Saturday, February 3, 2024

Argentina has been ambushed by a 2nd tier puppet

Editor's note: Argentina's Javier Milei about-turns as he commits to the Paris climate agreement, he started a shock therapy against the Argentinian peso (JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank are now running Argentina's central bank), and contrary to his promise he is keeping the Argentine central bank in place. When the economy crashes and things go violent in Argentina during privatization the "tier 1 puppets" will start shooting Argentinians. The people of Argentina need to organize, organize and organize to prevent this WEF psycho from taking over Argentina and selling off its resources and assets. Understand that what is currently happening in Argentina under this "Chabad ruler" is a template for the rest of the world. By devaluing the Argentine peso by 54 percent this just devalued assets in Argentina by 50 percent.

News update for 6 February 2024: Argentina's Javier Milei Arrives in Israel for Whirlwind Tour in Support of War on Hamas.

Source: Fitzpatrick Informer

New President of Argentina Javier Miley Is First Chabad Ruler
By Timothy Fitzpatrick | January 30, 2024
Javier Gerardo Miley is an Argentine politician who was recently elected President of Argentina. In addition to being an outstanding economist and versatile personality, he is a devoted Hasid of the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach and does not hide it. I spoke with three Argentine envoys about the new president's connection to the Chabad movement and the positive momentum it has created in the country and in the world.

Only a short amount of time has passed since Javier Miley won the election and became President of Argentina. His party's victory in the elections was a big political surprise, as he won 56% of the vote. Miley is a right-wing figure who has promised sweeping economic changes to tackle Argentina's massive inflation.

Miley is an economist and former radio host with little political experience. With 95% of the votes counted and center-left candidate Sergio Massa only winning 44% of the vote, Miley won a clear victory. It is the first right-wing government after decades of left-wing rule in Argentina.

The new president, who is also the head of government, is distinguished (among other things) by his very respectful attitude towards the Jewish people in general and Judaism in particular. During his swearing-in, the President gave a speech that was seen by millions: "It is no coincidence that this inauguration takes place on the holiday of Hanukkah, the festival of light that celebrates the true essence of freedom. The War of the Maccabees is a symbol of the victory of the weak over the strong, the few over the many, light over darkness and, in general, truth over untruth. You know that I would rather tell you an inconvenient truth than lie for the sake of peace." In this way he lit the flame of hope in forty-five million Argentine citizens.

He loves Israel so much that he has promised to move the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem, saying that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish people and moving the embassy to the holy city "means to me that we recognize that." I hope and believe that many other countries will follow this example.” He stated this despite threats against him from Arab countries.

One of the surprises for Lubavitcher Hasidim in Argentina, and not only for them, was the photograph that appeared in the Argentine media of the president sitting in the meeting room of his home, where on the wall hangs a photograph of the Lubavitcher Rebbe of King Moshiach next to a menorah standing on one of the mantelpieces .

In interviews with his country's media, he speaks admiringly of the Rebbe. He even explained to millions of television viewers how the Rebbe's conversations on Shabbat are repeated: "The Rebbe speaks on Shabbat, but on Shabbat it is forbidden to write. So how do they record? Listen to something interesting. Five Hasidim with excellent memories write down everything from memory after the Sabbath. Then the Rebbe edits it."

In light of the tremendous political changes, we were interested in talking with the Rebbe's envoys in Argentina to learn about Miley's warm relationship with Judaism and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

What is the relationship between Javier Miley and the Jewish community?

Rabbi Yossi Ludman, the Rebbe's emissary from Moron and the western part of the province of Buenos Aires, relates:

President Javier Miley is an economist by profession. Many years ago he taught economics at the university. Among his students there was one Jew who asked him smart questions. Miley was surprised by his questions and asked the young man: "Where do you get such wonderful ideas? And how do you know how to ask me such smart questions?" The young man replied: "Perhaps it is because I study the Talmud every morning. It improves the mind." Miley was so impressed that he decided that he also wanted to study the Talmud and learn more about Judaism. He also became interested in the teachings of Chabad Hasidism, especially fell in love with the Rebbe and asked for his blessing.

No one ever expected that Miley would win the election... Immediately after the election results were announced, Miley went to New York to thank the Rebbe. Suddenly, all the Argentine media were talking about the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Rabbi Tuvya Serber, the Rebbe's emissary from La Plata and now living in Buenos Aires, says:

I also heard a story about a student named Miley at the university. At some point, the father of a student who studied with Milei called his rabbi, Rabbi Shimon Vainish, and he began studying Torah with him. This went on for several years. I also heard that one of the rabbis who helped Milei study Torah is expected to be appointed ambassador to Israel.

Rabbi Shlomo Levi, the Rebbe's emissary from Palermo, adds some details about the president's connections with Chabad in Argentina:

Several years ago, Miley came to our Chabad House twice as a lecturer on economics. He was and is still considered one of the experts on this topic. We invited him to speak to leading sponsors who make charitable contributions to the Chabad House. Since then we have maintained friendly relations.

During his election campaign, he began to publicly say that he did not have any priest, but only a Jewish rabbi. He doesn't pay attention to the Christian Bible. He studies the TANAKH, sees the truth in the Torah and believes in G-d. In a television interview he gave, he said that he believes in one G-d. When the TV presenters didn't understand when he said "Has the Most High" in Hebrew, he explained to them that it was G-d. The culmination was his inauguration, which was seen by millions. During the ceremony, his rabbi spoke as Miley stood with tears in his eyes, expressing his deep feelings for Judaism.

We have a friend who met Miley at the beginning of the year, when the polls showed that he was unlikely to win the election. He was in sixth or seventh place among the candidates. He asked the Lubavitcher Rebbe for a blessing and, after returning to Argentina, he said everywhere, including in television interviews, that he was grateful to the Rebbe for the blessings he had received. He said that he saw the Rebbe as the personification of a true leader and Torah sage. When I met him, he told me how much the idea of ​​the Rebbe touched him, and that was very important.

When he spoke to the national media, he said, "The Rebbe’s personality has a huge influence on me.”

Two months passed, and miraculously he began to rapidly gain popularity in the polls. There were only two candidates left who had a better chance than him of winning the presidential election. At one point, he spent two Saturdays in the home of wealthy Lubavitcher Hasidim in Miami and enjoyed the Shabbat atmosphere of meals and nigunim.

After his election, he attended the lighting of the central menorah on the sixth night of Hanukkah at the Chabad House, which is led by the Rebbe's emissary, Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt. Miley gave everyone a real surprise when he arrived at the event holding a book with a photograph of the Rebbe.

During the event, which was broadcast on all channels in the country, the new president said that it was no coincidence that he became president during Hanukkah, because it happened by the will of G-d. Just as the unclean then submitted to the clean, so today the unclean submit to the clean. These words evoked a lot of positive emotions.

Do many envoys to Argentina expect to receive help from the President?

Rabbi Ludman:

He just became president. I believe and express the hope that he will help Jewish educational institutions in general and especially Chabad Houses. Without a doubt, he is our true friend. The fact that he attends Chabad events accompanied by the envoys of the Shlita Rebbe is a great sanctification of the name of the Almighty.

Please go to Fitzpatrick Informer to continue reading.

A globalist suicide puppet is blowing up in Argentinian faces right now. Be sure to go to the links off the following clip: 


Elderly Protester: "I'm Starving to Death" – "Milei – You're a Son of a Bitch."


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