Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Lesser of Several Evils

International Biowarfare Weapons Inspector for Abel Danger

Oliver Klosov

-its like de'ja vu all over again..

Think of the depth of the idea of Ukraine as only a tool to die on the cross of democracy. 

It began with a treaty that was admitted by Angela Merkle as just a means to gain time to arm Ukraine and they did. They armed it to the teeth with the latest NATO and American weaponry for an assault on Russia. They also gave these weapons to modern Nazi's; the idea of which boggles the mind considering all the history of which the Nazi era was one of may that are indicative of the nature of the former Khazarian empire (look it up, we've talked about it here often).

But they just couldn't help themselves, they couldn't just keep their intentions in check and had to kill someone with these new toys so they trained their artillery on the Russian people in Donbas; killing 14,000 mostly civilian men, women and children. Despicable, I know, but they were about just about to invade and assault Russia, like in two months, when the Russians beat them to the punch. With the special Military Operation to demilitarize Ukraine and eliminate Nazi's. But it came with a dilemma.
It did however lead the Russians, by necessity, to face an ethical conundrum; and one the West knew full well they were doing because as always: Qui Bono. (who benefits?)

They had to fight Russian people of Ukraine armed by the United States, via NATO and the participation of all the armies of the EU....with their own Russian people but the Americans that are funding all this are doing this for one reason: It saves Americans from actually dying and it scares China? Really, that's the reasoning...

But the Russians saw this coming. And it shows on the battlefield.

The US is an out of date paper tiger. And that shows too, especially when you follow international weapons sales. The world is not buying America weapons now.

~ Klosov

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