers to the Boeing autopilots which executed the Free Flight 9/11 maneuvers fraudulently attributed to al-Qaeda.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Assange relayed Onion Router encrypted signals across Harper’s network of NCC and Federal Bridge computers to the Boeing autopilots which executed the Free Flight 9/11 maneuvers fraudulently attributed to al-Qaeda.
McConnell Links Harper’s Imperial Backdoor to Exxon Valdez, Boeing 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Stephen Harper’s design of backdoors into Imperial Oil computers to autopilots installed on the Exxon Valdez in 1989 and the hijacked Boeing aircraft of 9/11.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that, in 1979, Harper designed backdoors into Imperial Oil computer systems to support man-in-the-middle attacks on autopilots and conceal the remote navigation of passenger-carrying and fuel-transporting assets susceptible to insurance frauds .
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that, in 1979, Harper designed backdoors into Imperial Oil computer systems to support man-in-the-middle attacks on autopilots and conceal the remote navigation of passenger-carrying and fuel-transporting assets susceptible to insurance frauds .
Friday, March 16, 2012
Abel Danger Operation EXPOSE SHELTON FREEH 2012
Ex-US officials investigated over speeches to Iranian dissident group on terror list

By Michael Isikoff
National investigative correspondent
Speaking firms representing ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Hugh Shelton have received federal subpoenas as part of an expanding investigation into the source of payments to former top government officials who have publicly advocated removing an Iranian dissident group from the State Department list of terrorist groups, three sources familiar with the investigation told NBC News.
Ex-US officials investigated over speeches to Iranian dissident group on terror list
Gen. Hugh Shelton, left, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh are among the top former U.S. government officials whose speaking fees have been subpoenaed.
By Michael Isikoff
National investigative correspondent
Speaking firms representing ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Hugh Shelton have received federal subpoenas as part of an expanding investigation into the source of payments to former top government officials who have publicly advocated removing an Iranian dissident group from the State Department list of terrorist groups, three sources familiar with the investigation told NBC News.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
McConnell Links Harper’s Trinity of Traitors to Bridge of The USS Cole
Subject: McConnell Links Harper’s Trinity of Traitors to bridge of the USS Cole
Attention all, regarding MMCOIN technology; we wrote about it in January, 2008 but the Canadian Intel folks are as thick as a bag of hammers. I believe that UK and US have conferred with Australia and determined Trinity is not the problem; Canada is. GAPAN and the Patron Prince will scramble to cover for Canada's bumbled operation against America on the morning of 9/11. MMCOIN was an acronym for Maritime Marine Counter Intelligence. For instance, an Annapolis Marine working for (redacted) intel since 14 February, 1967, well before the Staid Economist and Ben Sliney offered to 'STICK IT TO THE USA, capeche?"
Attention all, regarding MMCOIN technology; we wrote about it in January, 2008 but the Canadian Intel folks are as thick as a bag of hammers. I believe that UK and US have conferred with Australia and determined Trinity is not the problem; Canada is. GAPAN and the Patron Prince will scramble to cover for Canada's bumbled operation against America on the morning of 9/11. MMCOIN was an acronym for Maritime Marine Counter Intelligence. For instance, an Annapolis Marine working for (redacted) intel since 14 February, 1967, well before the Staid Economist and Ben Sliney offered to 'STICK IT TO THE USA, capeche?"
McConnell Links Harper’s Trinity of Traitors To Bridge of The USS Cole
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Laureen Harper to a Web-based man-in-the-middle attack on the bridge commander of the USS Cole by an HMCS Trinity of Traitors in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims Mrs. Harper used Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ MCOIN III system set up by the Trinity of Traitors to trick the USS Cole bridge commander into an ambush in Aden Harbor and procure a web-cast propaganda video for the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims Mrs. Harper used Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates’ MCOIN III system set up by the Trinity of Traitors to trick the USS Cole bridge commander into an ambush in Aden Harbor and procure a web-cast propaganda video for the Federal Bridge Certification Authority.
McConnell Links Twin Towers Lease To KSM-COPOFF Insurance Fraud
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked a leveraged lease triggered by the Twin Towers demolition on 9/11 to a KSM-COPOFF insurance fraud, allegedly planned by Khaled Sheikh Mohammed and financed by a Cameron Obama Post Office Firemen’s Fund.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that in 1991, David Cameron and Barack Obama pooled UK Post Office pension funds with the Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago and began to finance Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s development of time-lapse incendiary bombs for lease insurance frauds.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that in 1991, David Cameron and Barack Obama pooled UK Post Office pension funds with the Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago and began to finance Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s development of time-lapse incendiary bombs for lease insurance frauds.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
McConnell Links Rebekah Wade Time Lapse Key to Case of Folded Spook
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that has linked Rebekah Wade’s use of a time lapse key to the Federal Bridge Certification Authority in the ‘The Case of the Folded Spook’.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, is inviting the winterpatriot author of the Alderney Street Mystery to contact him to discuss the MoD’s Federal Bridge root key holder who allegedly gave Wade’s agents at GCHQ a time-lapse opportunity to trap, fold and kill Gareth Williams in a North Face sports bag.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, is inviting the winterpatriot author of the Alderney Street Mystery to contact him to discuss the MoD’s Federal Bridge root key holder who allegedly gave Wade’s agents at GCHQ a time-lapse opportunity to trap, fold and kill Gareth Williams in a North Face sports bag.
McConnell Links Arrest of Rebekah Wade To Bullingdon Pedophile Trap
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it is linking the arrest of Rebekah Wade to pedophile traps, developed by Bullingdon Club alumni and family lawyers at Toynbee Hall since 1884.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Wade and his sister, Kristine Marcy, have moved the Toynbee Hall register of pedophile transactions onto a database of digital images and DNA records which currently support the Bullingdon Club extortion of victims into crimes of commission (cf. the contract torture murder of Gareth Williams) or crimes of omission (cf. the 2011 resignation of Scotland Yard commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson).
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that Wade and his sister, Kristine Marcy, have moved the Toynbee Hall register of pedophile transactions onto a database of digital images and DNA records which currently support the Bullingdon Club extortion of victims into crimes of commission (cf. the contract torture murder of Gareth Williams) or crimes of omission (cf. the 2011 resignation of Scotland Yard commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson).
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
McConnell Links Post Office/BT Pension Fraud To Cameron Twin Towers Lease
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked David Cameron and his former Treasury colleague the late Ross Goobey, to a fraud on Post Office/BT pension funds which – allegedly with foreknowledge – they invested in a WTC Twin Towers leveraged lease prior to 9/11.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell claims that Cameron, a former special adviser to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and Goobey authorized members of the Post Office/BT pension fund to relay time-lapse ignition signals to New York via the BT Tower in Cleveland Street and support a double-occurrence insurance claim by the pension fund's lawyers to follow the controlled demolitions of both towers on the same day.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell claims that Cameron, a former special adviser to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and Goobey authorized members of the Post Office/BT pension fund to relay time-lapse ignition signals to New York via the BT Tower in Cleveland Street and support a double-occurrence insurance claim by the pension fund's lawyers to follow the controlled demolitions of both towers on the same day.
McConnell Links Cameron Carbon Disclosure To Boeing Incendiary Bombs
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked David Cameron to investments by fund managers for the Carbon Disclosure Project in the Boeing incendiary bombs which allegedly destroyed evidence of Free Flight insurance frauds by Quebec-based Martec on 9/11.
Prequel 1:
McConnell Links Obama Family Office to DLA Piper and The Bishopsgate Bomb
Prequel 2:
Lloyd’s Register of Pedophiles - Relayed Ignition Signals - Embedded Incendiary Bombs - Martec, a Lloyd’s Register Subsidiary In Quebec
Prequel 1:
McConnell Links Obama Family Office to DLA Piper and The Bishopsgate Bomb
Prequel 2:
Lloyd’s Register of Pedophiles - Relayed Ignition Signals - Embedded Incendiary Bombs - Martec, a Lloyd’s Register Subsidiary In Quebec
Monday, March 12, 2012
McConnell Links Obama Family Office to DLA Piper and The Bishopsgate Bomb
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked an Obama family office, apparently structured by Maurice Strong, to the 1993 Bishopsgate bombing which allegedly forced HSBC to hand control of wealth management to City Livery Companies led by DLA Piper.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that after the 1993 bomb, HSBC transferred wealth management to D2 Banking, Canada Square where the assets of the Sam Cam Astor and Obama-Odinga families are being converted by DLA Piper to enrich LGBT activists in the City and Guilds of London.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director Field McConnell claims that after the 1993 bomb, HSBC transferred wealth management to D2 Banking, Canada Square where the assets of the Sam Cam Astor and Obama-Odinga families are being converted by DLA Piper to enrich LGBT activists in the City and Guilds of London.
McConnell Links al-Qaeda Free Flight Pilots To Bombardier Procurement Fraud
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked the now incarcerated Russell Williams to a Canadian Privy Council procurement fraud in which a homicidal pedophile was used to train Free Flight pilots on illegally-modified Bombardier aircraft for serial acts of aircraft sabotage during the '90s, leading to the Al-Qaeda decoy-and-drone maneuvers of 9/11.
Abel Danger Director of Global Operations, Field McConnell claims that Lena Trudeau advised the Privy Council on the goals of al-Qaeda’s Free Flight pilots which included taking control of American air space on 9/11, killing political leaders and transitioning the elected government of the United States to the unelected Senior Executive Service.
Abel Danger Director of Global Operations, Field McConnell claims that Lena Trudeau advised the Privy Council on the goals of al-Qaeda’s Free Flight pilots which included taking control of American air space on 9/11, killing political leaders and transitioning the elected government of the United States to the unelected Senior Executive Service.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
McConnell Links Serco Time-Lapse Keys to Clinton Rubin’s Free Flight 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked Serco’s transmission of time-lapse keys for a stand down of the U.S. Air Force during a Free Flight attack on 9/11, to five time-lapse key users who, in 2006, allegedly created a phony Clinton Rubin partnership to conceal their ongoing roles in a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the United States government by force.
Chicago - Boeing and Serco Patent Pool - SBA 8(a) Companies - 9/11 Production - HSBC Pedophile Families - SOS Children's Villages
Chicago - Boeing and Serco Patent Pool - SBA 8(a) Companies - 9/11 Production - HSBC Pedophile Families - SOS Children's Villages
McConnell Links ICAO Montreal to Bombardier’s Free Flight 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked the associates of ICAO Montreal to the sponsorship of illegal modifications to Bombardier aircraft in support of a Free Flight attack on 9/11.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that the ICAO asked homicidal pedophile pilot Russell Williams to design Free Flight modifications for two Bombardier aircraft, allegedly bought with UN Oil-for-Food money stolen by Maurice Strong and laundered through CAI and the Canadian Commercial Corporation.
Abel Danger Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that the ICAO asked homicidal pedophile pilot Russell Williams to design Free Flight modifications for two Bombardier aircraft, allegedly bought with UN Oil-for-Food money stolen by Maurice Strong and laundered through CAI and the Canadian Commercial Corporation.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
McConnell Links Clinton Rubin Sister To Free Flight Patent 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy and her Clinton Rubin associates to the use of Free Flight patented devices for the 9/11 attacks.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy used Clinton Rubin 8(a) companies to modify Con Air planes with Free Flight patented devises and jam Pentagon responses to ‘al-Qaeda 9/11’.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy used Clinton Rubin 8(a) companies to modify Con Air planes with Free Flight patented devises and jam Pentagon responses to ‘al-Qaeda 9/11’.
McConnell Links Gore Hammer Treasonous Sister To FAA's Con Air 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy and FAA's Collaborative Decision Makers who won Gore Hammer awards, to a treasonous conspiracy involving the use of Con Air (JPATS) aircraft to overthrow (reinvent?) the United States Government on 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy paralyzed the Pentagon's blue-team responses to electronic hijackings by sending bogus Con Air passenger manifests and flight schedules to the FAA's air traffic control headquarters in Herndon, Va. during a phony Gore Hammer continuity-of-government exercise on 9/11.
Abel Danger’s Global Operations Director, Field McConnell, claims that his Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy paralyzed the Pentagon's blue-team responses to electronic hijackings by sending bogus Con Air passenger manifests and flight schedules to the FAA's air traffic control headquarters in Herndon, Va. during a phony Gore Hammer continuity-of-government exercise on 9/11.
Friday, March 9, 2012
McConnell Links Obama’s Childhood Mentors To a Canadian Pedophile Pimp
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Barack Obama’s childhood mentors to the Canadian Maurice Strong’s development of a pedophile pimping service sponsored through SOS Children’s Villages.
Abel Danger spokesman Field McConnell claims that Strong arranged for Obama to be pimped by his nanny (a cross-dressing male hooker in Indonesia), and by a childhood mentor (the late bisexual-pedophile, Frank Marshal Davis, in Hawaii) before deploying him in an SOS pedophile entrapment network and greasing the imposter’s journey to the White House.
Abel Danger spokesman Field McConnell claims that Strong arranged for Obama to be pimped by his nanny (a cross-dressing male hooker in Indonesia), and by a childhood mentor (the late bisexual-pedophile, Frank Marshal Davis, in Hawaii) before deploying him in an SOS pedophile entrapment network and greasing the imposter’s journey to the White House.
McConnell Links Sidley Austin Torture Practice to Toynbee Hall Olympic Bomb
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked a Sidley Austin family-office torture practice to Bullingdon Club agents at Toynbee Hall and a plan to bomb the London Olympic Games.
Abel Danger spokesman Field McConnell claims that Sidley Austin expanded its family office and torture practice in 1984 by hiring Bernardine Dohrn to mentor LGBT interns for careers in client sexual entrapment, as pioneered by Toynbee Hall since 1884.
Abel Danger spokesman Field McConnell claims that Sidley Austin expanded its family office and torture practice in 1984 by hiring Bernardine Dohrn to mentor LGBT interns for careers in client sexual entrapment, as pioneered by Toynbee Hall since 1884.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
McConnell Links Gore Hammer Air Force and Sister to Shock and Awe 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Gore Hammer awards to Field McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy and the U.S. Air Force to the Shock and Awe attacks of 9/11.
Abel Danger spokesman Field McConnell claims that his Gore-Hammer sister Marcy procured modifications to Air Force and Con Air planes to support decoy maneuvers and rocket-fueled drone attacks on 9/11 during a bogus continuity of government exercise.
Abel Danger spokesman Field McConnell claims that his Gore-Hammer sister Marcy procured modifications to Air Force and Con Air planes to support decoy maneuvers and rocket-fueled drone attacks on 9/11 during a bogus continuity of government exercise.
McConnell Links Sidley Austin's Twin Towers Lawyer to Profumo MindBox 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked the former Sidley Austin lawyer Debbie Carslaw, to MindBox rules which she allegedly developed with Sidley alumni and the late Jack Profumo, a former U.K. minister for war, to support the demolition of the Twin Towers and associated insurance claims on 9/11.
McConnell Links Angiolini’s Privy Council Key to Interpol Pedophile Traps
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked Elish Angiolini’s Privy Council to Entrust public key infrastructure allegedly used by Interpol to conceal pedophile traps in SOS Children’s Villages in over 130 countries around the world.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Connections To Twin Towers GMAC Leveraged Lease and Alleged Frauds on Lloyd’s
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today that it has linked a Twin Towers GMAC leveraged lease to alleged frauds on Lloyd’s Names by Sidley Austin alumni, including terror boss Bernardine Dohrn, proteges Michelle and Barack Obama and friends on the Jane Addams Hull House Association Insurance Council.
Update: Important Related Sites To Abel Danger - Free Robert Green - Hollie Greig Case
Update on two very important sites related to Hollie Greig and Robert Green. Readers, please take note and book mark them for reference and involvement at whatever level is possible.
Hollie Demands Justice
Free Robert Green
We at Abel Danger Global wish to thank everyone for their involvement and assistance in the case of Hollie Greig and freeing Robert Green.
Hollie Demands Justice
Free Robert Green
We at Abel Danger Global wish to thank everyone for their involvement and assistance in the case of Hollie Greig and freeing Robert Green.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Link Discovered Between International Association of Prosecutors and Stolen Promis Software
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked Elish Angiolini’s International Association of Prosecutors to stolen Promis software allegedly used to entrap the pedophiles who raped Hollie Grieg.
Abel Danger’s spokesman, Field McConnell, claims his Crown Agents’ sister, Kristine Marcy, translated the stolen Promis software into French for Angiolini’s Prosecutors who are allegedly engaged in the ongoing spoliation of evidence at crime scenes involving pedophile entrapment and extortion by their Common Purpose agents throughout the United Kingdom and abroad.
Abel Danger’s spokesman, Field McConnell, claims his Crown Agents’ sister, Kristine Marcy, translated the stolen Promis software into French for Angiolini’s Prosecutors who are allegedly engaged in the ongoing spoliation of evidence at crime scenes involving pedophile entrapment and extortion by their Common Purpose agents throughout the United Kingdom and abroad.
Sidley Austin Lawyers Linked To Pedophile Entrapment Center
“Twin Towers: Demolished For Effect”
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked Sidley Austin lawyers to a pedophile entrapment center at Hull House and the associated use of SOS Children’s Villages to extort Rockefeller Family trusts.
The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked Sidley Austin lawyers to a pedophile entrapment center at Hull House and the associated use of SOS Children’s Villages to extort Rockefeller Family trusts.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Dear Friends of Hollie Greig: Welcome To America
Dear Friends of Hollie Greig:
Is it possible that Hollie and Anne would wish to come to America and be together? They would be provided for and safe. My family would guarantee that.
I suggest you listen to these lyrics and consider it:
Is it possible that Hollie and Anne would wish to come to America and be together? They would be provided for and safe. My family would guarantee that.
I suggest you listen to these lyrics and consider it:
Hollie Greig Echoes Through The Royal Courts
In a landmark hearing held on Friday March 2, 2012 at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, a 32 year old downs syndrome woman, Hollie Greig, requested permission to appeal against the ruling last summer of a Royal Courts of Justice Family Division judge that she lacked 'capacity' to make litigation decisions for herself about her life.
The family division judge to whom the young woman's local authority had applied for endorsement of its care-plan for her, declared from her bench that the young woman in front of her did not have capacity, despite no medical evidence having been produced to substantiate this assessment and despite it being on state and medical record that she does have capacity.
For up to date information and to show support for Hollie visit
The family division judge to whom the young woman's local authority had applied for endorsement of its care-plan for her, declared from her bench that the young woman in front of her did not have capacity, despite no medical evidence having been produced to substantiate this assessment and despite it being on state and medical record that she does have capacity.
For up to date information and to show support for Hollie visit
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Hollie Greig Offered Safe Harbour in USA - Nick Clegg Offered Blindfold and Cigarette - 7 March, 2012 Deadline - Child Traffickers LLC
Re: Hollie and Ann, High Court
As stated in yesterday's e-mail I am trying to pull together different strands to explain how courts, councils etc., work together to the detriment of the public at large (Brian Gerrish did an excellent job of this) Until then this is the best, if somewhat confusing, explanation I have of how/why the Judges ruled the way they did yesterday.
As stated in yesterday's e-mail I am trying to pull together different strands to explain how courts, councils etc., work together to the detriment of the public at large (Brian Gerrish did an excellent job of this) Until then this is the best, if somewhat confusing, explanation I have of how/why the Judges ruled the way they did yesterday.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The Lies From Crown Office - Hollie Greig Loses Appeal - Letter From Crown Office - Thorough Investigation Was Not Conducted
Source: Hollie Demands Justice
Hollie Greig Looses Appeal
Despite Grampian Police officers giving evidence under oath at Robert Green’s trial that NO investigation ever took place, and despite all the witnesses in that trial also confirming under oath that they have never been interviewed by Grampian Police, the Crown Office still maintains that a full and thorough investigation was carried out by Grampian Police and the local PF, who at the time was Elish Angiolini.

Anne Greig will be making an announcement in relation to the outcome of yesterday’s Appeal Hearing in London at around noon later today (Saturday).
In the meantime she says “please thank from me all the team that were involved in helping Hollie. It was very emotional and overwhelming to see the support for Hollie and we would not be able to do this without you all.
You are all wonderful human beings with huge hearts
All our love
Anne and Holliexx
Hollie Greig Looses Appeal
Despite Grampian Police officers giving evidence under oath at Robert Green’s trial that NO investigation ever took place, and despite all the witnesses in that trial also confirming under oath that they have never been interviewed by Grampian Police, the Crown Office still maintains that a full and thorough investigation was carried out by Grampian Police and the local PF, who at the time was Elish Angiolini.
Hollie Greig
Anne Greig will be making an announcement in relation to the outcome of yesterday’s Appeal Hearing in London at around noon later today (Saturday).
In the meantime she says “please thank from me all the team that were involved in helping Hollie. It was very emotional and overwhelming to see the support for Hollie and we would not be able to do this without you all.
You are all wonderful human beings with huge hearts
All our love
Anne and Holliexx
Friday, March 2, 2012
Robocalls - Federal Bridge Certification Authority - Dictator Game - Game Tested On Cantor-Fitzgerald - Univ. Of Calgary - Carlton Bartels - WTC #1
Plum City – ( -- March 2, 2012. The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked robocalls – allegedly made through the Federal Bridge Certification Authority during Canada’s last election – to a dictator game developed by Stephen Harper and an erstwhile draft-dodging colleague at the University of Calgary by the name of Tom Flanagan.
Abel Danger spokesperson Field McConnell claims that Harper and Flanagan first tested their Federal Bridge dictator game on a hapless Cantor-Fitzgerld carbon-credit trader by the name of Carlton Bartels, at the University of Calgary a week before he was murdered in WTC#1 on 9/11.
“Stephen Harper Stole 2011 Election? 'Robocalls' Investigation of Fraud”
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Abel Danger spokesperson Field McConnell claims that Harper and Flanagan first tested their Federal Bridge dictator game on a hapless Cantor-Fitzgerld carbon-credit trader by the name of Carlton Bartels, at the University of Calgary a week before he was murdered in WTC#1 on 9/11.
“Stephen Harper Stole 2011 Election? 'Robocalls' Investigation of Fraud”
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Carlton Bartels died in WTC#1 on 9/11, allegedly while playing the Harper-Flanagan Dictator Game on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority built by Ottawa-based Entrust
Thursday, March 1, 2012
1996 Gore Hammer Award - Forgers In the HUBZone - JAPATS - Bleached CSI and Immigration Files - 24 Black British Men - Waco - Fraudulent Journey
Plum City – ( – March 1, 2012. The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked the 1996 Gore Hammer Award to Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy and the forgers whom she allegedly hired into the HUBZone and the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, to conceal immigration frauds by Obama White House insiders.
Abel Danger spokesperson Field McConnell claims that Kristine Marcy – his sister! – won the Gore Hammer award after her HUBZone/JPATS forgers had bleached the CSI and immigration files on 24 black British men, murdered at Waco in 1993, and Barack Obama, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, before he started his fraudulent journey to the White House.
Prequel 1:
HUBZone Linked Settlement Traps - E-Comm 9-1-1 Command Center - British Columbia - Extorted Victims - Pickton Pig Farm - Attacks On First Responders
Prequel 2:
Gore Hammer Award - Fingerprints - Furlough Documents - JonBenét Ramsey’s Skull - JPATS - Moving Hit Teams - Canadian Border
See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“PHOENIX – An investigative “Cold Case Posse” launched six months ago by “America’s toughest sheriff” – Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – has concluded there is probable cause that the document released by the White House last year as President Obama’s birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery. … Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator, said his team believes the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic effort to hide from public inspection any original 1961 birth records it may have in its possession. .. “Officers of the Hawaii Department of Health and various elected Hawaiian public officials may have intentionally obscured 1961 birth records and procedures to avoid having to release to public inspection and to the examination of court-authorized forensic examiners any original Obama 1961 birth records the Hawaii Department of Health may or may not have,” Zullo said. .. The Cold Case Posse advised Arpaio that they believe forgers committed two crimes. First, they say it appears the White House fraudulently created a forgery that it characterized as an officially produced governmental birth record. Second, the White House fraudulently presented to the residents of Maricopa County and to the American public at large a forgery represented as “proof positive” of President Obama’s authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate. … “A continuing investigation is needed to identify the identity of the person or persons involved in creating the alleged birth certificate forgery and to determine who, if anyone, in the White House or the state of Hawaii may have authorized the forgery,” Arpaio said. … The sheriff said the president should also authorize Honolulu’s Kapi’olani Hospital, the birth hospital listed on the Obama long-form birth certificate, to release any hospital patient records for Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, his mother, and for the newly born Barack Obama, to provide corroboration for the records held in the Hawaii Department of Health vault. .. “Absent the authentic Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other credible proof supporting the idea or belief that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, as he and the White House have consistently asserted,” Zullo said. .. “In fact, absent the authentication of Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other proof he was born anywhere within the United States.” In addition, investigators say they have developed credible evidence that President Obama’s Selective Service card was a forgery, based on an examination of the postal date stamp on the document. Also, records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth.”
Abel Danger spokesperson Field McConnell claims that Kristine Marcy – his sister! – won the Gore Hammer award after her HUBZone/JPATS forgers had bleached the CSI and immigration files on 24 black British men, murdered at Waco in 1993, and Barack Obama, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, before he started his fraudulent journey to the White House.
Prequel 1:
HUBZone Linked Settlement Traps - E-Comm 9-1-1 Command Center - British Columbia - Extorted Victims - Pickton Pig Farm - Attacks On First Responders
Prequel 2:
Gore Hammer Award - Fingerprints - Furlough Documents - JonBenét Ramsey’s Skull - JPATS - Moving Hit Teams - Canadian Border
See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Gore Hammer Award - Fingerprints - Furlough Documents - JonBenét Ramsey’s Skull - JPATS - Moving Hit Teams - Canadian Border
Plum City – ( – March 1, 2012. The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked the Gore Hammer Award to fingerprints which it infers will be found on furlough documents prepared by Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy for the alien or prisoner who smashed JonBenét Ramsey’s skull on Christmas Day1996.
Abel Danger spokesperson and Kristine Marcy’s brother Field McConnell claims that his sister won the Gore Hammer award in 1996 after she had set up the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System – JPATS a.k.a. ‘Con Air’ – to move hit teams across the Canadian border within a few hours of a murder being committed (cf. al-Qaeda 9/11).
See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“Trailer - Con Air (1997)”
Abel Danger spokesperson and Kristine Marcy’s brother Field McConnell claims that his sister won the Gore Hammer award in 1996 after she had set up the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System – JPATS a.k.a. ‘Con Air’ – to move hit teams across the Canadian border within a few hours of a murder being committed (cf. al-Qaeda 9/11).
See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
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