Thursday, November 16, 2023

What's the plan here?

Editor's note: What these people state in public is far different than what is agreed on in meetings where cameras and reporters aren't invited. When you really think about what is going on here in a serious way, our future is being planned for us and we are not participants. Whatever these people are talking about in public has already been decided in private. Lurking in the background is the prospect of religions based on Jewish myths are going to collapse and this includes Catholicism (Christianity) and Islam. Simultaneously, the alien disclosure issue is going to go into overdrive forcing people to thoroughly question their personal religious beliefs. It will "pull the rug out from underneath the revealed religions." Imagine the resulting instability and chaos that would result from people finding out all these ancient biblical writings and religious beliefs were plots placed in front of them to control them? There are two religions that are honest ("alien friendly") about an alien presence: Buddhism and Shintoism (strong Taoist influence from China). Both of these religions admit to the lineage of their religion back to aliens. Is China with it's Confucianist collectivist hive-like mind mentality preparing to take control of America in the ensuing chaos and civilizational breakdown?

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