Canadian and World Pedophilia
September 6, 2010
Shake your chains to earth like dew,
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many – they are few.
Percy Shelley, 1817
This week, I depart on my third journey to Europe in a year, to confront “Pope” Joseph Ratzinger and “Queen” Elizabeth Windsor for their complicity in crimes against humanity. This is the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one: for part of my purpose on this trip is to complete the third and final stage of spiritual and political exorcism against the oldest and most murderous institution on our planet: the Vatican , and that which stands behind it.
Before I leave “ Canada ”, I want to remind native and non-native people alike that nothing has changed in our land for the victims of genocide, past and present. All of the pseudo “apologies”, gag orders, “healing and reconciliation” rhetoric, and hush money from the churches and government have not minimized their guilt, their responsibility, and their liability for their crimes in Indian residential schools.
The Catholic, Anglican, and United churches, and the government of Canada , are not absolved of their murder of more than 50,000 children in these schools. And the struggle to bring them to justice, and to trial, carries on.
The efforts by these criminal bodies to distract attention from the growing evidence of their guilt, from the mass graves and tortured lives that fill this country, have not worked. Their self-serving whitewash they call the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” has been exposed as an expensive traveling circus that silences witnesses and protects the guilty.
But this TRC is more than that: under international law, it is an attempt to actually obstruct justice and shield criminals, and should therefore cause those responsible for it to face charges before international human rights tribunals.
The network of which I am a part, known as the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, is attempting to do precisely that, and not only charge Canada and its churches for genocide and its concealment, but to commence sanctions against these bodies and actually displace them. But our Tribunal also aims to do the same against the organization and person ultimately responsible for these crimes: the Vatican and Pope Joseph Ratzinger.
Our Tribunal was formed in June, and embraces groups in seven different nations. It will be convening its first sessions during September in London, Geneva, Dublin, Rome, and other cities. For what has murdered and enslaved aboriginal people on this continent has done the same to nations and to children all over our planet, for centuries – and continues to ravage and kill the innocent.
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