Friday, February 11, 2022

A Tribute to the Life of Luc Montagnier

Editor's note: However, there is still that lingering doubt Luc Montagnier over whether or not Montagnier actually isolated HIV: Does HIV exist? An explosive interview 

The unvaccinated will save humanity, Montagnier ai no vax – Il Tempo
"I ask all my colleagues to stop vaccinations against Covid with this type of vaccine. The future of humanity is at stake. The aftermath depends on you, especially the unvaccinated, who will be able to save humanity tomorrow, while the vaccinated will have to be rescued from medical centers ". This was stated by virologist and biologist Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008, notoriously opposed to vaccines against Covid and not new to positions that have attracted criticism from the scientific community, in Piazza XXV Aprile in Milan at the no vax demonstration and no green pass organized by Italexit by Gianluigi Paragone.

The 89-year-old scientist, in front of a crowd of at least 2 thousand people, speaking in French and with the translation into Italian, explained that "there was a great strategic error" in contrasting the spread of Covid-19. "These vaccines don't prevent transmission. This vaccine doesn't work." The vaccine “instead of protecting against disease also favors other infections. The protein used for the vaccine is a poison and touches organs such as the heart, so much so that many athletes are getting sick. The vaccine is made to protect and not to kill."

For Montagnier "it is an absolute crime to give this vaccine to children".

A Memorial for Dr. Luc Montagnier and the Coming Revolutions in Optical Biophysics

By Matthew Ehret | February 11, 2022

On February 8, 2022, Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr Luc Montagnier passed away.

Since the earliest moments of COVID-19's appearance, Montagnier was slandered and ridiculed for his challenges to the underlying assumptions of the disease's causes and remedies despite the constant slings and arrows of the deep state which sought to shut the door on all such dangerous discussion.

More important than Montagnier's claims of laboratory origins of a disease (which in hindsight may have more to do with bacteriological than viral causes), are found in an overlooked domain of optical biophysics which the good scientist completely revolutionized during the last 15 years of his fruitful life.

It is this lesser understood, yet infinitely more important aspect of Montagnier's contribution to human knowledge which have fallen under the radar of too many analysts and citizens, which I believe he would want to be remembered by.

What is Optical Biophysics and What did Montagnier Discover?

Optical biophysics is the study of the electromagnetic properties of the physics of life. This means paying attention to the light emissions and absorption frequencies from cells, DNA, and molecules of organic matter, how these interface with water (making up over 75% of a human body) and moderated by the nested array of magnetic fields located on the quantum level and stretching up to the galactic level.

Not to discount the bio-chemical nature of life which is hegemonic in the health science realm, the optical biophysician asks: which of these is PRIMARY in growth, replication, and division of labor of individual cells or entire species of organisms? Is it the chemical attributes of living matter or the electromagnetic properties?

Let me explain the paradox a bit more.

There are approximately 40 trillion highly differentiated cells in the average human body, each performing very specific functions and requiring an immense field of coherence and intercommunication. Every second approximately 10 million of those cells die, to be replaced by 10 million new cells being born. Many of those cells are made up of bacteria, and much of the DNA and RNA within those cells is made up of viruses (mostly dormant), but which can be activated/deactivated by a variety of methods both chemical and electromagnetic.

Here's the big question:

HOW might this complex system be maintained by chemical processes alone- either over the course of a day, month or an entire lifetime?

The simple physics of motion of enzymes which carry information in the body from one location to another simply doesn’t come close to accounting for the information coordination required among all parts. This is where Montagnier’s research comes in.

After winning the 2008 Nobel Prize, Dr. Montagnier published a revolutionary yet heretical 2010 paper called "DNA Waves and Water" which took the medical community by storm. In this paper, Montagnier demonstrated how low frequency electromagnetic radiation within the radio wave part of the spectrum was emitted from bacterial and viral DNA and how said light was able to both organize water and transmit information! The results of his experiments were showcased wonderfully in this 8 min video:

Using a photo-amplifying device invented by Dr. Jacques Benveniste in the 1980s to capture the ultra low light emissions from cells, Montagnier filtered out all particles of bacterial DNA from a tube of water and discovered that the post-filtered solutions containing no material particles continued to emit ultra low frequency waves! This became more fascinating when Montagnier showed that under specific conditions of a 7 Hz background field (the same as the Schumann resonance which naturally occurs between the earth's surface and the ionosphere), the non-emitting tube of water that had never received organic material could be induced to emit frequencies when placed in close proximity with the emitting tube! Even more interesting is that when base proteins, nucleotides and polymers (building blocks of DNA) were put into the pure water, near perfect clones of the original DNA were formed!

Dr. Montagnier and his team hypothesized that the only way for this to happen was if the DNA's blueprint was somehow imprinted into the very structure of water itself resulting in a form of "water memory" that had earlier been pioneered by immunologist Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004), the results of which are showcased in this incredible 2014 documentary "Water Memory".

Please go to The Canadian Patriot to learn more.
The "fact checkers" (the Poynter Institute). One of the financial sponsors of the Poynter Institute is the Washington Post which is a front for the American CIA:

No, French virologist Luc Montagnier didn't say COVID-19 vaccine recipients were going to die soon

News for 11 February 2022 from The Defender:

Information that very well could save your life or the life of your children:

What Is Now Known About Batches

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