Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Field McConnell & David Hawkins: Transcript—20 January 2010 Hour 1

Source: rumormillnewsradio.com, hawkscafe, captainsherlock.com

Hawkins/McConnell Interview with Rayelan on Rumor Mill News
January 20, 2010 – Part 1 (Hour 1)

Rayelan Allan: Today is Wednesday and you know what that means, well, it means we’ve got Field McConnell here right now and so Field, I’d like to welcome you and ah, they’ll understand in a bit why David isn’t with us at this very moment. So, how are you Field?

Field McConnell: I couldn’t be better Ray, I had a very good experience yesterday when I went deep inside the bowels of the beast of the US Department of Justice.

Rayelan: Do you want ah, do you want to ah, to tell us about it or do you want to wait until David is on?

Field: Well, let’s do both. Let me tell you why David is not on first…

Rayelan: Exactly.

Field: …so we’ll go with this format if it, if it please you ah, Rayelan…

Raylean: …it does.

Field: …but we can talk about Lady Eagle, and then we can talk about the court hopefully, and then the reason why my email address ends in gr and ah, I’ll leave it at that and we’ll get to that one first. First we’re going to talk about Lady Eagle and ah, then - I’m writtin’ this down cause most of your listeners know that we sort of move quickly.

Rayelan: Right.

Field: And ah, when you move quickly and you have intel comin’ in twenty-four-seven so fast that you can’t keep up with it…

Rayelan: That’s right.

Field: ..ah, you have to sort of stay organized and focused. So we’ll start with Lady Eagle. David Hawkins is sixty-six years old ah, for a number of years he has referred to his partner ah, and sometimes his partner is his academic and research partner like me, and generally when he speaks to his ah, partner in respectful terms, because he’s always critical of me. He always talks about a woman whose name is Maren, M-a-r-e-n, and yesterday in a civil ah, civil wedding, David and Maren got married. And I think that’s just ah, absolutely wonderful for both of them and the reason – one of the reasons they got married is because they love each other and care for each other and if your listeners have noticed David getting choked up or teary eyed on your radio show of late, it’s simply because in the last several weeks David and Maren have gotten a diagnosis which is not pleasing, and that is that ah, one form of cancer has metastasized, I can’t pronounce that word [mə-ˈtas-tə-ˌsīz], but your listeners will know what I mean.

Rayelan: Right.

Field: Its, its spread from ah, one region to three or four others and from a worldly perspective this would cause great concern to anyone. Ahm, its come to my knowledge recently that ah, for the last sixteen to eighteen years of her life, Maren was very spiritually educated and informed and cognizant and I’m – I’ll go out on a limb and suggest not knowing the truth that she’s even more so today because ah, all of us are mortal beings and all of us are spiritual beings and ah, the mortal part of it, the body, sometimes will be taken away, but the spirit remains and ah, but for anyone who can hear, who can see, or can feel ah, collectively love, they have to make a decision after their mortal body where they want their spirit to go in the end. And the end is at a time not of our choosing. For instance, you and I discussed about a half an hour ago on the telephone, Rayelan, that if those we oppose were clever, that ah, who know I would not be around right now, and neither would David, and neither would you and I know there have been some attempts on your life. The bad news is for those we oppose, and I’ll just collectively rather than rattle off names, I’ll just call them the OCTOpus, but we’re going to rip the tentacles off the OCTOpus and there’s not a thing they can do to stop it.

And I base this on a lot of things that I’ll explain during the three our show. But let me honor Lady Eagle. At the top of the Abel Danger blogspot that a couple of our agents in Hawaii and Japan operate ah, there’s an eagle symbol over on the right and that eagle is a photograph that Maren had taken and it means a great deal to Maren and David both. And so as God considers healing Maren’s physical body, which most of us are praying for and it’s my belief that if one person, a single person prayed and if it was within God’s will, that he would restore her. But ah, in all things God achieves his purpose not only with you Rayelan, but also with David and Maren. So we’re going to ah, from this point forward we are going to honor Lady Eagle, which in real life is Maren ah, and I can say her last name now, it’s Maren Hawkins.

Rayelan: *laugh*

Field: If I would have said her name two weeks ago, David ah, would have literally choked me if he could but we’ve never met because we know we don’t have to meet because God has put this team together. So, anyway, yesterday ah, Maren and David were married, so now it’s Mr. Hawk and Mrs. Eagle, if you want to be humorous, and I think humor is a great medicine and I also think honestly, humor is a great threat and when our Chapter Eight gets to you, its got the longest song that I’ve ever stuck in there and it’s not ah, me doing this, of course, but I do select some of the music. And there is a song written by either Billy Joel – I think Springsteen, and most people don’t know he wrote it, but it’s called Blinded by the Light, and it was most popular when it was recorded by Manfred Mann.

And in the seven minute song Blinded by the Light which is what we’re doing to the Sidley sows and the Femme Comp pigs, or cows or whatever you want to call them, we are going to blind them with the light of the cross and there’s not a thing they can do about it and it’s ah, I know for certain within the last twenty-four hours, I saw physical evidence that ah, at least one of their people is terrified of what’s coming. And simply for them what’s coming is the grim reaper and ah, that’s their choice. And they can avert it by listening to the truth of ah, the existence of Jesus Christ and turning to them to loose themselves from the grip of the OCTOpus and if they don’t elect to do that because they have more fear of the OCTOpus than they have faith in the Lord, then simply little by little one by one ah, then God’s agents will rip the tentacles off one by one, and you’ll see the first one in Chapter Eight.

And I can’t be more specific because it would sort of suppress the drama, but I can tell you this, and there’s people listening right now that have seen email evidence of what I’m going to say is true, and those people include Banzai Pipeline [you are welcome], Kui Longboard and Agent Bean, I don’t ah, express myself overly negatively or overly critical especially to the people I’m working with. That’s called ‘shooting inside the circle’, like circling the wagons and then you start – the cowboys all shoot themselves instead of the Indians. But I was awakened at ah, twelve-twenty Monday morning, excuse me, Tuesday morning, twenty minutes after midnight I was awakened with a lot of energy and I knew that was for some purpose. So I went over and checked my emails and Chapter Eight had just been delivered to the web guy, and I started reading it and I realized the final edition of Chapter Eight had been corrupted by humans, meaning David and myself, and we had a whole lot of things in the wrong places and so I sent out a rather ah, well, it was more forceful than was characteristic of me. But I basically told everybody we have to stop the press and pull the plug on Chapter Eight it’s a complete mess. And it’s the most important chapter we have ever written in one-hundred and six chapters and it’s going to be, ah I think it’s going to be the death knell for the dumb bell and ah, some people might think I’m talking about the vice-president others might think I’m talking about George Bush, I’m not, I’m – the organization known as the OCTOpus ah, they have not been wise. Ah, they live in their on wisdom, they live in their own power, they live in their own money, and they are so slow to move and they are so easy to track that they will be destroyed.

I am confident, and I place my confidence God, not in David, or myself, or Rayelan, or Skymaster, Agent Bean, Banzai or Kui. We just have a lot of ahm, very good people with perhaps might be an exception, but the people we work with are very good people, with an immense skill set, we’re deployed globally and we will not be stopped because we know if we can’t save America ahm, America is the biggest chip to go down, but if America goes down then every country goes down into the grip of the OCTOpus. And we intend to declare victory on a date ah, in early February.

We’re not declaring victory now because we have a few loose details to take care of, but basically that’s it, Lady Eagle has caused David Hawkins and all the other agents at Abel Danger to redouble our efforts ah, rekindle our courage and encourage each other. And I want to thank three people for encouraging me, and ladies first so Agent Bean in Phoenix sent me a very encouraging email in the last seventy-two hours as did Kui Longboard ah, and he’s on an Island that neighbors Nehou and some of your listeners aren’t familiar with Nehou, but to live on that island you have to be one-hundred percent Hawaiian blood and there’s only about five-hundred residents and the third one who has encouraged me – well actually four, but ah, Banzai Pipeline is over in Japan and he sent me a very lucid, very brief and encouraging email, all of these three people encouraged me from a Christian stand point, and the fourth person is someone I don’t know, I do know and God knows it, but his initials are ‘GB’, and just for you ah, deluded democrats out there, let me tell you it’s not George Bush. And for you deluded republicans, let me tell you also it’s not George Bush. It’s someone who works at the airline I previously worked at and I never met this man, but in his very encouraging email, he said ah, “Field, my family appreciates what you’re doing for America so much that we have formed a prayer group within our church where all we basically pray about is the success of your mission.”

And I will put that email up to you, Rayelan, if you remind me ah, I’ll, I’ll delete his email address and his true name, but his initials are GB and ah, he basically says, “We are praying for you because if it was not for people like you with military experience and fluency there’s no way we can defeat the OCTOpus and have a safe America.” So, that’s a pretty strong mandate from a stranger. So I’ll sign off with the Lady – that will be the end of Lady Eagle and Maren, there’s a lot of people globally praying for your health and praying for your ah, spiritual salvation and I think those two things – they’re certainly in God’s hands. And ah, ah, I’m one-hundred percent certain on the spiritual side and we’re all praying and pullin’ for ya on the medical side. Ah, next very briefly, and I know I’m never brief…

Rayelan: And I would just like to say that I would like to bring all of our listeners into our prayer group right now and we are just sending of God’s energy to Maren, or to Maren.

Field: Well thank you and has anybody ever said a prayer on your show?

Rayelan: Ahm, not that I remember, do you want to go ahead?

Field: I would love to.

Rayelan: Please go ahead.

Field: And, and I hope that others around the globe that are listening including Kui, Banzai and Agent Bean, I hope you’ll bow your heads and I’ll make it brief, Dear Heavenly Father, you hold everything in your hands and you control everything in the world for your purpose not ours. I would humbly pray that you are kind and compassionate and loving for our sister, Maren Hawkins, from this point forward and I promise you nobody in Abel Danger is going to fail you in our mission to represent the little people, the faceless commoners around the globe one of which is Maren Hawkins and in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. Okay, is that good enough?

Rayelan: Amen. That was wonderful.

Field: Thank you.

Rayelan: Where two or more are gathered in his name so it be.

Field: Well, you know, I hope, I really don’t care. I was going to say I hope I don’t offend any non-believers, but frankly ah…

Rayelan: I don’t think we’ve got any non-believers listening to our show.

Field: I haven’t met one yet ah…

Rayelan: I haven’t either.

Field: So I guess when I figure out how to get in the chat room, if anybody is an atheist or a non-believer, or a mocker, feel free to explain to me why you do so but you do so at your own risk. I’ll leave it at that. Ah, yesterday as you know, I went into…

Rayelan: Let me explain to you how to get into the chat room to you and everyone else that doesn’t know how to get into it. It’s chatroom dot themicroeffect dot com

Field: Thank you.

Rayelan: chatroom dot themicroeffect dot com and ah…

Field: Thank you, and from just the ch, my computer has gone to the chat room. So I’ll be there in a minute.

Rayelan: *laugh*

Field: Ah, can I very briefly talk about my court experience?

Rayelan: Oh, I want to hear about it yes, please. And we may even take some time after this first break.

Field: Okay, are we getting’ close to a break?

Rayealn: Ah, yes, in about three minutes.

Field: Oh, I can be – I can do it real quickly. Alright, everyone knows that I have a case it’s called McConnell verses ALPA but it’s really ah, much bigger than that. And it’s not about Field McConnell even though I bring the case. Ah, yesterday I had a status meeting at ten-fifteen in the morning in the US Department of Justice Complex in Washington DC and I arrived early in the company of my attorney. We were greeted very kindly by the security people who actually made some ah, accommodations for us, I’ll leave it at that. Ah, we proceeded up to the court room. We looked at the schedule for the court of the ladies judge on the case and you can research it ahm, she had two cases yesterday, and the first one somebody I’m not familiar with, the second one was McConnell verses ALPA and it said ah, “Counsel for ALPA”, and it listed the names, two of them, and it said Counsel for Field McConnell and it listed *laugh* an incorrect name, an attorney who had been disbarred.

But I had in my company the attorney who was going to represent me, we went into the courtroom, the attorney went up to the ah, deputies, there were two very nice ladies at the front of the courtroom. He had identified himself and it was a surprise, nobody knew this was coming, he identified himself as my attorney and he proved his credentials and ah, we sat down very briefly. When the judge came she laid down the ground rules. She’s a very intelligent woman. She’s very procedurally correct I would say, and she made it very clear to everyone in the court including my sister, myself, my attorney ah, a reporter for the DC Examiner ah, four members of the court and two counsels for ALPA who didn’t look confident, I might laconically opine.

Rayelan: Tell what ALPA is in case?

Field: ALPA is the union that is not only suppose to represent not only the safety of the traveling public, but also the contractual relationship between ALPA representative airlines including Northwest and ah, Delta and others, and the pilots. And there’s ah, an ever growing number of pilots who have brought safety related issues to ALPA’s attention, and ALPA has not performed according to their charter, their mandate and they’ve preformed in a way I think later will prove to be, well I think that there’s going to be some criminal charge here ah, at least of negligence on their part because they’ve had from the eleventh of December two-thousand. They’ve had specific and credible evidence of the Boeing uninterruptible auto pilot, smacsonic explosives, the QRS eleven gyro chip similar to what’s on the grim reaper, which is ah, powerful weapon in the Department of Defense which we can discuss later. And let me just tell you while we’re talking about the grim reaper, that my business email is fbi at usdof dot gr, so perhaps that stands for the grim reaper.

Rayelan: Okay.

Field: But the court accommodated me, they made it very clear that they would not allow any funny business from either counsel. The judge laid down the rules that this was going to proceed quickly, it was going to proceed without ah, vast expense, it was going to proceed without ah, characteristic delays and that from that point forward, that Field McConnell would not be required to be in the court room simply because he’s from a great distance away and he travels ah, continuously. Now, I wonder if anybody has been so graciously accommodated by a court room ah, before, but I very much thank the depar – the Department of Justice, that specific judge and the District of Columbia district court because I feel that they are going to ah, treat not only me, but my case with great respect and if I’m wrong I’m wrong because I still have the power of the pen, but ah, if God is on my side I’m not wrong.

Rayelan: And ah, David, welcome, welcome to the show.

David: Oh thank you very much, Rayelan, and thank you Field, they were lovely words and ahm, Maren was listening.

Field: Oh great.

David: We didn’t quite have the wedding ceremony yesterday. We picked up the papers and it’s going to be at our house on ah, Friday. There’s some argument about who is going to obey who, but I think we hopefully we’ll sort that out by Friday because it’s fairly critical.

Field: Well, I’ll tell ya ah, as is often the case. I’ve messed things up and got the timing wrong, but God’s timing is just perfect. And let me just tell you that regardless of the delay of the ceremony by some ah, forty-eight or seventy-two hours ah, in God’s mind once you make that commitment to each other and you do the paperwork to express that you’re going to go down that path ah, you know, you’re effectively married and the rest of it’s just for the world to see. Ah, Rayelan, I wonder if we don’t have – can you think of a single song that might honor ah, David and Maren. Something similar to Here Comes the Groom? [Congratulations, David and Maren - Banzai]

Rayelan: Ah, yes, I have it cued but not for awhile yet.

Field: Okay, great.

Rayelan: It will be sprung at the last minute.

Field: Okay.

David: Give us a bit of a warning so I can have Maren listen to it.

Rayelan: Oh, well you better tell her to, to listen because it’s going to be sprung sometime in the next ten minutes.

David: Okay, alright thanks. I’ll just tell her to turn up the other speaker.

Rayelan: Okay, great. *laugh* And give her our love, we all love her.

Field: He’s gone and plus he doesn’t have good hearing. And while he’s gone I’ll talk about his bad hearing. That’s why he’s often hard for you to interrupt because he can’t here trying to interrupt him because your so much more quite and calm than he is.

Rayelan: Well, thank you for telling me that. I needed to know that.

Field: You are very welcome. David, are you back?

David: Yes I am, yes.

Field: Why don’t you deploy that cheesy English accent like a fire hose?

David: *laugh* Well, ah, you mean picking up the threads after your – I bet it was very interested in your appearance in the court ah, Field, in particularly some of the psychological reactions that you seem to have engendered you know, your relatives you know, and that sort of thing.

Rayelan: Well, actually…

David: Me too.

Field: Fire hose, fire hose, David.

Rayelan: Ah *laugh* now I just wanted to ah, say, I wanted to hear more about what you think your sister was going through.

Field: Well ah, she was…

Rayelan: And why in the world was she there?

Field: That’s an open question ah, but I, ah, and I’ll start with my sister then I’ll go around the court room. My sister was there ah, for what ever purpose I don’t know, but ah, she did not look comfortable and ah, I feel sorry for her because none of us like to feel uncomfortable, but ah, if you don’t serve the great comforter you will find no comfort in this world and if you don’t serve the great comfortable – comforter, things are going to be vastly more uncomfortable in the next world whether you believe it’s coming or not makes no difference at the end every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. So, she was uncomfortable for whatever reason, she was present for whatever reason and ah, we were both cordial. Ahm, next to me was an attorney who was totally confident, very calm, he knows the broader issues as well as specific issues.

There were two ladies at the front of the court, deputies, and not only were they calm, kind and accommodating, it turns out they’re both Christians which surprises me not because long before I went into that court room God went before me. I couldn’t believe that any more than I do ah, the judge I’ll cover last out of respect and now I’ve got to go to the other side of the court room where’s there’s two attorneys that were pleasant and cordial. One of them looked particularly worried, and I’ll leave it at that for the public. Ah, the other one didn’t look confident, sitting behind the two attorneys was a reporter for a newspaper, the - and it’s the DC Examiner and my sister went up to that lady and asked ahm, I introduced her actually and when I introduced my sister to the Bar - almost said her name Barbara, I’ll leave that out ah, when I introduced the two women my sister asked her, “What are you doing here?” And a great one line answer, and she said, “Media.” Very calm ah, and Barbara of course, has the vast picture because she reads our writing. She may even being listening to this radio show, who knows, but ah, I think I covered everyone now except for me. I covered me earlier. It was a very calm proceeding – oh, I didn’t cover the judge. She came in at the appropriate time and very calmly, professionally and capably communicated to everyone that she’s the judge, she’s in charge, this will not be a case where ah, delays or additional expenses are tolerated.

Ah, there’s no guarantees, I mean, she could dismiss my case ah, in which case the pen is mightier than the gavel I would, I would suggest ah, I don’t think it’s going to be dismissed, I don’t think it’s going to be triad ah, my attorney and myself would both love to take this to a trial ah, with a jury from DC because DC inhabitants were targeted not once, but twice on nine-eleven and had a certain power not obstructed the progress of the drone to replace United ninety-three, that drone would have taken out all the senators, and all the congressmen and all the good people, the little people, the faceless commoners that work within the capital system. And I saw a whole lot of commoners that were good people and I would suggest church-goers when I was in and out of the belly of the beast yesterday.

Rayelan: And that…

Field: How’s that?

Rayelan: Ah, if it does go to trial I know that Barbara will do some excellent coverage and if she would kind of share her coverage with us, we’ll have, we’ll have it world wide every night updates on this trial.

Field: Okay, well I, here’s several solutions. Here’s several resolutions. This could be dismissed. That would not surprise me. That would not discourage me. It could be sent to a form of mediation called A-D-R, Alpha Delta Romeo which is Alternate Dispute Resolution. I would, I would almost think that’s a ah, likely process because that takes the judge out of it and no judge in his or her right mind in America wants to have anything to do with this case, not because the case itself, but because the case that stands behind the case. Because ah, purely, this is a contractual ah, issue between ah, myself and the Airline Pilots Association. But behind that issue is the truth of nine-eleven and the truth is it was an act of treason and it was an act of murder.

Rayelan: That’s right. Who knows, maybe we have one of the only honest patriotic constitutional judges in the world judging your case.

Field: It wouldn’t surprise me because God turns people like he turns the rivers, we’re all in his hands. And ah, I was very impressed by that judge and I am very confident that ah, well first of all the judge will have her way in the case and ah, God will have his way in every case.

Rayelan: Mhm.

Field: I hope that’ not too confusing?

Rayelan: Well that’s, no, no, I understand that completely and I really do believe that we’ve got God on our side and he is working, you know, hand-in-hand with us now and your trial in Washington D.C. in my opinion is, is the way to bring all of this out in front of everybody. And so that’s what I’m hoping; I’m hoping it goes to trial.

Field: Yes, and I think it will in one way or another. If it goes to trial it will be very obvious and ah, you know, it will be quite a significant event in our nation’s history, but this is a win-win situation. If it doesn’t go to trial it’ll not go to trial because its been dismissed. Its gone to ADR, Alternate Dispute Resolution or its been settled, but here’s the beauty of it from God’s perspective. Typically in a settlement if the ah, defendants want to decide they want to pay some financial sum to right the wrongs of the plaintiff, they have the legal authority to demand the gagging of the plaintiff meaning in this case if they were to settle than I couldn’t talk about certain facets of the case, but keep in mind, this case is not about nine-eleven, this case is about ALPA and Field McConnell so they can’t gag me on the broader issue.

Rayelan: Mhm.

Field: And I would give credit to God for that because I certainly know nothing about the legal system. At least that’s favorable.

Rayelan: Well, excellent, David, did you have any questions for Field on this case.

David: Well, I think it is huge because there is thread that runs through it that I believe ties in ah, either malfeasance or misfeasance or possibly treason between people in ALPA, the Airline Pilots Association ah, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Professional Air Traffic Controls Association which is if you recollect they struck and I believe they were all laid off by Reagan? *music* Can you hear it?

Rayelan: I can hear it.

Field: I can hear it.

Rayelan: And so David, that’s dedicated to you and Maren.


David: *laugh* Well thank you very much.

Rayelan: *laugh*

David: Now we’ll just work out who obeys who.

Rayelan: Ah, that’s absolutely ah, well you know maybe neither of you should obey neither of you. How’s that?

Daivd: *laugh* We’re loose cannons.

Rayelan: *laugh* I have the idea that that rarely comes up between the two of you.

David: Right.

Rayelan: Okay, so David, you were asking Field about some questions about the ah, his ah, his ah, court appearance in Washington D.C. I mean, Field, don’t you understand how incredible it is that this court case is even taking place in Washington D.C?

Field: Well, I think it’s, it’s in God’s hands and I think it is incredible.

Rayelan: Ah, that’s what I think too and, and you know, I think all of our audience, we need to start publicizing this. That there’s a case coming in Washington if it goes to jury is going to blow the lid off of ah, nine-eleven. That’s what I feel, and the OCTOpus, people forget about the Promise software and the OCTOpus, they don’t realize that a lot of the people that are into the nine-eleven ah, ah, you know, conspiracy thing, George Bush did it. They forget about the Promise software and they don’t know anything about the OCTOpus, they didn’t live through it like we did and they just can’t connect all the pieces from the beginning to the end.

David: We can help them.

Rayelan: Ah, so David, go ahead.

David: And I think we can help them on that and I’m not sure on the years, but I would just like to trace the thread of ALPA, Federal Aviation Administration, Senior Executive Service and ah, the ah, the Airline Traffic Controllers Union back to nineteen seventy-nine because very interesting things happened that year, and first of all, I think the most important is Kristine Marcey, Field’s sister, launched the Senior Executive Service, she’s a charter member and for me charter means founder, and as a charter member of the Senior Executive Service, she would have been literally ahm, stick handling, if that’s the right word, the development of the Senior Executive Service to its present situation today where for all intensive purposes it runs the American Government.

These are seven-thousand senior bureaucrats that sit at the top of all these various departments and no doubt the Federal Aviation Administration is one of them. And back in nineteen seventy-nine when she launched that, that was around the time, I might be off by a few years, copies of the Promise software which is the ah, Prosecutors Management Information System, was stolen ahm, translated into French and given to Canada and converted to the use of the defendants lawyers. So what that is, that allowed for the opportunity for Canada to become a base for saboteurs and assassins to get inside the presidential chain of command and the Federal Aviation and ALPA for that matter, and place saboteurs and assassins inside the American ah, mainland if you will, and its international communications systems around the world. Now, what also happened in nineteen seventy-nine, was the first ah, unabomb, which stands for ‘universities and airlines bomb’, was launched, or the campaign was launched out of the Northwestern University in Chicago. Now a lot of people might think that was Ted Kaczynski whose now in the Federal Super Max Jail, but actually the FBI looked at the profile, and I’ve looked at the characteristics of the munitions used and their development over the nineteen seventy-nine to nineteen ninety-five when he was arrested, so fifteen, sixteen years, and what we see is a very sophisticated machinery or use of patented technology that characterized by a blue color ahm, aircraft ah, mechanic rather than a very ahm, advanced thinker at the university level. What we – what I think we’ve got here is, there was an attempt, and I believe a successful attempt, to take over the ah, university communications systems and the airlines inside the United States and turn it into a internationally revolutionary network to bomb and to kill.

Rayelan: So that is why airlines were the first ones used. Do you know if airlines came before ah, do you remember when they hijacked the ah, ship and they threw the guy over in a wheelchair? Was that before all the airline hijackings or was that before or was that afterward?

David: Field will probably be able to research that.

Field: Oh ya, the ship you are talking about is the Achille Lauro.

Rayelan: Achille Lauro, right.

Field: Ya, and they threw a Jewish guy overboard in the Mideast somewhere?

Rayelan: That’s right.

Field: And that was about the same time that TWA seven-twenty seven was hijacked over there and flown around the world for three or four days ah, with no plumbing, no food ah, no laundry. There was at least one assassination on the flight while it was taking place and that was one US Navy serviceman that was killed…

Rayelan: No, that was a US Navy Seal.

Field: Okay, that’s better yet.

Rayelan: That’s different than a US Serviceman.

Field: Absolutely.

Rayelan: Stevens ah, Stephen I think his name was.

Field: Ya, but ah, I’m confident somebody listening within the sound of your voice today, Rayelan, knows a lot about that perhaps thy can send us links to the chat room at fbi at usdoj dot gr, gr as in ‘grim reaper.’ So I’ll let you and David take it over while I do some computing.

David: Okay, so going back to this extraordinary year in nineteen seventy-nine ahm, there was an attempt in Chicago to develop a method of killing high value targets where the guilty could ah, go free possibly by manipulating this ah, Prosecution Management Information Systems software into something that served the defense. And then to pay the saboteurs and assassins out of the Chicago futures markets like the Chicago Board of Trade or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. So what we see by the devices used by the Unabomber network, we can come to that in a minute what that network is, they deployed the patented devices so the fusing systems of the unabombs got increasingly complex and there were proximity fuses and pressure fuses and so on. But always engineered into the device was a patent which is very interesting because we’ve had discussions before, Rayelan, how about how the use of patented devices go back to the Civil War…

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: …where saboteurs would be awarded with fifty percent of the value of the damage done provided it was done by a patented device and then the money was laundered through the patent office, in that case it was the Confederate Patent Office. Nineteen sixty-three – eighteen sixty-three from memory before the coal bomb invented by ah, Thomas Courtney. [Capt. Thomas Edgeworth Courtenay]

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: But fast forward to the unabomb campaign they used patented devices they were run out of Chicago and apparently the saboteurs and assassins were rewarded with profits from futures contracts for example, the future contract for insurance on a plane that was destroyed which obviously can represent a huge amount of money. So interestingly we can find a patent lawyer operating in a position of trust at that time in nineteen seventy-nine who had just been made a partner of the Rose Law Firm, was one Hillary Clinton.

Rayelan: I know, don’t you find…

David: And in nineteen seventy-nine Hillary Clinton got into a cattle futures contract in Chicago, I can’t remember if it was the Chicago Board of Trade or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange where she had inside information were she as able to take I believe either nine trades over twelve months or twelve trades over nine months and without any margin she turned a thousand dollars into one-hundred thousand dollars. And we believe the person giving her that inside information was one Richard Sandor who is now the Chairman of the Chicago Climate Exchange. So we think Hilary Clinton was intimately involved in the development of the unabomb campaign using patented devices and future contracts in Chicago to take over the airline industry which is the ‘a’ in unabomb, and at the same time threatened to kill deans, presidents and faculty members of universities if they failed to come into this ah, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the term ‘anarchist?’ But basically, an anarchist is someone who wants to destroy industrial society. And Hillary Clinton is the disciple of Saul Alinsky, the radical who operated in Chicago in the nineteen thirties and Alinsky’s protégés include, well, Hillary, and also, Barack Obama. He’s a community organizer and a radical, ad he only knows how to destroy. He does not know how to create, that’s why he is totally out of his depth right now.

Rayelan: Yes, I think…

David: And go back to nineteen seventy-nine a number of things were launched. The Senior Executive Service which runs the American government launched by Field’s sister, Kristine Marcey, who may or may not have had a hand in the theft and translation, because she speaks fluent French, of the Promise software into the defense software operated now by the Department or Ministry of Justice in Canada to move saboteurs and assassins through organizations like ALPA, the airline Pilots Association and the Federal Aviation Administration and the ah, Air Traffic Controllers PATCO, and get them into position to identify high value targets when they’re flying in planes whether it’s Air India one-eight-two in nineteen eighty-five out of British Columbia, or Pan Am one-o-three which was blown up over Lockerbie, and simulate attacks on these planes, TWA eight-hundred would be another opportunity and nine-eleven such that it looked like a virtual enemy from outside the country when in fact, it is an inside force out of Chicago that is creating increasingly sophisticated ways of killing people and framing someone else.

Rayelan: Ya.

David: Am I fire hosing. Stop if I’m…

Rayelan: No, no, no, we’re following everything you are…it’s just so…I don’t know…

David: It’s chilling perhaps but it’s absolutely vital we recognize these people as members of, and it goes back to nineteen-seventy, a racketeering, influence and corrupt organization that is based on the destruction of American wealth and industrial society where the money is made on the insurance contracts, or hedging contracts on the damage done and shared with the saboteurs and assassins provided they’re using patented devices to destroy or kill their high value targets. Now this is where I think Field’s case is going to be absolutely rocking because when he gets into court, or when this case comes to court, we can say about ALPA for example, or the Federal Aviation Administration and PATCO, that they maliciously allowed the carbon dioxide in the cabin to be adjusted downwards so arbitrarily they could define the people inside the passenger cabin as being a threat to each other because of the hazard of carbon dioxide therefore automatically legitimizing a signal from the computer to the plane to destroy it.

Rayelan: Okay, David, this is where many of our readers – remember last week I was trying to ask you every possible way why they incorporated the Co2 because it seems like…

David: Okay, I think I have a better way of explaining it now.

Rayelan: Okay, go ahead.

David: And I think for that reason we ought to go ahm, Field, do you think we should go to the abel danger site, or to the ahm, or ah, Hawks Café site to refer to this description from ah, Kui.

Field: Well ah, I, I think you should use your own judgment but I’d appreciate it if Rayelan would send me the link to the chat room while you make your judgment.

David: Okay, okay, let’s go to the Hawks Café website for the time being, sorry, the Captain Sherlock, okay?

Field: Okay, you better spell out the web site for them.

David: Okay, so it’s captainsherlock dot com, and that’s one word captain as in leader, Sherlock like in Sherlock Holmes, sherlock dot com and when people arrive there they’ll see ah, eight icons and ah, two rows of four and on the bottom row on the right hand side it says, “Visit Hawks Café.’ And if they drag their muse over to visit Hawks Café they’ll see ahm, a menu appearing and the first one is ‘home page’ and the second one is the ‘Yahoo Group.’ And if they click on the Yahoo Group ahm, they can see a list of posts that we’ve produced and the last one, or the most recent which went out this morning is entitled ‘RMR Rumor Mill Rayelan January the 20th Obama 350 Subject To Rule Kellogg.’ Alright, can you see that ah, Rayelan?

Rayelan: Yes, absolutely. It’s right on the top of the front page.

David: Okay, so before going into the details of that, I just want to talk about the generalities and ah, you’ve asked a question and it’s, it’s not at all obvious, but when a President of the United States wants someone whacked, which means a contract killing, they don’t want – when that individual is killed the investigators to track it back to an order from the President of the Unites States, they want, I think you call it plausible denial.

Rayelan: Absolutely.

David: And presidents, and probably not just in the United States, occasionally and particularly during periods of war, and we’re in one now, have reason to order the contract killing of an enemy of the country.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: And if you go back to the Clinton era a whole bunch of people were killed and that gave rise to the term ‘Arkancide.’

Rayelan: Right.

David: Where it would appear people associated with the Clintons both when he was the Governor of Arkansas and she was the first lady and then when he was the President of the United States and she was the first lady had a nasty habit of committing suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head twice.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: So the question is, if you look at Waco and the Murray Building, this was on the Clinton watch. There’s lot’s and lot’s of people who the Clintons would have deemed to be enemies who were actually killed. But no one was able to bring the chain of reasoning in the investigation back to the Clintons because they had developed a very sophisticated technique of having them killed without actually giving a direct instruction. And that’s what we’re talking about with the unabomb. The idea of the unabomb we think, was that there would be a signal from the target that would come in to a command and control computer, and subject to the incoming signal from the target, which wasn’t from the President of the United States that would trigger a kill signal to the plane and destroy it. Now, when that plane was destroyed, whether it was Ron Brown’s t thirty-seven, I can’t remember, it’s a military version of a Boeing seven- three-seven?

Field: It’s a t thirty-seven, Tango

David: T forty-three ahm, when that plane crashed that would allow Clinton to say, “Well it wasn’t me that ordered him killed, i.e., he’s got plausible denial. Ah, if you look at the planes on nine-one-one it would be prudent if the Clinton’s were involved, to make it look like the decision was made – taken from somewhere else, right?

Rayelan: Right.

David: Now, there’s a very simple way of doing that and this is where I think Field’s case is going to expose collaboration in the murder of American people by senior people in the Airline Pilots Association, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Senior Executive Service. In nineteen ninety-five and nineteen ninety-six Federal Aviation Administration and we think we actually know the name of the person who did this. Her name is Charlotte Bryan as in Charlotte’s web.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: We think that she was conspiring with senior people in the Senior Executive Service and ALPA and Federal Aviation Administration and PATCO to lower the carbon dioxide limit in passenger cabin in aircraft from thirty-thousand parts per million to five-thousand parts per million. Now, they claimed they did that – and there had been no problem at thirty-thousand parts per million because carbon dioxide is a perfectly benign gas and when you breath out you breath our at thirty – forty-thousand parts per million. If you go into a bar or a party and the room is poorly ventilated the room will feel ffff, foggy, is that the right word?

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: It’s because the carbon dioxide in the room if it’s not well ventilated has built up to perhaps thirty or forty-thousand and that’s no problem.

Rayelan: Right, right.

David: If you’re under the bed clothes with relatives ahm, the ventilation under the bed clothes will be foggy if that’s the right word, but it’s not going to kill you. It will probably be forty to fifty parts per million.

Rayelan: Mhm.

David: Now, if you can define or if you can frighten the people in ALPA and FAA and PATCO to define thirty-thousand as a ah, hazardous level for carbon dioxide all you need to do to automate the killing of a high value target in a plane is put in a carbon dioxide sensor in a plane and send a signal by wireless to a command and control center which when it receives a signal that thirty-thousand limit has been violated, it sends a signal back to the plane to blow up or detonate embedded explosives in the plane.

Rayelan: So in other words, David, what you are saying is, this Co2 thing, I mean, they’ve been literally could have used anything ah, you know, chewing gum or something.

David: No, no, actually no, specifically, carbon dioxide is very important because the carbon dioxide in the passenger cabin tells the that someone is breathing there.

Rayelan: Okay.

David: Chewing gum doesn’t. If chewing gum is on the table or the seat it doesn’t prove anyone to chew on it.

Field: Hey David, David, let’s just stipulate the fact that we know more about Co2 than anyone else and move on to other things ah, for instance, if anyone wants to talk about Haiti, or we can continue on nine-eleven, but I think we’re puttin’ them to sleep with the Co2 argument.

Rayelan: Ya, probably David, I think you and I have to talk about it off the air then I can understand it and then I can explain it to people when I understand it.

David; Okay, alright, ah, I think that’s, that’s fair enough. So let’s go on to the idea of an insurance policy on the plane.

Rayelan: Right.

David: Is that fair enough?

Rayelan: Fair enough.

Field: That sounds great.

David: Okay, forget about the mechanism. If you know that the people who have the access to insurers and reinsurers, have inside information that the pane was going to be blown up, forget how it’s going to be blown up.

Rayelan: Right.

David: Then you can tell the insurance company that’s selling insurance to these ah, airlines and the passengers that are getting onto the planes, that that plane is not going to arrive and it would be a good idea… 

Pipeline Riders

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