Editor's note: If Americans want to know what a low life thug Boris Johnson (contrary to western "analysts" Johnson sabotaged peace agreements for Ukraine) is his unsavory lineage can be traced back to slave bankers who
founded the Y.M.C.A. in 1844 implementing the time-tested human emasculation principles of opium, sodomy and rape to recruit new white urban slaves for the
British East India Company of Barclays Bank, J.P.Morgan and Vanderbilt banking. Johnson's great great grandfather was
Sir George Williams, the founder of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) on June 6, 1844. Johnson's wife, Caroline Louise Bevan "Carrie" Johnson (ne Symonds), is the alleged illegitimate great granddaughter of British prime minister
Herbert H. Asquith; Asquith was a British Pilgrims Society co-founder, the founder of modern intelligence (MI6, MI5, GCHQ, CIA, FBI, NSA), founder of state-run propaganda (Reuters, AP, Empire Press Union, BBC, Marconi Wireless), and overlord of biochemical warfare (Wellcome Trust, now GlaxoSmithKline and Astrazeneca) and overlord of the Pilgrims Society's America takeover plan. Johnson is yet another in an ancient line of
groomed Eton and Oxford University philanderers whose moral turpitude is legion.