Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What Exactly are the Judaic Plans for Ukraine?

Editor's note: The US corporation's "first lady" Jill Biden (nee Jacobs), does not have naturally blond hair (bottle blond) of course. Her hair color was upgraded to make her look good in front of the cameras when she made a "surprise visit" to Ukraine to meet the western puppet-in-charge, the actor Volodymyr Zelensky's wife. Zelensky was placed in office (paid to act) by the criminal Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi (now wanted in Britain) with backing from Victoria Nuland (nee Nudalman). US NGOs are a way of tapping into government loot and Nudalman had the Ukrainian "revolution" in 2014 financed with $5 billion. Tapping into the money spigot through the US government by NGO's to fund a new homeland for Jews. What do Jill Biden (nee Jacobs), Volodymyr Zelensky, Victoria Nuland (nee Nudalman) and Ihor Kolomoysky all have in common? They are all Jewish. In essence then, the Ukrainian coup d'etat can be seen as a Jewish take over of Ukraine.

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