Tuesday, February 16, 2021

AP and Atlantic Council Anoint Me "COVID Conspiracy Super-Spreader"— and Erase Ron Unz

Source: The Unz Review

The bad news is that two of the most powerful institutions in America have anointed me a "COVID super-spreader." The good news is that I stand accused of super-spreading "COVID conspiracy theories," not the actual disease. But the worse news is that the way things are going, "conspiracy spreaders" may soon be quarantined in COVID camps as threats to public health. Dissidents, it seems, are the new terrorists. 

The Associated Press and the Atlantic Council simultaneously published a coordinated attack on me and others accused of propagating alternative analyses of the origin of COVID-19. Though AP writer David Klepper's journalistic ethics need a tune-up, and though the Atlantic Council libeled me, I am honored to be recognized, however mendaciously and unethically, for my efforts to uncover and spread the obvious but unspeakable truth that COVID-19 is almost certainly a US-NATO bioweapon, most likely deliberately unleashed. If the perpetrators are eventually prosecuted for war crimes, the global bioweapons complex shuttered, and humanity saved, I will be glad to accept some of the credit. And in the more likely event that impunity prevails, and vastly worse plagues follow, I will at least be able to say I tried.

Klepper’s AP article accurately quotes me as writing that the early outbreak in Iran “suggests that the Americans and/or their partners the Israelis… may have deliberately attacked Iran.” Then Klepper quotes me out of context: “It seemed fairly obvious to me that the first hypothesis one would look at when something as extraordinary as this COVID pandemic hits, is that it would be a US bio-war strike.” That statement, shorn of context, sounds nutty. Klepper deliberately left out my prior statements laying out the historical and geostrategic context.

Historical context: US military-intelligence services and their allies have repeatedly waged biological warfare on many nations, including Korea, Cuba, Russia, Zimbabwe, and (almost certainly) China; attacked their own Congress, as well as journalists, with anthrax; and then used their own anthrax attack on America to massively boost the germ warfare budget, spending billions on such items as "gain of function" research on extremely dangerous bat coronaviruses, among other pathogens. COVID-19 wouldn’t be the first US military plague: The "discoverer" of Lyme disease, Willie Burgdorfer, tearfully confessed on video that he had in fact manufactured Lyme for the US biowar complex. For evidence supporting the above assertions, see the links and sources in my pre-COVID article "US Biological Warfare: A toxic cocktail of germ warfare and big lies."

Geostrategic context: The current #1 world military power, the US, is desperately seeking to thwart the economic rise of the emerging #2 power, China. As Graham Allison has observed in The Thucydides Trap, "when one great power threatens to displace another, war is almost always the result…" And that war is almost always launched by the #1 power in hopes of pre-empting #2's rise. So according to historical precedent, we should expect the US to use military means to try to stop the rise of China. Since China's rise is driven by its extraordinary and sustained economic growth, we would expect the US to target China's economy. An obvious way of doing that is through biological warfare.

Such efforts have probably been ongoing for at least a decade. Chinese sources have alleged that bird flu and swine flu were deliberately spread throughout China by US military agents in order to deprive China of its main sources of meat. COVID-19, which mysteriously showed up in Wuhan (the transit hub for all China) on the biggest travel date, Chinese New Year, in the wake of a visit by a very dicey American Military Games team, looks like yet another US bio-attack aimed at harming China's economy and smearing it as the source of the "Chinese virus" or "Wuhan flu." That analysis seems even more likely in the light of the next target, the Iranian-government-linked clerics at the center of the subsequent outbreak in Qom.

The analysis I have just outlined is admirably developed in Ron Unz's article "American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?" The strongest evidence I raised, cited by Klepper, was stressed by Ron Unz in his presentation at the COVID Biowar webinar as well as his article: "It therefore appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I think this may have happened for the same reason that arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires."

If the AP and behind it the Atlantic Council were looking for influential individuals responsible for spreading the hypothesis that COVID-19 is a US bioweapon, they should have called Ron Unz, as I strongly urged David Klepper to do. So why didn't Ron make the list? Perhaps Klepper and his Mockingbird masters didn't want to direct attention to Ron's terrific essay. Indeed, the usual suspects seem terrified by that article. Shortly after it was published, the Unz Review was suddenly hit with massive, seemingly coordinated censorship by Google and Facebook.

Please go to The Unz Review to read more.



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