Thursday, December 12, 2024

It's "mind boggling"

Editor's note: Should we be terrified of the development Google's new chip will create conditions "EVIL will own us", or should we be elated for its potential to "make our lives better?" If we are living in a simulacrum is this technology being developed faster than our ability to comprehend it in order to "out think or out preform the simulacrum?" Are we going to experience going extinct before this civilization reaches "technological maturity"? Consider this new Google chip "technology maturing".


Google's new quantum chip

December 10, 2024 | By Jim Stone Journalist

This is the most important topic in the history of mankind. If you don't think so, let me explain.

Quite literally, the full power of a legitimate God has been handed to the most filthy of evil. How powerful is that chip? It is so powerful that in five minutes it was able to match the full output of a supercomputer for 10 to the 25th years, a supercomputer that is as powerful as the human brain.

How many times faster than a top of the line supercomputer with the full power of a human brain? Let me write that out: Even if the new quantum chip only matched the output of the highest end supercomputer for only ONE year, it would be 105,120 times as fast Now, take 105,000 times as fast to get only one year, and take that to the 26th power (skip the 10.) That would make ONE quantum chip you can hold in your hand 10,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 10 to the 31st power times as fast. Now make a computer with multiple quantum cores. Forget it.

Let me say this differently.

The quantum chip is so powerful that only one can out process every human brain on the planet put together more than a trillion times. This is not a case of Moore's law here, the quantum chip is so powerful that our best supercomputers are literally only as fast as a cave man chiseling out the letters to the first language in stone. Guaranteed, if a cave man had 10 to the thirty first power of years to chisel, he'd match five minutes of output from even the best supercomputer, in fact, he'd blow it away. THAT much processing power in the hands of evil is frightening, such a chip could "theory of evolution" out the DNA of life forms from scratch - life forms vastly superior to us in milliseconds. Even faster if you gave it decent DNA sequences to start with.

I have always said quantum computing will not ever work because there will be too many errors. However, at the advertised speed, Google's new chip has confirmed error correction and can correct mistakes caused by failed quantum reads and STILL go as fast as stated. What does this mean?

We had damn well better hope garbage in/garbage out saves us.

With this new chip, evil will OWN US. How totally information aware would such a system be? It would be so information aware that it could check every cubic micrometer of the earth, all the way to the core, about 500 times per second. If only the visible layer and sound of the earth was to be checked, it could check the entire earth countless trillions of times per second, from the sahara to the surface of the Pacific to Antarctica. WITH ONLY ONE CORE IN THE FIRST TRULY WORKING CHIP. What about revision 2? Revision 51?

That much processing power in the hands of evil means: FORGET IT.

And it is here, now, fully functional.


1. This announcement came at quite an optimal time. Let's hope TOO optimal, as in, they are trying to scare Russia.

2. How much processing power do you actually need to reach correct conclusions and steer discussion in the social sphere in a relevant time frame? Our computers can already do that, having more power won't make a difference.

3. Great to have that power, but how do you interface with that much, beyond esoteric calculations?

4. You ought to know they will be feeding the system lies and illusions, how will THAT compute?

5. Information awareness requires input, let's hope "smart dust" is actually fake because such a processor could easily sort through the input from thousands of pounds of smart dust, where the entire device is powered by a 5G signal, is smaller than a grain of sand, and has cameras and microphones. The rumor is that they just go around with a blower blowing smart dust on everything and then EVERYTHING starts sending surveillance data to a central point via 5G. We had better hope that is all fake . . . .

What happens when this Google chip and future "technological maturity" runs AI?


This technology gets under control now or it is going to mow us down

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