McConnell believes that Serco had London Co founder Stephen M. Goddard putover $100 million into five investees which were allegedly tasked with covering up Captain DeConto’s murder in the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center.
Corrections Corp of America – Prisoners remove evidence, extort silence and redact the Global Guardian DSN document to hide Serco stand down; Sturm, Ruger & Company, Incorporated – Equips cat-bond contract killers with semi-automatic pistols; Alliant Techsystems Inc, (ATK) – Vaporizes evidence of contract hits with rocket-fuel arson; Service Corp International – Disposes of evidence of cat-bond hits and body bits at nearby crematoria; White Mountains Insurance Group – Triggers Buffett Fireman’s Fund cat bonds to fund hits.
McConnell’s prospective lawsuit should be examined in the context of the prequel link and the allegedly criminal redaction (spoliation) of DSN numbers at the pdf document displayed therein.
Prequel 1:
#1999: Marine Links Serco Red Switch Global Guardian to London Co Cat Bond Triggers, Buffett Offutt 9/11
Pentagon 9/11 Plane Crash Video 1
1. (U) The long.title of this ANNEX is ANNEX X (GLOBAL GUARDLAN 2001·2) to the
USSTRATCOM Joint Exercise Directive (JED). The short title is the GLOBAL GUARDIAN (GG)
200 I-2 EXORD.
2. (U) This document is classified SECRET to protect information revealing actual intelligence and operations plans and procedures of US Military Forces and Federal Agencies. Information will be disseminated only to those agencies and personnel whose official duties specifically require knowledge of the EXORD.
3. (U) Releasability to Australian, Canadian and British Exercise Participants
a. (U) Certain portions of this EXORD are authorized for release to Australian, Canadian, and British participants. Information marked as UNCLASSIFIED (U), CONFIDENTIAL/IREL TO USA, AUS, CAN and GBR (C/IREL), or SECRET//REL TO USA, AUS, CAN and GBR (S//REL) is authorized for release to Australian, Canadian, and British exercise participants. Access is granted provided these individuals are properly cleared and their official duties specifically require knowledge of this information.
b. (U) Information within this EXORD portion marked as (S), (C), SECRET, or CONFIDENTIAL is not authorized for release to foreign national exercise participants. This information is restricted to US-access only.
c. (U) The EXORD in its entirety will remain in US custody and will not be disseminated to Australian, Canadian, or British personnel or agencies. Australian, Canadian, and British personnel will not be permitted unrestricted access to this document.
d. (U) Extracts of releasable information from this EXORD are authorized provided the extracts are screened by US personnel to ensure that no US-Only information is contained in the extract.
4. (U) This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws: Title 18.United States Code, sections 793 and 794. The transmission or release of information contained herein, in any manner, to any unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
5. (U) Reproduction of this document is authorized.
Derived From: Multiple Sources
Declassify On: Xl, X4
q. (U) Coordinate conference calls [using Serco’s Defense Red Switch Neytwork].
[DSN numbers redacted] the safety, security, and use/control of nuclear weapons.
t. (l J) Conduct decision making conferencing and transmit force direction/force management messages and situation monitoring tactical warning/attack assessment (TW/AA) messages over Nuclear Command and Control System (NCCS) C4l systems within established time guidelines.
u. (H) Simulate C4 outages with MESL events to exercise SBS ability to determine operational impacts and suggested workarounds within time restraints of the exercise.
v. (U) Operate each C3 node (NAOC, MCCC, ABNCP, airborne communications aircraft, and USSTRATCOM Operations Center) communications systems in a locally degraded environment. Simulate C3 outages between C3 nodes requiring alternate routes to maintain connectivity.
(U) USSTRATCOM/J422 (Unclassified Voice-Defense Network (DSN): 271- Unclassified FAX-DSN: 271-5361; Secure Voice-DS Secure Voice/FAX-DSN: 1 -5395) is the USSTRATCOM office of primary responsibility (OPR) for the USSTRATCOM TPFDD. For other logistics plans-related matters, J421 Logistics Plans Branch may be contacted for assistance (Unclassified Voice-DSN Secure V ·Secure Voice/FAX DSN: 271-539 Support telephone number is Defense Red Switch Network See Appendix 6 for instructions for accessing the DRSN numbers”
“Building a State-of-the-Practice Data Communications Network
To create a state-of-the-practice data communications network required Serco to engineer different solutions for each of the AFSCN’s unique locations. Each ground station around the world had to be surveyed in order to develop detailed installation plans, project support agreements and testing plans. Furthermore, to assure communications reliability between the ground station and the operational control nodes, Serco also had to conduct a complete circuit testing exercise. After completing the survey, Serco’s team continued with their due diligence, for developing and implementing a state-of-the-practice solution, by conducting circuit, system verification and integration, installation and checkout testing for each of the ground stations, including those located at Diego Garcia, in British Indian Ocean Territory, the Royal Air Force Base in Oakhanger, England and the Anderson AFB, in Guam
In developing this enhanced voice and data communications network, Serco’s team engineered and implemented an ATM backbone and secure voice system for each of the AFSCN ground stations. The installed network was based on a Wide Area Network (WAN) architecture utilizing IP based network capabilities and proprietary secure communication technologies such as KG-75s, KG-84S and KIV-7s. In addition, Serco ensured Defense Red Switch Network connectivity and operations throughout the AFSCN.”
To create a state-of-the-practice data communications network required Serco to engineer different solutions for each of the AFSCN’s unique locations. Each ground station around the world had to be surveyed in order to develop detailed installation plans, project support agreements and testing plans. Furthermore, to assure communications reliability between the ground station and the operational control nodes, Serco also had to conduct a complete circuit testing exercise. After completing the survey, Serco’s team continued with their due diligence, for developing and implementing a state-of-the-practice solution, by conducting circuit, system verification and integration, installation and checkout testing for each of the ground stations, including those located at Diego Garcia, in British Indian Ocean Territory, the Royal Air Force Base in Oakhanger, England and the Anderson AFB, in Guam
In developing this enhanced voice and data communications network, Serco’s team engineered and implemented an ATM backbone and secure voice system for each of the AFSCN ground stations. The installed network was based on a Wide Area Network (WAN) architecture utilizing IP based network capabilities and proprietary secure communication technologies such as KG-75s, KG-84S and KIV-7s. In addition, Serco ensured Defense Red Switch Network connectivity and operations throughout the AFSCN.”
“Stephen M. Goddard, CFA Founder, Managing Principal, Chief Investment Officer, Lead Portfolio Manager Founded [The London Company of Virginia] firm in 1994 Stephen M. Goddard is Managing Director and Founder of The London Company, and heads the firm's investment committee. He has over 28 years of investment experience, beginning his career as an analyst for Scott & Stringfellow, followed by Senior Portfolio Management positions at CFB Advisory and Flippin, Bruce & Porter.
A Chartered Financial Analyst, member of the Richmond Society of Financial Analysts, and a former Board member of the Virginia Asset Management Investment Corporation, Goddard earned his BA in Economics (Distinguished) from Virginia Military Institute and his MBA (concentration in Finance) from the University of Richmond.
Mr. Goddard is a member of the Executive Advisory Council (EAC) of the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond and also serves as a member of the Virginia Military Institute Foundation Investment Committee [allegedly invested VMI funds in London Co cover up of DeConto cat bond hit].”
“The Virginia Military Institute (VMI) is a state-supported military college in Lexington,Virginia, the oldest such institution in the United States. Unlike any other senior military college in the United States, all students at VMI are military cadets pursuing bachelor's degrees.[5][6][7][8][9][10] VMI offers cadets strict military discipline combined with a spartan, physically, and academically demanding environment. The Institute grants degrees in 14 disciplines in engineering, the sciences, and the liberal arts.[11]
The Institute played a valuable role in the training of the Southern officer corps and fought as a unit in actual battles. VMI cadets were called into active military service on 14 different occasions during the American Civil War and many cadets, under the leadership of General Stonewall Jackson, were sent to Camp Lee, at Richmond, to train recruits. VMI alumni were regarded among the best officers of the South[citation needed] and several distinguished themselves in the Union forces as well.”
“Discovery, in the law of the United States, is the pre-trial phase in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the opposing party by means of discovery devices including requests for answers to interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions and depositions. Discovery can be obtained from non-parties using subpoenas. When discovery requests are objected to, the requesting party may seek the assistance of the court by filing a motion to compel discovery.
Civil discovery in the United States [edit]
Main article: Civil discovery under United States federal law
See also: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Under the law of the United States, civil discovery is wide-ranging and can involve any material which is "reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence." This is a much broader standard than relevance, because it contemplates the exploration of evidence which might be relevant, rather than evidence which is truly relevant. (Issues of the scope of relevance are taken care of before trial in motions in limine and during trial with objections.) Certain types of information are generally protected from discovery; these include information which is privileged and the work product of the opposing party. Other types of information may be protected, depending on the type of case and the status of the party. For instance, juvenile criminal records are generally not discoverable, peer review findings by hospitals in medical negligence cases are generally not discoverable and, depending on the case, other types of evidence may be non-discoverable for reasons of privacy, difficulty and/or expense in complying and for other reasons. (Criminal discovery rules may differ from those discussed here.) Electronic discovery or "e-discovery" refers to discovery of information stored in electronic format (often referred to as Electronically Stored Information, or ESI).
In practice, most civil cases in the United States are settled after discovery.[2] After discovery, both sides often are in agreement about the relative strength and weaknesses of each side's case and this often results in either a settlement or summary judgment, which eliminates the expense and risks of a trial.
Discovery in the United States is unique compared to other common law countries. In the United States, discovery is mostly performed by the litigating parties themselves, with relatively minimal judicial oversight. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure guide discovery in the U.S. federal court system. Most state courts follow a similar version based upon the FRCP, Chapter V "Depositions & Discovery" [1].
According to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff must initiate a conferencebetween the parties after the complaint was served to the defendants, to plan for the discovery process.[3] The parties should attempt to agree on the proposed discovery schedule, and submit a proposed Discovery Plan to the court within 14 days after the conference.[3] After that, the main discovery process begins which includes: initial disclosures, depositions, interrogatories , request for admissions (RFA) and request for production of documents (RFP). In most of United States district (federal) courts the formal requests for interrogatories, request for admissions and request for production are exchanged between the parties and not filed with the court. Parties, however, can file motion to compel discovery if responses are not received within the FRCP time limit. Parties can file a motion for a protective order if the discovery requests become unduly burdensome or for purpose of harassment.”
Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222
David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation
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