Thursday, June 11, 2020

Getting to the heart of the social distancing matter

Source: Piece of Mindful

Before I get to the heart of the matter here, I want to present a fictional sci-fi narrative, if you will . . .

The scene: It's the year 2006, and a scientist is working for one of the largest defense contractor labs in the U.S. His boss gives him what seems to be a monumental task — to utilize their new supercomputer to calculate and solve for x, where x = transforming all current humans into Humans 2.0 who are all cognitively interfaced with the AI mainframe by the year 2030. In more simple terms, and for those who are familiar with Ray Kurzweil's work, x = "The Singularity." For this scene, we will name the fictional scientist, Bob, and his boss is Eugene.

Bob: What did you want to see me about, Boss?

Eugene: Well, the orders came down from high — the guys at Roamland Security — and they need us to develop a way — a sure way — to get to this Singularity they’ve been talking about. They need us to achieve this by 2030.

Bob: Well, our newest supercomputer, HUB, is one of the quickest and most efficient in the world. I will see what HUB determines, and get back to you tomorrow.

Next day . . .

Eugene: What do you got for me, Bob?

Bob: HUB has calculated that if we develop a new technique called "social distancing," and apply it strategically and assertively in the next 15-20 years, it could enable society to be pulled apart emotionally — at their core electro-magnetic seams — and that's using HUB's term, such that it will give the AI mainframe a better stranglehold on their minds. HUB predicts this is the most effective way to achieve the ultimate hive mind society, all surveilled and controlled by the AI.

Eugene: All right, I don’t need the details now, and it sounds tough to pull off, but we’ve got our orders.

Bob: HUB doesn't make mistakes. I am confident in its analysis, simulations, and extrapolations.

Eugene: I'll run it by Roamland Security, and get back to you tomorrow.

Next day . . .

Bob is sitting in his cubicle, and Eugene pops his head in.

Eugene: Roamland Security gave it the 'Go.' And, by the way, I am giving you the office across the hall — the one with the big glass windows.

Bob: Thanks, Boss. Oh, just so you know, HUB spit out another analysis today. It shows there will be no more human law enforcement officers by the year 2025.

Eugene: Wow. How would we get along without our buddies at Precinct 42?

Bob: HUB calculates all law enforcement will be controlled by the AI — no need to put men and women in danger any longer. And they'll get great pensions. I see that as a win. Anyways, HUB has lots more plans up its supercomputing sleeves. That's just a start . . .


Yeah, yeah, I have no future in creative writing — certainly not sci-fi! I get it. I also concede there are gaping holes in my fictional narrative, and it may raise plenty of questions — like, wouldn't Bob and Eugene be concerned about being sucked into the hive mind Singularity as well? You can have fun with that . . .

Remember, I am just playing around with ideas, and attempting to make a point (see also the Endnote).

Returning to the heart of the social distancing matter . . .

As a wellness consultant, parenting coach, and energy healing practitioner, back in 2014 I had an idea to lead a parenting workshop called, "Getting to the Heart of Your Matter." The focus of the workshop was to help parents reconnect with their internal heart compass (their inner global positioning system, as I called it), so that they could learn to synchronize and fully connect with their children — what I called "synchronistic parenting in a chaotic world." Six years later, I could never have imagined where we would be today.

I never went forward with the parenting workshop, but I did find my notes. In 2014, I wrote "The germs are not the enemy — we need to adjust the terrain to resonate with what we consider to be pathogens . . . We are suffering from internal biological warfare.” I find this statement interesting given what we have been hearing about for the past 6 months. In 2014, I had been studying and practicing how to rewire neural circuitry to re-pattern distorted belief systems, as well as physical limitations and chronic illness. What I became most interested in, however, was the notion of resetting our bio-energetic programming. I also considered how our "junk DNA" may be more energetic in nature, and perhaps even more potent and crucial than our physical DNA. There is evidence that DNA may be an antenna of sorts. I have a strong sense the controllers may also take this into consideration.

So often, conspiracy researchers talk about propaganda and mind control, which has been a focus of my research. For now, I want to address heart-rhythm entrainment, as the fight-or-flight mechanism has been set into high gear as of late (fear, Fear, FEAR, right?), and that connects us back to entrainment on all levels. Entrainment can be defined as follows: a synchronization of two or more oscillating bodies, which have the tendency to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. It would be helpful to read more about entrainment here, and watch the seven-minute video that I linked at the very beginning of this post, describing in detail the concept of heart entrainment.

Generally speaking, entrainment is not good or bad, just as energy is not good or bad. In energetic terms, we typically emphasize that it is intention that creates a positive or negative influence. Personally, I utilize the concept of entrainment in my healing practice, as a way to sync up, or “vibe” with others around me. I teach a particular method of synchronization that I feel is transformative. For my purposes herein, I am pointing to the positive aspects of heart entrainment, in addition to juxtaposing the "darker" side of brain entrainment, which connotes the same intention as subliminal mind control, in which the subjects are not fully cognizant that they are being influenced.

One of the POM commenters asked a while back when referencing social distancing on one of MT's posts: "Why do they want us to be apart?" I think this is a key question we should all be asking.

Herein, I will attempt to answer this question.

I reviewed this research paper at the HeartMath Institute. I hope you will take the time to read it. One primary takeaway that I feel relates to my position on heart entrainment is as follows:

The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body's organs. The heart's electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions.  . .

Using this heart entrainment information, and especially the conclusions involving physical proximity between people, I have formed a critical postulate: the implication of heart synchronization and coherence — that which keeps living beings harmonized and connected to another — is potentially being weaponized against us by the technocrats. I am not implying that the HeartMath Institute is involved in any nefariousness attached to what I am suggesting. Conversely, this is also not an endorsement for HeartMath products. I bought a number of their devices many years ago, to help practice "heart rhythm coherence." I had even considered becoming a certified HeartMath trainer. What I am referencing, is the HeartMath Institute's research, as it points to what is universally beneficial — and that is, our heart-based connection to one another.

Please go to Piece of Mindful to read the entire article.

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