Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedHillary Clinton and Al Gore’s apparent use of the CAI Private Equity Group as pension-fund bookie for spot-fixed betting on carbon-capped mass-casualty exercises, to the murders of 343 FDNY firefighters on 9/11.
McConnell claims former Junior Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton, conspired with the CAI carbon-cap bookie to position certain New York State/City pension funds to share in a $430 million payout – being $10 million for each of the 43 firefighters who died in excess of the 300 spot – after Twin Towers’ ambushes were allegedly set on 9/11 by FDNY officer-members of the NYC Variable Supplements Fund.
McConnell points out that Clinton and Gore could have positioned CAI spot-fixed pension-fund bettors in the Carbon Disclosure Project so that funds shared in payouts according to the number of survivors below the spot e.g. CAI could have then distributed $430 million (= 43 x $10 million) to the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund if FDPF members had kept the 9/11 casualties at 257 (= 300 - 43).
The FDPF’s principal problem on 9/11 was that it was not a signatory investor in CAI’s Carbon Disclosure Project and so its members were apparently targeted with Clinton-Alinsky Rule #5 in Rules for Radicals – “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon” where climbing into Senator Clinton’s Twin Towers’ ambush with a MitM attack on the FDNY radio system was really ridiculous.
Prequel 1:
#1591: Marine Links CAI Haig’s Spot-Fixed Carbon Book to Obama’s Joyce With JABS at Sandy Hook
Prequel 2:
#1590: Marine Links CAI Haig to Spot-Fixed Twin Towers Body Count and Nancy’s Pig Farm Pension Fund
Prequel 3:
Accelerating progress toward a lower-carbon future (PDF File)
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
#1591: Marine Links CAI Haig’s Spot-Fixed Carbon Book to Obama’s Joyce With JABS at Sandy Hook
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedthe late General Alexander Haig’s apparent use of the CAI Private Equity Group as a bookmaker for spot-fix betting on carbon-footprint reductions at mass-casualty events, to the former Joyce Foundation director Barack Obama, who allegedly deployed actors with CAI’s Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) to the Sandy Hook Elementary School to eliminate carbon emissions from 20 children and 6 adults by killing them.
McConnell also alleges that Obama used Haig’s CAI as a spot fix bookmaker to deploy actors through Nortel JABS into the FDNY command chain on 9/11 to eliminate carbon emissions from 343 firefighters by killing them.
#1590: Marine Links CAI Haig to Spot-Fixed Twin Towers Body Count and Nancy’s Pig Farm Pension Fund
McConnell also alleges that Obama used Haig’s CAI as a spot fix bookmaker to deploy actors through Nortel JABS into the FDNY command chain on 9/11 to eliminate carbon emissions from 343 firefighters by killing them.
#1590: Marine Links CAI Haig to Spot-Fixed Twin Towers Body Count and Nancy’s Pig Farm Pension Fund
#1590: Marine Links CAI Haig to Spot-Fixed Twin Towers Body Count and Nancy’s Pig Farm Pension Fund
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkeda former special investor in the CAI Private Equity Group, the late General Alexander Haig, to the trustees of Nancy Campbell’s pension fund bcIMC who were allegedly compromised by CAI’s bookmaker roles for bcIMC spot-fixed betting on the WTC Twin Towers body count of 2,753 and on the time taken to process bodies through the ‘Piggy’s Palace’ wood chipper at the Pickton Family pig-farm in Port Coquitlam, B.C.
McConnell claims that Haig and his fellow CAI investors adopted the Vancouver Starnet business model (see below) which appears to have used money laundering through the Internet and pornography with graphic images of sadomasochism to entrap and control the bcIMC pension-fund trustees and compromise them with a share in spot-fixing profits based on body counts or some other parameter related to torture killings and bombings.
Prequel 1:
#1586: Marine Links Sister Marcy SBA Pedo-Fem Lesbians to EEOC Decoys for WTC7 Drones
McConnell claims that Haig and his fellow CAI investors adopted the Vancouver Starnet business model (see below) which appears to have used money laundering through the Internet and pornography with graphic images of sadomasochism to entrap and control the bcIMC pension-fund trustees and compromise them with a share in spot-fixing profits based on body counts or some other parameter related to torture killings and bombings.
Prequel 1:
#1586: Marine Links Sister Marcy SBA Pedo-Fem Lesbians to EEOC Decoys for WTC7 Drones
Friday, June 28, 2013
#1589: Marine Links James Comey – Obama’s FBI Pick – to Theft of Lockheed F35 Secrets
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked James Comey, Obama’s pick to replace Robert Swan Mueller as FBI Director, and a director of Obama’s wrist slapped Fast & Furious bankers HSBC Holdings, to the ongoing theft of F35 secrets, allegedly arranged while Comey served as General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin.
McConnell claims that Comey helped mi2g – HSBC’s in-house cyber-hack team at Canary Wharf – to steal Lockheed’s F-35 secrets and he invites those who may be concerned to Google terms below ..
“RSA Poison Ivy Lockheed Martin”,
“RSA Entrust”,
“Entrust Thoma Bravo”,
“Thoma Bravo Lee M. Mitchell”, “Lee Mitchell Sidley Austin”,
“Sidley Austin Bernardine Dohrn”
“Bernardine Dohrn Michelle Obama”
#1547: Marine Links Comey to Connecticut Pedo-Fem Hedge Fund and Sandy Hook Remington Fraud
“RSA Entrust”,
“Entrust Thoma Bravo”,
“Thoma Bravo Lee M. Mitchell”, “Lee Mitchell Sidley Austin”,
“Sidley Austin Bernardine Dohrn”
“Bernardine Dohrn Michelle Obama”
#1547: Marine Links Comey to Connecticut Pedo-Fem Hedge Fund and Sandy Hook Remington Fraud
Thursday, June 27, 2013
#1586: Marine Links Sister Marcy SBA Pedo-Fem Lesbians to EEOC Decoys for WTC7 Drones
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s apparent deployment of pedo-fem lesbian extortionists in the U.S. Small Business Administration to Marcy’s late lover Lee Guarria who allegedly used WTC#7 18th Floor war rooms of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to decoy incendiary-laden drones into WTC# 1 & 2 on 9/11.
McConnell claims that Marcy and Guarria’s pedo-fem associates extorted Morgan Stanley’s top officials and its director of security, the late "Rick" Rescorla, into developing the WTC sabotage vulnerability tests to establish a London-based spread-bet bookmaker’s body count for the 9/11 decoy attacks. McConnell further claims Marcy and Guarria had Rescorla killed as he was leading evacuees from the South Tower and WTC7 later demolished at about 5:20 pm to silence a prospective whistleblower and remove evidence as to the use of the 18th Floor war rooms in the decoy and drone maneuvers of 9/11.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1584 Marine Links Clinton Pardoned Pedo-Fem Extortionists to Amec WTC 7 18th Floor Bombers
Prequel 2:
Rhodes Scholars Yves Fortier and Bill Clinton Linked To al-Qaeda 9/11 - Hired Hackers - Nortel Networks Tricked - Entrust PKI Spun Off - U.K. MoD
McConnell claims that Marcy and Guarria’s pedo-fem associates extorted Morgan Stanley’s top officials and its director of security, the late "Rick" Rescorla, into developing the WTC sabotage vulnerability tests to establish a London-based spread-bet bookmaker’s body count for the 9/11 decoy attacks. McConnell further claims Marcy and Guarria had Rescorla killed as he was leading evacuees from the South Tower and WTC7 later demolished at about 5:20 pm to silence a prospective whistleblower and remove evidence as to the use of the 18th Floor war rooms in the decoy and drone maneuvers of 9/11.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1584 Marine Links Clinton Pardoned Pedo-Fem Extortionists to Amec WTC 7 18th Floor Bombers
Prequel 2:
Rhodes Scholars Yves Fortier and Bill Clinton Linked To al-Qaeda 9/11 - Hired Hackers - Nortel Networks Tricked - Entrust PKI Spun Off - U.K. MoD
#1585: Marine Links Illinois Lesbian Equal Employment Key to Clinton’s Building 7 Amec Entrust Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the State of Illinois procurement of Nortel Entrust Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the apparently lesbian-controlled offices of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, to former Junior Senator from New York Hillary Clinton, whose EEOC lesbian associates allegedly used Entrust keys to trigger Amec bombs in WTC7 while BJ established his 9/11 alibi at Amec’s Melbourne offices on 9/12.
See #4:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1584 Marine Links Clinton Pardoned Pedo-Fem Extortionists to Amec WTC 7 18th Floor Bombers
Prequel 2:
Rhodes Scholars Yves Fortier and Bill Clinton Linked To al-Qaeda 9/11 - Hired Hackers - Nortel Networks Tricked - Entrust PKI Spun Off - U.K. MoD
See #4:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1584 Marine Links Clinton Pardoned Pedo-Fem Extortionists to Amec WTC 7 18th Floor Bombers
Prequel 2:
Rhodes Scholars Yves Fortier and Bill Clinton Linked To al-Qaeda 9/11 - Hired Hackers - Nortel Networks Tricked - Entrust PKI Spun Off - U.K. MoD
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
#1584 Marine Links Clinton Pardoned Pedo-Fem Extortionists to Amec WTC 7 18th Floor Bombers
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a global matrix of pardoned pedo-fem extortionists, apparently built by former PPE’er and Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton, to Amec WTC 7 bombers who were allegedly paid through the 18th Floor offices of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) by Leonara Guarria, the late lesbian lover of McConnell’s sister, Kristine Marcy.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1431 Marine Links Sister’s Same-Sex Equal Employment to Serco’s Stratum 0 Bombers in Building 7
Prequel 2:
#1583: Marine Links Kristine Marcy Protégé Elevator Bombs to General Haig Stargate Command
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1431 Marine Links Sister’s Same-Sex Equal Employment to Serco’s Stratum 0 Bombers in Building 7
Prequel 2:
#1583: Marine Links Kristine Marcy Protégé Elevator Bombs to General Haig Stargate Command
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - June 26, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast June 26, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast June 26, 2013
Bashar al-Assad Not a Dictator, Says Former British Ambassador to Syria
Source: International Business Times
Bashar al-Assad Not a Dictator, Says Former British Ambassador to Syria
Ex-diplomat Andrew Green defends Syrian ruler and accuses No 10 spin of failing to understand situation on the ground
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is not a dictator - just a figurehead - according to a former British ambassador to Syria.
Sir Andrew Green's remarks in the Spectator are likely to enrage critics of Assad's regime at a time when David Cameron is discussing whether to follow the US decision to arm rebels in Syria.
In a blogpost entitled "If you think arming the rebels is the answer, then you don't understand Syria", Green, the former diplomat and founding chairman of the organisation MigrationWatch UK, criticised the "spin generated by Number 10 in recent days".
"All this spin reflects a fundamental failure to understand the nature of the situation in Syria," he argued. "Bashar al-Assad is a figurehead, not a dictator on the pattern of Saddam Hussein, or even his [Assad's] father.
Bashar al-Assad Not a Dictator, Says Former British Ambassador to Syria
Ex-diplomat Andrew Green defends Syrian ruler and accuses No 10 spin of failing to understand situation on the ground
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is not a dictator - just a figurehead - according to a former British ambassador to Syria.
Sir Andrew Green's remarks in the Spectator are likely to enrage critics of Assad's regime at a time when David Cameron is discussing whether to follow the US decision to arm rebels in Syria.
In a blogpost entitled "If you think arming the rebels is the answer, then you don't understand Syria", Green, the former diplomat and founding chairman of the organisation MigrationWatch UK, criticised the "spin generated by Number 10 in recent days".
"All this spin reflects a fundamental failure to understand the nature of the situation in Syria," he argued. "Bashar al-Assad is a figurehead, not a dictator on the pattern of Saddam Hussein, or even his [Assad's] father.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
#1583: Marine Links Kristine Marcy Protégé Elevator Bombs to General Haig Stargate Command
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedhis sister Kristine Marcy’s apparent authorization of loan finance for SBA Mentor-Protégé test installations of WTC Twin Towers elevator bombs, to the late and former UTC President General Alexander Haig, and his alleged use of the Stargate Command hub in Cheyenne Mountain to trigger those bombs on 9/11.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1581: Marine Links MGM Role-Play Gaming Pig-Farm Studio to General, Jolie JABS for SG-1 Hackers Pentagon Bomb
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1581: Marine Links MGM Role-Play Gaming Pig-Farm Studio to General, Jolie JABS for SG-1 Hackers Pentagon Bomb
#1582: Marine Links General Stargate Post Production to Vancouver Cleanup of Amec Pentagon Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the late Deborah Furlong’s post-production work on the late General Alexander Haig’s MGM Stargate Command to Vancouver-based crews which she allegedly deployed to clean up evidence of Amec Pentagon bombs on 9/11.
McConnell alleges that the late MGM director and CAI Special Investor General Haig ordered two Canadian companies, Nortel and Macdonald Dettwiler & Associates, to build a Virtual Stargate Command Center in Cheyenne Mountain in support of an MitM attack on Pentagon VoIP response systems during phony sabotage-vulnerability testing by Amec on 9/11.
McConnell further claims that Furlong used a Da Vinci’s Inquest cleanup crew from Vancouver in FBI uniforms to remove evidence of an alleged use of the Stargate Command to detonate bombs [Sep. 12, 2001 (Australia) 17:37:19 (MDT)] apparently pre-placed by Amec during its upgrade of the Pentagon.
Prequel 1:
#1581: Marine Links MGM Role-Play Gaming Pig-Farm Studio to General, Jolie JABS for SG-1 Hackers Pentagon Bomb
Prequel 2:
#1478: Marine Links Cisco’s IHIT Pension Pig-Farm Key to Deborah Furlong SNAP Hack GPS Crash
McConnell alleges that the late MGM director and CAI Special Investor General Haig ordered two Canadian companies, Nortel and Macdonald Dettwiler & Associates, to build a Virtual Stargate Command Center in Cheyenne Mountain in support of an MitM attack on Pentagon VoIP response systems during phony sabotage-vulnerability testing by Amec on 9/11.
McConnell further claims that Furlong used a Da Vinci’s Inquest cleanup crew from Vancouver in FBI uniforms to remove evidence of an alleged use of the Stargate Command to detonate bombs [Sep. 12, 2001 (Australia) 17:37:19 (MDT)] apparently pre-placed by Amec during its upgrade of the Pentagon.
Prequel 1:
#1581: Marine Links MGM Role-Play Gaming Pig-Farm Studio to General, Jolie JABS for SG-1 Hackers Pentagon Bomb
Prequel 2:
#1478: Marine Links Cisco’s IHIT Pension Pig-Farm Key to Deborah Furlong SNAP Hack GPS Crash
Monday, June 24, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - Dick Eastman with Abel Danger Live June 24, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast June 24, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
The idea is to replace the system that inevitably leads to a Great Deflation through net interest drain. Our money today is almost exclusively loan deposits that we transfer among ourselves by writing checks. Those deposits were created by banks, in exchange for a borrower obligation to return the loaned amount plus compound interest. Since the interest above the loan amount was never created, the difference has to be paid by a transfer of real assets in foreclosure.
LiveStream link to Monday's show
Abel Danger Broadcast June 24, 2013
The idea is to replace the system that inevitably leads to a Great Deflation through net interest drain. Our money today is almost exclusively loan deposits that we transfer among ourselves by writing checks. Those deposits were created by banks, in exchange for a borrower obligation to return the loaned amount plus compound interest. Since the interest above the loan amount was never created, the difference has to be paid by a transfer of real assets in foreclosure.
LiveStream link to Monday's show
#1581: Marine Links MGM Role-Play Gaming Pig-Farm Studio to General, Jolie JABS for SG-1 Hackers Pentagon Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedMGM’s apparent development of role-play gaming at the Piggy's Palace pig farm studio in B.C., to General Alexander Haig and Angelina Jolie’s alleged use of the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) to book IMDb actor / personalities from MGM productions of Stargate (SG-1) and Hackers into the Pentagon bombing scenes of 9/11.
McConnell alleges the late MGM director Haig booked Hacker or Stargate personalities – apparently entrapped at Piggy’s Palace gaming events; spot fixed bets on time to disappear body in a wood chipper – into a fictional studio for the U.S. Air Force Stargate Command (SGC) center underneath Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado where Haig appears to have synchronized a man-in-the-middle attack with (Sep. 12, 2001 17:37:19) detonation of bombs pre-placed by Amec during its upgrade of the Pentagon.
#1580: Marine Links Con Air Sister to Carlyle Canada Wackenhut Pig Farm, Amec WTC7 Protégé Bomb
McConnell alleges the late MGM director Haig booked Hacker or Stargate personalities – apparently entrapped at Piggy’s Palace gaming events; spot fixed bets on time to disappear body in a wood chipper – into a fictional studio for the U.S. Air Force Stargate Command (SGC) center underneath Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado where Haig appears to have synchronized a man-in-the-middle attack with (Sep. 12, 2001 17:37:19) detonation of bombs pre-placed by Amec during its upgrade of the Pentagon.
#1580: Marine Links Con Air Sister to Carlyle Canada Wackenhut Pig Farm, Amec WTC7 Protégé Bomb
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Monsanto-FDA Partnership: The Fix Is In – Big Agribusiness – Central Planning and Distribution – Patenting Frankenseeds – Gene Drift – Sophisticated and Pathological Elites – Conscious Intent to Deceive
Monsanto and the FDA: 2 crimes families working a trillion-dollar hustle
by Jon Rappoport March 1, 2013
Perhaps you remember the ill-fated Just-Label-It campaign. A number of activist groups petitioned the FDA for a federal regulation that would make labeling GMO food mandatory.
The petition amassed over a million signatures. But the FDA decided only 394 of these were legitimate, because all the others were electronically submitted in one document.
Infuriating? Of course. But that was nothing. Let’s get down to the core of the crime.
by Jon Rappoport March 1, 2013
Perhaps you remember the ill-fated Just-Label-It campaign. A number of activist groups petitioned the FDA for a federal regulation that would make labeling GMO food mandatory.
The petition amassed over a million signatures. But the FDA decided only 394 of these were legitimate, because all the others were electronically submitted in one document.
Infuriating? Of course. But that was nothing. Let’s get down to the core of the crime.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
#1580: Marine Links Con Air Sister to Carlyle Canada Wackenhut Pig Farm, Amec WTC7 Protégé Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister and Con Air (JPATS) founder Kristine Marcy, to apparent Wackenhut/Carlyle Canada joint-venture investments in a B.C. pig-farm role-play gaming studio and Amec’s U.S. Small Business Administration Mentor-Protégé project teams which allegedly bombed New York's WTC Building 7 during phony sabotage-vulnerability tests on 9/11.
McConnell claims that his sister conspired with erstwhile Carlyle Canada investor, Wackenhut booster and Amec director, Frank McKenna, to fly Con Air parolees to the role-playing pig farm in Port Coquitlam where guests would be filmed in fatal S&M encounters with prostitutes and subsequently extorted into silence (misprision of treason) in re Marcy’s planned use of Amec SBA Mentor-Protégé (role-playing) teams to bomb the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.
McConnell also alleges that former Chairman of Carlyle Canada, Frank Carlucci, was caught in a sex trap (pedo-fem?) in 1969 by Marcy when they worked together on the Community Action Program at the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) under Donald Rumsfeld.
See 1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1578: Marine Links Boeing Decoys, Amec Alibis to Marcy Peacock Clinton and Pentagon Protégé Bomb
Prequel 2:
UNEP racketeering in Kyoto, B.C.
McConnell claims that his sister conspired with erstwhile Carlyle Canada investor, Wackenhut booster and Amec director, Frank McKenna, to fly Con Air parolees to the role-playing pig farm in Port Coquitlam where guests would be filmed in fatal S&M encounters with prostitutes and subsequently extorted into silence (misprision of treason) in re Marcy’s planned use of Amec SBA Mentor-Protégé (role-playing) teams to bomb the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.
McConnell also alleges that former Chairman of Carlyle Canada, Frank Carlucci, was caught in a sex trap (pedo-fem?) in 1969 by Marcy when they worked together on the Community Action Program at the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) under Donald Rumsfeld.
See 1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1578: Marine Links Boeing Decoys, Amec Alibis to Marcy Peacock Clinton and Pentagon Protégé Bomb
Prequel 2:
UNEP racketeering in Kyoto, B.C.
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - June 21, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast June 21, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast June 21, 2013
#1579: Marine Links Jolie Inglis Gorelick SES Pedo-Fem Hackers to Gareth Williams SOS S&M Mothers
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
a pedo-fem hackers network, apparently set up by Angelina Jolie, John Inglis and Jamie Gorelick for U.S. Senior Executive Service (SES) control of the U.S. Deputy Attorney General’s office, to the murder of Gareth Williams, the GCHQ spy allegedly killed to protect HSBC money-laundering and drug-trafficking operations and sponsorship of a global S&M ‘kiddie porn’ extortion racket by Mothers of SOS Children's Villages.
#1578: Marine Links Boeing Decoys, Amec Alibis to Marcy Peacock Clinton and Pentagon Protégé Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Boeing’s decoy and drone aircraft (cf. QRS-11) and role-playing alibis used in Amec sabotage vulnerability tests, to the apparent manipulation of the SBA's Mentor-Protégée program which allegedly authorized the protégées of Kristine Marcy, Andrew Peacock and Hillary Clinton to bomb the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.
Prequel 1:
#1577: Marine Links Hillary’s Melbourne Plan for the Whacking of Bill to Amec Test Into Pentagon Kill
Prequel 2:
#1576: Marine Links Andrew Peacock’s Boeing GyroChip to Clinton ANZUS Pentagon Bomb
Prequel 1:
#1577: Marine Links Hillary’s Melbourne Plan for the Whacking of Bill to Amec Test Into Pentagon Kill
Prequel 2:
#1576: Marine Links Andrew Peacock’s Boeing GyroChip to Clinton ANZUS Pentagon Bomb
Friday, June 21, 2013
September 10th 2001 - convention listings
Source: Free Planet
September 10th 2001 - convention listings
So, it's September 10th, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld has just announced the Pentagon's missing 2.3 trillion dollars and annual war games are afoot: Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian. In fact, these war games have been going on for years; this year, they specifically involve interception of commercial airliners that have been hijacked and used to fly into buildings - despite what Condoleezza Rice will say soon after 9-11.
The NEADS-NORAD-CANR Joint Unconventional Threat Continuity Training: Live Fire Terrorist Hijacking Scenario exercises run from September 10th - 12th, 2001.
Well, as interesting as that may be, there was a series of Global Conventions specifically slated to last from September 10th - 12th, 2001 dealing with computer/communications technology, aerospace/defense, United Nations, space-based technology, women & children's services, health & environment. You might have to sit down here, 'cos this is an eye opener.
September 10th 2001 - convention listings
So, it's September 10th, 2001; Donald Rumsfeld has just announced the Pentagon's missing 2.3 trillion dollars and annual war games are afoot: Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian. In fact, these war games have been going on for years; this year, they specifically involve interception of commercial airliners that have been hijacked and used to fly into buildings - despite what Condoleezza Rice will say soon after 9-11.
The NEADS-NORAD-CANR Joint Unconventional Threat Continuity Training: Live Fire Terrorist Hijacking Scenario exercises run from September 10th - 12th, 2001.
Well, as interesting as that may be, there was a series of Global Conventions specifically slated to last from September 10th - 12th, 2001 dealing with computer/communications technology, aerospace/defense, United Nations, space-based technology, women & children's services, health & environment. You might have to sit down here, 'cos this is an eye opener.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
#1577: Marine Links Hillary’s Melbourne Plan for the Whacking of Bill to Amec Test Into Pentagon Kill
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
Hillary Clinton’s allegedly-thwarted plan for the contract killing (‘whacking’) of Bill Clinton through an Amec virtual war room in Melbourne, to an Amec sabotage-vulnerability test which turned the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center into a killing field during the General Haig/Bin Laden role-playing game of 9/11.
McConnell alleges that to obscure her role as a principal co-conspirator in the 9/11 attack, Hillary Clinton adopted the two-level terrorist strategy described by the late and former MGM scriptwriter Anna Louise Strong – Maurice Strong’s cousin – in the 1936 trial of the Zinoviev-Trotskyist Center in the Moscow House of Trade Unions.
Using the Strong model, Hillary Clinton in New York on 9/11 would have had Andrew Peacock set up her husband in Amec’s Melbourne war rooms to witness a hack [sic Assange!] into the Pentagon and the associated vulnerability tests, and, if her agents had subsequently succeeded in destroying the Capitol Building with the GyroChip-modified United 93, she would allegedly have had Bill shot in Australia or arrested and tried for treason on his return to Washington while presenting herself at the U.N. General Assembly's scheduled meeting as the natural leader of the United States given that the old order of succession had [been] collapsed.
#1576: Marine Links Andrew Peacock’s Boeing GyroChip to Clinton ANZUS Pentagon Bomb
McConnell alleges that to obscure her role as a principal co-conspirator in the 9/11 attack, Hillary Clinton adopted the two-level terrorist strategy described by the late and former MGM scriptwriter Anna Louise Strong – Maurice Strong’s cousin – in the 1936 trial of the Zinoviev-Trotskyist Center in the Moscow House of Trade Unions.
Using the Strong model, Hillary Clinton in New York on 9/11 would have had Andrew Peacock set up her husband in Amec’s Melbourne war rooms to witness a hack [sic Assange!] into the Pentagon and the associated vulnerability tests, and, if her agents had subsequently succeeded in destroying the Capitol Building with the GyroChip-modified United 93, she would allegedly have had Bill shot in Australia or arrested and tried for treason on his return to Washington while presenting herself at the U.N. General Assembly's scheduled meeting as the natural leader of the United States given that the old order of succession had [been] collapsed.
#1576: Marine Links Andrew Peacock’s Boeing GyroChip to Clinton ANZUS Pentagon Bomb
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 18
God’s Marine Exposes Black Pope and Gay Rope-a-dopes; Operation GOATROPE
God’s Marine Defeats Allah’s Limpwad
Middle East - The Roving Eye - "dejected school boys" - Obama's weapons-for-peace program
Source: Asia Times Online
Middle East
Jun 18, 2013
Obama's weapons-for-peace program
By Pepe Escobar
They looked like two dejected schoolboys in front of the headmaster by the end of the two-hour Putin-Obama summit at the sidelines of the Group of Eight meeting in Northern Ireland. But as astonishing as the sound of silence was the fact that, on Syria, the former KGB guy was trying to save the "leading from behind" dude from himself.
President Barack Obama coined the monster euphemism that they had "different perspectives" on Syria. He said, deceptively, "We want to try to resolve the issue through political means if possible, so we will instruct our teams to continue to work on the potential of a Geneva follow-up."
Middle East
Jun 18, 2013
Obama's weapons-for-peace program
By Pepe Escobar
They looked like two dejected schoolboys in front of the headmaster by the end of the two-hour Putin-Obama summit at the sidelines of the Group of Eight meeting in Northern Ireland. But as astonishing as the sound of silence was the fact that, on Syria, the former KGB guy was trying to save the "leading from behind" dude from himself.
President Barack Obama coined the monster euphemism that they had "different perspectives" on Syria. He said, deceptively, "We want to try to resolve the issue through political means if possible, so we will instruct our teams to continue to work on the potential of a Geneva follow-up."
#1576: Marine Links Andrew Peacock’s Boeing GyroChip to Clinton ANZUS Pentagon Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked former Boeing Australia President Andrew Peacock’s procurement of GyroChip-(QRS11)-modified aircraft for decoy and drone maneuvers in a Global Guardian continuity of government exercise on 9/11, to a Melbourne alibi, allegedly developed by Peacock to insulate Bill Clinton from a domestic hack into a phony ANZUS role-play game and the associated bombing of the Pentagon at the time and date shown below.
McConnell alleges that former Australian Foreign Secretary Peacock, former KPMG Senior China Consultant Kevin Rudd, late and former Boeing director John Shalikashvili, and former patent lawyer Hillary Clinton, conspired to transfer a patent pool of GyroChip (QRS 11) devices to China’s People’s Liberation Army officers in 2000 and set them up as patsies for the ANZUS-synchronized drone attack which destroyed the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on ‘Sep. 12, 2001 17:37:19’.
Prequel 1:
#1573: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Mentor-Protégée Role-Playing Game to P&W Pentagon Bomb
Prequel 2:
#1572: Marine Links Peacock Clinton Role-Play Hackers to Pentagon ANZUS Moscow Spot-Fixed Bombs
Prequel 3:
QRS-11 Gyrochip - POGO - history of the gyrochip
McConnell alleges that former Australian Foreign Secretary Peacock, former KPMG Senior China Consultant Kevin Rudd, late and former Boeing director John Shalikashvili, and former patent lawyer Hillary Clinton, conspired to transfer a patent pool of GyroChip (QRS 11) devices to China’s People’s Liberation Army officers in 2000 and set them up as patsies for the ANZUS-synchronized drone attack which destroyed the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on ‘Sep. 12, 2001 17:37:19’.
Prequel 1:
#1573: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Mentor-Protégée Role-Playing Game to P&W Pentagon Bomb
Prequel 2:
#1572: Marine Links Peacock Clinton Role-Play Hackers to Pentagon ANZUS Moscow Spot-Fixed Bombs
Prequel 3:
QRS-11 Gyrochip - POGO - history of the gyrochip
#1574: Marine Links General Bin Laden Role-Play GyroChip to Clinton’s Melbourne Alibi, Wrongful Death of Chic
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
the 'role-playing' GyroChip (QRS 11) allegedly used for the General Alexander Haig – Bin Laden Group’s decoy and drone maneuvers during the continuity of government exercise, Global Guardian, to the Melbourne alibi developed for Bill Clinton to insulate him from the wrongful death of Captain Chic Burlingame, USNA '71, who was tricked into Operating American Flight 77 on 11 September, 2001 in a manner so surreptitious that even BGen. Paul Knox, NDANG, his supervisor at the Pentagon, was unaware of the nature of his selection to skipper 77.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - June 19, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast June 19, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast June 19, 2013
#1573: Marine Links Kristine Marcy’s Mentor-Protégée Role-Playing Game to P&W Pentagon Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy’s role in the alleged theft of Mentor-Protégée role-playing protocols for continuity-of-government exercises from the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's office, to the late and former UTC president General Alexander Haig whose Global Guardian role-playing UTC protégées allegedly guided an A-3 Skywarrior twin-turbojet with Pratt & Whitney JT8D engines into the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1572: Marine Links Peacock Clinton Role-Play Hackers to Pentagon ANZUS Moscow Spot-Fixed Bombs
Prequel 2:
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown - Serco 8(a) SWAT team hit? - SBA administrators: Ginger Lew and Aida Alvarez - fraudulent bordereau-insurance claims
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1572: Marine Links Peacock Clinton Role-Play Hackers to Pentagon ANZUS Moscow Spot-Fixed Bombs
Prequel 2:
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown - Serco 8(a) SWAT team hit? - SBA administrators: Ginger Lew and Aida Alvarez - fraudulent bordereau-insurance claims
Michael Hastings, 'Rolling Stone' Contributor, Dead at 33 - Michael Hastings OBVIOUSLY murdered by bomb on gas tank
Source: Rolling Stone Politics
Michael Hastings, 'Rolling Stone' Contributor, Dead at 33
The bold journalist died in a car accident in Los Angeles
by Tim Dickinson
June 18, 2013
Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles, Rolling Stone has learned. He was 33.
Hastings' unvarnished 2010 profile of McChrystal in the pages of Rolling Stone, "The Runaway General," captured the then-supreme commander of the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan openly mocking his civilian commanders in the White House. The maelstrom sparked by its publication concluded with President Obama recalling McChrystal to Washington and the general resigning his post. "The conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be met by – set by a commanding general," Obama said, announcing McChrystal's departure. "It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system."
Hastings' hallmark as reporter was his refusal to cozy up to power. While other embedded reporters were charmed by McChrystal's bad-boy bravado and might have excused his insubordination as a joke, Hastings was determined to expose the recklessness of a man leading what Hastings believed to be a reckless war. "Runaway General" was a finalist for a National Magazine Award, won the 2010 Polk award for magazine reporting, and was the basis for Hastings' book, The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan.
For Hastings, there was no romance to America's misbegotten wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He had felt the horror of war first-hand: While covering the Iraq war for Newsweek in early 2007, his then-fianceé, an aide worker, was killed in a Baghdad car bombing. Hastings memorialized that relationship in his first book, I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.
Michael Hastings, 'Rolling Stone' Contributor, Dead at 33
The bold journalist died in a car accident in Los Angeles
by Tim Dickinson
June 18, 2013
Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles, Rolling Stone has learned. He was 33.
Hastings' unvarnished 2010 profile of McChrystal in the pages of Rolling Stone, "The Runaway General," captured the then-supreme commander of the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan openly mocking his civilian commanders in the White House. The maelstrom sparked by its publication concluded with President Obama recalling McChrystal to Washington and the general resigning his post. "The conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be met by – set by a commanding general," Obama said, announcing McChrystal's departure. "It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system."
Hastings' hallmark as reporter was his refusal to cozy up to power. While other embedded reporters were charmed by McChrystal's bad-boy bravado and might have excused his insubordination as a joke, Hastings was determined to expose the recklessness of a man leading what Hastings believed to be a reckless war. "Runaway General" was a finalist for a National Magazine Award, won the 2010 Polk award for magazine reporting, and was the basis for Hastings' book, The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan.
For Hastings, there was no romance to America's misbegotten wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He had felt the horror of war first-hand: While covering the Iraq war for Newsweek in early 2007, his then-fianceé, an aide worker, was killed in a Baghdad car bombing. Hastings memorialized that relationship in his first book, I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.
Michael Hastings
The Big Lie - United Nations - Subjecting the U.S. to Superior Authority - One World System of International Law - Foreign Corporations Have Standing - Purpose: Level Playing Field for Corporations
Source: Channeling Reality
Since the middle of the 19th Century when the first International Peace Congress was held in London to this very day, the nation‐states of the world have been moving forward to develop a system of international law and the international institutions to enforce it. In 1945, the United Nations Organization was established to be the main international "governance" institution – the repository for treaties, the forum to develop international policies in all areas of governing and the enforcer of international law. Based upon voluminous documentation, it appears that the target date for the United Nations to become the world governing body was set to be the 21st Century – a New World Order for the New Millennium. On September 8, 2000, President William J. Clinton signed the Millennium Declaration, which was a recommitment to the UN Charter and a commitment to collective global action on economic and social development, the environment and security.
Since the middle of the 19th Century when the first International Peace Congress was held in London to this very day, the nation‐states of the world have been moving forward to develop a system of international law and the international institutions to enforce it. In 1945, the United Nations Organization was established to be the main international "governance" institution – the repository for treaties, the forum to develop international policies in all areas of governing and the enforcer of international law. Based upon voluminous documentation, it appears that the target date for the United Nations to become the world governing body was set to be the 21st Century – a New World Order for the New Millennium. On September 8, 2000, President William J. Clinton signed the Millennium Declaration, which was a recommitment to the UN Charter and a commitment to collective global action on economic and social development, the environment and security.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
#1572: Marine Links Peacock Clinton Role-Play Hackers to Pentagon ANZUS Moscow Spot-Fixed Bombs
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a role-play Hackers game with Andrew Peacock and Bill Clinton as alleged participants to spot-fixed bomb detonations (Sep. 12, 2001 17:37:19 ANZUS Moscow) in the Pentagon U.S. Navy Command Center.
McConnell claims the late MGM/AOL director General Alexander Haig set up a Bin Laden 9/11 role playing game with the vig collected by the Hackers’ spot-fixing bookmakers shared among by people who set up alibis for Bill Clinton (Anne Peacock with former husband Michael Kroger, Melbourne) and Andrew Peacock (Senior Executive Service Kristine Marcy, Washington).
McConnell also claims Bill Clinton helped Vladimir Putin set up the St. Petersburg GLONASS tracking/telemetry system as a hacking base for time-stamped signals for the Pentagon spot-fixed attack where the 17:37:19 detonation was ahead of the 9/11 impact time at the Pentagon by 8 hours = difference between Moscow Daylight Time and Eastern Daylight Time.
#1552: Marine Links Assange’s Date-Stamped Hack of Nortel JABS to Clinton Pine Gap Pentagon Bomb
McConnell claims the late MGM/AOL director General Alexander Haig set up a Bin Laden 9/11 role playing game with the vig collected by the Hackers’ spot-fixing bookmakers shared among by people who set up alibis for Bill Clinton (Anne Peacock with former husband Michael Kroger, Melbourne) and Andrew Peacock (Senior Executive Service Kristine Marcy, Washington).
McConnell also claims Bill Clinton helped Vladimir Putin set up the St. Petersburg GLONASS tracking/telemetry system as a hacking base for time-stamped signals for the Pentagon spot-fixed attack where the 17:37:19 detonation was ahead of the 9/11 impact time at the Pentagon by 8 hours = difference between Moscow Daylight Time and Eastern Daylight Time.
#1552: Marine Links Assange’s Date-Stamped Hack of Nortel JABS to Clinton Pine Gap Pentagon Bomb
#1571: Marine Links Angelina Bike Dyke Hacker Role Play Key to Shenher Pig-Farm Pension Fund
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkeda role-playing game key used by Angelina Jolie’s “Bike Dyke Hackers” and the late CAI Private Equity investor, General Alexander Haig, to a Vancouver Police Department member of the bcIMC pension fund, Lori Shenher, whose trustees allegedly arranged the mortgage for a role-playing game production facility at the Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society pig farm in B.C. where, it appears, bike dykes were filmed feeding prostitutes through a wood chipper.
McConnell claims that Haig and his CAI co-investor David Johnston – the Canadian Governor General selected by erstwhile biker chick, Laureen Harper – equipped the bcIMC trustees with Entrust rootkit role-play keys which allegedly allowed Shenher to launch Bike Dyke-in-the-Middle attacks on E-Comm 9-1-1 dispatchers and monitor and disrupt the joint VPD/RCMP response to calls from the pig farm.
#1570: Marine Links Angelina Bike Dyke Hacker Role-Play Script to Gorelick’s JABS and JonBenet
McConnell claims that Haig and his CAI co-investor David Johnston – the Canadian Governor General selected by erstwhile biker chick, Laureen Harper – equipped the bcIMC trustees with Entrust rootkit role-play keys which allegedly allowed Shenher to launch Bike Dyke-in-the-Middle attacks on E-Comm 9-1-1 dispatchers and monitor and disrupt the joint VPD/RCMP response to calls from the pig farm.
#1570: Marine Links Angelina Bike Dyke Hacker Role-Play Script to Gorelick’s JABS and JonBenet
Monday, June 17, 2013
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 17
UK and FR Ready to Fight Until the Last American Soldier Dies
Bilderbergs Mull Petraeus; Biden Fingers Soetoro; Chips Engages Franco-Brits
Deception of the Masses during 4th Reich
#1570: Marine Links Angelina Bike Dyke Hacker Role-Play Script to Gorelick’s JABS and JonBenet
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
Angelina Jolie’s “Bike Dyke Hacker” role-playing-game script apparently procured by former AOL and MGM director, the late General Alexander Haig, to Jamie Gorelick’s alleged use of Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) to hack and disrupt the 9-1-1 response to a call by Patsy Ramsey announcing the discovery of a ransom note and the kidnapping of her daughter, JonBenet Ramsey on the morning of December 26, 1996 in Boulder Colorado.
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1568: Marine Links General Haig to SOS Jolie’s Pedo-Fem Hacker With SES Bin Laden Group Script
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1568: Marine Links General Haig to SOS Jolie’s Pedo-Fem Hacker With SES Bin Laden Group Script
Britain, France prodding Obama into attacking Syria
Source: PressTV
Britain, France prodding Obama into attacking Syria
Sat Jun 8, 2013 9:21AM
By Dr. Webster G. Tarpley
On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.
On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments hysterically demanded that Obama undertake a total bombing campaign against Syria, whatever the consequences in regard to Russia and other powers. To his credit, Obama is continuing to say no to this lunatic Anglo-French neocolonial adventure. On that same June 5, the London-based daily The Guardian, in an article by the expatriate American Glenn Greenwald, hyped a court order from the secret FISA panel of federal judges showing that the US National Security Agency was routinely monitoring the telephone records (including time, locations, call duration, and unique identifiers, but not the contents of the conversations) of possibly unlimited millions of Verizon phone subscribers. Back in the US, reactionary talk show hosts began screaming, “Obama taps your phones!”
Britain, France prodding Obama into attacking Syria
Syrian forces clash with foreign-backed militants in the western town of Qusayr, Homs Province. (File photo)
Sat Jun 8, 2013 9:21AM
By Dr. Webster G. Tarpley
On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.
On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments hysterically demanded that Obama undertake a total bombing campaign against Syria, whatever the consequences in regard to Russia and other powers. To his credit, Obama is continuing to say no to this lunatic Anglo-French neocolonial adventure. On that same June 5, the London-based daily The Guardian, in an article by the expatriate American Glenn Greenwald, hyped a court order from the secret FISA panel of federal judges showing that the US National Security Agency was routinely monitoring the telephone records (including time, locations, call duration, and unique identifiers, but not the contents of the conversations) of possibly unlimited millions of Verizon phone subscribers. Back in the US, reactionary talk show hosts began screaming, “Obama taps your phones!”
Sunday, June 16, 2013
#1569: Marine Links Jolie Inglis Gorelick Pedo-Fem Hacker to Gareth Williams MisPRISM of Death
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkeda global IMDb pedo-fem hacker community, allegedly set up by Angelina Jolie, John C. Inglis and Jamie Gorelick, to the apparent use of PRISM metadata to manipulate crime scene investigations into the August 2010 torture killing of Gareth Williams and the misprision of treason in which the spy’s murder was treated as a case of wrongful death.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
#1565: Marine Links Sister’s MisPRISM of SES Treason to Black-Inglis Gareth Williams, Fort Meade
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
#1565: Marine Links Sister’s MisPRISM of SES Treason to Black-Inglis Gareth Williams, Fort Meade
Saturday, June 15, 2013
#1568: Marine Links General Haig to SOS Jolie’s Pedo-Fem Hacker With SES Bin Laden Group Script
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the late MGM, AOL and UTC director, General Alexander Haig, to SOS Angelina Jolie’s pedo-fem associates in the role-playing ‘Hacker’ game with the U.S. Senior Executive Service script allegedly used by Haig to name the ‘Bin Laden Group’ as suspect during a Global Guardian continuity-of-government exercise on 9/11.
McConnell claims Haig and CAI co-investor David Johnston, former Obama Overseer at Harvard and now Patron of SOS Children’s Villages, used an MGM/AOL backdoor into Internet Movie Database servers in Bristol, U.K., to set up a global pedo-fem hacking community which has allegedly equipped the likes of Angelina Jolie and SES founder Kristine Marcy (McConnell’s sister!) with role-playing scripts to overthrow the government of the United States.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
McConnell claims Haig and CAI co-investor David Johnston, former Obama Overseer at Harvard and now Patron of SOS Children’s Villages, used an MGM/AOL backdoor into Internet Movie Database servers in Bristol, U.K., to set up a global pedo-fem hacking community which has allegedly equipped the likes of Angelina Jolie and SES founder Kristine Marcy (McConnell’s sister!) with role-playing scripts to overthrow the government of the United States.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
Friday, June 14, 2013
#1567: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick to GURPS or JABS for Julie Hackers or Pedo-Fem Cast In JonBenét
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Amazon director and former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick to the alleged use of Nortel JABS or GURPS Cyberpunk to cast pedophile-feminist actors and parolees in role playing games such as that played out with Angelina Julie’s Hackers movie of 1995 or the 9-1-1 response to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996.
McConnell points out that anyone, including him, can set up a role playing game with the Abel Danger character cloud and the game he launches today is “Jolie JABS and JonBenét”
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
McConnell points out that anyone, including him, can set up a role playing game with the Abel Danger character cloud and the game he launches today is “Jolie JABS and JonBenét”
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
Thursday, June 13, 2013
#1566: Marine Links Amazon Gorelick Pedo-Fem PRISM to Obama Wag the Dog Sandy Hook Script
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the apparent collection of PRISM/IMDb* metadata by pedophile feminist (pedo-fem) associates of Amazon director Jamie ‘The Wall’ Gorelick, to a “Wag the Dog” script, allegedly developed by former Sidley Austin IP lawyer Michelle Obama to camouflage main stream media (MSM) news of the contract killing of 20 children and 6 adults at/near the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., on December 14, 2012.
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies allegedly integrated with Nortel JABS IMDb = Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database, allegedly back-doored by PRISM at GCHQ Cheltenham
McConnell suggests that the Gorelick and Obama pedo-fems revealed a common Wag the Dog M.O. during the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook massacres which indicates they are long in ferocity but short in sagacity and he therefore encourages his fellow Americans to heed the words of Thomas Jefferson.
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies allegedly integrated with Nortel JABS IMDb = Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database, allegedly back-doored by PRISM at GCHQ Cheltenham
McConnell suggests that the Gorelick and Obama pedo-fems revealed a common Wag the Dog M.O. during the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook massacres which indicates they are long in ferocity but short in sagacity and he therefore encourages his fellow Americans to heed the words of Thomas Jefferson.
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
#1565: Marine Links Sister’s MisPRISM of SES Treason to Black-Inglis Gareth Williams, Fort Meade
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine Marcy to a ‘MisPRISM of Treason’ by her U.S. Senior Executive Service protégés who, apparently led by erstwhile National Security Agency deputy directors William B. Black and John C. Inglis, allegedly used PRISM/Amazon IMDb* metadata to entrap the late Gareth Williams in a snuff-film production at Fort Meade, Md., in August 2010.
McConnell claims that his sister and Amazon director and former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, became aware of the MisPRISM of SES Treason when hacking systems associated with JABS, JPATS and Sentri were launched with the Gore Hammer 're-invention of government' awards on DOJ Lab Day October 22, 1996 prior to integration into the PRISM/Amazon IMDb cloud.
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies allegedly integrated with Nortel JABS IMDb = Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database, allegedly back-doored by PRISM at GCHQ Cheltenham
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
McConnell claims that his sister and Amazon director and former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, became aware of the MisPRISM of SES Treason when hacking systems associated with JABS, JPATS and Sentri were launched with the Gore Hammer 're-invention of government' awards on DOJ Lab Day October 22, 1996 prior to integration into the PRISM/Amazon IMDb cloud.
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies allegedly integrated with Nortel JABS IMDb = Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database, allegedly back-doored by PRISM at GCHQ Cheltenham
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
#1564: Marine Links SOS Jolie With White House Changelings to SES Marcy Gareth Williams PRISM
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedinfiltration of the White House with ‘Changelings’, apparently groomed by Angelina Jolie’s pedophile-feminist associates at SOS Children’s Villages, to PRISM* IMDb hacking software allegedly used by members of Kristine Marcy’s U.S. Senior Executive Service to record the late Gareth Williams performance in a NSA Fort Meade snuff film.
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies allegedly integrated with actors paid through Nortel Joint Automated Booking System
IMDb = Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database, allegedly back-doored by PRISM at GCHQ Cheltenham
N.B. Kristine Marcy is Field McConnell’s sister and siblings can communicate without words.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies allegedly integrated with actors paid through Nortel Joint Automated Booking System
IMDb = Gorelick’s Internet Movie Database, allegedly back-doored by PRISM at GCHQ Cheltenham
N.B. Kristine Marcy is Field McConnell’s sister and siblings can communicate without words.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
#1563: Marine Links Gareth Williams Fort Meade PRISM to Amazon Gorelick Changeling President
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the late Gareth Williams’ use of PRISM* software at the NSA’s Fort Meade crime scene to Amazon Director and former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie ‘Wall’ Gorelick’s development of a ‘Changeling President’ script for the dead-double IMDb (bought by Amazon in 1998) personality now in the White House.
PRISM = Profile Replacement for Internet Spliced Movies
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Australian Constitution is Invalid - Ex-Solicitor Wayne Leonard: Australia The Concealed Colony - Will Australia Declare National Independence From the Crown? - Awakening To the Truth
Source: Basic Fraud
The elected Government and the entire Judicial System of Australia are totally unlawful, fraudulent and invalid!
"The continued usage of the Australian Constitution Act ( UK ) by the Australian Governments and the judiciary is a confidence trick of monstrous proportions played upon the Australian people with the intent of maintaining power. It remains an Act of the United Kingdom. After joining the League of Nations in 1919 Australia became a sovereign nation. It had no further legal power to use, alter or otherwise tamper with another nation’s legislation. Authority over the Australian Constitution Act lies not with the Australian government nor with the Australian people, it rests solely with the UK. Only they have the authority to repeal this legislation …" --The late Professor G. Clements, Eminent UK QC and emeritus Professor in Law at Cambridge University
The Australian constitution Wayne Leonard has discovered is in fact invalid. Australia is not a sovereign nation and remains a colony of the United Kingdom. This obviously has massive ramifications, most notably that it has never legally been a member of the United Nations because it is not in fact a nation meaning that all treaties involving Australia are void and invalid.
The elected Government and the entire Judicial System of Australia are totally unlawful, fraudulent and invalid!
"The continued usage of the Australian Constitution Act ( UK ) by the Australian Governments and the judiciary is a confidence trick of monstrous proportions played upon the Australian people with the intent of maintaining power. It remains an Act of the United Kingdom. After joining the League of Nations in 1919 Australia became a sovereign nation. It had no further legal power to use, alter or otherwise tamper with another nation’s legislation. Authority over the Australian Constitution Act lies not with the Australian government nor with the Australian people, it rests solely with the UK. Only they have the authority to repeal this legislation …" --The late Professor G. Clements, Eminent UK QC and emeritus Professor in Law at Cambridge University
The Australian constitution Wayne Leonard has discovered is in fact invalid. Australia is not a sovereign nation and remains a colony of the United Kingdom. This obviously has massive ramifications, most notably that it has never legally been a member of the United Nations because it is not in fact a nation meaning that all treaties involving Australia are void and invalid.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 16
The 4th Man In The Fire; FINAL CLUE in 9/11
GLONASS 17:37:19, Miss Peacock, Pentagon Lawn, A-3
Professor Plum Fingers Peacock, Wedge One, Raytheon A3 Sky Warrior
#1562: Marine Links Gareth Williams SOS Kiddie Porn PRISM to Amazon Gorelick SES Pedo-Fem Traps
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the late Gareth Williams’ apparent use of PRISM to monitor child pornography (kiddie porn) metadata associated with Mothers and Aunties of SOS Children’s Villages, to pedophile-feminist traps allegedly operated by U.S. Senior Executive Service associates of Amazon Director and former U.S. Deputy Attorney General, Jamie ‘Wall’ Gorelick.
McConnell claims Gorelick’s SES associates authorized the murder of Williams in August of 2010 after they found him hacking PRISM kiddie-porn metadata generated by Chicago’s Hull House and SOS Children’s Villages, and tracking the dead-double IMDb (bought by Amazon in 1998) personality now in the White House.
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
See #14:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1561: Marine Links Gareth Williams PRISM Procurement to Sister Marcy's Pedo-Fem Transformation of FBI
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked GCHQ’s procurement of PRISM hacking software for murdered surveillance agent Gareth Williams, to his sister Kristine Marcy’s deployment of pedophile feminists (pedo-fems) to transform the FBI into a post-9/11 intelligence service, allegedly using child pornography ‘sting’ operations to entrap and extort citizens.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1560: Marine Links Obama’s Dead Double SOS Shtick to Gareth Williams PRISM and the Figliuzzi Hit Prequel 2: FBI TRANSFORMATION — FY 2010
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1560: Marine Links Obama’s Dead Double SOS Shtick to Gareth Williams PRISM and the Figliuzzi Hit Prequel 2: FBI TRANSFORMATION — FY 2010
Monday, June 10, 2013
#1560: Marine Links Obama’s Dead Double SOS Shtick to Gareth Williams PRISM and the Figliuzzi Hit
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Michelle Obama’s terrorist shtick in which hired ‘Mothers’ and ‘Aunties’ apparently groom dead-double assassins at SOS Children’s Villages, to the August 2010 contract hit of Gareth Williams, allegedly arranged after a hack of GCHQ PRISM Internet communications by former Assistant Director for FBI Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi.
#1559: Marine Links HSBC Clegg’s SOS Dead Double Trademark Hits to Gareth Williams Prism Hack
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Mrs. Clegg’s alleged use of HSBC’s SOS Dead Double Children’s Villages in trademarked contract (hits) killings to the murder of Gareth Williams in August 2010 after a GCHQ hack into the Prism network by which the agent was monitoring the trade in child pornography by the DOJ Pride Octopus [sic gorelick sister].
6-10-2013 #1558 Marine Links Murder of Gareth Williams to Amazon Gorelick PRISM/JABS and GCHQ Treason
6-10-2013 #1558 Marine Links Murder of Gareth Williams to Amazon Gorelick PRISM/JABS and GCHQ Treason
#1558: Marine Links Murder of Gareth Williams to Amazon Gorelick PRISM/JABS and GCHQ Treason
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the murder of Gareth Williams in August 2010 to Amazon director and former U.S. Attorney General Jamie Gorelick’s alleged use of Prism/JABS to recruit his killers from the Internet Movie Database (‘IMDb’) using Entrust PKI hacking authorities which had been treasonously delegated to GCHQ by U.K. MOD associates of Bettina Jordan Barber.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
#1557: Marine Links Maurice Strong Barry Soetoro Murder to Figliuzzi-Marcy DNA Dead Double JABS
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedMaurice Strong’s alleged deployment of a pedo-fem hit team for the murder of an 8-year old Barry Soetoro in Jakarta in 1968, to a dead-double identity fraud involving manipulated DNA records in the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) and a conspiracy by McConnell’s sister Kristine Marcy and former Assistant Director for FBI Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, to put a Barack Hussein Obama in the White House.
McConnell claims that Marcy procured Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) to help Strong and FBI agents such as Figliuzzi to track the movement of dead doubles through targeted governments and, when necessary, destroy any DNA evidence which might expose the JABS conspiracy as was allegedly the case when Obama’s grandmother “Toot” died on the eve of the 2008 U.S. presidential election and was subsequently cremated instead of being buried alongside her late husband.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1556: Marine Links Maurice Strong SOS Pedo-Fem Villages to Obama Dead Double, Kenya Genocide
McConnell claims that Marcy procured Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) to help Strong and FBI agents such as Figliuzzi to track the movement of dead doubles through targeted governments and, when necessary, destroy any DNA evidence which might expose the JABS conspiracy as was allegedly the case when Obama’s grandmother “Toot” died on the eve of the 2008 U.S. presidential election and was subsequently cremated instead of being buried alongside her late husband.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
#1556: Marine Links Maurice Strong SOS Pedo-Fem Villages to Obama Dead Double, Kenya Genocide
If we don't pull the plug on the national security state who will? - surveillance revelations - "most significant leak in US political history" - war on whistleblowers - "The system is massive and invasive" - irrevocable surveillance net
Source: LiveLeak
Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations
June 9, 2013

The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows
The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell.
The Guardian, after several days of interviews, is revealing his identity at his request. From the moment he decided to disclose numerous top-secret documents to the public, he was determined not to opt for the protection of anonymity. "I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong," he said.
Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations
June 9, 2013

The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows
The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell.
The Guardian, after several days of interviews, is revealing his identity at his request. From the moment he decided to disclose numerous top-secret documents to the public, he was determined not to opt for the protection of anonymity. "I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong," he said.
#1556: Marine Links Maurice Strong SOS Pedo-Fem Villages to Obama Dead Double, Kenya Genocide
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Maurice Strong’s SOS Children’s [Pedophile-Feminist a.k.a. Pedo-Fem] Villages to the January 2008 Kenya Genocide, apparently provoked by sponsors of Obama presidential election campaign to silence whistle-blowing members of the Luo and Kikuyu tribes and thereby protect the SOS dead-double identity frauds of a kind apparently arranged by Strong, Anne Dunham and her husband Lolo Soetoro, following the assassination of an 8-year-old boy named Barry Soetoro in Jakarta in 1968.
McConnell claims that Strong and SOS Canada Patron David Johnston, reinforced the Obama dead-double fraud by bringing the Soetoro doppelganger to Harvard University in 1990 where Johnston, now Canadian Governor General, served as the first non-American chairman of the Harvard Board of Overseers.
SOS Children's Villages: A Brief History
McConnell claims that Strong and SOS Canada Patron David Johnston, reinforced the Obama dead-double fraud by bringing the Soetoro doppelganger to Harvard University in 1990 where Johnston, now Canadian Governor General, served as the first non-American chairman of the Harvard Board of Overseers.
SOS Children's Villages: A Brief History
Friday, June 7, 2013
#1555: Marine Links Bilderberger Fast & Furious Bank to Cameron Snuff-Film Archive, Canada Square
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Bilderbergers’ Fast & Furious bank HSBC, to a D2 Banking snuff-film archive, allegedly created as part of an HSBC global extortion racket by David Cameron former Carlton Director of Corporate Affairs (1994-2001), at 8 Canada Square, Canary Wharf.
#1455: Marine Links Cameron’s Dirty Fast & Furious Serco Banker to Front-Running Cyprus Fraud
#1455: Marine Links Cameron’s Dirty Fast & Furious Serco Banker to Front-Running Cyprus Fraud
Thursday, June 6, 2013
#1554: Marine Links Assange’s Nortel JABS For Pedo-Fem Hacks to SOS 9/11 and Ecuador Traps
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedJulian Assange’s hacks of the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) for his apparently pedophile-feminist (‘pedo-fem’) mentors to SOS Children’s Villages groomers who allegedly procured images needed to entrap officials into supporting phony 9/11 Global Guardian war games and Assange’s current asylum status at Ecuador’s London embassy.
#1553: Marine Links Peacock-Clinton ANZUS Coup d’état to IMDb and Howard JABS United 93
#1553: Marine Links Peacock-Clinton ANZUS Coup d’état to IMDb and Howard JABS United 93
#1553: Marine Links Peacock-Clinton ANZUS Coup d’état to IMDb and Howard JABS United 93
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Andrew Sharp Peacock and Bill Clinton’s plans for an ANZUS-wide coup d’état to the alleged deployment of IMDb actors with the Nortel Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’) for the hijack of United Airlines Flight 93 and the ultimately failed attempts to kill Australian Prime Minister John Howard and U.S. President George Bush on 9/11.
United 93 Official Movie [IMDb] Trailer
United 93 Official Movie [IMDb] Trailer
#1552: Marine Links Assange’s Date-Stamped Hack of Nortel JABS to Clinton Pine Gap Pentagon Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linkedJulian Assange’s date-stamped hack of the Nortel server running his sister Kristine Marcy’s Joint Automated Booking System (‘JABS’), to a Melbourne virtual war room, allegedly used by agents of Bill Clinton and Andrew Peacock to stage the Pentagon bombing of Sep. 12, 2001 [Pine Gap date!] 17:37:19 [GLONASS Moscow Daylight Time!] during a phony continuity of government exercise between United States’ Echelon allies.
#1444 Marine Links Serco’s Pine Gap Date and GLONASS Time to Sister Marcy’s Con Air Pentagon Bomb
#1444 Marine Links Serco’s Pine Gap Date and GLONASS Time to Sister Marcy’s Con Air Pentagon Bomb
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
#1551: Marine Links HSBC SOS Pedo-Fem Grooming to the Bilderbergers’ Genocidal TRECK
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked HSBC’s sponsorship of “Mothers” and “Aunties” as pedophile feminist (pedo-fem) groomers in SOS Children’s Villages, to the Bilderberg delegates who are allegedly responsible for laundering money from drug, weapons and child-sex trades which financed pedo-fem-sponsored genocides in Tibet, Rwanda, East Timor, Cambodia and Kenya (TRECK).
Check money-laundering delegates at Bilderberg 2013 in the postscript!
Check money-laundering delegates at Bilderberg 2013 in the postscript!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Stratum Zero Killers “Death by GMT” - Book 11 Chapter 15
Operation FOUL TAINT Exposes Crack in Gorelick-Marcy-Hakes Trio of Traitors
Perjured Eric Holder Taken Down In Operation QUICKSAND?
Nixon Was A Brownie Scout Compared To This Hump
#1550: Marine Links Sister SOS Pedo-Fem Forfeiture Fund to HSBC Chairman Moe, Comey House of Death
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister, Kristine Marcy, alleged deployment of HSBC asset forfeiture funds in a pedophile-feminist (pedo-fem) organization of SOS Children’s Villages in 132 countries, to HSBC’s hiring of former U.S. Deputy Attorney General James Comey to help cover up HSBC’s role in the mass murders in the Juarez ‘House of Death’.
McConnell claims his sister was introduced to HSBC SOS pedo-fem forfeiture racket during a 1966 visit to Hull House in Chicago and, further, that she used DOJ Asset Forfeiture Funds to help the genocidal Canadian Maurice ‘Chairman Moe’ Strong (cousin of late Anna Louise Strong), to build an HSBC SOS pedo-fem organization in China for the entrapment and extortion of leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1548: Marine Links Marcy Alien Mothers' Pedo-Fem Villages to Comey Fast & Furious Bank
Prequel 2:
Chairman Moe's Triple Agents - Obimbo, Obomba & Songbird
McConnell claims his sister was introduced to HSBC SOS pedo-fem forfeiture racket during a 1966 visit to Hull House in Chicago and, further, that she used DOJ Asset Forfeiture Funds to help the genocidal Canadian Maurice ‘Chairman Moe’ Strong (cousin of late Anna Louise Strong), to build an HSBC SOS pedo-fem organization in China for the entrapment and extortion of leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1548: Marine Links Marcy Alien Mothers' Pedo-Fem Villages to Comey Fast & Furious Bank
Prequel 2:
Chairman Moe's Triple Agents - Obimbo, Obomba & Songbird
#1549: Marine Links Kristine ‘Con Air’ Marcy to HSBC Pedo-Fem SOS and the Comey House of Death
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister, Kristine ‘Con Air’ Marcy, to asset forfeiture funds, apparently used by HSBC to reward SOS Mothers in Mexico as pedophile-feminist (pedo-fem) handlers of contract killers, and the former U.S. Deputy Attorney General James Comey’s alleged cover up of torture and mass murder in the Juarez ‘House of Death’, allegedly sponsored by Ms. Marcy’s erstwhile SES associates in Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Monday, June 3, 2013
#1548: Marine Links Marcy Alien Mothers' Pedo-Fem Villages to Comey Fast & Furious Bank
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked
his sister Kristine Marcy’s transportation (JPATS) of alien ‘Mothers’ and ‘Aunties’ through pedophile-feminist (pedo-fem) operations of SOS Children’s Villages in 132 countries, to James Comey’s fellow directors at HSBC – the bank which allegedly paid SOS pedo-fem agents in Mexico to move Fast & Furious guns past the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers' Rapid Inspection for the decoy killing of ATF agent, Brian Terry.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1547: Marine Links Comey to Connecticut Pedo-Fem Hedge Fund and Sandy Hook Remington Fraud
Prequel 2:
Marine Links HSBC Fast & Furious Ammo to GE Candyman Connecticut and al-Qaeda Libor Snuff
Prequel 3:
McConnell Links Sister Marcy’s SENTRI Hits To Fast and Furious Contract Hits
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1547: Marine Links Comey to Connecticut Pedo-Fem Hedge Fund and Sandy Hook Remington Fraud
Prequel 2:
Marine Links HSBC Fast & Furious Ammo to GE Candyman Connecticut and al-Qaeda Libor Snuff
Prequel 3:
McConnell Links Sister Marcy’s SENTRI Hits To Fast and Furious Contract Hits
Saturday, June 1, 2013
#1547: Marine Links Comey to Connecticut Pedo-Fem Hedge Fund and Sandy Hook Remington Fraud
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked former Bridgewater general counsel James Comey to a pedophile-feminist (‘pedo-fem’) hedge-fund matrix, apparently run out of Westport, Connecticut, and the staged Bushmaster killing of children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School which allegedly conceals a short-selling fraud on Remington Arms’ private-equity owners, Cerebrus, by hedge-fund insiders of the California State Teachers' Retirement System.
McConnell believes that Comey, the former Attorney for the Southern District of New York, helped the Connecticut hedge-fund matrix conceal a fraud on GMAC owners when pedo-fem agents allegedly triggered a phony, Wells Fargo pass-through insurance claim on a leveraged lease after the demolition of the WTC Twin Towers in New York on 9/11.
McConnell believes that Comey, the former Attorney for the Southern District of New York, helped the Connecticut hedge-fund matrix conceal a fraud on GMAC owners when pedo-fem agents allegedly triggered a phony, Wells Fargo pass-through insurance claim on a leveraged lease after the demolition of the WTC Twin Towers in New York on 9/11.
#1546: Marine Links Comey’s Dirty Libor Bankers to Serco Time-Stamped Pentagon Bomb
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked HSBC Holdings director James Comey’s dirty Libor banking associates to HSBC client Serco’s alleged use of zone-switched time-stamped signals from the NPL cesium clock to detonate the Pentagon bomb on 9/11.
#1476:Marine Links MoD Keys for Serco Clock, Cisco Rack to Bin Laden-Haig's Obama-In-Middle Attack
#1476:Marine Links MoD Keys for Serco Clock, Cisco Rack to Bin Laden-Haig's Obama-In-Middle Attack
Target: Syria - Energy Source for the 21st Century: Natural Gas - Competing Gas Pipeline Projects - Strategic Energy Geopolitical Confrontation - Russia's Gazprom
Struggle Over the Middle East: Gas Ranks First
Now we understand that energy is the goal of the war going on in Syria between the two main world alliances NATO and Israel against Russia and China and their allies. We know also that Lebanon and Syria contain enormous sources of gas and this is now the real goal of the attack against them, especially coming from the theocracies of the Gulf afraid of losing their grip and fortune. -- R.A.
29 April 2012
Struggle Over the Middle East: Gas Ranks First
Now we understand that energy is the goal of the war going on in Syria between the two main world alliances NATO and Israel against Russia and China and their allies. We know also that Lebanon and Syria contain enormous sources of gas and this is now the real goal of the attack against them, especially coming from the theocracies of the Gulf afraid of losing their grip and fortune. -- R.A.
29 April 2012
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - May 31, 2013
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast May 31, 2013
Abel Danger past broadcasts are available here
Abel Danger Broadcast May 31, 2013
#1545: Marine Links Octopus Marcy’s Stolen PROMIS In JABS to Obama Misprision Identity Fraud
Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his ‘Octopus’ sister Kristine Marcy’s apparent transfer of a stolen copy of PROMIS into a French version of Nortel’s Canadian Joint Automated Booking System (JABS), to Michelle Obama’s apparent misprision of treason in respect of the alleged use of JABS to support an identity fraud by her husband, formerly known as Barry Soetoro (Punahou ‘79).
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
Fusion Centers - Finding the "Octopus" - Data Collection and Data Sharing Repository - Information Superhighway - All Accomplished Under Executive Orders - Smoke Blowing on Privacy and Civil Liberties - "Intelligence" Systems for Controlling People
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
Fusion Centers - Finding the "Octopus" - Data Collection and Data Sharing Repository - Information Superhighway - All Accomplished Under Executive Orders - Smoke Blowing on Privacy and Civil Liberties - "Intelligence" Systems for Controlling People
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