Thursday, January 10, 2013

#1326 Marine Links sister Marcy’s Pedophile Trusty key to Valerie Bowman’s Beslan and Sandy Hook

Plum City – ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister, Kristine Marcy’s pedophile trusty PKI key – allegedly used in interstate and foreign trade by furloughed pedophiles – to Valerie Jarrett’s (nee Bowman!) apparent procurement of U.K. General Dynamics’ Bowman radios for surveillance and target acquisition at the Beslan and Sandy Hook crime scenes.

Kristine Marcy has allegedly used Nortel’s Joint Automated Booking System keys to move pedophile prisoners through crime scenes since 1996.

Krayleigh Enterprises (1969 to present) with Kristine Marcy took control of global prison populations by smuggling in children to entrap and extort pedophile guards and trusties and family contacts in the communities surrounding the jails (e.g. Beslan and Newtown). 

Early childhood (pedophile) education expert Barbara Bowman, mother of Valerie Jarrett.

“Beslan School Massacre, Dramatic Scenes, 2004 [HD]”

‘Connecticut School Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary: Gov. Dan Malloy [Malloy allegedly received warnings of Sandy Hook through Kristine Marcy and Jarrett’s Bowman, JPATS and DMORT networks]' According to this source - Archives - the Krays ran a paedophile ring. 

"What was involved was the systematic abuse of ten-to-twelve-year-old boys, one of whom subsequently became fairly well known as a singer. 

"Another, rather less fortunate,wound up in six pieces in two suitcases... 

"The police uncovered a large-scale juvenile pimping operation centred on a house in a Suffolk village (Tattington) owned by Ronnie Kray. 

(The Kray twins had huge property interests in East Anglia). 

"Some of the boys were obtained via a close friend of (Benjamin) Britten's in London, who named him as one of the beneficiaries of the 'service': other'customers' included Lord Boothby (who frequently shared boys with Ronnie Kray himself) and the record producer Joe Meek. 

"At least two other people died in the aftermath of Bernard's murder as the twins sealed up the leaks." 

John le Carré was a British spy. 

(John le Carré interview - Telegraph

Le Carre says: "When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother. 

"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins. 

The Krays were murderous homosexual gangsters, allegedly linked to boy prostitution and top people. Le Carre joined the [pedophile] secret service at the age of 17.”

More to follow.

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