Thursday, February 18, 2021

"Obviously a Mistake" - No Sh*t, Cruz - Texas Is Under Attack

Editor's note: Ted, what you need to spend your time on is finding out what entity even possibly a foreign government it is using weather manipulation over Texas. Then Ted, you need to head on over to the City of Austin Power Plant and find out why in the hell all the lights are on? Whatever is going on Ted, the weather is being manipulated and the global "stakeholders" are calling it "climate change" (global warming my ass).

Source: AP

'Obviously a mistake': Cruz returns from Cancun after uproar 

By STEVE PEOPLES and JAKE BLEIBERG | February 19, 2021
DALLAS (AP) — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said his family vacation to Mexico was "obviously a mistake" as he returned stateside Thursday following an uproar over his disappearance during a deadly winter storm.
The Republican senator said he began second-guessing the trip since the moment he first got on the plane Wednesday. "In hindsight, I wouldn't have done it," he told reporters.

The Associated Press and other media outlets reported that he had traveled out of the country with his family as hundreds of thousands of Texans were still grappling with the fallout of a winter storm that crippled the state’s power grid. The trip drew criticism from leaders in both parties and was seen as potentially damaging to his future political ambitions.

Cruz said in an earlier statement Thursday that he accompanied his family to Cancun a day earlier after his daughters asked to go on a trip with friends, given that school was canceled for the week.

"Wanting to be a good dad, I flew down with them last night and am flying back this afternoon," Cruz wrote.

"My staff and I are in constant communication with state and local leaders to get to the bottom of what happened in Texas," he continued. "We want our power back, our water on, and our homes warm."

Cruz told reporters Thursday night that he returned to the U.S. because he realized he needed to be in Texas. He said he had originally been scheduled to stay in Mexico through the weekend.

"I didn't want all the screaming and yelling about this trip to distract even one moment from the real issues that I think Texans care about, which is keeping all of our families safe," Cruz said.

"It was obviously a mistake, and in hindsight, I wouldn't have done it," he said.

Please go to AP to read more.

Well no kidding, you don't say...there are over 10,700 wind turbines in Texas. Let's hear all the prices for megawatt-hour soar...


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