Friday, February 12, 2010

Field McConnell & David Hawkins: Transcript—9 February 2010 Hour 1


David Hawkins/Field McConnell Interview with Jack Stockwell Radio on
February 9, 2010 – Part 1 (Hour 1)

Jack Stockwell: Welcome to my show this morning, David, Field, glad you could be here.

David Hawkins:
Thanks for having us, Jack.

Field McConnell: Good morning. Jack.

Jack: Field, you were plowing through snow yesterday, something like that, you were in the Midwest bad weather we’re having?

Field: Ah ya, I started out Sunday morning from Nashville, Tennessee where I had been down in the Tea Party Convention and I had to stop driving at about Waverly, Iowa due to slippery roads, poor visibility and ah, all sorts of vehicles slinging themselves around randomly and ah, when I left Waverly, Iowa yesterday morning at about eight-thirty AM the visibility was poor, the roads were slippery and once again, it looked like a pinball machine rather than a highway and I would say, yesterday morning I probably saw sixty accidents some of them…

Jack: My goodness.

Field: …ya, it was, it was not a good day to be driving and ah, but I feel very fortunate that I had the luxury of time and no deadline so I could, you know, use a little bit of good judgment and try to avoid the ditch. But ah, you know, getting home safely yesterday was not a good bet and some how I was fortunate enough to do so. So, it’s nice to be home and it’s nice to be on your show again, Jack.

Jack: Well, thank you very much, I appreciate that. I have been, I’ve been to Waverly and I went to school in Iowa, eastern Iowa and I know what Midwest snowstorms can be like and you just find a nice warm place somewhere and you stay there until it’s over with.

Field: That’s what I did Sunday night and an added bonus I got to the hotel about fifteen minutes before the Super Bowl started.

Jack: There’s some other stuff going on out there that I want my listeners to hear you guys talk about especially the ah, ahm, what’s Emerson-Sandor doing with these Mindbox algorithms. What the possible – you know, this Middleton, Connecticut where the Clean Power Plant was partially blown up, people were killed. What that has to do with the Olympic Games that start this Friday? David, do you want to start off here and help me ah, organize my thoughts at least? 

David: Ya, sure Jack, thanks. Well, there’s a man by the name of Richard Sandor the ah, he’s a professor or occasional professor at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago?

Jack: Right.

David: And his specialty is the development, well, you call it algorithms, but they’re really computer programs…

Jack: Yes.

David: …to engage in cap and trade in ah, carbon dioxide?

Jack: Precisely.

David: And he’s applied for a patent, I don’t know whether its been granted yet, ah, where he ties municipal debt, like ah, the town in Connecticut close to this Clean Power Plant that got blown up, or partially blown up on Sunday. Apparently it’s Middletown?

Jack: Right.

David: And apparently on Sunday they were commissioning the plant, now whether it’s a hundred contractors, or a hundred companies that were sub-contractors to that plant, but they were commissioning and testing the plant. And we’ve always associated these tests with ah, with the strong possibility ah, for example, sabotage vulnerability suddenly turns into the real thing as happened on nine-one-one.

Jack: Yes.

David: So what we’ve discovered with Richard Sandor is, he’s developed ahm, an insurance instrument in the company of others in the United Kingdom which is called, and your listeners may not have heard of this before, it’s called ‘catastrophe bond insurance?’

Jack: Okay.

David: And it’s a very interesting way for crooks to make money and launder money because catastrophe bond is written for sponsors of the bond if they think a catastrophe will happen. So they put ah, let’s say a hundred million dollars in escrow for the duration say for example, Hurricane Katrina? And they stand to lose that money if the catastrophe does not happen.

Jack: Huh.

David: On the other side of the catastrophe bond are the investors, cat bond investors and they put in a lot more money than a hundred-million dollars on the basis they don’t think the catastrophe is going to happen. And the catastrophe could be for example, in the duration of Hurricane Katrina in the vicinity of New Orleans, if the levies gave way and there was a flood in excess of fifteen feet in the low lying parishes which is huge, of course.

Jack: Yes.

David: Right, so the investors would be told by Richard Sandor and his spin meisters, there’s very little chance the flood, that the levies will give way simultaneously and there will be a fifteen foot flood so why don’t you put in fifty-billion dollars. Now the fifty-billion dollars, is of course lost, if the fifteen foot flood occurs to the sponsor. Ah, but the people putting in the fifteen-million – fifty-billion dollars stand to make a hundred-million dollars in a couple of weeks if the cat bond is not triggered if there’s not a fifteen foot flood. So you can see, if you spin it- if you’re the escrow, you know what an escrow is – it holds the money on both sides?

Jack: Right.

David: And it has an instruction, or instruction set which is, it can be purely computer based. If this happens and this happens and this happens transfers the investor’s money to the sponsor, and if that happens and that happens and that happens and that doesn’t happen, transfer the sponsor’s money to the investor. So, you can actually write a computer program entirely independent of human beings, if you will, that moves the money either from the sponsor to the investor, or the investor to the sponsor. Triggered by for example, a fifteen foot flood or not triggered by a fifteen foot flood.

Jack: What if somebody blows the levies?

David: Exactly. If you’ve got a spread of fifty million ah, or a hundred-million dollars on the sponsor’s side in the pot, and fifty-billion dollars on the investor’s side in the pot, obviously there’s a huge amount of money to be made by the escrow, if they hire a spon – a saboteur and assassin, to blow the levies up, which is what they did with Hurricane Katrina. The levies gave way four places simultaneously, I forget the day, but about three o’clock in the morning, after Jack, Hurricane Katrina had past eighty miles to the east of the city twenty-three hours before. It was over.

Jack: Yes.

David: It was all over. And then someone put some dual yield explosives, and triggered them at four places simultaneously and a barge in the industrial canal had been unmoored and they blew up a side wall in the industrial canal and the barge was sucked through the wall and widened the gap to increase the flood rate to the low lying parishes. And all this had been modeled on a computer a week before in a simulation called ‘Hurricane Pam.’ And the objective was to drawn sixty-thousand inhabitants in the low lying parishes, trigger the cat bonds, and transfer huge amounts of money to investors in the cat bond to the sponsors of the cat bond.

Jack: Do you want to explain the cat bond, c-a-t bond, the cat bond for a second?

David: Ya, the catastrophe bond, or the cat bond as it stands, is an insurance instrument and the world’s leading catastrophe bond insurer, is company ACE, A-c-e in Bermuda, and one of the directors of Ace, is a man called Leo Mullin [check spelling] whose also an adviser to Goldman Sachs and he is a trustee of Northwestern University which has the Kellogg School of Management in its portfolio. 
Jack: Hmm.

David: And the catastrophe bond is written by insurance and reinsurance companies and sold to sponsors and investors. And a sponsor of a cat bond might be, and I’m just looking at the page called the ah, the Utah State Retirement System, which is in your back yard.

Jack: Oh ya.

David: And this is one page ah, a document entitled The Terrorism Investments of the Fifty States of America that was prepared on August the twelfth of two-thousand four because what the alumni faculty at the Kellogg School of Management have done, is they’ve tricked ah, federal, state and local city or municipal pension funds, to play in the catastrophe bond market which is a very dangerous market to play in if you are not an insider. Now the, you’re not, the Utah State Retirement System has refused to provide records of the fund’s investment portfolios. The fund is reportedly exempt under Utah State Law from providing its investments funds to the public and what we’re suggesting, and Field’s been traveling so he probably hasn’t time to catch up on recent discoveries, is we think the Utah State Retirement System gaming the catastrophe bond industry.

Jack: A lot of you have heard about this explosion that David is referring to ah, at this power plant that’s ah, under construction in Connecticut, just a few days ago five people so far reported dead. The financing of this plant, a billion dollars in bond, a billion, one billion ah, in bonds backed by Goldman Sachs, was used to finance the plant. The power the plant would have been producing when it went on line this summer would ah, would have gone online this summer, was the stream for this money. Now Energy Investors Fund, which is a private equity fund, indirectly owns a share in the power plant and the equity, or the Energy Investors Fund investors, partially from corporate pension funds and public pension funds, and so, do we know yet what happened there? I know I asked the question before we went to break about as far as the corporate pension funds and public pension funds, I suppose there’s probably investors from Utah’s retirement groups involved with that, but ah, that’s not out of the ordinary.

The people who are in charge of the funds of the Utah employees regardless of what area of Utah area of employment they’re involved with, education or whatever, are looking for the highest rated pension funds they can find out there. So ah, when I, when I go through the news feeds and I go through your information here- if you go to ahm, captainsherlock dot com, you can get more information yourself, everybody, most of you who have been listening to David and Field are very, very familiar with this, these, these website, captainsherlock dot com hawkscafe dot com. But ah, I need you to create a string that pulls this stuff together for me, David, for me to understand the connections.

David: Okay, Jack, let’s, let’s take an example of a catastrophe bond that might be written for the Twin Towers prior to nine-one-one.

Jack: Was there one?

David: Yes.

Jack: Okay.

David: And it was written basically in an organization that was launched on the fourth of December two-thousand at ten Downing Street the home of the British Prime Minister called the ‘Carbon Disclosure Project.’ And the Carbon Disclosure Project has in it a whole bunch of what they call ‘signatory investors’, one of which could be for example the Utah State Pension Fund.

Jack: Okay.

David: Ah, it has the California Public Employee Retirement System in it. It has the teachers pension fund. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the organization called T-I-A-A C-R-E-F, TIAA-CREF?

Jack: Not sure.

David: That’s the Teachers Annuities Association and College Retirement Equity Fund, it’s the world’s largest private pension fund. It has four-hundred billion dollars in it?

Jack: Alright.

David: And it’s the retirement benefits of all the tertiary education people in the United States, or the bulk of them, three point nine million members, okay?

Jack: Okay.

David: And that pension fund is one of the signatory investors in the fund that was launched in December of two-thousand together with the New York City’s Retirement System. Now, what they did with the Twin Towers to entrap the members of these pension funds, they would take for example, the New York City Fire Fighters, when I say ‘they’, I’m talking about the hedge fund managers who are in London managing these funds.

Jack: The cat, the cat bond.

David: The cat bonds, right? And they would sit their friends on one side on the bond, the winning side, and they would sit their enemies, whether they’re political or rivals in business or whatever, on the losing side of the cat bond because for example, the cat bond that was written for the Twin Towers, in the event that both towers came down in a double occurrence terrorist attack then the sponsors would receive all of the money of the investors placed in that cat bond.

Now, from the investor’s point of view you can imagine if someone goes out into the international insurance markets, to the state pension fund of Utah managers and says, “We’ve got a way of making you a lot of money during this war game exercise because we’re going to ask you to put your money in escrow and you’ll only lose it if both towers come down on the same day.” Which means the managers of the hedge funds, or the mangers of the Utah State Pension Fund would say, “Well, this is a no brainer, I mean, what could possibly happen that could bring both towers down?”

Jack: Ya, what could possibly happen to bring both towers down? Yes, of course. I mean, even Condoleezza Rice said, “Nobody in their wildest imagination even dreamt such a thing could happen.”

David: Right, so the Utah State Pension Fund, I’m talking hypothetically because I don’t know that Utah put anything in, but I do know the New York City Fire Fighters put a lot of money into that cat bond for the Twin Towers. Ah, the trustees, who remember, I bet you the Utah State Pension Fund trustees don’t meet more frequently than three months.

Jack: Okay.

David: Well, a lot can happen in three months, right Jack?

Jack: Certainly.

David: So if my trustee meeting for the Utah State Pension Fund was on, I don’t know, August the first and the next meeting was ah, at the end of November, then the trustees would go away and if anyone of their members says, “What are you doing with my pension fund”, they say, “Well I don’t know but I’ll tell you at the next board meeting.” In the meantime that fund is in the hands of private equity groups or hedge funds who are not accountable to the members. If you ask – I don’t know how many members of the Utah State Pension Fund teachers there are, and if you ask ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of them what’s happening to their pension fund they don’t have a clue.

Jack: Yes, right, all they’re concerned about is that the check shows up when it’s suppose to.

David: Exactly, which is a very dangerous thing to do.

Jack: Well it’s the same thing with the American sovereign, the people. They don’t care what happens in Washington as long as the gas pumps are flowing, there is food on the shelves in the store and they can run off to Disneyland with the kids this summer.

David: Absolutely, so let’s say the, again ahm, I don’t want to confuse the issue. Let’s let’s, stick with the New York City Firefighters Pension Fund. So the trustees have handed off responsibility for managing that fund between board meetings or trustee meetings to a hedge fund manager.

Jack: Mhm.

David: Most of them don’t know who that hedge fund manager is, right?

Jack: Precisely.

David: We know who the hedge fund manager is, it’s the hedge fund manager handling the fifty-five trillion dollars of assets at ten Downing Street in the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Jack: Yes.

David: Right, now that fund manager effectively acts like what’s called an escrow. He takes the money from the investors and it takes the money from the investors, it puts them in a pot controlled by a computer and it waits for the war games of nine-one-one to see if the cat bond is triggered and both cat bonds are triggered if both buildings are demolished on the same day.

Jack: Now, when that happened?

David: All the money is transferred to the sponsor.

Jack: Precisely, and someone had to open up their eyes at that moment and say, “Hey, hey, wait a minute.”

David: Ya, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger did.

Jack: Yes. *laugh*

David: Right, but we are the only people who did because. You see, Field, jump in Field, if you will, I don’t want to rattle on too much, but what I’m suggesting is…

Jack: I’ve got you – David I asked you to come on today to rattle on.

David: Okay. *laugh*

Jack: Both of you.

David: Alright, so what they did and it’s absolutely brilliant, and brutal, and cynical and it’s associated with racketeering, influence and corrupt organization, they put the New York City Officer’s Pension Fund on one side of the bond, and the New York City Members, on the other side of the bond. What that means is the can arrange for either the officers to lose a huge chunk of their pension fund, or make a lot of money, or the men lose a huge chunk of their pension fund or make a lot of money. Now, after the event when both towers came down the investors money has been transferred to the sponsors, and let’s say for example, the officers were on the winning side of the catastrophe bond. They have now profited from the death of three-hundred and forty- three New York City Firefighters.

Jack: Yes, ya.

David: What do they say and who do they say it to? They’ve received money that makes it look like they were complicit in murder for hire.

Jack: And how many people are looking at that with, with a pair of glasses that actually begins to put these pieces together besides Captain Sherlock?

David: Well, you are, and the other radio shows that are on and all the readers of our blog site and web sites and the light is going on and it’s not going to go off again, Jack.

Field: Hey David, can I jump in?

David: Yes, absolutely.

Jack: Field, Field, have you been sued yet?

Field: Have I been what?

Jack: Have you guys been sued yet for libel?

Field: No they can’t – telling the truth is not libelous, but in answer to your question about who knows what and how many people know the truth…

Jack: Ya, Field.

Field: I would suggest that if any of your listeners want to establish the ah, the narrow ah, narrow portion of the world that understands all this stuff, if you were to do a four item google search [no need to, I did it for you], and the four item being, ‘Boeing uninterruptible auto pilot’ then a ‘plus’ sign ah, ‘qrs eleven’ then a ‘plus’ sign, ‘smacsonic’, s-m-a-c-s-o-n-i-c, then a ‘plus’ sign and then ‘ku band’ which is Kilo Uniform and then the word ‘band’, b-a-n-d…

Jack: One word?

Field: Ya – no, it’s actually ku and then b-a-n-d.

Jack: Okay, alright.

Field: But if you do a google for those four items ah, the most recent time I did it there’s only five hits, five hits come back to Captain Sherlock or Hawks Café, but ah, one thing our cheesy accented motor mouth at the other end of this line…

David: *laugh*

Field: …point out to you, Jack.

David: He’s cruel to me, Jack.

Field: Well, I just like to keep him well grounded.

Jack: Well, you are an accented motor mouth, David, I don’t know about cheesy but you’re an accented motor mouth.

Field: Well ahm, I’m referring to his English accent, but ah, I’m not sure if you’re aware of our Abel Danger Blogspot that has been put up by two gentlemen, one in Hawaii and one in ah, Japan.

Jack: No, what’s the link?

Field: It’s http colon forward slash forward slash abel danger, a-b-e-l danger, all one word abeldanger dot blogspot dot com, and once again David and I don’t control that. There’s two people who have been following us just like you have for several years and they decided to devote a blogspot to the activities of ah, David and Field and ah, we have a group of about ten people that are, you know, communicating daily about what’s going on and trying to get the rest of the world to wake up ah, and I can’t wait for David to start talking about the Ashcroft ah, twosome, that’s ah, Ashcroft in England whose a Fabian Marxist I presume and then the former attorney general. But I don’t want to interrupt so let’s let the motor mouth talk to Jack some more.

Jack: Okay, abeldanger dot blogspot dot com?

Field: That’s correct.

Jack: Alright.

David: Okay, just go back with what happened to when the Twin Towers came down and how that leads back to the Kellogg School of Management and Richard Sandor. In the year two-thousand, the Joyce Foundation in Chicago awarded a grant to Richard Sandor at the Kellogg School of Management to write the algorithms that we allege, it’s ah, and an algorithm is essentially a set of instructions to a computer, before for example it sends a detonation or ignition sig – signal to explosives in the building to blow it up. Ahm, so the Joyce Foundation Directors awarded a one-million dollar grant to Richard Sandor at the Kellogg School of Management to develop the algorithms for these ah, catastrophe bonds if you will.

Where if, if someone violates the carbon dioxide cap that has been set in a building or an airplane, then that’s one of the inputs that comes from the crime scene to the computer in Chicago and the computer then checks if all of the other elements or inputs are true, that is it’s received ‘authority’ to blow up the Twin Towers and when its made sure, this is the computer or algorithm, made sure that all of the inputs are there, it sends a signal back to the crime scene to ignite, let’s say a fuel air explosive bomb that’s been pumped into the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems of the Twin Towers, and blows both buildings up on the same day and triggers the catastrophe bond so the investors money is transferred to the sponsors with a kick back to the people who did the escrow.

Jack: Now, the people, okay, alright good. Now the people who are the investors, the pension funds…

David: Yes.

Jack: …ahhh.

David: They lose their money.

Jack: They lose their money and there are pension fund managers in New York, probably a lot of them were actually in the Twin Towers ah, and in other places, but let’s just say hypothetically that the Utah Retired Employees Pensions Fund ah, had a large portion of money in that operation. People back here are going to suddenly realize, “Our money is gone.”

David: Well, the problem is – and that’s the way they’ve broken up the integrity of United States governments at the state level and the federal level, you see, they can put one tier of the Utah State Retirement System on the winning side and another tier on the losing side.

Jack: Now that takes complicity.

David: Of course.

Jack: Now David, the complicity that may be involved by, I mean, how far down the line would someone have to be complicit in this cat bond stuff if they’re going to be playing both sides?

David: Well, to be ignorant that someone is playing both sides would stretch all the way into ninety-nine point ninety-nine members of the Utah State Employees Pension Fund...

Jack: Sure.

David: …because they don’t know what’s been done with their pension fund.

Jack: Well, that’s right, they don’t know what they’re investing in.

David: Right, so now let’s say that some bright spark said something to the people in that pension fund, “Look, there’s one group of teachers in Utah that an elite group” ah, I don’t know, the people who run the schools themselves, that manage the schools, “let’s create a special fund, a special pension fund within the Utah State Retirement System and we’ll invest that so if you get into that ah, elevated rank you get a very nice fat pension fund”, I mean, this is essentially what Jimmy Hoffa would have done with the teamster’s.

Jack: Certainly.

David: It would have been a group of people in the teamster’s pension fund, more or less connected to the mod connected to the top, and they would take a huge chunk out of the pension fund and the rank and file just get peanuts.

Jack: Now that’s kind of the way those things go, that’s true.

David: That’s right, and that’s what they did with the New York Firefighters. They had an officers fund and the rank and file fund. Now, all you need to do to make sure the rank and file keep their mouth shut, and the officers keep their mouth shut, you put the rank and file on the losing side, which means if they speak out they get killed, alright? And you put the officers on the winning side and if they speak out they get exposed because the escrow can say, “The officers took a kick back from the demolition of the Twin Towers.”

Jack: *slight cynical laugh*

David: And then you basically muzzle both sides. And the reason why they had to kill all those firefighters in the Twin Towers is, they didn’t want an expert witness in the courts what really brought the buildings down.

Jack: Exactly.

David: So everyone above…

Jack: That, that’s the snuff film aspect.

David: Absolutely.

Jack: You get rid of the witnesses and you have a snuff film that everybody’s heart breaks over but the witnesses are all gone.

David: Right, and those that remain who saw a little piece of the action are too terrified to speak out.

Jack: Like Rod – I think it’s Rodriguez?

David: Well, anybody…

Jack: Was it Rodriguez the firefighter…

Field: Last man out.

Jack: …who talks about the multiple explosions he heard going off inside the building?

David: Right.

Field: He was the janitor and he was the last man out.

Jack: The last man out and he could hear all the multiple explosions at various levels in the building before it actually dropped. He was the last man out and someone probably had a little talk with him.

David: Auh, you wouldn’t have to speak a lot would you?

Jack: No, you wouldn’t have to say a whole lot, you just send a couple of pictures in the mail with no return address.

David: Ya, the guys who jumped out of the ah, the building because the internal columns were actually melting so they were being toasted.

Jack: Yes.

David: Right, ah, you know, there’s a heavy abstraction here, Jack, if I may, can I steer people to this new blog site that’s ah, being built in Hawaii?

Jack: This abeldanger bogspot dot com?

David: Yes, and yourself because we’ve got an incredible shingle at the top, I think that’s the correct term, shingle at the top of this site which shows a lot of the faces of the suspects.

Jack: Oh my goodness, I just went there.

David: So ahm, maybe, could Field just talk from left to right because left to right. He’s the ugly guy with glasses, maybe he could just talk some of these characters through his eyes, then we’ll, we’ll get back to the cat bond and how they were triggered.

Field: Well, well I’m busy sending you an email right now, David, but I just hit send, and I also just sent it to Jack ah, so now that I’ve sent that I’ve gone to what you call a ‘shingle’ and I call a ‘banner’,

David: Okay.

Field: And why don’t we alternate, why don’t who take the left guy and then I’ll take the next three and then – we can do it that way.

David: Okay, why don’t you speak – why don’t you start with yourself, I mean, sorry, I’m not talking over, Jack, it’s so difficult when you’re talking abstract whereas the faces appear I think it makes it a lot more clearer for people?

Jack: Ya, I’m lookin’ for the mayor of New York, I don’t see him.

Field: Okay.

Jack: That’s alright, start with the fellow on the left.

Field: Well, the guy with sunglasses is me and I never wear sunglasses and the reason I wore them on that day, which was ah, the third of March zero seven when Neil Slade [not sure on spelling], David and myself put together Captain Sherlock solves nine-eleven movie [video file for movie]. I did that to sort of spoof the intelligence communities which are suppressed by Nancy Pelosi…

Jack: Yes.

Field: …in other words according to my ah, experience, she sits on top of these intelligence agencies and she makes sure they don’t do their job and meanwhile ah, her friend Clintons and during their tenure ah, they started an organization called ‘USIS’ so between Pelosi, the Clintons, USIS and Jamie Goreleck, they tried to suppress the truth of nine-eleven, so I wear, I wear those cheap sunglasses spoofing them because they all know exactly where I live and they know my license plates and I’m makin’ it easy for them to keep track of me cause when I went to the ah, Tea Party Convention just as an observer not as a participant, I drove a brilliant purple stretch limousine with some unusual license plates. So it’s not like I’m trying to hide, it’s these other weasels…

Jack: *laugh*

Field: …in other words, you’ve got, you’ve got the eagle over there on the right side and you’ve got mister cheesy sunglasses on the left side and we are doing the work of the former Abel Danger, which under ah, I would say, just prior to John Ashcroft ah, becoming attorney general ah, he inherited a real, a real bad situation that had been put together over the eight previous years, but anyway, I started telling you who had the sunglasses and I think Jack identified the mayor of New York?

David: No, Jack said that the mayor of New York is not there, but it’s a limited space but we think we’ve got some real hot perpetrators. So underneath Field’s sunglasses is ah, a man called Raila Odinga and he’s sort of a co-prime minister of Kenya and in the election campaign ah, the two-thousand and seven two-thousand and two-thousand eight Kenyan election campaign ahm, a few months before his cousin, Raila Odinga’s cousin, a man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, went to Kenya to foment an ahm, insurgency, this is what we would allege and make sure that ah, Raila Odinga could bury any evidence of a birth in Kenya that might be embarrassing to your present president.

Jack: *laugh* Alright hey, I’m getting’ some off air calls here. The web site is abeldanger dot blogspot dot com just like it sounds, abeldanger dot blogspot dot com, you have got to see this… *laugh* [now that I think about it this is kind of funny] …while these gentlemen are talking. So it was his mission in Kenya to bury any kind of information, written records ah, historical stuff, anything ahm, that could possibly question the national birth of our current president.

David: Ya, absolutely because let’s ah, I think – it is not in dispute that Obama theoretically had a Kenyan born father…

Jack: Well that’s true.

David: …and an American mother who was age seventeen at the time he was born. He was born in nineteen-eighty – ah, nineteen-sixty one, nineteen-sixty one?

Jack: Mhm.

David: Now to be a natural born American and therefore eligible to be the President of the United States, both parents have to be American, right?

Jack: Yes.

David: And ahm, if the mother is - has not lived five years after the age of sixteen in America before she gives birth to the son, the son or the daughter is not a natural born American.

Jack: I think that’s the current policy, yes.

David: Right, but to be the President of the Unites States you have to be a natural born American.

Jack: Yes.

David: Right, so you have a Kenyan father who probably would have passed on a citizenship to his son, Barack Hussein Obama, known as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies?

Jack: Mhm.

David: And all the details of that ah, birth, and marriage and relationships would be in Kenya in the custody of the legitimate ah, Kenyan Government, so in order for Obama to get into the White House as a natural born American, all the references to that had to either destroyed or if it was in the hands of the people who might expose it, the people would be so terrified that they would never expose it. So basically they needed some riots and they got them in January of I think, two-thousand and eight where Odinga’s mobs attacked ah, Kukuiu [not sure of spelling] and in one particular case pushed thirty women and children into a church and burned it down.

Jack: Ya, people have the tendency to keep their mouth shut after that. We’ve got Odinga, and then whose that interesting fellow to his left?

Field: Well he’s a…

David: To his right, well then we have Barack Obama.

Field: No, it’s to his left…David, David, it’s to his left.

David: To the left of Odinga, well there’s no one to his left.

Jack: Well on the picture it’s to the right, but Odinga’s left.

David: Oh, Odinga’s left.

Jack: Going from left to right the next person there.

David: Okay, the next person is Barack Hussein Obama.

Jack: Barry Soetoro.

David: Whose stepfather was Soetoro so he became ah, Barry Soetoro, probably. He either had or has been moving around the world up to the time the nineties I would say. Certainly the late eighties, on either an Indonesian passport because his stepfather was Indonesian or on a passport that would be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and he had a Fulbright Scholarship we understand in the United States.

Jack: Why, why is there nobody in his class at Columbia that can never remember him being there?

David: Because he wasn’t there, he bought his degree.

Field: Let me jump in there David. I think Zbigniew Brzezinski would remember him.

Jack: *laugh*

David: Ya, but know one does.

Field: Well no, but Zbigniew Brzezinski would because ah, I believe that they had a relationship there ah, mentor to student, but also I think ah, just to keep everybody abreast of the truth someone ought to explain what state Fulbright was from.

Jack: Arkansas.

Field: And I’ll just help, Arkansas.

Jack: Yes.

Field: Ya, because you’re going to see Arkansas raising its ugly head just about as often as your going to see Chicago raising its ugly head.

David: Okay, so the guy right of Barry Soetoro, the guy in the fedora [hey, just thought folks would like to know], is that the right term?

Jack: Yes, with the glasses.

David: That’s Saul Alinsky.

Jack: Auh, no wonder I didn’t recognize him.

David: Now Saul Alinsky in the third. He was a very interesting guy, he was an academic, right?

Jack: Yes.

David: Working with the Al Capone mob.

Jack: Yes.

David: And a far as we can judge, and he’s the original community organizer, he wrote this book Rules for Radicals about how to take – how the have nots can take power from the haves. And it looks like he set up this early model for murder for hire network where a percentage of the victims life insurance is shared with the police pension fund. So the police actually profit, and of course it’s again, the old problem, the rank and file do not know what’s being done with their pension fund, but if they’ve created a special tier within that pension fund for the officers, the officers get a lick back when ahm, an inconvenient rival is removed on the streets of Chicago by an out of town killer, and if you google ‘Sal Alinsky’ and ‘murder’, you’ll see Sal Alinsky describing the ah, Capone gang as a utility.

Jack: *laugh*

David: Alright, so if you wanted a girl, or a boy, or a horse, or place a bet or some liquor…

Jack: Ya.

David: …or you wanted someone removed you went to the Capone gang.

Jack: That’s about it and one thing I’ve learned about the international banking cartel, the ah, one world government cartel, one thing I’ve learned is if they have a name that’s known to the public, they’re on the utilitarian level. They’re not on the mastermind level and…

David: They’re community organizers.

Jack: ...well that’s it and they may be sitting on a regal monarchical position, they may be some police chief somewhere, but if you know their name, if you’ve seen their pictures and, and any kind of media presentation, they’re a utility…

David: Right.

Jack: …they’re not in charge, they’re a utility.

David: That’s right, so all the assets of this organization are just that. So people ah, this is the brilliance of community organizations, they get focused on the asset, which might be ah, Obama, or a Hillary Clinton, or a Bill Clinton, and they forget to look at the organization behind the assets. And this is what Abel Danger and Captain Sherlock is doing, we’re alleging these people – they’re not left or right, they are members or associates of a racketeering, influence and corrupt organization and an extremely dangerous one. But, but Saul Alinsky did something unique in the thirties, he integrated the intellectual elite community of for example, University of Chicago or the Northwestern University and Kellogg School of Management with the Chicago outfit. He built a bridge effectively, between intellectuals and organized crime. Now on his right is one of his disciples, or protégé.

Jack: Yes, the one who wrote her dissertation on him.

David: She wrote, Hillary Clinton wrote the dissertation on ah, Alinsky. Alinsky wanted her to become a community organizer. Now this woman, she’s not stupid, well she is stupid because she’s focused on a particular technique in organized crime and stayed with it for the last ah, forty years. Which will actually, or maybe put her on death row one day, but I don’t want to digress but ah, she realized to promote the rules for radicals and community organizing, she had to get out of organizing around the factories and blue color workers, and she had to get into the middle class and infiltrate and corrupt the middle class.

Jack: Right.

David: So she went into patent law. And I’ll go fast forward, the catastrophe bonds that were triggered on nine-one-one with the aircraft, used what Field has just mentioned, the Boeing uninterruptible auto pilot, and embedded in the Boeing uninterruptible auto pilot that was used to fly the planes into the targets, was a device called the ‘gyrochip’, or the QRS eleven, the quartz rate sensor.

Jack: Right.

David: Ah, eleven, which is a solid state gyroscope ahm, that is a piece of advanced military technology developed by a company called ‘BEI Industries’ of Little Rock, Arkansas.

Jack: Hey, we’ve got to go to break

David: Okay.

Jack: We’ll pick up with the rest of the characters and we’ll try to be brief with them as we go across there so we can save more time for other things, but I want identity on some of these, you know, well I can see Pelosi and Blair…


  1. Terrific interview. Would it be possible to post a transcript of part 2 and David Hawkins' credentials, please? It would make the job of getting the word out a lot easier.

  2. Part II transcription coming soon to an Abel Danger Blog near you.


  3. For David's credentials, see left sidebar "bios" "David Hawkins Bio".


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