Thursday, February 24, 2022

How The Bank Bought Everything Up And How We're Going To Buy It All Back

Editor's note: The FRN (Federal Reserve note) is basically a Rothschild monetary mafia rigged international currency the use of which has been "mandated" (world reserve currency, petrodollar: Eustace Mullins) by global supremacist mobsters, backed by the coopted U.S. armed forces (bankster mercenaries) that people like Smedley Butler and John Perkins have pointed out. The following republished work is our start to what a more legitimate money system would entail: 

It's a good idea to complement a fair and transparent national populist monetary system with community currencies where desired. Consent and convenience and not by coercion, threats, violence, deception, non-transparency and war.

Source: Real Currencies

by Anthony Migchels | June 9, 2021

Left: John Kenneth Galbraith, who said that "the process by which money is created is so simply that the mind is repelled. Where something so important is involved, a deeper mystery seems only decent."

Double entry bookkeeping, less accurately also known as 'fractional reserve banking', is how Banks create money. We have $250 Trillion in debt outstanding to a bunch of total idiots, who have created all the credit and money with the flick of a pen.

The Good News is: if they can do it, so can we.

Here's how it works.

Money Creation

You'll have to forgive the poor quality of the video production, but the message is clear as it gets. Also, I can't embed videos anymore, WordPress demands me taking some sort of deal, and Dutch stinginess has prevented me from giving in.

This is how easy it is to create a credit based money supply, be it usurious, or interest-free. This is all there is to it.

And this also makes all discussion superfluous.

Since we can create all the credit we need at close to zero cost in a simple database, it's obvious that we should do just that.

Why pay $12 Trillion per year in Usury to a really small number of parasites, while we can create all the money we need for a minute fraction of that gargantuan sum of money?

No morality is needed. No deep historic and economic analysis. No debate.

The only question Humanity has to answer is: ‘0% or 5%. Take your pick.'

And by having allowed this mess to get so out of hand, with the Bankers ready to consolidate the debt in a World State, the question has become acute. One of sheer survival.

The Way Forward During The Greatest Depression

Populists, monetary reformers, Christians, Muslims, normal people, they must know the basics: that money rules, that Power is with the Financial System, and that that is the enemy, and Usury the cancer we must rid ourselves from.

And that we need credit, as human beings in advanced economies. There is no shame in that! There is shame in taking Usury! The Usurer has no ‘rights’ whatsoever, and our right, and indeed destiny, is Usury free living. Interest-free credit.

We have the knowledge, we have the tools. On a national level, we must demand it, and we must settle for nothing less.

And we're not waiting for 'politics'. At all. We can create these currencies as private players. We must, because we all know nobody is going to within the State apparatus. They'll be too busy evicting everybody getting bankrupted by the Gold induced deleveraging that is coming.

Having said that: improvement of current proposals remains as necessary as it was in 2010, when we started discussing these things.

Current complementary currencies still lack the ambition, the scope, and very much the monetary architecture necessary to create really high end, ultra cheap, super effective types of money.

It's all good and nice to create 'local currencies', but often their purpose is to be nice and green and local, or God forbid, 'sustainable'. Instead of seriously attacking wholesale interest, debt, and wage slavery.

Please go to Real Currencies to learn more.

Eustace Mullins' book:

Esoteric knowledge on some of the origins of central banking as the banking cult spawned out of Venice and Florence then moved into Europe to the Netherlands then into England:

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